Codebase list rust-fixedbitset / ba39315
When checking build-deps, use the exact same version of the crate that is already packaged Ximin Luo 5 years ago
2 changed file(s) with 3 addition(s) and 2 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
1212 while read crate ver; do
1313 pkgname="${crate//_/-}${ver:+-$ver}"
1414 if shouldbuild "build/$pkgname/debian/changelog" "src/$pkgname/debian/changelog"; then
15 ./ "$crate" $ver >&2 # TODO: no-overlay-write-back
15 realver="$(sed -nre "s/.*Package .* (.*) from*/\1/gp" src/$pkg/debian/changelog | head -n1)"
16 REALVER="$realver" ./ "$crate" $ver >&2 # TODO: no-overlay-write-back
1617 fi
1718 if ( cd build && SOURCEONLY=1 ./ "$crate" $ver >&2 ); then
1819 ok=1
6767 run_debcargo() {
6868 rm -rf "$BUILDDIR" "$(dirname "$BUILDDIR")/rust-${PKGNAME}_$VER"*.orig.tar.*
69 $DEBCARGO package --config "$PKGCFG" --directory "$BUILDDIR" "$@" "$CRATE" "$VER"
69 $DEBCARGO package --config "$PKGCFG" --directory "$BUILDDIR" "$@" "$CRATE" "${REALVER:-$VER}"
7070 }