Codebase list wayland / 276b997
protocol: allow to send a zero output refresh rate Fixed refresh rate doesn't always make sense for all outputs. In case it's not available or not relevant, allow compositors to send zero. For instance the can be the case for virtual outputs. Signed-off-by: Simon Ser <> Simon Ser authored 5 years ago Héctor Orón Martínez committed 4 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 3 addition(s) and 0 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
24642464 willing to retrieve the output size in the global compositor
24652465 space should use xdg_output.logical_size instead.
2467 The vertical refresh rate can be set to zero if it doesn't make
2468 sense for this output (e.g. for virtual outputs).
24672470 Clients should not use the refresh rate to schedule frames. Instead,
24682471 they should use the wl_surface.frame event or the presentation-time
24692472 protocol.