Codebase list rust-serde-xml-rs / 525ec94
Merge branch 'gawk-check' into 'master' Check for gawk on list-rdeps script See merge request rust-team/debcargo-conf!190 Sylvestre Ledru 2 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 1 addition(s) and 0 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
1313 which grep-dctrl >/dev/null || abort 1 "grep-dctrl not found, install dctrl-tools"
1414 which aptitude >/dev/null || abort 1 "aptitude not found, install it"
15 which gawk >/dev/null || abort 1 "gawk not found, install gawk"
1617 ARCHIVE="${ARCHIVE:-unstable}"
1718 ARCHIVT="${ARCHIVT:-testing}"