Codebase list xapp / 7c1d2c1
split to 3 new packages - Split xapp to new libxapp-gtk3-module and xapp-sn-watcher packages - Move xinitrc script xapp-gtk3-module to package libxapp-gtk3-module - Add recommends on libxapp-gtk3-module and xapp-sn-watcher to libxapp1 - Introduce new package mate-xapp-status-applet to properly move the mate related part - keep xapp as transitional package Fabio Fantoni 1 year, 4 months ago
10 changed file(s) with 93 addition(s) and 19 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
99 - Add missed build-deps libdbus-1-dev and libcairo2-dev
1010 - Remove explicit dependency on libgnomekbd8 from libxapp1 because
1111 it is already automatically added by dh_shlibdeps
12 - Split xapp to new libxapp-gtk3-module and xapp-sn-watcher packages
13 - Move xinitrc script xapp-gtk3-module to package libxapp-gtk3-module
14 - Add recommends on libxapp-gtk3-module and xapp-sn-watcher to libxapp1
15 - Introduce new package mate-xapp-status-applet to properly move the
16 mate related part
17 * Keep xapp as transitional package
1319 -- Fabio Fantoni <> Sat, 03 Dec 2022 13:48:00 +0100
6666 This package provides the include files and static library for the Xapp
6767 library functions.
69 Package: libxapp-gtk3-module
70 Section: libs
71 Architecture: any
72 Multi-Arch: same
73 Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends}
74 Depends:
75 xapps-common (>= ${source:Version}),
76 ${misc:Depends},
77 ${shlibs:Depends},
78 Breaks: libxapp1 (<< 2.2.6-1~), xapp (<< 2.4.2-1~), xapps-common (<< 2.4.2-1~)
79 Replaces: libxapp1 (<< 2.2.6-1~), xapp (<< 2.4.2-1~) xapps-common (<< 2.4.2-1~)
80 Description: GTK 3.0 module for the XApp library
81 Xapp provides components which are common to multiple desktop environments
82 and required to implement cross-DE solutions.
83 .
84 This package contains a GTK 3.0 module to make features of the XApp library
85 available to GTK 3.0 applications.
6987 Package: libxapp1
7088 Section: libs
7189 Architecture: any
7593 xapps-common (>= ${source:Version}),
7694 ${misc:Depends},
7795 ${shlibs:Depends},
96 Recommends:
97 libxapp-gtk3-module (= ${binary:Version}),
98 xapp-sn-watcher (= ${binary:Version}),
7899 Description: XApp library
79100 Xapp provides components which are common to multiple desktop environments
80101 and required to implement cross-DE solutions.
83104 Replaces: xapps-common (<< 2.0.6-2~)
84105 Breaks: nemo (<< 5.2), xapps-common (<< 2.0.6-2~)
107 Package: mate-xapp-status-applet
108 Architecture: all
109 Multi-Arch: foreign
110 Depends:
111 gir1.2-gdkpixbuf-2.0,
112 gir1.2-glib-2.0,
113 gir1.2-gtk-3.0,
114 gir1.2-matepanelapplet-4.0,
115 gir1.2-xapp-1.0 (>= ${source:Version}),
116 mate-panel,
117 python3,
118 python3-gi,
119 python3-setproctitle,
120 xapps-common (>= ${source:Version}),
121 ${misc:Depends},
122 ${python3:Depends},
123 Breaks: xapps-common (<< 2.4.2-1~)
124 Replaces: xapps-common (<< 2.4.2-1~)
125 Description: XApp status icon applet for the MATE panel
126 Xapp provides components which are common to multiple desktop environments
127 and required to implement cross-DE solutions.
128 .
129 This package contains the MATE panel applet to display XAppStatusIcon
130 indicators of several XApp apps.
86132 Package: xapp
87133 Architecture: any
88134 Depends:
89 libgnomekbd8,
90 libxapp1 (= ${binary:Version}),
135 libxapp-gtk3-module (= ${binary:Version}),
136 xapp-sn-watcher (= ${binary:Version})
137 Description: xapp - Transitional package
138 Xapp provides components which are common to multiple desktop environments
139 and required to implement cross-DE solutions.
140 .
141 This transitional package depends on libxapp-gtk3-module and xapp-sn-watcher
144 Package: xapp-sn-watcher
145 Architecture: any
146 Depends:
147 default-dbus-session-bus | dbus-session-bus,
91148 xapps-common (>= ${source:Version}),
92149 ${misc:Depends},
93150 ${shlibs:Depends},
94 Breaks: libxapp1 (<< 2.2.6-1~)
95 Replaces: libxapp1 (<< 2.2.6-1~)
96 Description: Libraries and common resources for multiple desktop environments
151 Suggests:
152 mate-xapp-status-applet,
153 xfce4-xapp-status-plugin,
154 Breaks: libxapp1 (<< 2.2.6-1~), xapps-common (<< 2.4.2-1~), xapps (<< 2.4.2-1~)
155 Replaces: libxapp1 (<< 2.2.6-1~), xapps-common (<< 2.4.2-1~) xapps (<< 2.4.2-1~)
156 Description: D-Bus session bus service to support the XApp library
97157 Xapp provides components which are common to multiple desktop environments
98158 and required to implement cross-DE solutions.
99159 .
100 This package contains a gtk module and sn-watcher binary
160 This package contains xapp-sn-watcher.
102162 Package: xapps-common
103163 Architecture: all
0 #!/usr/bin/dh-exec --with-scripts=install-rename
1 etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/ => etc/X11/Xsession.d/80xapp-gtk3-module
2 usr/lib/*/gtk-3.0/modules
0 # is a plugin and only uses functions from XApp, GTK3, GIO, GObject and GLib
1 library-not-linked-against-libc [usr/lib/*/gtk-3.0/modules/]
0 usr/libexec/xapps/*.py
1 usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.mate.panel.applet.MateXAppStatusAppletFactory.service
2 usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/
3 usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/xapp-mate-status-applet.svg
4 usr/share/mate-panel/applets/org.x.MateXAppStatusApplet.mate-panel-applet
0 # only contains variable definitions
1 executable-not-elf-or-script [usr/libexec/xapps/]
0 etc/xdg/autostart
1 usr/libexec/xapps/sn-watcher
2 usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.x.StatusNotifierWatcher.service
debian/xapp.install less more
0 etc/xdg/autostart/xapp-sn-watcher.desktop
1 usr/lib/*/gtk-3.0/modules/
2 usr/libexec/xapps/sn-watcher/*
debian/xapp.lintian-overrides less more
0 # this is not linked against libc because is a plugin
1 xapp: library-not-linked-against-libc [usr/lib/*/gtk-3.0/modules/]
0 #!/usr/bin/dh-exec --with-scripts=install-rename
1 etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/ => etc/X11/Xsession.d/80xapp-gtk3-module
20 usr/bin/ usr/share/xapps-common/
3 usr/libexec/xapps/*.py
4 usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.mate.panel.applet.MateXAppStatusAppletFactory.service
5 usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.x.StatusNotifierWatcher.service
6 usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas
7 usr/share/icons
1 usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.x.apps.gschema.xml
2 usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/actions
3 usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/xapp-*.svg
4 usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/categories
5 usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/emblems
6 usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/places
87 usr/share/locale
9 usr/share/mate-panel/applets/org.x.MateXAppStatusApplet.mate-panel-applet