Codebase list votca-xtp / debian/1.5-1 src / libxtp /

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 *            Copyright 2009-2018 The VOTCA Development Team
 *                       (
 *      Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
 * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
#include "votca/xtp/aobasis.h"
#include "votca/xtp/aoshell.h"
#include <votca/xtp/aomatrix.h>

namespace votca { namespace xtp {

  void AOShell::normalizeContraction(){   
    AOOverlap overlap;
    Eigen::MatrixXd block=overlap.FillShell(*this);
    std::vector<int> numsubshells=NumFuncSubShell(_type);
    int contraction_index=FindLmin(_type);
    int aoindex=0;
    for (int & numsubshell :numsubshells){
      double norm=std::sqrt(block(aoindex,aoindex));   
      for (auto& gaussian:_gaussians){
  void AOShell::EvalAOspace(Eigen::VectorBlock<Eigen::VectorXd>& AOvalues, Eigen::Block< Eigen::MatrixX3d >& gradAOvalues, const Eigen::Vector3d& grid_pos)const {

      // need position of shell
      const Eigen::Vector3d center = (grid_pos - _pos);
      const double& center_x = center.x();
      const double& center_y = center.y();
      const double& center_z = center.z();
      const double distsq = center.squaredNorm();

      // iterate over Gaussians in this shell
      for (const AOGaussianPrimitive& gaussian:_gaussians) {

        const double alpha = gaussian.getDecay();
        const std::vector<double>& contractions = gaussian.getContraction();

        const double expofactor = gaussian.getPowfactor() * std::exp(-alpha * distsq);
        const Eigen::Vector3d second_term=-2.0*alpha*center;
        // split combined shells
        int i_func = -1;
        int i_act;
        for (const char& single_shell:_type) {
          // single type shells
          if (single_shell == 'S') {
            i_act = i_func + 1;
            double AOvalue=contractions[0] * expofactor;
            AOvalues(i_act) += AOvalue; // s-function
            gradAOvalues.row(i_act) += second_term*AOvalue ; //gradient of s-function
          } else if (single_shell == 'P') {
            const double factor = 2. * sqrt(alpha) * contractions[1]* expofactor;

            i_act = i_func + 1; // Y 1,0
            double AOvalue = factor * center_z ; // Y 1,0
            AOvalues(i_act) += AOvalue;
            gradAOvalues.row(i_act) += second_term* AOvalue;
            gradAOvalues( i_act,2) += factor;

            i_act++; // Y 1,-1
            AOvalue = factor * center_y ; // Y 1,-1
            AOvalues(i_act) += AOvalue;
            gradAOvalues.row(i_act) += second_term* AOvalue;
            gradAOvalues( i_act,1) += factor;

            i_act++; // Y 1,1
            AOvalue = factor * center_x ; // Y 1,1
            AOvalues(i_act) += AOvalue;
            gradAOvalues( i_act,0) += factor;
            gradAOvalues.row(i_act) += second_term* AOvalue; // y gradient

            i_func += 3;
          } else if (single_shell == 'D') {
            const double factor = 2. * alpha * contractions[2]* expofactor;
            const double factor_1 = factor / sqrt(3.);

            i_act = i_func + 1; // Y 2,0
            double AOvalue = factor_1 * (3. * center_z * center_z - distsq) ; // Y 2,0
            AOvalues(i_act) += AOvalue;
            Eigen::Array3d coeff(-2,-2,4);
            gradAOvalues.row( i_act) +=(factor_1* coeff* center.array()).matrix()+ second_term* AOvalue;

            i_act++; // Y 2,-1
            AOvalue = 2. * factor * (center_y * center_z) ; // Y 2,-1
            AOvalues(i_act) += AOvalue;
            coeff={0,2 * center_z,2 * center_y };
            gradAOvalues.row( i_act) += factor*coeff.matrix()+second_term* AOvalue;

            i_act++; // Y 2,1
            AOvalue = 2. * factor * (center_x * center_z); // Y 2,1
            AOvalues(i_act) += AOvalue;
            coeff={2*center_z,0,2 * center_x };
            gradAOvalues.row( i_act) += factor*coeff.matrix()+second_term* AOvalue;

            i_act++; // Y 2,-2
            AOvalue = 2. * factor * (center_x * center_y) ; // Y 2,-2
            AOvalues(i_act) += AOvalue;
            gradAOvalues.row( i_act) += factor*coeff.matrix()+second_term* AOvalue;

            i_act++; // Y 2,2
            AOvalue = factor * (center_x * center_x - center_y * center_y) ; // Y 2,2
            AOvalues(i_act) += AOvalue;
            gradAOvalues.row( i_act) += factor*coeff.matrix()+second_term* AOvalue;

            i_func += 5;
          } else if (single_shell == 'F') {
            const double factor = 2. * pow(alpha, 1.5) * contractions[3]* expofactor;
            const double factor_1 = factor * 2. / sqrt(15.);
            const double factor_2 = factor * sqrt(2.) / sqrt(5.);
            const double factor_3 = factor * sqrt(2.) / sqrt(3.);
            const double cx_cx = center_x*center_x;
            const double cx_cy = center_x*center_y;
            const double cx_cz = center_x*center_z;
            const double cy_cy = center_y*center_y;
            const double cy_cz = center_y*center_z;
            const double cz_cz = center_z*center_z;

            i_act = i_func + 1; // Y 3,0
            double AOvalue = factor_1 * center_z * (5. * cz_cz - 3. * distsq) ; // Y 3,0
            AOvalues(i_act) += AOvalue;
            Eigen::Array3d coeff={-6. * cx_cz,-6. * cy_cz,3. * (3. * cz_cz - distsq)};
            gradAOvalues.row( i_act) += factor_1*coeff.matrix()+second_term* AOvalue;

            i_act++; // Y 3,-1
            AOvalue = factor_2 * center_y * (5. * cz_cz - distsq) ; // Y 3,-1
            AOvalues(i_act) += AOvalue;
            coeff={-2. * cx_cy,4. * cz_cz - cx_cx - 3. * cy_cy,8. * cy_cz};
            gradAOvalues.row( i_act) += factor_2*coeff.matrix()+second_term* AOvalue;

            i_act++; // Y 3,1
            AOvalue = factor_2 * center_x * (5. * cz_cz - distsq) ; // Y 3,1
            AOvalues(i_act) += AOvalue;
            coeff={4. * cz_cz - cy_cy - 3. * cx_cx,-2. * cx_cy,8. * cx_cz};
            gradAOvalues.row( i_act) += factor_2*coeff.matrix()+second_term* AOvalue;

            i_act++; // Y 3,-2
            AOvalue = 4. * factor * center_x * center_y * center_z ; // Y 3,-2
            AOvalues(i_act) += AOvalue;
            coeff={cy_cz,cx_cz, cx_cy };
            gradAOvalues.row( i_act) += 4*factor*coeff.matrix()+second_term* AOvalue;

            i_act++; // Y 3,2
            AOvalue = 2. * factor * center_z * (cx_cx - cy_cy) ; // Y 3,2
            AOvalues(i_act) += AOvalue;
            coeff={2. * cx_cz,-2. * cy_cz, cx_cx - cy_cy };
            gradAOvalues.row( i_act) += 2*factor*coeff.matrix()+second_term* AOvalue;

            i_act++; // Y 3,-3
            AOvalue = factor_3 * center_y * (3. * cx_cx - cy_cy) ; // Y 3,-3
            AOvalues(i_act) += AOvalue;
            coeff={6. * cx_cy,3. * (cx_cx - cy_cy), 0};
            gradAOvalues.row( i_act) += factor_3*coeff.matrix()+second_term* AOvalue;

            i_act++; // Y 3,3
            AOvalue = factor_3 * center_x * (cx_cx - 3. * cy_cy) ; // Y 3,3
            AOvalues(i_act) += AOvalue;
            coeff={3. * (cx_cx - cy_cy),-6. * cx_cy, 0};
            gradAOvalues.row( i_act) += factor_3*coeff.matrix()+second_term* AOvalue;

            i_func += 7;
          } else if (single_shell == 'G') {
            const double factor = 2. / sqrt(3.) * alpha * alpha * contractions[4]* expofactor;
            const double factor_1 = factor / sqrt(35.);
            const double factor_2 = factor * 4. / sqrt(14.);
            const double factor_3 = factor * 2. / sqrt(7.);
            const double factor_4 = factor * 2. * sqrt(2.);
            const double cx_cx = center_x*center_x;
            const double cx_cy = center_x*center_y;
            const double cx_cz = center_x*center_z;
            const double cy_cy = center_y*center_y;
            const double cy_cz = center_y*center_z;
            const double cz_cz = center_z*center_z;

            i_act = i_func + 1; // Y 4,0
            double AOvalue = factor_1 * (35. * cz_cz * cz_cz - 30. * cz_cz * distsq + 3. * distsq * distsq) ; // Y 4,0
            AOvalues(i_act) += AOvalue;
            Eigen::Array3d coeff={  12. * center_x * (distsq - 5. * cz_cz) ,
                                    12. * center_y * (distsq - 5. * cz_cz),
                                    16. * center_z * (5. * cz_cz - 3. * distsq)};
            gradAOvalues.row( i_act) += factor_1*coeff.matrix()+second_term* AOvalue;

            i_act++; // Y 4,-1
            AOvalue = factor_2 * cy_cz * (7. * cz_cz - 3. * distsq) ; // Y 4,-1
            AOvalues(i_act) += AOvalue;
            coeff={ (-6. * center_x * cy_cz),
                    center_z * (4. * cz_cz - 3. * cx_cx - 9. * cy_cy),
                    3. * center_y * (5. * cz_cz - distsq)};
            gradAOvalues.row( i_act) += factor_2*coeff.matrix()+second_term* AOvalue;

            i_act++; // Y 4,1
            AOvalue = factor_2 * cx_cz * (7. * cz_cz - 3. * distsq) ; // Y 4,1
            AOvalues(i_act) += AOvalue;
            coeff={ center_z * (4. * cz_cz - 9. * cx_cx - 3. * cy_cy),
                    (-6. * center_y * cx_cz),
                    3. * center_x * (5. * cz_cz - distsq)};
            gradAOvalues.row( i_act) += factor_2*coeff.matrix()+second_term* AOvalue;

            i_act++; // Y 4,-2
            AOvalue = 2. * factor_3 * cx_cy * (7. * cz_cz - distsq); // Y 4,-2
            AOvalues(i_act) += AOvalue;
            coeff={ center_y * (6. * cz_cz - 3. * cx_cx - cy_cy),
                    center_x * (6. * cz_cz - cx_cx - 3. * cy_cy) ,
                    12. * center_z * cx_cy };
            gradAOvalues.row( i_act) += 2*factor_3*coeff.matrix()+second_term* AOvalue;

            i_act++; // Y 4,2
            AOvalue = factor_3 * (cx_cx - cy_cy) * (7. * cz_cz - distsq); // Y 4,2
            AOvalues(i_act) += AOvalue;
            coeff={ 4. * center_x * (3. * cz_cz - cx_cx),
                    4. * center_y * (cy_cy - 3. * cz_cz) ,
                    12. * center_z * (cx_cx - cy_cy)  };
            gradAOvalues.row( i_act) += factor_3*coeff.matrix()+second_term* AOvalue;

            i_act++; // Y 4,-3
            AOvalue = factor_4 * cy_cz * (3. * cx_cx - cy_cy); // Y 4,-3
            AOvalues(i_act) += AOvalue;
            coeff={ 6. * center_x* cy_cz ,
                    3. * center_z * (cx_cx - cy_cy),
                    center_y * (3. * cx_cx - cy_cy) };
            gradAOvalues.row( i_act) += factor_4*coeff.matrix()+second_term* AOvalue;

            i_act++; // Y 4,3
            AOvalue = factor_4 * cx_cz * (cx_cx - 3. * cy_cy); // Y 4,3
            AOvalues(i_act) += AOvalue;
            coeff={3. * center_z * (cx_cx - cy_cy),
                   (-6. * center_y * cx_cz),
                   center_x * (cx_cx - 3. * cy_cy) };
            gradAOvalues.row( i_act) += factor_4*coeff.matrix()+second_term* AOvalue;

            i_act++; // Y 4,-4
            AOvalue = 4. * factor * cx_cy * (cx_cx - cy_cy); // Y 4,-4
            AOvalues(i_act) += AOvalue;
            coeff={ center_y * (3. * cx_cx - cy_cy) ,
                   center_x * (cx_cx - 3. * cy_cy),
                   0 };
             gradAOvalues.row( i_act) += 4*factor*coeff.matrix()+second_term* AOvalue;

            i_act++; // Y 4,4
            AOvalue = factor * (cx_cx * cx_cx - 6. * cx_cx * cy_cy + cy_cy * cy_cy); // Y 4,4
            AOvalues(i_act) += AOvalue;
            coeff={ center_x * (cx_cx - 3. * cy_cy) ,
                  center_y * (cy_cy - 3. * cx_cx) ,
                   0 };
            gradAOvalues.row( i_act) += 4*factor*coeff.matrix()+second_term* AOvalue;

            i_func += 9;
          else {
              throw std::runtime_error("Shell type:"+std::string(1,single_shell)+" not known");
      } // contractions

void AOShell::EvalAOspace(Eigen::VectorBlock<Eigen::VectorXd>& AOvalues, const Eigen::Vector3d& grid_pos )const{

            // need position of shell
            const Eigen::Vector3d center = grid_pos - _pos;
            const double center_x = center[0];
            const double center_y = center[1];
            const double center_z = center[2];
            const double distsq = center.squaredNorm();
            // iterate over Gaussians in this shell
             for (const AOGaussianPrimitive& gaussian:_gaussians) {

                const double alpha = gaussian.getDecay();
                const std::vector<double>& contractions = gaussian.getContraction();

                double expofactor =gaussian.getPowfactor() * exp(-alpha * distsq);

                // split combined shells
                int i_func = -1;

                for (const char& single_shell :_type) {
                    // single type shells
                    if (single_shell == 'S') {
                        AOvalues( i_func + 1) += contractions[0] * expofactor; // s-function        
                    else if (single_shell == 'P') {
                        double factor = 2.*sqrt(alpha)*contractions[1];
                      AOvalues( i_func + 1) += factor * center_z* expofactor; // Y 1,0
                      AOvalues( i_func + 2) += factor * center_y* expofactor; // Y 1,-1
                      AOvalues( i_func + 3) += factor * center_x* expofactor; // Y 1,1
                      i_func += 3;
                    else if (single_shell == 'D') {
                       double factor = 2.*alpha*contractions[2];
                      double factor_1 =  factor/sqrt(3.);
                      AOvalues( i_func + 1) += factor_1 * (3.*center_z*center_z - distsq) * expofactor; // Y 2,0
                      AOvalues( i_func + 2) += 2.*factor * (center_y*center_z) * expofactor; // Y 2,-1
                      AOvalues( i_func + 3) += 2.*factor * (center_x*center_z) * expofactor; // Y 2,1
                      AOvalues( i_func + 4) += 2.*factor * (center_x*center_y) * expofactor; // Y 2,-2
                      AOvalues( i_func + 5) += factor * (center_x*center_x - center_y*center_y) * expofactor; // Y 2,2
                      i_func += 5;
                    else if (single_shell == 'F') {
                      double factor = 2.*pow(alpha,1.5)*contractions[3];
                      double factor_1 = factor*2./sqrt(15.);
                      double factor_2 = factor*sqrt(2.)/sqrt(5.);
                      double factor_3 = factor*sqrt(2.)/sqrt(3.);
                      double cx_cx = center_x*center_x;
                      double cy_cy = center_y*center_y;
                      double cz_cz = center_z*center_z;

                      AOvalues( i_func + 1) += factor_1 * center_z * (5.*cz_cz - 3.*distsq) * expofactor; // Y 3,0
                      AOvalues( i_func + 2) += factor_2 * center_y * (5.*cz_cz - distsq) * expofactor; // Y 3,-1
                      AOvalues( i_func + 3) += factor_2 * center_x * (5.*cz_cz - distsq) * expofactor; // Y 3,1
                      AOvalues( i_func + 4) += 4.*factor * center_x * center_y * center_z * expofactor; // Y 3,-2
                      AOvalues( i_func + 5) += 2.*factor * center_z * (cx_cx - cy_cy) * expofactor; // Y 3,2
                      AOvalues( i_func + 6) += factor_3 * center_y * (3.*cx_cx - cy_cy) * expofactor; // Y 3,-3
                      AOvalues( i_func + 7) += factor_3 * center_x * (cx_cx - 3.*cy_cy) * expofactor; // Y 3,3
                      i_func += 7;
                    else if (single_shell == 'G') {
                      double factor = 2./sqrt(3.)*alpha*alpha*contractions[4];
                      double factor_1 = factor/sqrt(35.);
                      double factor_2 = factor*4./sqrt(14.);
                      double factor_3 = factor*2./sqrt(7.);
                      double factor_4 = factor*2.*sqrt(2.);
                      double cx_cx = center_x*center_x;
                      double cx_cy = center_x*center_y;
                      double cx_cz = center_x*center_z;
                      double cy_cy = center_y*center_y;
                      double cy_cz = center_y*center_z;
                      double cz_cz = center_z*center_z;

                      AOvalues( i_func + 1) += factor_1 * (35.*cz_cz*cz_cz - 30.*cz_cz*distsq + 3.*distsq*distsq) * expofactor; // Y 4,0
                      AOvalues( i_func + 2) += factor_2 * cy_cz * (7.*cz_cz - 3.*distsq) * expofactor; // Y 4,-1
                      AOvalues( i_func + 3) += factor_2 * cx_cz * (7.*cz_cz - 3.*distsq) * expofactor; // Y 4,1
                      AOvalues( i_func + 4) += 2.*factor_3 * cx_cy * (7.*cz_cz - distsq) * expofactor; // Y 4,-2
                      AOvalues( i_func + 5) += factor_3 * (cx_cx - cy_cy) * (7.*cz_cz - distsq) * expofactor; // Y 4,2
                      AOvalues( i_func + 6) += factor_4 * cy_cz * (3.*cx_cx - cy_cy) * expofactor; // Y 4,-3
                      AOvalues( i_func + 7) += factor_4 * cx_cz * (cx_cx - 3.*cy_cy) * expofactor; // Y 4,3
                      AOvalues( i_func + 8) += 4.*factor * cx_cy * (cx_cx - cy_cy) * expofactor; // Y 4,-4
                      AOvalues( i_func + 9) += factor * (cx_cx*cx_cx - 6.*cx_cx*cy_cy + cy_cy*cy_cy) * expofactor; // Y 4,4

                      i_func += 9;
                        throw std::runtime_error( "Single shell type "+std::string(1,single_shell)+" not known ");
            } // contractions

std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const AOShell& shell) {
    out <<"AtomIndex:"<<shell.getAtomIndex();
    out <<" Shelltype:"<<shell.getType() <<" Scale:"<<shell.getScale()
        <<" Lmax:"<<shell.getLmax()<<" MinDecay:"<<shell.getMinDecay()
        << " Func:"<<shell.getNumFunc()<<"\n";
    for (const auto& gaussian:shell){
      out<<" Gaussian Decay: "<<gaussian.getDecay();
      out<<" Contractions:";
      for (const double& contraction:gaussian.getContraction()){
        out<<" "<<contraction;
    return out;
