Codebase list squidview / debian/0.73-1 squidview.h

Tree @debian/0.73-1 (Download .tar.gz)

squidview.h @debian/0.73-1raw · history · blame

 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

 squidview 0.7x
 A program to nicely browse your squid log
 (c) 2001 - 2007 Graeme Sheppard


#include <config.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <curses.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

#define nInputLen 80
#define nReadBuffer 2048

#define nTimeCol 1      // fields/columns of squid log lines 
#define nCacheHitCol 4
#define nSizeCol 5
#define nTargetCol 7
#define nUserCol_a 8
#define nIPCol_a 3
#define nUserCol_b 3
#define nIPCol_b 3
int iUserCol = nUserCol_a;
int iIPCol = nIPCol_a;

int iUserNameLen = 8;  // maximum displayed width of a login name
#define nSizeCols 11   // width given to display size of requests

typedef long tFilePos;             // positions in log file are of this type
typedef uint64_t tByteTotal;       // for summing bytes transferred
typedef uint32_t tIPnum;           // IP aliases only 32 bit at this stage

const time_t nSecsInDay = 60 * 60 * 24;

const char cEOL = 10;           // End Of Line character 
const char cCR = 13;
const char cSeperator = 10;

string sHomeDir;
const char szSquidHome[] = ".squidview";
string sPathToFiles;
const string sLogLocations[] = {"/var/log/squid/access.log",
  "/usr/local/squid/var/logs/access.log", ""};
// disribution builders: put your log location first in the list
// last entry must be ""

const char szLog1[] = "log1";
const char szLog2[] = "log2";
const char szLog3[] = "log3";
const char szLabel1[] = "Pri";
const char szLabel2[] = "Sec";
const char szLabel3[] = "Tri";
const char* pszCurrentLog;
const char* pszCurrentName;
const char szWordFile[] = "words";         // search words 
const char szUsersFile[] = "users";        // list of real names 
const char szAliasesFile[] = "aliases";    // map IPs to user names
const char szHowToFile[] = "HOWTO";      // link name 

string sLogFile1, sLogFile2, sLogFile3;
string sWordFile, sUsersFile, sAliasesFile, sSetFileName, sHowToLink;
FILE *fReadingFile = 0;
char const *pszReadingFile = 0;

string sViewer = "less";
string sCurrentReport = "";
string sCurrentEmail = "";
const string sReportExt = ".txt";

char cDiskBuffer [nReadBuffer +8];     // buffer for log read
char szEmpty = '\0';                   // null string...
char* pcEmpty = &szEmpty;              // ...pointed to by this
char* pcReqBuff = pcEmpty;             // normally the start of the request
                                       // or above if the read op fails

string sWords;
string sStatusMessage = "";

int iSizeHitGrade = 0;
int iSizeHitBytes = 0;
string sSizeHits = "50000 250000 1000000 10000000";

WINDOW* wTemp = 0; // dummy window 

tFilePos iPagePos,        // point in log file of top of current screen 
         iLastPage,       //  " "   "   "  "   of last screen 
         iLinePos,        // where the current highlighted line is 
         iLastLinePos;    // the last line in log file 

int iMainLines,       // no. of lines in main window 
    iLinesDown,       // which line the highlight bar is at 
    iMaxLinesDown,    // in the case of very small log files 
    iMonitorMode = 1, // like the Unix command tail 
    iCurrentLog = 1;  // which log?

class ct
    ct& operator << (char);
    ct& operator << (bool);
    ct& operator << (const char*);
    ct& operator << (const string&);
    ct& operator << (int);

string sDebugText = "";

enum eSearch {hit, miss, veto};
enum eFocus {no_focus, user, cache};
enum eWordHits {no_word, text, CSV};
enum eBandUserTotals {nBUT_none, nBUT_notveto, nBUT_all};
enum eBandDomainTotals {nBDT_none, nBDT_all, nBDT_user};
enum eBandDomainIncludes {nBDI_notveto, nBDI_all};

// log a report options

tFilePos iRepStart = 0,             // report from where
         iRepEnd = 0;               // report to where
int iRepColumns = 80,               // columns of screen?
    iRepCSVcols = 100;              // columns of CSV target
bool bRepSplit = false,             // split long lines
     bRepShowSize = false,          // indent for request size
     bRepKeepExt = true,            // remove innards to show .mp3 etc
     bRepCacheReport = true;
string sRepFileName = "temp.txt",   // report file name
       sRepFilter = "",             // filter report
       sRepSeperator = "|",         // for CSV
       sRepFocus = "",
       sRepBDTuser = "",
       sRepTitle = "";
int iRepWordHits = text,
    iRepBUT = nBUT_notveto,
    iRepBDT = nBDT_all,
    iRepBDI = nBDI_notveto,
    iRepFocus = no_focus;
bool bLookupIP = true;
bool bAliases = false;
int iRepFast = 10000;
bool bRepMySort = true;

struct sRecordPointer
  tByteTotal iBytes;
  int iHits;
  int iRecordNumber;

  sRecordPointer operator= (const sRecordPointer&);

struct sListRecords
  vector <sRecordPointer> vList;
  enum eSortType {nSortHits, nSortBytes};
  void Sort (eSortType nSelect);
  void Empty();

struct sUserRecord
  string sLoginName;
  string sFullName;

struct sDomainRecord
  string sDomainName;

struct rUserTotal
  tByteTotal iBytes;
  int iHits;
  string sLoginName;
  string sFullName;

  rUserTotal operator= (const rUserTotal&);

struct rDomainTotal
  tByteTotal iBytes;
  int iHits;
  string sDomain;

  rDomainTotal operator= (const rDomainTotal&);

struct rAliasRecord
  tIPnum iIPnum;
  int iUserNum;

vector <rAliasRecord> vAliasList;
vector <string> vAliasUserName;

int iSortFlag = 0;

// story of recent activity by one user
class cUserHistory
    bool Run (const string&);
    void CalcScreen();
    bool Browse();
    void AddHistory();
    int AddHistoryNorth();
    int AddHistorySouth();
    void DisplayHistory();
    void DisplayHelp();
    void ZeroAll();

    string sUser;
    static const int nMaxRows = 200;
    static const int nMaxNorth = 1000;
    static const int nMaxSouth = 1000;
    vector <tFilePos> vRequests;
    tFilePos iOneUserFileSize, iNorthMark, iSouthMark, iSouthMarkEnd;
    int iTotalRows, iSelectedAddress;
    int iScreenHeight, iSelectedRow;
    int iScreenStart, iLastScreenRow;

// tally of users' activity
class cUsersMode
    bool Enter();
    bool Browse();
    void DisplayPoints();
    void DisplayFullNames();
    void DisplayGreatestURLs();
    void DisplayLastURLs();
    void DisplayHeading (const string& sTitle);
    void DisplayData (int iData);
    void DisplayHelp();
    void CalcScreen();
    void AddData (tFilePos iFrom, tFilePos iTo);
    void SortData();
    void SortMenu();
    const char* SortMode();
    void AgeData (int iCurrentTime);
    void FindFullNames();
    void ZeroAll();

    struct rUserHistory
      string sUser, sFullName;
      int iPoints, iBytes, iRequests, iURLsize;
      tFilePos iGreatestURL, iLastURL;
      time_t iLastTime;
      void Zero()
        sUser = sFullName = "";
        iPoints = iBytes = iRequests = iURLsize = iLastTime = 0;
        iGreatestURL = iLastURL = -1;
      rUserHistory& operator= (const rUserHistory& aSrc)
        sUser = aSrc.sUser;
        sFullName = aSrc.sFullName;
        iPoints = aSrc.iPoints;
        iBytes = aSrc.iBytes;
        iRequests = aSrc.iRequests;
        iURLsize = aSrc.iURLsize;
        iLastTime = aSrc.iLastTime;  
        iGreatestURL = aSrc.iGreatestURL;
        iLastURL = aSrc.iLastURL;
        return *this; 
    string LookupUser (const rUserHistory& aUser);

    inline int CalcAeon (int iRough)
      return int (iRough / iHistoryPeriod) * iHistoryPeriod;
    enum eSM {nPoints = 0, nFullNames, nGreatest, nLast, nSMend} iScreenMode;
    enum eSort {nSortN, nSortU, nSortP, nSortB, nSortR, nSortURL, nSortI}
    int iScreenStart, iSelectedRow, iTotalRows;
    int iScreenHeight, iSelectedAddress, iLastScreenRow;
    vector <rUserHistory> vHistory;
    time_t iLastAdjustTime, iNextAdjustTime;
    int iHistoryPeriod;
    float fFadeFactor, fEntryFactor;
    tFilePos iCurrentLogPos, iUsersFileSize;
    bool bUsersMonitorMode;
    bool bAcceptDenies;