Codebase list rust-stfu8 / 38f11af
More dev scripts Ximin Luo 5 years ago
4 changed file(s) with 20 addition(s) and 0 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
00 #!/bin/bash
11 # Filter list of crates by whether they're a binary crate.
2 set -e
34 while read crate; do
45 if debcargo extract "$crate" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
00 #!/bin/bash
11 # Filter list of crates by whether they're not in Debian.
22 # You need to have an up-to-date APT cache for Debian unstable.
3 set -e
45 while read crate; do
56 pkg="${crate//_/-}"
00 #!/bin/sh
1 # List packages that are UNRELEASED and also not pending.
13 set -e
25 git fetch origin --prune
36 git grep -l UNRELEASED-FIXME-AUTOGENERATED-DEBCARGO -- src/*/debian/changelog | cut -d/ -f2 | while read pkg; do
47 if ! git show-ref --quiet --verify "refs/remotes/origin/pending-$pkg"; then
0 #!/bin/bash
1 # List pending branches that we have, but that are not in NEW.
2 # You might find it also useful to pipe the output of this into
3 set -e
5 git fetch origin --prune
6 comm -13 \
7 <(curl -s | \
8 sed -n -e '1,/<td class="package">'"$1"'<\/td>/p' | \
9 grep '<td class="package">rust-' | \
10 sed -nre 's/.*\brust-([-A-Za-z0-9]+)\b.*/\1/gp' | \
11 sort) \
12 <(git branch --list -r 'origin/pending-*' --format='%(refname)' | \
13 sed -e 's,refs/remotes/origin/pending-,,g' | \
14 sort)