Codebase list rust-stfu8 / 78aee52
nettle-sys: add llvm to build-deps Without this change, we see (non-fatal) warnings like this during the build: ``` [nettle-sys 2.0.4] cargo:warning=couldn't execute `llvm-config --prefix` (error: No such file or directory (os error 2)) [nettle-sys 2.0.4] cargo:warning=set the LLVM_CONFIG_PATH environment variable to a valid `llvm-config` executable [nettle-sys 2.0.4] Failed to run rustfmt: which wasn't enabled, and no rustfmt binary specified (non-fatal, continuing) warning: couldn't execute `llvm-config --prefix` (error: No such file or directory (os error 2)) warning: set the LLVM_CONFIG_PATH environment variable to a valid `llvm-config` executable ``` We might want to add this to the dependencies for the library as well, I'm not sure. Daniel Kahn Gillmor 4 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 3 addition(s) and 0 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
33 "kpcyrd <>",
44 ]
6 [source]
7 build_depends = ["llvm"]
69 [packages.lib]
710 depends = ["nettle-dev (>= 3.5.1~~)"]