Codebase list test-check-clojure / 790a2a7
TCHECK-73: Ensure that gen/int returns a long Commit 590cfae1 slightly changed the behavior of rand-range so that it is no longer guaranteed to return an integer. Instead, it may return a double if the lower and/or upper argument is a double. This directly affects gen/int in cases where it is sized with a double. Meanwhile, the recursive-gen function *always* uses a double for sizing recursive generators, which means that inner generators will be sized with a double, which means that gen/int will end up generating doubles. This commit coerces the output of rand-range to long and adds regression tests. Justin Holguin authored 8 years ago Gary Fredericks committed 8 years ago
2 changed file(s) with 30 addition(s) and 2 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
184184 ;; Use -' to maintain accuracy with overflow protection.
185185 width (-' upper lower -1)]
186186 (if (< width Long/MAX_VALUE)
187 (+ lower (long (Math/floor (* factor width))))
187 (long (+ lower (Math/floor (* factor width))))
188188 ;; Clamp down to upper because double math.
189 (min upper (long (Math/floor (+ lower (* factor width))))))))
189 (long (min upper (Math/floor (+ lower (* factor width))))))))
191191 (defn sized
192192 "Create a generator that depends on the size parameter.
374374 [a plus-fifty]
375375 false))]
376376 (-> result :shrunk :smallest))))))
378 ;; gen/int returns an integer when size is a double; regression for TCHECK-73
379 ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
381 (def gen-double
382 (gen/fmap (fn [[x y]] (double (+ x (/ y 10))))
383 (gen/tuple gen/pos-int (gen/choose 0 9))))
385 (defspec gen-int-with-double-size 1000
386 (prop/for-all [size gen-double]
387 (integer? (gen/generate gen/int size))))
389 ;; recursive-gen doesn't change ints to doubles; regression for TCHECK-73
390 ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
392 (defspec recursive-generator-test 100
393 (let [btree* (fn [g] (gen/hash-map
394 :value gen/int
395 :left g
396 :right g))
397 btree (gen/recursive-gen btree* (gen/return nil))
398 valid? (fn valid? [tree]
399 (and (integer? (:value tree))
400 (or (nil? (:left tree))
401 (valid? (:left tree)))
402 (or (nil? (:right tree))
403 (valid? (:right tree)))))]
404 (prop/for-all [t btree] (valid? t))))
378406 ;; edn rountrips
379407 ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------