Codebase list sugar-read-activity / 19313bc
Fix utf-8 code management in the text to speech in epub backend Signed-off-by: Gonzalo Odiard <> Gonzalo Odiard 12 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 2 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
7070 if end_range > len(self.word_tuples):
7171 end_range = len(self.word_tuples)
7272 for word_tuple in self.word_tuples[self.current_word:end_range]:
73 file_str.write('<mark name="' + str(i) + '"/>' + word_tuple[2])
73 file_str.write('<mark name="' + str(i) + '"/>' + \
74 word_tuple[2].encode('utf-8'))
7475 i = i + 1
7576 self.current_word = i
7677 file_str.write('</speak>')