Codebase list ruby-omniauth-facebook / 92d1134
avoid changing method visibility from omniauth-oauth2 Mark Dodwell 10 years ago
2 changed file(s) with 76 addition(s) and 74 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
6666 { :params => params }
6767 end
69 def callback_phase
70 super
71 rescue NoAuthorizationCodeError => e
72 fail!(:no_authorization_code, e)
73 rescue UnknownSignatureAlgorithmError => e
74 fail!(:unknown_signature_algoruthm, e)
75 end
77 def request_phase
78 if signed_request_contains_access_token?
79 # if we already have an access token, we can just hit the
80 # callback URL directly and pass the signed request along
81 params = { :signed_request => raw_signed_request }
82 query = Rack::Utils.build_query(params)
84 url = callback_url
85 url << "?" unless url.match(/\?/)
86 url << "&" unless url.match(/[\&\?]$/)
87 url << query
89 redirect url
90 else
91 super
92 end
93 end
95 # NOTE if we're using code from the signed request
96 # then FB sets the redirect_uri to '' during the authorize
97 # phase + it must match during the access_token phase:
98 #
99 def callback_url
100 if @authorization_code_from_signed_request
101 ''
102 else
103 options[:callback_url] || super
104 end
105 end
107 def access_token_options
108 options.access_token_options.inject({}) { |h,(k,v)| h[k.to_sym] = v; h }
109 end
111 ##
112 # You can pass +display+, +scope+, or +auth_type+ params to the auth request, if
113 # you need to set them dynamically. You can also set these options
114 # in the OmniAuth config :authorize_params option.
115 #
116 # /auth/facebook?display=popup
117 #
118 def authorize_params
119 super.tap do |params|
120 %w[display scope auth_type].each do |v|
121 if request.params[v]
122 params[v.to_sym] = request.params[v]
123 end
124 end
126 params[:scope] ||= DEFAULT_SCOPE
127 end
128 end
130 ##
131 # Parse signed request in order, from:
132 #
133 # 1. the request 'signed_request' param (server-side flow from canvas pages) or
134 # 2. a cookie (client-side flow via JS SDK)
135 #
136 def signed_request
137 @signed_request ||= raw_signed_request &&
138 parse_signed_request(raw_signed_request)
139 end
141 protected
69143 def build_access_token
70144 if signed_request_contains_access_token?
71145 hash = signed_request.clone
79153 token.options.merge!(access_token_options)
80154 end
81155 end
82 end
84 def callback_phase
85 super
86 rescue NoAuthorizationCodeError => e
87 fail!(:no_authorization_code, e)
88 rescue UnknownSignatureAlgorithmError => e
89 fail!(:unknown_signature_algoruthm, e)
90 end
92 def request_phase
93 if signed_request_contains_access_token?
94 # if we already have an access token, we can just hit the
95 # callback URL directly and pass the signed request along
96 params = { :signed_request => raw_signed_request }
97 query = Rack::Utils.build_query(params)
99 url = callback_url
100 url << "?" unless url.match(/\?/)
101 url << "&" unless url.match(/[\&\?]$/)
102 url << query
104 redirect url
105 else
106 super
107 end
108 end
110 # NOTE if we're using code from the signed request
111 # then FB sets the redirect_uri to '' during the authorize
112 # phase + it must match during the access_token phase:
113 #
114 def callback_url
115 if @authorization_code_from_signed_request
116 ''
117 else
118 options[:callback_url] || super
119 end
120 end
122 def access_token_options
123 options.access_token_options.inject({}) { |h,(k,v)| h[k.to_sym] = v; h }
124 end
126 ##
127 # You can pass +display+, +scope+, or +auth_type+ params to the auth request, if
128 # you need to set them dynamically. You can also set these options
129 # in the OmniAuth config :authorize_params option.
130 #
131 # /auth/facebook?display=popup
132 #
133 def authorize_params
134 super.tap do |params|
135 %w[display scope auth_type].each do |v|
136 if request.params[v]
137 params[v.to_sym] = request.params[v]
138 end
139 end
141 params[:scope] ||= DEFAULT_SCOPE
142 end
143 end
145 ##
146 # Parse signed request in order, from:
147 #
148 # 1. the request 'signed_request' param (server-side flow from canvas pages) or
149 # 2. a cookie (client-side flow via JS SDK)
150 #
151 def signed_request
152 @signed_request ||= raw_signed_request &&
153 parse_signed_request(raw_signed_request)
154156 end
156158 private
531531 end
533533 test 'returns a new access token from the signed request' do
534 result = strategy.build_access_token
534 result = strategy.send(:build_access_token)
535535 assert_kind_of ::OAuth2::AccessToken, result
536536 assert_equal @payload['oauth_token'], result.token
537537 end
539539 test 'returns an access token with the correct expiry time' do
540 result = strategy.build_access_token
540 result = strategy.send(:build_access_token)
541541 assert_equal @payload['expires'], result.expires_at
542542 end
543543 end