Codebase list rust-libslirp / 2f04e9c
Update TODO with new items and rm ACCEPTED items Ximin Luo 5 years ago
2 changed file(s) with 214 addition(s) and 168 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
TODO.rst less more
0 =================
01 Crates to package
12 =================
5 Eventual goals
6 ==============
8 To see lists of interesting binary crates, you can run something like::
10 $ apt-get install koji-client
11 $ koji -p fedora search package 'rust-*' | cut -b6- | dev/
13 Current output (on 2018-07-08) is:
15 - aho-corasick
16 - docopt
17 - pulldown-cmark
18 - ripgrep
19 - fd-find
20 - exa
21 - cpp_demangle
22 - permutate
23 - cbindgen
24 - rustdoc-stripper
25 - difference
26 - pretty-git-prompt
27 - peg
28 - varlink
29 - varlink-cli
32 Immediate goals
33 ===============
335 The lists below are calculated using some combinations of running::
537 tests/sh/cargo-tree-deb-rec <binary-crate>
739 from the ``debcargo.git`` repository.
942 Base packages
1043 -------------
1851 of the older versions obsolete. Use your own judgement on what to package, or
1952 what to remove from the list if it's not longer necessary.
21 "-" means already done, pending upload. When they get ACCEPTED you can rm from here.
23 cc-1.0.17
24 -crossbeam-0.3.2
25 -foreign-types-shared-0.1.1
26 fuchsia-zircon-sys-0.3.3
27 lazycell-0.6.0
28 - matches-0.1.6
29 number_prefix-0.2.8
30 openssl-probe-0.1.2
31 percent-encoding-1.0.1
32 -quick-error-1.2.2
33 quote-0.3.15
34 -redox_syscall-0.1.40
35 regex-syntax-0.4.2
36 regex-syntax-0.5.6
37 rustc-demangle-0.1.8
38 -scopeguard-0.3.3
39 - shlex-0.1.1
40 - string_cache_shared-0.3.0
41 - strsim-0.7.0
42 vcpkg-0.2.4
43 - vec_map-0.8.1
44 - version_check-0.1.3
45 winapi-0.2.8
46 xi-unicode-0.1.0
54 "-" means already done, pending upload. When they get ACCEPTED you can rm from here::
56 cc-1.0.17
57 - crossbeam-0.3.2
58 - foreign-types-shared-0.1.1
59 fuchsia-zircon-sys-0.3.3
60 lazycell-0.6.0
61 - matches-0.1.6
62 number_prefix-0.2.8
63 openssl-probe-0.1.2
64 percent-encoding-1.0.1
65 - quick-error-1.2.2
66 quote-0.3.15
67 - redox_syscall-0.1.40
68 regex-syntax-0.4.2
69 regex-syntax-0.5.6
70 rustc-demangle-0.1.8
71 - scopeguard-0.3.3
72 - strsim-0.7.0
73 vcpkg-0.2.4
74 - version_check-0.1.3
75 winapi-0.2.8
76 xi-unicode-0.1.0
4878 dependencies of mdbook/exa
4979 --------------------------
51 ansi_term-0.8.0 -- needed by exa
52 bitflags-0.9.1 -- exa, mdbook
53 byteorder-0.4.2 -- exa
54 language-tags-0.2.2 -- mdbook
55 lazy_static-0.2.11 -- exa
56 mac-0.1.1 -- mdbook
57 maplit-1.0.1 -- mdbook
58 modifier-0.1.0 -- exa
59 -- natord-1.0.9 -- exa
60 nom-1.2.4 -- exa
61 open-1.2.1 -- mdbook
62 pest-1.0.6 -- mdbook
63 precomputed-hash-0.1.1 -- mdbook
64 regex-syntax-0.3.9 -- exa
65 - scoped_threadpool-0.1.9 -- exa
66 sequence_trie-0.3.5 -- mdbook
67 serde-0.9.15 -- xi-core-lib
68 siphasher-0.2.2 -- mdbook
69 strum-0.9.0 -- mdbook
70 - term-grid-0.1.7 - exa
71 traitobject-0.1.0 -- mdbook
72 typeable-0.1.2 -- mdbook
73 utf8-ranges-0.1.3 -- exa
74 - users-0.7.0 -- exa
81 ::
83 ansi_term-0.8.0 -- needed by exa
84 bitflags-0.9.1 -- exa, mdbook
85 byteorder-0.4.2 -- exa
86 language-tags-0.2.2 -- mdbook
87 lazy_static-0.2.11 -- exa
88 mac-0.1.1 -- mdbook
89 maplit-1.0.1 -- mdbook
90 modifier-0.1.0 -- exa
91 - natord-1.0.9 -- exa
92 nom-1.2.4 -- exa
93 open-1.2.1 -- mdbook
94 pest-1.0.6 -- mdbook
95 precomputed-hash-0.1.1 -- mdbook
96 regex-syntax-0.3.9 -- exa
97 - scoped_threadpool-0.1.9 -- exa
98 sequence_trie-0.3.5 -- mdbook
99 serde-0.9.15 -- xi-core-lib
100 siphasher-0.2.2 -- mdbook
101 strum-0.9.0 -- mdbook
102 - term-grid-0.1.7 - exa
103 traitobject-0.1.0 -- mdbook
104 typeable-0.1.2 -- mdbook
105 utf8-ranges-0.1.3 -- exa
106 - users-0.7.0 -- exa
76108 dependencies of debcargo
77109 ------------------------
79 Roughly in dependency order, i.e. earlier packages have less dependencies
81 winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu v0.4.0
82 winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu v0.4.0
83 winapi v0.3.4
84 same-file v1.0.2
85 walkdir v2.1.4
86 serde v1.0.66
87 toml v0.4.6
88 - textwrap v0.10.0
89 remove_dir_all v0.5.1
90 libc v0.2.42
91 fuchsia-zircon-sys v0.3.3
92 bitflags v1.0.3
93 fuchsia-zircon v0.3.3
94 rand v0.4.2
95 tempdir v0.3.7
96 - xattr v0.2.1
97 redox_syscall v0.1.40
98 filetime v0.2.1
99 tar v0.4.15
100 proc-macro2 v0.4.5
101 quote v0.6.3
102 syn v0.14.2
103 serde_derive v1.0.66
104 semver-parser v0.7.0
105 semver v0.9.0
106 utf8-ranges v1.0.0
107 void v1.0.2
108 - unreachable v1.0.0
109 lazy_static v1.0.1
110 thread_local v0.3.5
111 regex-syntax v0.6.0
112 - memchr v2.0.1
113 aho-corasick v0.6.4 (waiting for librust-memchr-2)
114 regex v1.0.0
115 either v1.5.0
116 itertools v0.7.8
117 glob v0.2.11
118 percent-encoding v1.0.1
119 unicode-bidi v0.3.4
120 idna v0.1.4
121 url v1.7.0
122 vcpkg v0.2.3
123 cc v1.0.17
124 openssl-sys v0.9.32
125 openssl-probe v0.1.2
126 log v0.4.1 (waiting for cfg-id to be ACCEPTED)
127 cmake v0.1.31
128 libz-sys v1.0.18
129 libssh2-sys v0.2.7
130 curl-sys v0.4.5
131 libgit2-sys v0.7.3
132 git2 v0.7.1
133 miniz-sys v0.1.10
134 flate2 v1.0.1
135 synom v0.11.3
136 quote v0.3.15
137 syn v0.11.11
138 synstructure v0.6.1
139 failure_derive v0.1.1
140 rustc-demangle v0.1.8
141 backtrace-sys v0.1.23
142 backtrace v0.3.8
143 failure v0.1.1
144 vec_map v0.8.1
145 textwrap v0.9.0
146 strsim v0.7.0
147 redox_termios v0.1.1
148 termion v1.5.1
149 atty v0.2.10
150 ansi_term v0.11.0
151 clap v2.31.2
152 time v0.1.40
153 num-traits v0.2.4
154 num-integer v0.1.38
155 chrono v0.4.2
156 wincolor v0.1.6
157 termcolor v0.3.6
158 tempfile v3.0.2
159 itoa v0.4.1
160 dtoa v0.4.2
161 serde_json v1.0.19
162 serde_ignored v0.0.4
163 - num_cpus v1.8.0
164 socket2 v0.3.6
165 miow v0.3.1
166 lazycell v0.6.0
167 jobserver v0.1.11
168 regex-syntax v0.5.6
169 regex v0.2.11
170 fnv v1.0.6
171 globset v0.4.0
172 crossbeam v0.3.2
173 ignore v0.4.2
174 scopeguard v0.3.3
175 home v0.3.3
176 hex v0.3.2
177 winapi v0.2.8
178 schannel v0.1.12
179 kernel32-sys v0.2.2
180 curl v0.4.12
181 git2-curl v0.8.1
182 fs2 v0.4.3
183 filetime v0.1.15
184 quick-error v1.2.2
185 humantime v1.1.1
186 env_logger v0.5.10
187 foreign-types-shared v0.1.1
188 foreign-types v0.3.2
189 openssl v0.10.9
190 commoncrypto-sys v0.2.0
191 commoncrypto v0.2.0
192 crypto-hash v0.3.1
193 crates-io v0.16.0
194 core-foundation-sys v0.5.1
195 core-foundation v0.5.1
196 cargo v0.27.0
111 Roughly in dependency order, i.e. earlier packages have less dependencies.
112 Some versions might be out-of-date::
114 winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu v0.4.0
115 winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu v0.4.0
116 winapi v0.3.4
117 same-file v1.0.2
118 walkdir v2.1.4
119 serde v1.0.66
120 toml v0.4.6
121 - textwrap v0.10.0
122 remove_dir_all v0.5.1
123 libc v0.2.42
124 fuchsia-zircon-sys v0.3.3
125 bitflags v1.0.3
126 fuchsia-zircon v0.3.3
127 rand v0.4.2
128 tempdir v0.3.7
129 - xattr v0.2.1
130 redox_syscall v0.1.40
131 filetime v0.2.1
132 tar v0.4.15
133 proc-macro2 v0.4.5
134 quote v0.6.3
135 syn v0.14.2
136 serde_derive v1.0.66
137 semver-parser v0.7.0
138 semver v0.9.0
139 utf8-ranges v1.0.0
140 void v1.0.2
141 - unreachable v1.0.0
142 lazy_static v1.0.1
143 thread_local v0.3.5
144 regex-syntax v0.6.0
145 - memchr v2.0.1
146 aho-corasick v0.6.4 (waiting for librust-memchr-2)
147 regex v1.0.0
148 either v1.5.0
149 itertools v0.7.8
150 glob v0.2.11
151 percent-encoding v1.0.1
152 unicode-bidi v0.3.4
153 idna v0.1.4
154 url v1.7.0
155 vcpkg v0.2.3
156 cc v1.0.17
157 openssl-sys v0.9.32
158 openssl-probe v0.1.2
159 log v0.4.1 (waiting for cfg-id to be ACCEPTED)
160 cmake v0.1.31
161 libz-sys v1.0.18
162 libssh2-sys v0.2.7
163 curl-sys v0.4.5
164 libgit2-sys v0.7.3
165 git2 v0.7.1
166 miniz-sys v0.1.10
167 flate2 v1.0.1
168 synom v0.11.3
169 quote v0.3.15
170 syn v0.11.11
171 synstructure v0.6.1
172 failure_derive v0.1.1
173 rustc-demangle v0.1.8
174 backtrace-sys v0.1.23
175 backtrace v0.3.8
176 failure v0.1.1
177 vec_map v0.8.1
178 textwrap v0.9.0
179 strsim v0.7.0
180 redox_termios v0.1.1
181 termion v1.5.1
182 atty v0.2.10
183 ansi_term v0.11.0
184 clap v2.31.2
185 time v0.1.40
186 num-traits v0.2.4
187 num-integer v0.1.38
188 chrono v0.4.2
189 wincolor v0.1.6
190 termcolor v0.3.6
191 tempfile v3.0.2
192 itoa v0.4.1
193 dtoa v0.4.2
194 serde_json v1.0.19
195 serde_ignored v0.0.4
196 - num_cpus v1.8.0
197 socket2 v0.3.6
198 miow v0.3.1
199 lazycell v0.6.0
200 jobserver v0.1.11
201 regex-syntax v0.5.6
202 regex v0.2.11
203 fnv v1.0.6
204 globset v0.4.0
205 crossbeam v0.3.2
206 ignore v0.4.2
207 scopeguard v0.3.3
208 home v0.3.3
209 hex v0.3.2
210 winapi v0.2.8
211 schannel v0.1.12
212 kernel32-sys v0.2.2
213 curl v0.4.12
214 git2-curl v0.8.1
215 fs2 v0.4.3
216 filetime v0.1.15
217 quick-error v1.2.2
218 humantime v1.1.1
219 env_logger v0.5.10
220 foreign-types-shared v0.1.1
221 foreign-types v0.3.2
222 openssl v0.10.9
223 commoncrypto-sys v0.2.0
224 commoncrypto v0.2.0
225 crypto-hash v0.3.1
226 crates-io v0.16.0
227 core-foundation-sys v0.5.1
228 core-foundation v0.5.1
229 cargo v0.27.0
0 #!/bin/bash
1 # Filter list of crates by whether they're a binary crate.
3 while read crate; do
4 if debcargo extract "$crate" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
5 dir="$(ls -1d "rust-${crate//_/-}"-*)"
6 bin="$(ls -1 "$dir/src/{,bin/*.rs}" 2>/dev/null | wc -l)"
7 if [ "$bin" -gt 0 ] || grep -q '\[\[bin\]\]' "$dir/Cargo.toml"; then
8 echo "$crate"
9 fi
10 rm -rf "$dir"
11 fi
12 done