Codebase list sugar-read-activity / 5d25e73
Feature - dark mode for PDFs Evince has an Inverted Colours toggle in the File options with a shortcut of ctrl+i. Add the same shortcut to invert colours when viewing a PDF with Read. Add an invert colours button to the view toolbar. Use same icons from Terminal. Co-authored-by: James Cameron <> # switch toolbar nswarup14 authored 4 years ago James Cameron committed 4 years ago
5 changed file(s) with 320 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
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206206 msgid "Rotate right"
207207 msgstr ""
209 #:
210 msgid "Inverted Colors"
211 msgstr ""
209213 #:
210214 msgid "Show Tray"
211215 msgstr ""
214218 msgid "Hide Tray"
215219 msgstr ""
221 #:
222 msgid "Normal Colors"
223 msgstr ""
217225 #:
218226 msgid "Play / Pause"
219227 msgstr ""
237237 self.__toogle_navigator_cb)
238238 self._view_toolbar.connect('toggle-tray-show',
239239 self.__toogle_tray_cb)
240 self._view_toolbar.connect('toggle-inverted-colors',
241 self.__toggle_inverted_colors_cb)
240242 view_toolbar_button = ToolbarButton(page=self._view_toolbar,
241243 icon_name='toolbar-view')
515517 else:
516518 logging.debug('Hide tray')
517519 self.tray.hide()
521 def __toggle_inverted_colors_cb(self, button, active):
522 if hasattr(self._view._model, 'set_inverted_colors'):
523 self._view._model.set_inverted_colors(active)
519525 def __num_page_entry_insert_text_cb(self, entry, text, length, position):
520526 if not re.match('[0-9]', text):
993999 else:
9941000 import evinceadapter
9951001 self._view = evinceadapter.EvinceViewer()
1002 self._view_toolbar.show_inverted_colors_button()
9971004 self._view.setup(self)
9981005 self._view.load_document(filepath)
11811188 return True
11821189 elif keyname == 'KP_End':
11831190 self._view_toolbar.zoom_out()
1191 return True
1192 elif keyname == 'i' and event.state & Gdk.ModifierType.CONTROL_MASK:
1193 self._view_toolbar.toggle_inverted_colors()
11841194 return True
11851195 elif keyname == 'Home':
11861196 self._view.scroll(Gtk.ScrollType.START, False)
176176 'toggle-index-show': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, GObject.TYPE_NONE,
177177 ([bool])),
178178 'toggle-tray-show': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, GObject.TYPE_NONE,
179 ([bool])), }
179 ([bool])),
180 'toggle-inverted-colors': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST,
181 GObject.TYPE_NONE, ([bool])), }
181183 def __init__(self):
182184 Gtk.Toolbar.__init__(self)
258260 self._rotate_right.connect('clicked', self._rotate_right_cb)
259261 self.insert(self._rotate_right, -1)
264 spacer = Gtk.SeparatorToolItem()
265 self.insert(spacer, -1)
268 self._inverted_colors = ToggleToolButton(icon_name='dark-theme')
269 self._inverted_colors.set_tooltip(_('Inverted Colors'))
270 self._inverted_colors.set_accelerator('<Ctrl>i')
271 self._inverted_colors.connect(
272 'toggled', self.__inverted_colors_toggled_cb)
273 self.insert(self._inverted_colors, -1)
262275 def set_view(self, view):
263276 self._view = view
323336 self.traybutton.set_tooltip(_('Show Tray'))
324337 else:
325338 self.traybutton.set_tooltip(_('Hide Tray'))
340 def __inverted_colors_toggled_cb(self, button):
341 self.emit('toggle-inverted-colors',
342 if
343 button.set_icon_name('light-theme')
344 button.set_tooltip(_('Normal Colors'))
345 else:
346 button.set_icon_name('dark-theme')
347 button.set_tooltip(_('Inverted Colors'))
349 def show_inverted_colors_button(self):
352 def toggle_inverted_colors(self):
353 self._inverted_colors.set_active(
354 not self._inverted_colors.get_active())