Codebase list votca-xtp / debian/1.6.3-1 include / votca / xtp / bseoperator_btda.h

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bseoperator_btda.h @debian/1.6.3-1raw · history · blame

 * Copyright 2009-2019 The VOTCA Development Team (
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <votca/xtp/bse_operator.h>
#include <votca/xtp/eigen.h>
namespace votca {
namespace xtp {

template <typename MatrixReplacementA, typename MatrixReplacementB>
class HamiltonianOperator;
}  // namespace votca
namespace Eigen {
namespace internal {

template <typename MatrixReplacementA, typename MatrixReplacementB>
struct traits<
    votca::xtp::HamiltonianOperator<MatrixReplacementA, MatrixReplacementB>>
    : public Eigen::internal::traits<Eigen::MatrixXd> {};
}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace Eigen

namespace votca {
namespace xtp {
template <typename MatrixReplacementA, typename MatrixReplacementB>
class HamiltonianOperator
    : public Eigen::EigenBase<
          HamiltonianOperator<MatrixReplacementA, MatrixReplacementB>> {
  // Required typedefs, constants, and method:
  using Scalar = double;
  using RealScalar = double;
  using StorageIndex = votca::Index;
  enum {
    ColsAtCompileTime = Eigen::Dynamic,
    MaxColsAtCompileTime = Eigen::Dynamic,
    IsRowMajor = false

  HamiltonianOperator(const MatrixReplacementA& A, const MatrixReplacementB& B)
      : _A(A), _B(B) {
    _size = 2 * A.cols();
    _diag = get_diagonal();

  Eigen::Index rows() const { return this->_size; }
  Eigen::Index cols() const { return this->_size; }

  template <typename Vtype>
  Eigen::Product<HamiltonianOperator, Vtype, Eigen::AliasFreeProduct> operator*(
      const Eigen::MatrixBase<Vtype>& x) const {
    return Eigen::Product<HamiltonianOperator, Vtype, Eigen::AliasFreeProduct>(
        *this, x.derived());

  Eigen::VectorXd get_diagonal() const {
    Eigen::VectorXd diag = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(_size);
    Index half = _size / 2;
    diag.head(half) = _A.diagonal();
    diag.tail(half) = -diag.head(half);
    return diag;

  Eigen::VectorXd diagonal() const { return _diag; }

  // get the full matrix if we have to
  Eigen::MatrixXd get_full_matrix() const {
    Eigen::MatrixXd matrix = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(_size, _size);
    Index half = _size / 2;
    matrix.topLeftCorner(half, half) = _A.get_full_matrix();
    matrix.topRightCorner(half, half) = _B.get_full_matrix();
    matrix.bottomLeftCorner(half, half) = -matrix.topRightCorner(half, half);
    matrix.bottomRightCorner(half, half) = -matrix.topLeftCorner(half, half);
    return matrix;

  const MatrixReplacementA& _A;
  const MatrixReplacementB& _B;

  Index _size;
  Eigen::VectorXd _diag;
}  // namespace xtp
}  // namespace votca

namespace Eigen {
namespace internal {

// replacement of the mat*vect operation
template <typename Vtype, typename MatrixReplacementA,
          typename MatrixReplacementB>
struct generic_product_impl<
    votca::xtp::HamiltonianOperator<MatrixReplacementA, MatrixReplacementB>,
    Vtype, DenseShape, DenseShape, GemvProduct>
    : generic_product_impl_base<
                                   MatrixReplacementA, MatrixReplacementB>,
                               Vtype>> {

  typedef typename Product<
      votca::xtp::HamiltonianOperator<MatrixReplacementA, MatrixReplacementB>,
      Vtype>::Scalar Scalar;

  template <typename Dest>
  static void scaleAndAddTo(Dest& dst,
                            const votca::xtp::HamiltonianOperator<
                                MatrixReplacementA, MatrixReplacementB>& op,
                            const Vtype& v, const Scalar& alpha) {
    // returns dst = alpha * op * v
    // alpha must be 1 here
    assert(alpha == Scalar(1) && "scaling is not implemented");
    /**Instead of doing the
    (A   B)*(v1)
    (-B -A) (v2)
     multiplication explicitly for each block
     we reshape v into (v1,v2)
     and multiply A*(v1,v2)
     and then sort the contributions into the resulting vector
     we do the same for B
     * **/
    Map<const MatrixX2d> vmat(, v.size() / 2, 2);
    Index half = op.rows() / 2;
    MatrixX2d temp = op._A * vmat;
    dst.head(half) = temp.col(0);
    dst.tail(half) = -temp.col(1);
    temp = op._B * vmat;
    dst.head(half) += temp.col(1);
    dst.tail(half) -= temp.col(0);

// replacement of the mat*mat operation
template <typename Mtype, typename MatrixReplacementA,
          typename MatrixReplacementB>
struct generic_product_impl<
    votca::xtp::HamiltonianOperator<MatrixReplacementA, MatrixReplacementB>,
    Mtype, DenseShape, DenseShape, GemmProduct>
    : generic_product_impl_base<
                                   MatrixReplacementA, MatrixReplacementB>,
                               Mtype>> {

  typedef typename Product<
      votca::xtp::HamiltonianOperator<MatrixReplacementA, MatrixReplacementB>,
      Mtype>::Scalar Scalar;

  template <typename Dest>
  static void scaleAndAddTo(Dest& dst,
                            const votca::xtp::HamiltonianOperator<
                                MatrixReplacementA, MatrixReplacementB>& op,
                            const Mtype& m, const Scalar& alpha) {
    // returns dst = alpha * op * v
    // alpha must be 1 here
    assert(alpha == Scalar(1) && "scaling is not implemented");

    Index half = op.rows() / 2;
    /**Instead of doing the
    (A   B)*(M1)
    (-B -A) (M2)
     multiplication explicitly for each block
     we reshape M into (M1,M2)
     and multiply A*(M1,M2)
     and then sort the contributions into the resulting vector
     we do the same for B
     * **/
    Map<const MatrixXd> m_reshaped(, m.rows() / 2, m.cols() * 2);
    MatrixXd temp = op._A * m_reshaped;
    Map<MatrixXd> temp_unshaped(, m.rows(), m.cols());
    dst.topRows(half) = temp_unshaped.topRows(half);
    dst.bottomRows(half) = -temp_unshaped.bottomRows(half);
    temp = op._B * m_reshaped;
    dst.topRows(half) += temp_unshaped.bottomRows(half);
    dst.bottomRows(half) -= temp_unshaped.topRows(half);
}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace Eigen

#endif  //__VOTCA_BSEOP_BTDA_H