Codebase list rust-stfu8 / 1db6a00

Tree @1db6a00 (Download .tar.gz) @1db6a00raw · history · blame


. ./

if test ! -d $PKGDIR_REL; then
    abort 1 "Cannot find $PKGDIR_REL. Did you run ./ before?"

if test ! -f "$PKGDIR_REL/debian/changelog"; then
	abort 1 "Cannot find $PKGDIR_REL/debian/changelog. Did you run ./ before?"

if git grep --quiet FIXME -- "$PKGDIR_REL" :^"$PKGDIR_REL/debian/*.debcargo.hint" :^"$PKGDIR_REL/debian/changelog"; then
	abort 1 "FIXMEs remain in $PKGDIR_REL, fix and commit those first."

git diff --quiet --cached || \
abort 1 "You have other pending changes to git, please complete it or stash it away and re-run this script."

git diff --quiet -- "$PKGDIR_REL" || \
abort 1 "Please git-add your changes to $PKGDIR_REL before running"

type dch >/dev/null || \
abort 1 "Install devscripts, we need to run dch."

git fetch origin --prune

if head -n1 "$PKGDIR/debian/changelog" | grep -qv UNRELEASED-FIXME-AUTOGENERATED-DEBCARGO; then
	abort 0 "Package already released."

PREVBRANCH="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"
case "$PREVBRANCH" in
pending-$PKGNAME)	true;;
pending-*)	abort 1 "You are on a pending-release branch for a package other than $PKGNAME, $0 can only be run on another branch, like master";;
*)	if git rev-parse -q --verify "refs/heads/$RELBRANCH" >/dev/null || \
	   git rev-parse -q --verify "refs/remotes/origin/$RELBRANCH" >/dev/null; then
		git checkout "$RELBRANCH"
		git checkout -b "$RELBRANCH"

if head -n1 "$PKGDIR/debian/changelog" | grep -qv UNRELEASED-FIXME-AUTOGENERATED-DEBCARGO; then
	git checkout "$PREVBRANCH"
	abort 0 "Package already released on branch $RELBRANCH. If that was a mistake then run:\ngit branch -D $RELBRANCH\nAnd re-run this script ($0 $*). You might have to delete the remote branch too:\ngit push --delete origin $RELBRANCH"

( cd "$PKGDIR"
dch -m -r -D unstable ""
git add debian/changelog

revert_git_changes() {
	git reset
	git checkout -- "$PKGDIR/debian/changelog"
	git checkout "$PREVBRANCH"
	git branch -d "$RELBRANCH"

if ! run_debcargo --changelog-ready; then
	abort 1 "Release attempt failed to run debcargo, probably the package needs updating (./ $*)"

if ! git diff --exit-code -- "$PKGDIR_REL"; then
	abort 1 "Release attempt resulted in git diffs to $PKGDIR_REL, probably the package needs updating (./ $*)"

if ! ( cd build && SOURCEONLY=1 ./ "$CRATE" $VER ); then
	abort 1 "Release attempt failed (see messages above), possible reasons are: " \
		"- build-dependencies not in Debian => release those first." \
		"- packaged version is out-of-date => run \`./ $*\`"

git commit -m "Release package $PKGNAME"

DEBVER=$(dpkg-parsechangelog -l $BUILDDIR/debian/changelog -SVersion)
DEBSRC=$(dpkg-parsechangelog -l $BUILDDIR/debian/changelog -SSource)
DEB_HOST_ARCH=$(dpkg-architecture -q DEB_HOST_ARCH)
cat >&2 <<eof
Release of $CRATE ready as a source package in ${BUILDDIR#$PWD/}. You need to
perform the following steps:

Build the package if necessary, and upload

If the source package is already in Debian and this version does not introduce
new binaries, then you can just go ahead and directly dput the source package.

  cd build && dput ${DEBSRC}_${DEBVER}_source.changes

If this is a NEW source package or introduces NEW binary packages not already
in the Debian archive, you will need to build a binary package out of it. The
recommended way is to run something like:

  cd build && ./ $CRATE $VER && dput ${DEBSRC}_${DEBVER}_${DEB_HOST_ARCH}.changes

This assumes you followed the "DD instructions" in README.rst, for setting up
a build environment for release.

If the build fails e.g. due to missing Build-Dependencies you should revert
what I did (see below) and package those missing Build-Dependencies first.

Push this pending-release branch

After you have uploaded the package with dput(1), you should push $RELBRANCH so
that other people see it's been uploaded. Then, checkout another branch like
master to continue development on other packages.

  git push origin $RELBRANCH && git checkout master

Merge the pending-release branch when ACCEPTED

When it's ACCEPTED by the Debian FTP masters, you may then merge this branch
back into the master branch, delete it, and push these updates to origin.

  git checkout master && git merge $RELBRANCH && git branch -d $RELBRANCH
  git push origin master :$RELBRANCH


The above assumes you are a Debian Developer with upload rights. If not, you
should revert what I just did. To do that, run:

  git checkout master && git branch -D $RELBRANCH

Then ask a Debian Developer to re-run me ($0 $*) on your behalf. Also add your
crate to the "Ready for upload" list in TODO.rst so it's easy to track.