Codebase list rust-stfu8 / 8300cec
Revert "silent stuff for upload" This reverts commit a8782b04fdad3cc8fe080afb80eda339a686def9. Sylvestre Ledru 4 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 5 addition(s) and 5 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
4444 uploader="${uploader:-$DEBFULLNAME <$DEBEMAIL>}"
4545 sed -i -e 's/^\(overlay.*\)$/\1\nuploaders = ["'"$uploader"'"]/' "$PKGCFG"
4646 echo >&2 "$0: Auto-added $uploader to uploaders in debcargo.toml, based on d/copyright"
47 # if [ "$uploader" != "$DEBFULLNAME <$DEBEMAIL>" ]; then
48 ## read >&2 -p "$0: You may also want to add yourself; ctrl-c if you want to do that, or press enter to continue... " x
49 # fi
47 if [ "$uploader" != "$DEBFULLNAME <$DEBEMAIL>" ]; then
48 read >&2 -p "$0: You may also want to add yourself; ctrl-c if you want to do that, or press enter to continue... " x
49 fi
5050 fi
5252 run_debcargo
5353 git add -N "$PKGDIR"
5555 if ! git diff --quiet -- "$PKGDIR_REL"; then
56 # read -p "Update wrote some changes to $PKGDIR_REL, press enter to git diff..." x || true
57 # git diff -- "$PKGDIR_REL"
56 read -p "Update wrote some changes to $PKGDIR_REL, press enter to git diff..." x || true
57 git diff -- "$PKGDIR_REL"
5858 echo >&2 "-- end of git diff --"
5959 fi