Codebase list virt-viewer / 9da9305
Use display fullscreen state instead of app state This is a recent regression introduced by independant fullscreen windows support, which reopened the bug "Resolution higher than native could not be set in fullscreen" Marc-André Lureau 10 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 7 addition(s) and 7 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
256256 }
258258 static void
259 fullscreen_changed(VirtViewerApp *app,
259 fullscreen_changed(VirtViewerDisplaySpice *self,
260260 GParamSpec *pspec G_GNUC_UNUSED,
261 VirtViewerDisplaySpice *self)
262 {
263 if (virt_viewer_app_get_fullscreen(app)) {
261 VirtViewerApp *app)
262 {
263 if (virt_viewer_display_get_fullscreen(VIRT_VIEWER_DISPLAY(self))) {
264264 gboolean auto_conf;
265265 g_object_get(app, "fullscreen-auto-conf", &auto_conf, NULL);
266266 if (auto_conf)
325325 app = virt_viewer_session_get_app(VIRT_VIEWER_SESSION(session));
326326 virt_viewer_signal_connect_object(app, "notify::enable-accel",
327327 G_CALLBACK(enable_accel_changed), self, 0);
328 virt_viewer_signal_connect_object(app, "notify::fullscreen",
329 G_CALLBACK(fullscreen_changed), self, 0);
330 fullscreen_changed(app, NULL, self);
328 virt_viewer_signal_connect_object(self, "notify::fullscreen",
329 G_CALLBACK(fullscreen_changed), app, 0);
330 fullscreen_changed(self, NULL, app);
331331 enable_accel_changed(app, NULL, self);
333333 return GTK_WIDGET(self);