Codebase list rust-kurbo / 72731d4
Replace egrep with "grep -E" James McCoy 1 year, 8 months ago
3 changed file(s) with 5 addition(s) and 5 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
126126 queue+=("$src") # subprocess, var doesn't write to parent
127127 fi
128128 if [ "$ver" != "$(src_version "$src")" ]; then continue; fi
129 local rustdeps="$(printf "%s" "$deps" | tr ',' '\n' | egrep -wo "librust-${pkg}(\+|-[0-9])\S*-dev[^,]*" | tr '\n' '\t' | sed -e 's/\t/, /g')"
129 local rustdeps="$(printf "%s" "$deps" | tr ',' '\n' | grep -E -wo "librust-${pkg}(\+|-[0-9])\S*-dev[^,]*" | tr '\n' '\t' | sed -e 's/\t/, /g')"
130130 local stat="$(installability "$rdep" "$ver")"
131131 printf "%s %-48s %-16s depends on %s\n" "$stat" "$rdep" "$ver" "$rustdeps"
132132 done
1414 classify() {
1515 local c=0
1616 local url="$1"
17 local name="$(zegrep -o 'autopkgtest \[[0-9:]+\]: testing package [^[:space:]]+' "$url" | cut '-d ' -f5)"
18 if zegrep -q '^error\[E0554\]' "$url" && \
19 ! zegrep -q "^cargo-auto-test: re-running test with RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP due to E0554" "$url"; then
17 local name="$(zgrep -E -o 'autopkgtest \[[0-9:]+\]: testing package [^[:space:]]+' "$url" | cut '-d ' -f5)"
18 if zgrep -E -q '^error\[E0554\]' "$url" && \
19 ! zgrep -q "^cargo-auto-test: re-running test with RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP due to E0554" "$url"; then
2020 results["falsepositive_unstable"]+="$name"$'\n'
2121 c=$((c+1))
2222 fi
4141 if ! grep -q uploaders "$PKGCFG"; then
4242 # try to auto-fill in uploaders if debcargo.toml doesn't have it
43 uploader="$(egrep -A1 "[0-9][0-9]*( Debian)? Rust Maintainers" "$PKGDIR/debian/copyright" | tail -n1 | sed -re 's/^\s*[0-9]+\s*//g')"
43 uploader="$(grep -E -A1 "[0-9][0-9]*( Debian)? Rust Maintainers" "$PKGDIR/debian/copyright" | tail -n1 | sed -re 's/^\s*[0-9]+\s*//g')"
4444 uploader="${uploader:-$DEBFULLNAME <$DEBEMAIL>}"
4545 sed -i -e 's/^\(overlay.*\)$/\1\nuploaders = ["'"$uploader"'"]/' "$PKGCFG"
4646 echo >&2 "$0: Auto-added $uploader to uploaders in debcargo.toml, based on d/copyright"