Codebase list rust-libslirp / e3cf5e2 git grep should be started in quiet mode to avoid opening less or vim Sylvestre Ledru 5 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 1 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
99 abort 1 "Cannot find $PKGDIR_REL/debian/changelog. Did you run ./ before?"
1010 fi
12 if git grep FIXME -- "$PKGDIR_REL" :^"$PKGDIR_REL/debian/*.debcargo.hint" :^"$PKGDIR_REL/debian/changelog"; then
12 if git grep --quiet FIXME -- "$PKGDIR_REL" :^"$PKGDIR_REL/debian/*.debcargo.hint" :^"$PKGDIR_REL/debian/changelog"; then
1313 abort 1 "FIXMEs remain in $PKGDIR_REL, fix and commit those first."
1414 fi