Codebase list ruby-omniauth-facebook / ef7fd72
remove references to state param in docs Mark Dodwell 10 years ago
2 changed file(s) with 2 addition(s) and 7 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
8686 # signed_request FB sends us, asking for auth if the user has
8787 # not already granted access, or simply moving straight to the
8888 # callback where they have already granted access.
89 #
90 # we pass the state parameter which we can detect in our callback
91 # to do custom rendering/redirection for the canvas app page
92 redirect "/auth/facebook?signed_request=#{request.params['signed_request']}&state=canvas"
89 redirect "/auth/facebook?signed_request=#{request.params['signed_request']}"
9390 end
9592 get '/auth/:provider/callback' do
96 # we can do something special here is +state+ param is canvas
97 # (see notes above in /canvas/ method for more details)
9893 content_type 'application/json'
9994 MultiJson.encode(request.env)
10095 end
130130 # you need to set them dynamically. You can also set these options
131131 # in the OmniAuth config :authorize_params option.
132132 #
133 # /auth/facebook?display=popup&state=ABC
133 # /auth/facebook?display=popup
134134 #
135135 def authorize_params
136136 super.tap do |params|