Codebase list rust-serde-xml-rs / f3d3f62 get package name from log, to work better with standalone files Ximin Luo 4 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 1 addition(s) and 2 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
1414 classify() {
1515 local c=0
1616 local url="$1"
17 local name="${*/r/}"
18 name="${name%%/*}"
17 local name="$(zegrep -o 'autopkgtest \[[0-9:]+\]: testing package [^[:space:]]+' "$url" | cut '-d ' -f5)"
1918 if zegrep -q '^error\[E0554\]' "$url"; then
2019 results["falsepositive_unstable"]+="$name"$'\n'
2120 c=$((c+1))