Codebase list virt-viewer / 9c1f0dc
nsis: Ship libwinpthread even without libvirt support Without libwinpthread, remote-viewer complains about missing this dll, when built using --without-libvirt Fabiano FidĂȘncio 8 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 1 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
137137 File "@prefix@/bin/libxml2-2.dll"
138138 File "@prefix@/bin/libp11-kit-0.dll"
139139 File "@prefix@/bin/libssp-0.dll"
140 File "@prefix@/bin/libwinpthread-1.dll"
140141 !if ${HaveLibvirt} == True
141142 File "@prefix@/bin/libssh2-1.dll"
142143 File "@prefix@/bin/libcurl-4.dll"
143144 File "@prefix@/bin/libportablexdr-0.dll"
144145 File "@prefix@/bin/libidn-11.dll"
145146 File "@prefix@/bin/libvirt-0.dll"
146 File "@prefix@/bin/libwinpthread-1.dll"
147147 File "@prefix@/bin/libvirt-qemu-0.dll"
148148 File "@prefix@/bin/libvirt-lxc-0.dll"
149149 File "@prefix@/bin/virsh.exe"