Codebase list votca-xtp / debian/1.5-1 src / libxtp /

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 *            Copyright 2009-2018 The VOTCA Development Team
 *                       (
 *      Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
 * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <votca/xtp/aomatrix.h>
#include <votca/xtp/dftcoupling.h>

#include <votca/tools/constants.h>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include <boost/progress.hpp>

namespace votca { namespace xtp {

using std::flush;
using boost::format;

void DFTcoupling::Initialize(tools::Property& options){
  std::string key="";


void DFTcoupling::WriteToProperty(tools::Property& type_summary, const Orbitals& orbitalsA,
                                  const Orbitals& orbitalsB, int a, int b){
  double J = getCouplingElement(a,b, orbitalsA, orbitalsB);
  tools::Property& coupling = type_summary.add("coupling","");
  double energyA = orbitalsA.getEnergy(a);
  double energyB = orbitalsB.getEnergy(b);
  coupling.setAttribute("levelA", a);
  coupling.setAttribute("levelB", b);
  coupling.setAttribute("j",(format("%1$1.6e") % J).str());
  coupling.setAttribute("eA",(format("%1$1.6e") % energyA).str());
  coupling.setAttribute("eB",(format("%1$1.6e") % energyB).str());

 void DFTcoupling::Addoutput(tools::Property & type_summary,const Orbitals& orbitalsA, 
                               const Orbitals& orbitalsB){
  tools::Property& dftcoupling= type_summary.add(Identify(),"");
   tools::Property &hole_summary = dftcoupling.add("hole","");
   //hole hole
   for (int a=Range_orbA.first;a<=orbitalsA.getHomo();++a){
     for (int b=Range_orbB.first;b<=orbitalsB.getHomo();++b){
          WriteToProperty(hole_summary, orbitalsA, orbitalsB, a, b);
   tools::Property &electron_summary = dftcoupling.add("electron","");
   for (int a=orbitalsA.getLumo();a<=Range_orbA.first+Range_orbA.second;++a){
     for (int b=orbitalsB.getLumo();b<=Range_orbB.first+Range_orbB.second;++b){
          WriteToProperty(electron_summary, orbitalsA, orbitalsB, a, b);

std::pair<int,int> DFTcoupling::DetermineRangeOfStates(const Orbitals& orbital, int numberofstates)const{
  const Eigen::VectorXd& MOEnergies=orbital.MOEnergies();
    throw std::runtime_error("Homo Lumo Gap is smaller than degeneracy. "
            "Either your degeneracy is too large or your Homo and Lumo are degenerate");
  int minimal=orbital.getHomo()-numberofstates+1;
  int maximal=orbital.getLumo()+numberofstates-1;
  std::vector<int> deg_min=orbital.CheckDegeneracy(minimal,_degeneracy);
  for(int i:deg_min){
    if (i<minimal){
  std::vector<int> deg_max=orbital.CheckDegeneracy(maximal,_degeneracy);
  for(int i:deg_max){
    if (i>maximal){
  std::pair<int,int> result;
  return result;

double DFTcoupling::getCouplingElement( int levelA, int levelB, const Orbitals&orbitalsA,
    const Orbitals& orbitalsB)const {

    int levelsA =Range_orbA.second;
    if (_degeneracy != 0) {
        std::vector<int> list_levelsA = orbitalsA.CheckDegeneracy(levelA,_degeneracy);
        std::vector<int> list_levelsB = orbitalsA.CheckDegeneracy(levelB,_degeneracy);

        double JAB_sq = 0;

        for (int iA : list_levelsA) {
          for (int iB : list_levelsB) {
            double JAB_one_level = JAB(iA - 1, iB - 1 + levelsA);
            JAB_sq += JAB_one_level*JAB_one_level;
        return std::sqrt(JAB_sq / (list_levelsA.size() * list_levelsB.size())) * tools::conv::hrt2ev;
      } else {
        return JAB(levelA - 1, levelB - 1 + levelsA) * tools::conv::hrt2ev;

 * \brief evaluates electronic couplings  
 * @param _orbitalsA molecular orbitals of molecule A
 * @param _orbitalsB molecular orbitals of molecule B
 * @param _orbitalsAB molecular orbitals of the dimer AB
void DFTcoupling::CalculateCouplings(const Orbitals& orbitalsA, const Orbitals& orbitalsB, 
    Orbitals& orbitalsAB) {

    XTP_LOG(logDEBUG,*_pLog) << "Calculating electronic couplings" << flush;
    CheckAtomCoordinates(orbitalsA, orbitalsB, orbitalsAB);
    // constructing the direct product orbA x orbB
    int basisA = orbitalsA.getBasisSetSize();
    int basisB = orbitalsB.getBasisSetSize();
    if ( ( basisA == 0 ) || ( basisB == 0 ) ) {
       throw std::runtime_error( "Basis set size is not stored in monomers");
    int levelsA = Range_orbA.second;
    int levelsB = Range_orbB.second;
    XTP_LOG(logDEBUG,*_pLog) << "Levels:Basis A[" << levelsA << ":" << basisA << "]"
                                     << " B[" << levelsB << ":" << basisB << "]" << flush;
    if ( ( levelsA == 0 ) || (levelsB == 0) ) {
         throw std::runtime_error("No information about number of occupied/unoccupied levels is stored");
    //       | Orbitals_A          0 |      | Overlap_A |     
    //       | 0          Orbitals_B |.T  X   | Overlap_B |  X  ( Orbitals_AB )
    Eigen::MatrixXd psi_AxB=Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero( basisA + basisB, levelsA + levelsB  );
    XTP_LOG(logDEBUG,*_pLog) << "Constructing direct product AxB [" 
            << psi_AxB.rows() << "x" 
            << psi_AxB.cols() << "]" << flush;    
    // constructing merged orbitals
    psi_AxB.block(0,0, basisA,levelsA) = orbitalsA.MOCoefficients().block(0,Range_orbA.first,basisA,Range_orbA.second);
    psi_AxB.block(basisA,levelsA, basisB,levelsB) =orbitalsB.MOCoefficients().block(0,Range_orbB.first,basisB,Range_orbB.second);
    Eigen::MatrixXd overlap;
    if ( orbitalsAB.hasAOOverlap() ) {
            XTP_LOG(logDEBUG,*_pLog) << "Reading overlap matrix from orbitals" << flush; 
           overlap= orbitalsAB.AOOverlap();
        XTP_LOG(logDEBUG,*_pLog) << "Calculating overlap matrix for basisset: "<< orbitalsAB.getDFTbasis()<< flush; 
     XTP_LOG(logDEBUG,*_pLog) << "Projecting dimer onto monomer orbitals" << flush; 
    Eigen::MatrixXd psi_AxB_dimer_basis =psi_AxB.transpose()*overlap*orbitalsAB.MOCoefficients(); 

    unsigned int LevelsA = levelsA;
    for (unsigned i=0;i<psi_AxB_dimer_basis.rows();i++){
        double mag=psi_AxB_dimer_basis.row(i).squaredNorm();
        if (mag<0.95){
            int monomer = 0;
            int level = 0;
            if ( i < LevelsA ) {
                monomer = 1;
                level   = i;
            } else {
                monomer = 2;
                level   = i -levelsA;
            XTP_LOG(logERROR,*_pLog) << "\nWarning: " << i << " Projection of orbital " << level 
                    << " of monomer " << monomer << " on dimer is insufficient,mag="<<mag
                    <<" maybe the orbital order is screwed up, otherwise increase dimer basis.\n"<<flush;
    XTP_LOG(logDEBUG,*_pLog) << "Projecting the Fock matrix onto the dimer basis" << flush;         
    Eigen::MatrixXd JAB_dimer = psi_AxB_dimer_basis*orbitalsAB.MOEnergies().asDiagonal()*psi_AxB_dimer_basis.transpose();  
    XTP_LOG(logDEBUG,*_pLog) << "Constructing Overlap matrix" << flush;    
    Eigen::MatrixXd S_AxB = psi_AxB_dimer_basis*psi_AxB_dimer_basis.transpose();    
   Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::MatrixXd> es(S_AxB);
   Eigen::MatrixXd Sm1=es.operatorInverseSqrt();
   XTP_LOG(logDEBUG,*_pLog) << "Smallest eigenvalue of overlap matrix is "<<es.eigenvalues()(0)<< flush;    
   JAB = Sm1*JAB_dimer*Sm1;
    XTP_LOG(logDEBUG,*_pLog) << "Done with electronic couplings" << flush;

