Codebase list rust-daemonize / 0bc3353
Merge branch 'once_cell-adt-fixes' into 'master' Properly mark the ADT tests as flaky See merge request rust-team/debcargo-conf!215 Ximin Luo 2 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 9 addition(s) and 0 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
00 overlay = "."
11 uploaders = [ "Nikos Tsipinakis <>" ]
22 collapse_features = true
4 [packages.lib]
5 # Consider all tests as broken when using debcargo because of this bug:
6 #
7 test_is_broken = true
9 [packages."lib+unstable"]
10 # 'unstable' is by definition broken for Debian!
11 test_is_broken = true