Codebase list schema2ldif / c8c78f8
Remove constraints unnecessary since buster * schema2ldif: Drop versioned constraint on fusiondirectory-schema in Replaces. * schema2ldif: Drop versioned constraint on fusiondirectory-schema in Breaks. Changes-By: deb-scrub-obsolete Debian Janitor 2 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 0 addition(s) and 2 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
1616 Depends:
1717 perl,
1818 ${misc:Depends},
19 Replaces: fusiondirectory-schema (<< 1.0.7),
20 Breaks: fusiondirectory-schema (<< 1.0.7),
2119 Description: Tool for converting OpenLDAP-style schemas to the LDIF format
2220 The schema2ldif tool will read the given input file and convert it to an
2321 LDIF file that you can insert into you LDAP directory.