Codebase list xmobar / 476376a
New upstream version 0.33 Apollon Oikonomopoulos 4 years ago
39 changed file(s) with 1274 addition(s) and 455 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
1616 *.swp
1717 tags
1818 /cabal.project.local
19 /.ghc.environment.*
20 /cabal.project.local~
21 /stack.yaml.lock
00 language: haskell
22 dist: xenial
4 apt:
5 update: true
6 sources:
7 - hvr-ghc
8 packages: cabal-install-2.2
410 ghc:
511 - 8.0
612 - 8.2
713 - 8.4
814 - 8.6
15 - 8.8
1017 before_install:
1118 - sudo apt-get -qq update
1219 - sudo apt-get install -y libiw-dev libasound2-dev libxpm-dev libmpd-dev
1320 - sudo apt-get install -y libxrandr-dev
1421 - sudo apt-get install -y happy c2hs
22 - export PATH=/opt/ghc/bin:$PATH
1624 install:
17 - cabal install --only-dependencies --enable-tests -fall_extensions
25 - travis_wait 30 cabal install --only-dependencies --enable-tests -fall_extensions
1826 - wget
2028 script:
21 - sh ./ src
29 # - sh ./ src
2230 - cabal configure --enable-tests -fall_extensions && cabal build && cabal test
0 ## Version 0.33 (February, 2020)
2 _New features_
4 - New template parameter `<weather>` for the `Weather` plugin, potentially
5 displaying specific weather conditions that are occurring near the
6 station (thanks to *slotThe*).
7 - New option `--weathers`, for `Weather` to display a default string in
8 case the `weather` field is not reported (thanks to *slotThe*).
9 - New template parameter `<volumestatus>` for the `Volume` plugin, combining
10 the effects of `<volume>` and `<status>`. This will show the volume
11 (possibly prefixed by `onString` or a percentage-based string) if and only
12 if the volume is not muted. Otherwise it will show the
13 `offString` (thanks to *slotThe*).
14 - `Battery` and `BatteryN` now support FreeBSD (thanks to Dhananjay
15 Balan).
16 - New option `--useManager` for `Weather` and `UVMeter` to decide whether to
17 use one single manager per monitor for managing network connections or
18 create a new one every time a connection is made.
19 - New more efficient time coalescing strategy for monitor updates,
20 available with the threaded runtime: use the `with_threaded` flag
21 to enable it (see #410; thanks to Tomáš Janoušek).
22 - `Wireless` supports current nl80211 API on Linux now, old Wext ioctls still
23 available as compile-time option (thanks to Paul Fertser).
25 ## Version 0.32 (December, 2019)
27 _New features_
29 - New options `--host` and `--port` for `MPD` monitor.
30 - New plugin `MailX` extending `Mail` with colors and prefix/suffix.
31 - New options `--lows`, `--mediums`, and `--highs` for `Battery`
32 to display an additional string depending on battery level (thanks
33 to *slotThe*).
34 - New options `-L` and `-H` for `Volume` to set low and high volume
35 levels, as well as `-l`, `-m`, and `-h` to display an additional
36 string depending on current volume level (thanks to *slotThe*).
37 - New option `-P` in `Battery` to add a `%` symbol to `<left>`.
38 - New option `--devices` in `DynNetwork` to select what interfaces
39 to monitor (thanks to *vindex10*).
40 - DateZone plugin now also checks TZDIR (thanks to Emmanuel Rosa).
42 _Bug fixes_
44 - `Kbd` plugin: ignore "terminate" layout token (thanks to Greg
45 Steuck).
46 - Fixed compilation with GHC 8.8.x (thanks to Vanessa McHale).
47 - Avoid creating `~/.xmobar` ([issue #405]).
49 [issue #405]:
51 ## Version 0.31 (October, 2019)
53 _New features_
55 - New option `--contiguous-icons` for `MultiCpu` to draw icons
56 without padding (see [issue #388]).
57 - New version of libmpd (, thanks to John Tyree
59 [issue #388]:
061 ## Version 0.30 (August, 2019)
263 _New features_
465 - New monitor `MultiCoreTemp`, thanks to Felix Springer.
566 - `DiskIO`: Additional template variables for absolute number of
6 bytes rather than speeds (see [issue #390].
67 bytes rather than speeds (see [issue #390]).
768 - `WeatherX`: An extension to the `Weather` monitor allowing the
869 spefication of custom strings or icons for sky conditions.
970 - The battery monitors accept the new arguments `-a` and `-A` to
0 #!/usr/bin/bash
2 # An example build script that directs ghc to use a temporary directory for its
3 # intermediate files instead of writing them into XMOBAR_CONFIG_DIR. This
4 # allows using a read-only XMOBAR_CONFIG_DIR. To use this script, place it in
5 # XMOBAR_CONFIG_DIR and call it "build".
7 bin=$1
8 object_dir=$(mktemp -d)
10 default_build_args=(--make xmobar.hs -i -ilib -fforce-recomp -main-is main -v0 -o "$bin" -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts -V0) # From src/Xmobar/App/Compile.hs
11 extra_build_args=(-odir "$object_dir" -hidir "$object_dir")
13 ghc "${default_build_args[@]}" "${extra_build_args[@]}"
14 status=$?
15 rm -r "$object_dir"
16 exit $status
116116 option is needed for the MBox and Mail plugins to work. Requires the
117117 [hinotify] package.
119 - `with_iwlib` Support for wireless cards. Enables the Wireless
120 plugin. No Haskell library is required, but you will need the
121 [iwlib] C library and headers in your system (e.g., install
122 `libiw-dev` in Debian-based systems or `wireless_tools` on Arch
123 Linux).
119 - `with_nl80211` Support for wireless cards on Linux via nl80211 (all
120 upstream drivers). Enables the Wireless plugin. Requires [netlink]
121 and [cereal] packages.
123 - `with_iwlib` Support for wireless cards via Wext ioctls
124 (deprecated). Enables the Wireless plugin. No Haskell library is
125 required, but you will need the [iwlib] C library and headers in your
126 system (e.g., install `libiw-dev` in Debian-based systems or
127 `wireless_tools` on Arch Linux). Conflicts with `with_nl80211`.
125129 - `with_alsa` Support for ALSA sound cards. Enables the Volume
126130 plugin. Requires the [alsa-mixer] package. To install the latter,
197201 managers to feed xmobar strings with `<action>` tags mixed with un-trusted
198202 content (e.g. window titles). For example, if xmobar is invoked as
200 ```xmobar -c "[Run UnsafeStdinReader]" -t "%UnsafeStdinReader%"```
204 xmobar -c "[Run UnsafeStdinReader]" -t "%UnsafeStdinReader%"
202206 and receives on standard input the line
204 ```<action=`echo test` button=1><raw=41:<action=`echo mooo` button=1>foo</action>/></action>```
208 <action=`echo test` button=1><raw=41:<action=`echo mooo` button=1>foo</action>/></action>`
206210 then it will display the text ```<action=`echo mooo` button=1>foo</action>```,
207211 which, when clicked, will cause `test` to be echoed.
734738 - Aliases to the Station ID: so `Weather "LIPB" []` can be used in
735739 template as `%LIPB%`
736740 - Thresholds refer to temperature in the selected units
737 - Args: default monitor arguments
741 - Args: default monitor arguments, plus:
742 - `--weathers` _string_ : display a default string when the `weather`
743 variable is not reported.
744 - short option: `-w`
745 - Default: ""
746 - `--useManager` _bool_ : Whether to use one single manager per monitor for
747 managing network connections or create a new one every time a connection is
748 made.
749 - Short option: `-m`
750 - Default: True
738751 - Variables that can be used with the `-t`/`--template` argument:
739752 `station`, `stationState`, `year`, `month`, `day`, `hour`,
740753 `windCardinal`, `windAzimuth`, `windMph`, `windKnots`, `windMs`, `windKmh`
741 `visibility`, `skyCondition`, `tempC`, `tempF`,
754 `visibility`, `skyCondition`, `weather`, `tempC`, `tempF`,
742755 `dewPointC`, `dewPointF`, `rh`, `pressure`
743756 - Default template: `<station>: <tempC>C, rh <rh>% (<hour>)`
744757 - Retrieves weather information from
798811 - Thresholds are expressed in Kb/s
799812 - Args: default monitor arguments, plus:
800813 - `--rx-icon-pattern`: dynamic string for reception rate in `rxipat`.
801 - `--tx-icon-pattern`: dynamic string for transmission rate in `txipat`.
814 - `--tx-icon-pattern`: dynamic string for transmission rate in `txipat`
815 - `--devices`: comma-separated list of devices to show.
802816 - Variables that can be used with the `-t`/`--template` argument:
803817 `dev`, `rx`, `tx`, `rxbar`, `rxvbar`, `rxipat`, `txbar`, `txvbar`,
804818 `txipat`. Reception and transmission rates (`rx` and `tx`) are displayed
805819 in Kbytes per second, and you can set the `-S` to "True" to make them
806820 displayed with units (the string "Kb/s").
807821 - Default template: `<dev>: <rx>KB|<tx>KB`
822 - Example of usage of `--devices` option: `["--", "--devices", "wlp2s0,enp0s20f41"]`
809824 ### `Wireless Interface Args RefreshRate`
811 - If set to "", the interface is looked up in /proc/net/wireless.
826 - If set to "", first suitable wireless interface is used.
812827 - Aliases to the interface name with the suffix "wi": thus, `Wireless
813828 "wlan0" []` can be used as `%wlan0wi%`, and `Wireless "" []` as `%wi%`.
814829 - Args: default monitor arguments, plus:
815830 - `--quality-icon-pattern`: dynamic string for connection quality in `qualityipat`.
816831 - Variables that can be used with the `-t`/`--template` argument:
817 `essid`, `quality`, `qualitybar`, `qualityvbar`, `qualityipat`
818 - Thresholds refer to link quality in a `[0, 100]` scale
819 - Default template: `<essid> <quality>`
820 - Requires the C library [iwlib] (part of the wireless tools suite)
821 installed in your system. In addition, to activate this plugin you
822 must pass `--flags="with_iwlib"` during compilation
832 `ssid`, `signal`, `quality`, `qualitybar`, `qualityvbar`, `qualityipat`
833 - Thresholds refer to link quality on a `[0, 100]` scale. Note that
834 `quality` is calculated from `signal` (in dBm) by a possibly lossy
835 conversion. It is also not taking into account many factors such as
836 noise level, air busy time, transcievers' capabilities and the
837 others which can have drastic impact on the link performance.
838 - Default template: `<ssid> <quality>`
839 - To activate this plugin you must pass `--flags="with_nl80211"` or
840 `--flags="with_iwlib"` during compilation
824842 ### `Memory Args RefreshRate`
865883 corresponds to nth cpu.
866884 - `--fallback-icon-pattern`: dynamic string used by `autoipat` and `ipat{i}` when no
867885 `--load-icon-patterns` has been provided for `cpu{i}`
886 - `--contiguous-icons`: flag (no value needs to be provided) that
887 causes the load icons to be drawn without padding.
868888 - Thresholds refer to percentage of CPU load
869889 - Variables that can be used with the `-t`/`--template` argument:
870890 `autototal`, `autobar`, `autovbar`, `autoipat`, `autouser`, `autonice`,
908928 percentage left in the battery is less or equal than the threshold
909929 given by the `-A` option. If not present, no action is
910930 undertaken.
931 - `-P`: to include a percentage symbol in `left`.
911932 - `--on-icon-pattern`: dynamic string for current battery charge
912933 when AC is "on" in `leftipat`.
913934 - `--off-icon-pattern`: dynamic string for current battery charge
914935 when AC is "off" in `leftipat`.
915936 - `--idle-icon-pattern`: dynamic string for current battery charge
916937 when AC is "idle" in `leftipat`.
938 - `--lows`: string for AC "off" status and power lower than the `-L`
939 threshold (default: "")
940 - `--mediums`: string for AC "off" status and power lower than the `-H`
941 threshold (default: "")
942 - `--highs`: string for AC "off" status and power higher than the `-H`
943 threshold (default: "")
918946 - Variables that can be used with the `-t`/`--template` argument:
919947 `left`, `leftbar`, `leftvbar`, `leftipat`, `timeleft`, `watts`, `acstatus`
11451173 - `--highd` _number_ High threshold for dB. Defaults to -5.0.
11461174 - `--lowd` _number_ Low threshold for dB. Defaults to -30.0.
11471175 - `--volume-icon-pattern` _string_ dynamic string for current volume in `volumeipat`.
1148 - Variables that can be used with the `-t`/`--template` argument:
1149 `volume`, `volumebar`, `volumevbar`, `volumeipat`, `dB`, `status`
1176 - `-H` _number_ High threshold for volume (in %). Defaults to 60.0.
1177 - Long option: `--highv`
1178 - `-L` _number_ Low threshold for volume (in %). Defaults to 20.0.
1179 - Long option: `--lowv`
1180 - `-h`: _string_ High string
1181 - The string added in front of `<status>` when the mixer element
1182 is on and the volume percentage is higher than the `-H` threshold.
1183 Defaults to "".
1184 - Long option: `--highs`
1185 - `-m`: _string_ Medium string
1186 - The string added in front of `<status>` when the mixer element
1187 is on and the volume percentage is lower than the `-H` threshold.
1188 Defaults to "".
1189 - Long option: `--mediums`
1190 - `-l`: _string_ Low string
1191 - The string added in front of `<status>` when the mixer element
1192 is on and the volume percentage is lower than the `-L` threshold.
1193 Defaults to "".
1194 - Long option: `--lows`
1195 - Variables that can be used with the `-t`/`--template` argument:
1196 `volume`, `volumebar`, `volumevbar`, `volumeipat`, `dB`, `status`,
1197 `volumestatus`
11501198 - Note that `dB` might only return 0 on your system. This is known
11511199 to happen on systems with a pulseaudio backend.
11521200 - Default template: `Vol: <volume>% <status>`
11571205 ### `Alsa Mixer Element Args`
1159 Like [Volume](#volume-mixer-element-args-refreshrate), but with the following differences:
1160 - Uses event-based refreshing via `alsactl monitor` instead of polling, so it will refresh
1161 instantly when there's a volume change, and won't use CPU until a change happens.
1162 - Aliases to `alsa:` followed by the mixer name and element name separated by a colon. Thus,
1163 `Alsa "default" "Master" []` can be used as `%alsa:default:Master%`.
1207 Like [Volume](#volume-mixer-element-args-refreshrate), but with the
1208 following differences:
1209 - Uses event-based refreshing via `alsactl monitor` instead of
1210 polling, so it will refresh instantly when there's a volume change,
1211 and won't use CPU until a change happens.
1212 - Aliases to `alsa:` followed by the mixer name and element name
1213 separated by a colon. Thus, `Alsa "default" "Master" []` can be used
1214 as `%alsa:default:Master%`.
11641215 - Additional options (after the `--`):
11651216 - `--alsactl=/path/to/alsactl`
1166 - If this option is not specified, `alsactl` will be sought in your `PATH`
1167 first, and failing that, at `/usr/sbin/alsactl` (this is its location on
1168 Debian systems. `alsactl monitor` works as a non-root user despite living
1169 in `/usr/sbin`.).
1170 - `stdbuf` (from coreutils) must be (and most probably already is) in your `PATH`.
1217 - If this option is not specified, `alsactl` will be sought in
1218 your `PATH` first, and failing that, at `/usr/sbin/alsactl`
1219 (this is its location on Debian systems. `alsactl monitor`
1220 works as a non-root user despite living in `/usr/sbin`.).
1221 - `stdbuf` (from coreutils) must be (and most probably already is) in
1222 your `PATH`.
11721224 ### `MPD Args RefreshRate`
11741226 - This monitor will only be compiled if you ask for it using the
11751227 `with_mpd` flag. It needs [libmpd] 5.0 or later (available on Hackage).
11761228 - Aliases to `mpd`
1177 - Args: default monitor arguments. In addition you can provide
1178 `-P`, `-S` and `-Z`, with an string argument, to represent the
1179 playing, stopped and paused states in the `statei` template field.
1180 The environment variables `MPD_HOST` and `MPD_PORT` are used to configure the
1181 mpd server to communicate with. Also available:
1229 - Args: default monitor arguments. In addition you can provide `-P`,
1230 `-S` and `-Z`, with an string argument, to represent the playing,
1231 stopped and paused states in the `statei` template field. The
1232 environment variables `MPD_HOST` and `MPD_PORT` are used to
1233 configure the mpd server to communicate with, unless given in the
1234 additional arguments `-p` (`--port`) and `-h` (`--host`). Also
1235 available:
11821236 - `lapsed-icon-pattern`: dynamic string for current track position in `ipat`.
11831237 - Variables that can be used with the `-t`/`--template` argument:
11841238 `bar`, `vbar`, `ipat`, `state`, `statei`, `volume`, `length`,
12411295 Run Mail [("inbox", "~/var/mail/inbox"),
12421296 ("lists", "~/var/mail/lists")]
12431297 "mail"
1299 ### `MailX Args Opts Alias`
1301 - Args: list of maildirs in form
1302 `[("name1","path1","color1"),...]`. Paths may start with a '~'
1303 to expand to the user's home directory. When mails are present,
1304 counts are displayed with the given name and color.
1305 - Opts is a possibly empty list of options, as flags. Possible values:
1306 -d dir --dir dir a string giving the base directory where maildir files with
1307 a relative path live.
1308 -p prefix --prefix prefix a string giving a prefix for the list
1309 of displayed mail counts
1310 -s suffix --suffix suffix a string giving a suffix for the list
1311 of displayed mail counts
1312 - This plugin requires inotify support in your Linux kernel and the
1313 [hinotify] package. To activate, pass `--flags="with_inotify"`
1314 during compilation.
1315 - Example:
1317 Run MailX [("I", "inbox", "green"),
1318 ("L", "lists", "orange")]
1319 ["-d", "~/var/mail", "-p", " ", "-s", " "]
1320 "mail"
12451323 ### `MBox Mboxes Opts Alias`
13481426 ### `UVMeter`
1350 - Aliases to "uv " + station id. For example: `%uv brisbane%` or `%uv
1351 alice springs%`
1352 - Args: default monitor arguments.
1428 - Aliases to "uv " + station id. For example: `%uv Brisbane%` or `%uv
1429 Alice Springs%`
1430 - Args: default monitor arguments, plus:
1431 - `--useManager` _bool_ : Whether to use one single manager per monitor for
1432 managing network connections or create a new one every time a connection is
1433 made.
1434 - Short option: `-m`
1435 - Default: True
13541437 - *Reminder:* Keep the refresh rate high, to avoid making unnecessary
13551438 requests every time the plug-in is run.
13581441 - Example:
1360 Run UVMeter "brisbane" ["-H", "3", "-L", "3", "--low", "green", "--high", "red"] 900
1443 Run UVMeter "Brisbane" ["-H", "3", "-L", "3", "--low", "green", "--high", "red"] 900
13621445 ## Executing External Commands
14031486 ## Other Plugins
1405 <font size="+1">**`StdinReader`**</font>
1488 ### `StdinReader`
14071490 - Aliases to StdinReader
14081491 - Displays any text received by xmobar on its standard input.
14101493 actions via stdin. This is safer than `UnsafeStdinReader` because there is
14111494 no need to escape the content before passing it to xmobar's standard input.
1413 <font size="+1">**`UnsafeStdinReader`**</font>
1496 ### `UnsafeStdinReader`
14151498 - Aliases to UnsafeStdinReader
14161499 - Displays any text received by xmobar on its standard input.
14241507 clicking on xmobar:
14251508 ```<action=`xdotool key alt+1`>ws1</action> <action=`xdotool key alt+1`>ws2</action>```
1427 <font size="+1">**`Date Format Alias RefreshRate`**</font>
1510 ### `Date Format Alias RefreshRate`
14291512 - Format is a time format string, as accepted by the standard ISO C
14301513 `strftime` function (or Haskell's `formatCalendarTime`).
14311514 - Sample usage: `Run Date "%a %b %_d %Y <fc=#ee9a00>%H:%M:%S</fc>" "date" 10`
1433 <font size="+1">**`DateZone Format Locale Zone Alias RefreshRate`**</font>
1516 ### `DateZone Format Locale Zone Alias RefreshRate`
14351518 - Format is a time format string, as accepted by the standard ISO C
14361519 `strftime` function (or Haskell's `formatCalendarTime`).
14431526 - Sample usage:
14441527 `Run DateZone "%a %H:%M:%S" "de_DE.UTF-8" "Europe/Vienna" "viennaTime" 10`
1446 <font size="+1">**`CommandReader "/path/to/program" Alias`**</font>
1529 ### `CommandReader "/path/to/program" Alias`
14481531 - Runs the given program, and displays its standard output.
1450 <font size="+1">**`PipeReader "default text:/path/to/pipe" Alias`**</font>
1533 ### `PipeReader "default text:/path/to/pipe" Alias`
14521535 - Reads its displayed output from the given pipe.
14531536 - Prefix an optional default text separated by a colon
14541537 - Expands environment variables in the first argument of syntax '${VAR}' or '$VAR'
1456 <font size="+1">**`MarqueePipeReader "default text:/path/to/pipe" (length, rate, sep) Alias`**</font>
1539 ### `MarqueePipeReader "default text:/path/to/pipe" (length, rate, sep) Alias`
14581541 - Generally equivalent to PipeReader
14591542 - Text is displayed as marquee with the specified length, rate in 10th
14641547 - Expands environment variables in the first argument
1466 <font size="+1">
1467 **`BufferedPipeReader Alias [(Timeout, Bool, "/path/to/pipe1"), ..]`**
1468 </font>
1549 ### `BufferedPipeReader Alias [(Timeout, Bool, "/path/to/pipe1"), ..]`
14701551 - Display data from multiple pipes.
14711552 - Timeout (in tenth of seconds) is the value after which the previous
14971578 [examples/]:
1500 <font size="+1">**`XMonadLog`**</font>
1581 ### `XMonadLog`
15021583 - Aliases to XMonadLog
15031584 - Displays information from xmonad's `_XMONAD_LOG`. You can set this
15161597 [here]:
1518 <font size="+1">**`UnsafeXMonadLog`**</font>
1599 ### `UnsafeXMonadLog`
15201601 - Aliases to UnsafeXMonadLog
15211602 - Similar to StdinReader versus UnsafeStdinReader, this does not strip `<action
16071688 with the help of the greater xmobar and Haskell communities.
16091690 In particular, xmobar [incorporates patches] by Mohammed Alshiekh,
1610 Alex Ameen, Axel Angel, Claudio Bley, Dragos Boca, Ben Boeckel, Duncan
1611 Burke, Roman Cheplyaka, Patrick Chilton, Antoine Eiche, Nathaniel
1612 Wesley Filardo, John Goerzen, Reto Hablützel, Juraj Hercek, Tomáš
1613 Janoušek, Ada Joule, Spencer Janssen, Roman Joost, Jochen Keil,
1614 Lennart Kolmodin, Krzysztof Kosciuszkiewicz, Dmitry Kurochkin, Todd
1615 Lunter, Vanessa McHale, Robert J. Macomber, Dmitry Malikov, David
1616 McLean, Marcin Mikołajczyk, Dino Morelli, Tony Morris, Eric Mrak,
1617 Thiago Negri, Edward O'Callaghan, Svein Ove, Martin Perner, Jens
1618 Petersen, Alexander Polakov, Pavan Rikhi, Petr Rockai, Andrew
1619 Sackville-West, Markus Scherer, Daniel Schüssler, Olivier Schneider,
1620 Alexander Shabalin, Valentin Shirokov, Peter Simons, Alexander
1621 Solovyov, Will Song, John Soros, Felix Springer, Travis Staton, Artem
1622 Tarasov, Samuli Thomasson, Edward Tjörnhammar, Sergei Trofimovich,
1623 Thomas Tuegel, Jan Vornberger, Anton Vorontsov, Daniel Wagner, Zev
1624 Weiss, Phil Xiaojun Hu, Edward Z. Yang and Norbert Zeh.
1691 Alex Ameen, Axel Angel, Dhananjay Balan, Claudio Bley, Dragos Boca,
1692 Ben Boeckel, Duncan Burke, Roman Cheplyaka, Patrick Chilton, Antoine
1693 Eiche, Nathaniel Wesley Filardo, John Goerzen, Reto Hablützel, Juraj
1694 Hercek, Tomáš Janoušek, Ada Joule, Spencer Janssen, Roman Joost,
1695 Jochen Keil, Lennart Kolmodin, Krzysztof Kosciuszkiewicz, Dmitry
1696 Kurochkin, Todd Lunter, Vanessa McHale, Robert J. Macomber, Dmitry
1697 Malikov, David McLean, Marcin Mikołajczyk, Dino Morelli, Tony Morris,
1698 Eric Mrak, Thiago Negri, Edward O'Callaghan, Svein Ove, Martin Perner,
1699 Jens Petersen, Alexander Polakov, Pavan Rikhi, Petr Rockai, Andrew
1700 Emmanuel Rosa, Sackville-West, Markus Scherer, Daniel Schüssler,
1701 Olivier Schneider, Alexander Shabalin, Valentin Shirokov, Peter
1702 Simons, Alexander Solovyov, Will Song, John Soros, Felix Springer,
1703 Travis Staton, Artem Tarasov, Samuli Thomasson, Edward Tjörnhammar,
1704 Sergei Trofimovich, Thomas Tuegel, John Tyree, Jan Vornberger, Anton
1705 Vorontsov, Daniel Wagner, Zev Weiss, Phil Xiaojun Hu, Edward Z. Yang
1706 and Norbert Zeh.
16261708 [jao]:
16271709 [incorporates patches]:
130130 --
131131 -- 'False' is returned if there are compilation errors.
132132 --
133 recompile :: MonadIO m => String -> String -> Bool -> Bool -> m Bool
134 recompile dir execName force verb = liftIO $ do
135 let bin = dir </> execName
136 err = dir </> (execName ++ ".errors")
137 src = dir </> (execName ++ ".hs")
138 lib = dir </> "lib"
139 script = dir </> "build"
133 recompile :: MonadIO m => String -> String -> String -> Bool -> Bool -> m Bool
134 recompile confDir dataDir execName force verb = liftIO $ do
135 let bin = confDir </> execName
136 err = dataDir </> (execName ++ ".errors")
137 src = confDir </> (execName ++ ".hs")
138 lib = confDir </> "lib"
139 script = confDir </> "build"
140140 useScript <- checkBuildScript verb script
141141 sc <- if useScript || force
142142 then return True
148148 \errHandle ->
149149 waitForProcess =<<
150150 if useScript
151 then runScript script bin dir errHandle
152 else runGHC bin dir errHandle
151 then runScript script bin confDir errHandle
152 else runGHC bin confDir errHandle
153153 installSignalHandlers
154154 if status == ExitSuccess
155155 then trace verb "Xmobar recompilation process exited with success!"
00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 -- |
22 -- Module: Xmobar.Config.Defaults
3 -- Copyright: (c) 2018 Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
3 -- Copyright: (c) 2018, 2019 Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
44 -- License: BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
55 --
66 -- Maintainer:
1919 xmobarConfigDir,
2020 xmobarDataDir,
2121 xmobarConfigFile) where
23 import Control.Monad (when)
2325 import System.Environment
2426 import System.Directory
7880 --
7981 -- The first directory that exists will be used. If none of the
8082 -- directories exist then (1) will be used if it is set, otherwise (2)
81 -- will be used. Either way, a directory will be created if necessary.
83 -- will be used.
8284 xmobarConfigDir :: IO String
8385 xmobarConfigDir =
84 findFirstDirWithEnv "XMOBAR_CONFIG_DIR"
86 findFirstDirWithEnv False "XMOBAR_CONFIG_DIR"
8587 [ getAppUserDataDirectory "xmobar"
8688 , getXdgDirectory XdgConfig "xmobar"
8789 ]
9395 -- Several directories are considered. In order of preference:
9496 --
9597 -- 1. The directory specified in the @XMOBAR_DATA_DIR@ environment variable.
96 -- 2. The @~\/.xmobar@ directory.
97 -- 3. The @XDG_DATA_HOME/xmobar@ directory.
98 -- 2. The @XDG_DATA_HOME/xmobar@ directory.
99 -- 3. The @~\/.xmobar@ directory.
98100 --
99101 -- The first directory that exists will be used. If none of the
100102 -- directories exist then (1) will be used if it is set, otherwise (2)
102104 -- necessary.
103105 xmobarDataDir :: IO String
104106 xmobarDataDir =
105 findFirstDirWithEnv "XMOBAR_DATA_DIR"
106 [ getAppUserDataDirectory "xmobar"
107 , getXdgDirectory XdgData "xmobar"
107 findFirstDirWithEnv True "XMOBAR_DATA_DIR"
108 [ getXdgDirectory XdgData "xmobar"
109 , getAppUserDataDirectory "xmobar"
108110 ]
110112 -- | Helper function that will find the first existing directory and
111 -- return its path. If none of the directories can be found, create
112 -- and return the first from the list. If the list is empty this
113 -- function returns the historical @~\/.xmobar@ directory.
114 findFirstDirOf :: [IO FilePath] -> IO FilePath
115 findFirstDirOf [] = findFirstDirOf [getAppUserDataDirectory "xmobar"]
116 findFirstDirOf possibles = do
113 -- return its path. If none of the directories can be found,
114 -- optionally create and return the first from the list. If the list
115 -- is empty this function returns the historical @~\/.xmobar@
116 -- directory.
117 findFirstDirOf :: Bool -> [IO FilePath] -> IO FilePath
118 findFirstDirOf create [] = findFirstDirOf create [getAppUserDataDirectory "xmobar"]
119 findFirstDirOf create possibles = do
117120 found <- go possibles
118121 case found of
119122 Just path -> return path
120123 Nothing -> do
121124 primary <- head possibles
122 createDirectoryIfMissing True primary
125 when create (createDirectoryIfMissing True primary)
123126 return primary
124127 where
125128 go [] = return Nothing
130133 -- | Simple wrapper around @findFirstDirOf@ that allows the primary
131134 -- path to be specified by an environment variable.
132 findFirstDirWithEnv :: String -> [IO FilePath] -> IO FilePath
133 findFirstDirWithEnv envName paths = do
135 findFirstDirWithEnv :: Bool -> String -> [IO FilePath] -> IO FilePath
136 findFirstDirWithEnv create envName paths = do
134137 envPath' <- lookupEnv envName
135138 case envPath' of
136 Nothing -> findFirstDirOf paths
137 Just envPath -> findFirstDirOf (return envPath:paths)
139 Nothing -> findFirstDirOf create paths
140 Just envPath -> findFirstDirOf create (return envPath:paths)
139142 xmobarConfigFile :: IO (Maybe FilePath)
140143 xmobarConfigFile =
1616 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 module Xmobar.App.EventLoop (startLoop, startCommand) where
19 module Xmobar.App.EventLoop
20 ( startLoop
21 , startCommand
22 , newRefreshLock
23 , refreshLock
24 ) where
2126 import Prelude hiding (lookup)
2227 import Graphics.X11.Xlib hiding (textExtents, textWidth)
3035 import Control.Concurrent
3136 import Control.Concurrent.Async (Async, async)
3237 import Control.Concurrent.STM
33 import Control.Exception (handle, SomeException(..))
38 import Control.Exception (bracket_, handle, SomeException(..))
3439 import Data.Bits
3540 import Data.Map hiding (foldr, map, filter)
3641 import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust)
4651 import Xmobar.X11.Draw
4752 import Xmobar.X11.Bitmap as Bitmap
4853 import Xmobar.X11.Types
4956 import Xmobar.X11.Events(nextEvent')
57 #endif
5159 #ifdef XFT
5260 import Graphics.X11.Xft
5967 runX :: XConf -> X () -> IO ()
6068 runX xc f = runReaderT f xc
70 newRefreshLock :: IO (TMVar ())
71 newRefreshLock = atomically $ newTMVar ()
73 refreshLock :: TMVar () -> IO a -> IO a
74 refreshLock var = bracket_ lock unlock
75 where
76 lock = atomically $ takeTMVar var
77 unlock = atomically $ putTMVar var ()
79 refreshLockT :: TMVar () -> STM a -> STM a
80 refreshLockT var action = do
81 takeTMVar var
82 r <- action
83 putTMVar var ()
84 return r
6286 -- | Starts the main event loop and threads
63 startLoop :: XConf -> TMVar SignalType -> [[([Async ()], TVar String)]]
64 -> IO ()
65 startLoop xcfg@(XConf _ _ w _ _ _ _) sig vs = do
87 startLoop :: XConf
88 -> TMVar SignalType
89 -> TMVar ()
90 -> [[([Async ()], TVar String)]]
91 -> IO ()
92 startLoop xcfg@(XConf _ _ w _ _ _ _) sig pauser vs = do
6693 #ifdef XFT
6794 xftInitFtLibrary
6895 #endif
6996 tv <- atomically $ newTVar []
70 _ <- forkIO (handle (handler "checker") (checker tv [] vs sig))
97 _ <- forkIO (handle (handler "checker") (checker tv [] vs sig pauser))
7299 _ <- forkOS (handle (handler "eventer") (eventer sig))
73100 #else
107134 -> [String]
108135 -> [[([Async ()], TVar String)]]
109136 -> TMVar SignalType
137 -> TMVar ()
110138 -> IO ()
111 checker tvar ov vs signal = do
112 nval <- atomically $ do
139 checker tvar ov vs signal pauser = do
140 nval <- atomically $ refreshLockT pauser $ do
113141 nv <- mapM concatV vs
114142 guard (nv /= ov)
115143 writeTVar tvar nv
116144 return nv
117145 atomically $ putTMVar signal Wakeup
118 checker tvar nval vs signal
146 checker tvar nval vs signal pauser
119147 where
120148 concatV = fmap concat . mapM (readTVar . snd)
3939 import Xmobar.X11.Text
4040 import Xmobar.X11.Window
4141 import Xmobar.App.Opts (recompileFlag, verboseFlag, getOpts, doOpts)
42 import Xmobar.App.EventLoop (startLoop, startCommand)
42 import Xmobar.App.EventLoop (startLoop, startCommand, newRefreshLock, refreshLock)
4343 import Xmobar.App.Compile (recompile, trace)
4444 import Xmobar.App.Config
45 import Xmobar.App.Timer (withTimer)
4647 xmobar :: Config -> IO ()
4748 xmobar conf = withDeferSignals $ do
5253 cls <- mapM (parseTemplate (commands conf) (sepChar conf))
5354 (splitTemplate (alignSep conf) (template conf))
5455 sig <- setupSignalHandler
55 bracket (mapM (mapM $ startCommand sig) cls)
56 cleanupThreads
57 $ \vars -> do
58 (r,w) <- createWin d fs conf
59 let ic = Map.empty
60 to = textOffset conf
61 ts = textOffsets conf ++ replicate (length fl) (-1)
62 startLoop (XConf d r w (fs:fl) (to:ts) ic conf) sig vars
56 refLock <- newRefreshLock
57 withTimer (refreshLock refLock) $
58 bracket (mapM (mapM $ startCommand sig) cls)
59 cleanupThreads
60 $ \vars -> do
61 (r,w) <- createWin d fs conf
62 let ic = Map.empty
63 to = textOffset conf
64 ts = textOffsets conf ++ replicate (length fl) (-1)
65 startLoop (XConf d r w (fs:fl) (to:ts) ic conf) sig refLock vars
6467 configFromArgs :: Config -> IO Config
6568 configFromArgs cfg = getArgs >>= getOpts >>= doOpts cfg . fst
6972 for_ (concat vars) $ \(asyncs, _) ->
7073 for_ asyncs cancel
72 buildLaunch :: Bool -> Bool -> FilePath -> ParseError -> IO ()
75 buildLaunch :: Bool -> Bool -> String -> ParseError -> IO ()
7376 buildLaunch verb force p e = do
7477 let exec = takeBaseName p
75 dir = takeDirectory p
78 confDir = takeDirectory p
7679 ext = takeExtension p
7780 if ext `elem` [".hs", ".hsc", ".lhs"]
78 then recompile dir exec force verb >>
79 executeFile (dir </> exec) False [] Nothing
81 then xmobarDataDir >>= \dd -> recompile confDir dd exec force verb >>
82 executeFile (confDir </> exec) False [] Nothing
8083 else trace True ("Invalid configuration file: " ++ show e) >>
8184 trace True "\n(No compilation attempted: \
8285 \only .hs, .hsc or .lhs files are compiled)"
0 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 -- |
3 -- Module: Xmobar.App.Timer
4 -- Copyright: (c) 2019 Tomáš Janoušek
5 -- License: BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
6 --
7 -- Maintainer: Tomáš Janoušek <>
8 -- Stability: unstable
9 --
10 -- Timer coalescing for recurring actions.
11 --
12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 module Xmobar.App.Timer
15 ( doEveryTenthSeconds
16 , tenthSeconds
17 , withTimer
18 ) where
20 import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
21 import Control.Concurrent.Async (withAsync)
22 import Control.Concurrent.STM
23 import Control.Exception
24 import Control.Monad (forever, forM, guard)
25 import Data.Foldable (foldrM, for_)
26 import Data.Int (Int64)
27 import Data.Map (Map)
28 import qualified Data.Map as M
29 import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust)
30 import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime)
31 import Data.Unique
32 import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
34 type Periods = Map Unique Period
36 data Tick = Tick (TMVar ()) | UnCoalesce
38 data Period = Period { rate :: Int64, next :: Int64, tick :: TMVar Tick }
40 data UnCoalesceException = UnCoalesceException deriving Show
41 instance Exception UnCoalesceException
43 {-# NOINLINE periodsVar #-}
44 periodsVar :: TVar (Maybe Periods)
45 periodsVar = unsafePerformIO $ newTVarIO Nothing
47 now :: IO Int64
48 now = do
49 posix <- getPOSIXTime
50 return $ floor (10 * posix)
52 newPeriod :: Int64 -> IO (Unique, Period)
53 newPeriod r = do
54 u <- newUnique
55 t <- now
56 v <- atomically newEmptyTMVar
57 let t' = t - t `mod` r
58 return (u, Period { rate = r, next = t', tick = v })
60 -- | Perform a given action every N tenths of a second.
61 --
62 -- The timer is aligned (coalesced) with other timers to minimize the number
63 -- of wakeups and unnecessary redraws. If the action takes too long (one
64 -- second or when the next timer is due), coalescing is disabled for it and it
65 -- falls back to periodic sleep.
66 doEveryTenthSeconds :: Int -> IO () -> IO ()
67 doEveryTenthSeconds r action =
68 doEveryTenthSecondsCoalesced r action `catch` \UnCoalesceException ->
69 doEveryTenthSecondsSleeping r action
71 -- | Perform a given action every N tenths of a second,
72 -- coalesce with other timers using a given Timer instance.
73 doEveryTenthSecondsCoalesced :: Int -> IO () -> IO ()
74 doEveryTenthSecondsCoalesced r action = do
75 (u, p) <- newPeriod (fromIntegral r)
76 bracket_ (push u p) (pop u) $ forever $ bracket (wait p) done $ const action
77 where
78 push u p = atomically $ modifyTVar' periodsVar $ \case
79 Just periods -> Just $ M.insert u p periods
80 Nothing -> throw UnCoalesceException
81 pop u = atomically $ modifyTVar' periodsVar $ \case
82 Just periods -> Just $ M.delete u periods
83 Nothing -> Nothing
85 wait p = atomically (takeTMVar $ tick p) >>= \case
86 Tick doneVar -> return doneVar
87 UnCoalesce -> throwIO UnCoalesceException
88 done doneVar = atomically $ putTMVar doneVar ()
90 -- | Perform a given action every N tenths of a second,
91 -- making no attempt to synchronize with other timers.
92 doEveryTenthSecondsSleeping :: Int -> IO () -> IO ()
93 doEveryTenthSecondsSleeping r action = go
94 where go = action >> tenthSeconds r >> go
96 -- | Sleep for a given amount of tenths of a second.
97 --
98 -- (Work around the Int max bound: since threadDelay takes an Int, it
99 -- is not possible to set a thread delay grater than about 45 minutes.
100 -- With a little recursion we solve the problem.)
101 tenthSeconds :: Int -> IO ()
102 tenthSeconds s | s >= x = do threadDelay (x * 100000)
103 tenthSeconds (s - x)
104 | otherwise = threadDelay (s * 100000)
105 where x = (maxBound :: Int) `div` 100000
107 -- | Start the timer coordination thread and perform a given IO action (this
108 -- is meant to surround the entire xmobar execution), terminating the timer
109 -- thread afterwards.
110 --
111 -- Additionally, if the timer thread fails, individual
112 -- 'doEveryTenthSecondsCoalesced' invocations that are waiting to be
113 -- coordinated by it are notified to fall back to periodic sleeping.
114 --
115 -- The timer thread _will_ fail immediately when running in a non-threaded
116 -- RTS.
117 withTimer :: (IO () -> IO ()) -> IO a -> IO a
118 withTimer pauseRefresh action =
119 withAsync (timerThread `finally` cleanup) $ const action
120 where
121 timerThread = do
122 atomically $ writeTVar periodsVar $ Just M.empty
123 timerLoop pauseRefresh
125 cleanup = atomically $ readTVar periodsVar >>= \case
126 Just periods -> do
127 for_ periods unCoalesceTimer'
128 writeTVar periodsVar Nothing
129 Nothing -> return ()
131 timerLoop :: (IO () -> IO ()) -> IO ()
132 timerLoop pauseRefresh = forever $ do
133 tNow <- now
134 (toFire, tMaybeNext) <- atomically $ do
135 periods <- fromJust <$> readTVar periodsVar
136 let toFire = timersToFire tNow periods
137 let periods' = advanceTimers tNow periods
138 let tMaybeNext = nextFireTime periods'
139 writeTVar periodsVar $ Just periods'
140 return (toFire, tMaybeNext)
141 pauseRefresh $ do
142 -- To avoid multiple refreshes, pause refreshing for up to 1 second,
143 -- fire timers and wait for them to finish (update their text).
144 -- Those that need more time (e.g. weather monitors) will be dropped
145 -- from timer coalescing and will fall back to periodic sleep.
146 timeoutVar <- registerDelay $ case tMaybeNext of
147 Just tNext -> fromIntegral ((tNext - tNow) `max` 10) * 100000
148 Nothing -> 1000000
149 fired <- fireTimers toFire
150 timeouted <- waitForTimers timeoutVar fired
151 unCoalesceTimers timeouted
152 delayUntilNextFire
154 advanceTimers :: Int64 -> Periods -> Periods
155 advanceTimers t = advance
156 where
157 advance p | next p <= t = p { next = t - t `mod` rate p + rate p }
158 | otherwise = p
160 timersToFire :: Int64 -> Periods -> [(Unique, Period)]
161 timersToFire t periods = [ (u, p) | (u, p) <- M.toList periods, next p <= t ]
163 nextFireTime :: Periods -> Maybe Int64
164 nextFireTime periods
165 | M.null periods = Nothing
166 | otherwise = Just $ minimum [ next p | p <- M.elems periods ]
168 fireTimers :: [(Unique, Period)] -> IO [(Unique, TMVar ())]
169 fireTimers toFire = atomically $ forM toFire $ \(u, p) -> do
170 doneVar <- newEmptyTMVar
171 putTMVar (tick p) (Tick doneVar)
172 return (u, doneVar)
174 waitForTimers :: TVar Bool -> [(Unique, TMVar ())] -> IO [Unique]
175 waitForTimers timeoutVar fired = atomically $ do
176 timeoutOver <- readTVar timeoutVar
177 dones <- forM fired $ \(u, doneVar) -> do
178 done <- isJust <$> tryReadTMVar doneVar
179 return (u, done)
180 guard $ timeoutOver || all snd dones
181 return [u | (u, False) <- dones]
183 -- | Handle slow timers (drop and signal them to stop coalescing).
184 unCoalesceTimers :: [Unique] -> IO ()
185 unCoalesceTimers timers = atomically $ do
186 periods <- fromJust <$> readTVar periodsVar
187 periods' <- foldrM unCoalesceTimer periods timers
188 writeTVar periodsVar $ Just periods'
190 unCoalesceTimer :: Unique -> Periods -> STM Periods
191 unCoalesceTimer u periods = do
192 unCoalesceTimer' (periods M.! u)
193 return $ u `M.delete` periods
195 unCoalesceTimer' :: Period -> STM ()
196 unCoalesceTimer' p = do
197 _ <- tryTakeTMVar (tick p)
198 putTMVar (tick p) UnCoalesce
200 delayUntilNextFire :: IO ()
201 delayUntilNextFire = do
202 Just periods <- readTVarIO periodsVar
203 let tMaybeNext = nextFireTime periods
204 tNow <- now
205 delayVar <- case tMaybeNext of
206 Just tNext -> do
207 -- Work around the Int max bound: threadDelay takes an Int, we can
208 -- only sleep for so long, which is okay, we'll just check timers
209 -- sooner and sleep again.
210 let maxDelay = (maxBound :: Int) `div` 100000
211 delay = (tNext - tNow) `min` fromIntegral maxDelay
212 delayUsec = fromIntegral delay * 100000
213 registerDelay delayUsec
214 Nothing -> atomically $ newTVar False
215 atomically $ do
216 delayOver <- readTVar delayVar
217 periods' <- fromJust <$> readTVar periodsVar
218 let tMaybeNext' = nextFireTime periods'
219 -- Return also if a new period is added (it may fire sooner).
220 guard $ delayOver || tMaybeNext /= tMaybeNext'
2727 import Control.Concurrent.STM
2929 import System.IO.Unsafe
30 import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
32 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
3134 import Data.Time.Format
3235 import Data.Time.LocalTime
6265 locale <- getTimeLocale
6366 atomically $ putTMVar localeLock lock
6467 if z /= "" then do
65 timeZone <- getTimeZoneSeriesFromOlsonFile ("/usr/share/zoneinfo/" ++ z)
68 tzdir <- lookupEnv "TZDIR"
69 timeZone <- getTimeZoneSeriesFromOlsonFile ((fromMaybe "/usr/share/zoneinfo" tzdir) ++ "/" ++ z)
6670 go (dateZone f locale timeZone)
6771 else
6872 go (date f locale)
70 where go func = func >>= cb >> tenthSeconds r >> go func
74 where go func = doEveryTenthSeconds r $ func >>= cb
7276 {-# NOINLINE localeLock #-}
7377 -- ensures that only one plugin instance sets the locale
2727 -- 'Bad' prefixes of layouts
2828 noLaySymbols :: [String]
29 noLaySymbols = ["group", "inet", "ctr", "pc", "ctrl"]
29 noLaySymbols = ["group", "inet", "ctr", "pc", "ctrl", "terminate"]
3232 -- splits the layout string into the actual layouts
1818 import Xmobar.Run.Exec
1919 #ifdef INOTIFY
21 import Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Common (parseOptsWith)
2122 import Xmobar.System.Utils (changeLoop, expandHome)
2324 import Control.Monad (when)
6263 , Option "s" ["suffix"] (ReqArg (\x o -> o { oSuffix = x }) "") ""
6364 ]
65 parseOptions :: [String] -> IO Options
66 parseOptions args =
67 case getOpt Permute options args of
68 (o, _, []) -> return $ foldr id defaults o
69 (_, _, errs) -> ioError . userError $ concat errs
7166 #else
7267 import System.IO
7368 #endif
8580 " but the MBox plugin requires it"
8681 #else
8782 start (MBox boxes args _) cb = do
88 opts <- parseOptions args
83 opts <- parseOptsWith options defaults args
8984 let showAll = oAll opts
9085 prefix = oPrefix opts
9186 suffix = oSuffix opts
1212 --
1313 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 module Xmobar.Plugins.Mail(Mail(..)) where
15 module Xmobar.Plugins.Mail(Mail(..),MailX(..)) where
1717 import Xmobar.Run.Exec
1818 #ifdef INOTIFY
20 import Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Common (parseOptsWith)
2021 import Xmobar.System.Utils (expandHome, changeLoop)
2223 import Control.Monad
2526 import System.Directory
2627 import System.FilePath
2728 import System.INotify
29 import System.Console.GetOpt
2931 import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
3032 import Data.Set (Set)
4648 import System.IO
4749 #endif
51 data MOptions = MOptions
52 { oDir :: FilePath
53 , oPrefix :: String
54 , oSuffix :: String
55 }
57 defaults :: MOptions
58 defaults = MOptions {oDir = "", oPrefix = "", oSuffix = ""}
60 options :: [OptDescr (MOptions -> MOptions)]
61 options =
62 [ Option "d" ["dir"] (ReqArg (\x o -> o { oDir = x }) "") ""
63 , Option "p" ["prefix"] (ReqArg (\x o -> o { oPrefix = x }) "") ""
64 , Option "s" ["suffix"] (ReqArg (\x o -> o { oSuffix = x }) "") ""
65 ]
5067 -- | A list of mail box names and paths to maildirs.
5168 data Mail = Mail [(String, FilePath)] String
5269 deriving (Read, Show)
71 -- | A list of mail box names, paths to maildirs and display colors.
72 data MailX = MailX [(String, FilePath, String)] [String] String
73 deriving (Read, Show)
5475 instance Exec Mail where
55 alias (Mail _ a) = a
76 alias (Mail _ a) = a
77 start (Mail ms a) = start (MailX (map (\(n,p) -> (n,p,"")) ms) [] a)
79 instance Exec MailX where
80 alias (MailX _ _ a) = a
5681 #ifndef INOTIFY
5782 start _ _ =
5883 hPutStrLn stderr $ "Warning: xmobar is not compiled with -fwith_inotify,"
5984 ++ " but the Mail plugin requires it."
6085 #else
61 start (Mail ms _) cb = do
86 start (MailX ms args _) cb = do
6287 vs <- mapM (const $ newTVarIO S.empty) ms
64 let ts = map fst ms
65 rs = map ((</> "new") . snd) ms
88 opts <- parseOptsWith options defaults args
89 let prefix = oPrefix opts
90 suffix = oSuffix opts
91 dir = oDir opts
92 ps = map (\(_,p,_) -> if null dir then p else dir </> p) ms
93 rs = map (</> "new") ps
6694 ev = [Move, MoveIn, MoveOut, Create, Delete]
6896 ds <- mapM expandHome rs
75103 atomically $ modifyTVar v (S.union s)
77105 changeLoop (mapM (fmap S.size . readTVar) vs) $ \ns ->
78 cb . unwords $ [m ++ show n
79 | (m, n) <- zip ts ns
80 , n /= 0 ]
106 let showmbx m n c = if c == ""
107 then m ++ show n
108 else "<fc=" ++ c ++ ">" ++ m ++ show n ++ "</fc>"
109 cnts = [showmbx m n c | ((m,_,c), n) <- zip ms ns , n /= 0 ]
110 in cb $ if null cnts then "" else prefix ++ unwords cnts ++ suffix
82112 handle :: TVar (Set String) -> Event -> IO ()
83113 handle v e = atomically $ modifyTVar v $ case e of
5656 where
5757 modifyVolumeOpts f o = o { aoVolumeOpts = f (aoVolumeOpts o) }
59 parseOpts :: [String] -> IO AlsaOpts
60 parseOpts argv =
61 case getOpt Permute options argv of
62 (o, _, []) -> return $ foldr id defaultOpts o
63 (_, _, errs) -> ioError . userError $ concat errs
59 -- | Drop generic Monitor args first, then apply 'parseOptsWith' in order to
60 -- parse everything.
6561 parseOptsIncludingMonitorArgs :: [String] -> IO AlsaOpts
6662 parseOptsIncludingMonitorArgs args =
67 -- Drop generic Monitor args first
6863 case getOpt Permute [] args of
69 (_, args', _) -> parseOpts args'
64 (_, args', _) -> parseOptsWith options defaultOpts args'
7166 startAlsaPlugin :: String -> String -> [String] -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
7267 startAlsaPlugin mixerName controlName args cb = do
7974 -- it would have to inline 'runMBD', 'doArgs' and 'parseOpts' to see
8075 -- it, which probably isn't going to happen with the default
8176 -- optimization settings).
82 opts2 <- io $ parseOpts args2
77 opts2 <- io $ parseOptsWith options defaultOpts args2
8378 Volume.runVolumeWith (aoVolumeOpts opts2) mixerName controlName
8580 withMonitorWaiter mixerName (aoAlsaCtlPath opts) cb $ \wait_ ->
0 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
02 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 -- |
24 -- Module : Plugins.Monitors.Batt
1719 import System.Process (system)
1820 import Control.Monad (void, unless)
21 import Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Common
1922 import Control.Exception (SomeException, handle)
20 import Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Common
2123 import System.FilePath ((</>))
2224 import System.IO (IOMode(ReadMode), hGetLine, withFile)
2325 import System.Posix.Files (fileExist)
26 #ifdef FREEBSD
27 import System.BSD.Sysctl (sysctlReadInt)
28 #endif
2429 import System.Console.GetOpt
2530 import Data.List (sort, sortBy, group)
2631 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
4449 , onIconPattern :: Maybe IconPattern
4550 , offIconPattern :: Maybe IconPattern
4651 , idleIconPattern :: Maybe IconPattern
52 , lowString :: String
53 , mediumString :: String
54 , highString :: String
55 , incPerc :: Bool
4756 }
4958 defaultOpts :: BattOpts
6473 , onIconPattern = Nothing
6574 , offIconPattern = Nothing
6675 , idleIconPattern = Nothing
76 , lowString = ""
77 , mediumString = ""
78 , highString = ""
79 , incPerc = False
6780 }
6982 options :: [OptDescr (BattOpts -> BattOpts)]
8093 , Option "f" ["online"] (ReqArg (\x o -> o { onlineFile = x }) "") ""
8194 , Option "s" ["scale"] (ReqArg (\x o -> o {scale = read x}) "") ""
8295 , Option "a" ["action"] (ReqArg (\x o -> o { onLowAction = Just x }) "") ""
96 , Option "P" ["percent"] (NoArg (\o -> o {incPerc = True})) ""
8397 , Option "A" ["action-threshold"]
8498 (ReqArg (\x o -> o { actionThreshold = read x }) "") ""
8599 , Option "" ["on-icon-pattern"] (ReqArg (\x o ->
88102 o { offIconPattern = Just $ parseIconPattern x }) "") ""
89103 , Option "" ["idle-icon-pattern"] (ReqArg (\x o ->
90104 o { idleIconPattern = Just $ parseIconPattern x }) "") ""
105 , Option "" ["lows"] (ReqArg (\x o -> o { lowString = x }) "") ""
106 , Option "" ["mediums"] (ReqArg (\x o -> o { mediumString = x }) "") ""
107 , Option "" ["highs"] (ReqArg (\x o -> o { highString = x }) "") ""
91108 ]
93 parseOpts :: [String] -> IO BattOpts
94 parseOpts argv =
95 case getOpt Permute options argv of
96 (o, _, []) -> return $ foldr id defaultOpts o
97 (_, _, errs) -> ioError . userError $ concat errs
99110 data Status = Charging | Discharging | Full | Idle | Unknown deriving (Read, Eq)
111 -- Result perc watts time-seconds Status
101112 data Result = Result Float Float Float Status | NA
103114 sysDir :: FilePath
124135 , status :: !String
125136 }
138 data BatteryStatus
139 = BattHigh
140 | BattMedium
141 | BattLow
143 -- | Convert the current battery charge into a 'BatteryStatus'
144 getBattStatus
145 :: Float -- ^ Current battery charge, assumed to be in [0,1]
146 -> BattOpts -- ^ Battery options, including high/low thresholds
147 -> BatteryStatus
148 getBattStatus charge opts
149 | c >= highThreshold opts = BattHigh
150 | c >= lowThreshold opts = BattMedium
151 | otherwise = BattLow
152 where
153 c = 100 * min 1 charge
155 maybeAlert :: BattOpts -> Float -> IO ()
156 maybeAlert opts left =
157 case onLowAction opts of
158 Nothing -> return ()
159 Just x -> unless (isNaN left || actionThreshold opts < 100 * left)
160 $ void $ system x
162 -- | FreeBSD battery query
163 #ifdef FREEBSD
164 battStatusFbsd :: Int -> Status
165 battStatusFbsd x
166 | x == 1 = Discharging
167 | x == 2 = Charging
168 | otherwise = Unknown
170 readBatteriesFbsd :: BattOpts -> IO Result
171 readBatteriesFbsd opts = do
172 lf <- sysctlReadInt ""
173 rt <- sysctlReadInt "hw.acpi.battery.rate"
174 tm <- sysctlReadInt "hw.acpi.battery.time"
175 st <- sysctlReadInt "hw.acpi.battery.state"
176 acline <- sysctlReadInt "hw.acpi.acline"
177 let p = fromIntegral lf / 100
178 w = fromIntegral rt
179 t = fromIntegral tm * 60
180 ac = acline == 1
181 -- battery full when rate is 0 and on ac.
182 sts = if (w == 0 && ac) then Full else (battStatusFbsd $ fromIntegral st)
183 unless ac (maybeAlert opts p)
184 return (Result p w t sts)
186 #else
187 -- | query linux battery
127188 safeFileExist :: String -> String -> IO Bool
128189 safeFileExist d f = handle noErrors $ fileExist (d </> f)
129190 where noErrors = const (return False) :: SomeException -> IO Bool
165226 a' = max a b -- sometimes the reported max charge is lower than
166227 return $ Battery (3600 * a' / sc') -- wattseconds
167228 (3600 * b / sc') -- wattseconds
168 (d / sc') -- watts
229 (abs d / sc') -- watts
169230 s -- string: Discharging/Charging/Full
170231 where grab f = handle onError $ withFile f ReadMode (fmap read . hGetLine)
171232 onError = const (return (-1)) :: SomeException -> IO Float
180241 mostCommonDef :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> a
181242 mostCommonDef x xs = head $ last $ [x] : sortOn length (group xs)
183 maybeAlert :: BattOpts -> Float -> IO ()
184 maybeAlert opts left =
185 case onLowAction opts of
186 Nothing -> return ()
187 Just x -> unless (isNaN left || actionThreshold opts < 100 * left)
188 $ void $ system x
190 readBatteries :: BattOpts -> [Files] -> IO Result
191 readBatteries opts bfs =
244 readBatteriesLinux :: BattOpts -> [Files] -> IO Result
245 readBatteriesLinux opts bfs =
192246 do let bfs' = filter (/= NoFiles) bfs
193247 bats <- mapM (readBattery (scale opts)) (take 3 bfs')
194248 ac <- haveAc (onlineFile opts)
209263 | otherwise = Discharging
210264 unless ac (maybeAlert opts left)
211265 return $ if isNaN left then NA else Result left watts time racst
266 #endif
213268 runBatt :: [String] -> Monitor String
214269 runBatt = runBatt' ["BAT", "BAT0", "BAT1", "BAT2"]
216271 runBatt' :: [String] -> [String] -> Monitor String
217272 runBatt' bfs args = do
218 opts <- io $ parseOpts args
219 c <- io $ readBatteries opts =<< mapM batteryFiles bfs
273 opts <- io $ parseOptsWith options defaultOpts args
274 #ifdef FREEBSD
275 c <- io $ readBatteriesFbsd opts
276 #else
277 c <- io $ readBatteriesLinux opts =<< mapM batteryFiles bfs
278 #endif
279 formatResult c opts
281 formatResult :: Result -> BattOpts -> Monitor String
282 formatResult res bopt = do
283 let sp = incPerc bopt
220284 suffix <- getConfigValue useSuffix
221285 d <- getConfigValue decDigits
222286 nas <- getConfigValue naString
223 case c of
287 case res of
224288 Result x w t s ->
225 do l <- fmtPercent x
226 ws <- fmtWatts w opts suffix d
227 si <- getIconPattern opts s x
228 st <- showWithColors' (fmtStatus opts s nas) (100 * x)
289 do l <- fmtPercent x sp
290 ws <- fmtWatts w bopt suffix d
291 si <- getIconPattern bopt s x
292 st <- showWithColors'
293 (fmtStatus bopt s nas (getBattStatus x bopt))
294 (100 * x)
229295 parseTemplate (l ++ [st, fmtTime $ floor t, ws, si])
230296 NA -> getConfigValue naString
231 where fmtPercent :: Float -> Monitor [String]
232 fmtPercent x = do
297 where fmtPercent :: Float -> Bool -> Monitor [String]
298 fmtPercent x sp = do
233299 let x' = minimum [1, x]
300 pc <- if sp then colorizeString (100 * x') "%" else return ""
234301 p <- showPercentWithColors x'
235302 b <- showPercentBar (100 * x') x'
236303 vb <- showVerticalBar (100 * x') x'
237 return [b, vb, p]
304 return [b, vb, p ++ pc]
238305 fmtWatts x o s d = do
239306 ws <- showWithPadding $ showDigits d x ++ (if s then "W" else "")
240307 return $ color x o ws
243310 then minutes else '0' : minutes
244311 where hours = show (x `div` 3600)
245312 minutes = show ((x `mod` 3600) `div` 60)
246 fmtStatus opts Idle _ = idleString opts
247 fmtStatus _ Unknown na = na
248 fmtStatus opts Full _ = idleString opts
249 fmtStatus opts Charging _ = onString opts
250 fmtStatus opts Discharging _ = offString opts
313 fmtStatus
314 :: BattOpts
315 -> Status
316 -> String -- ^ What to in case battery status is unknown
317 -> BatteryStatus
318 -> String
319 fmtStatus opts Idle _ _ = idleString opts
320 fmtStatus _ Unknown na _ = na
321 fmtStatus opts Full _ _ = idleString opts
322 fmtStatus opts Charging _ _ = onString opts
323 fmtStatus opts Discharging _ battStatus =
324 (case battStatus of
325 BattHigh -> highString
326 BattMedium -> mediumString
327 BattLow -> lowString) opts ++ offString opts
251328 maybeColor Nothing str = str
252329 maybeColor (Just c) str = "<fc=" ++ c ++ ">" ++ str ++ "</fc>"
253330 color x o | x >= 0 = maybeColor (posColor o)
4343 o { curBrightIconPattern = Just $ parseIconPattern x }) "") ""
4444 ]
46 -- from Batt.hs
47 parseOpts :: [String] -> IO BrightOpts
48 parseOpts argv =
49 case getOpt Permute options argv of
50 (o, _, []) -> return $ foldr id defaultOpts o
51 (_, _, errs) -> ioError . userError $ concat errs
5346 sysDir :: FilePath
5447 sysDir = "/sys/class/backlight/"
7568 runBright :: [String] -> Monitor String
7669 runBright args = do
77 opts <- io $ parseOpts args
70 opts <- io $ parseOptsWith options defaultOpts args
7871 f <- io $ brightFiles opts
7972 c <- io $ readBright f
8073 case f of
00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 -- |
22 -- Module: Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Strings
3 -- Copyright: (c) 2018 Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
3 -- Copyright: (c) 2018, 2019 Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz
44 -- License: BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
55 --
66 -- Maintainer:
1717 module Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Common.Output ( IconPattern
1818 , parseIconPattern
1919 , padString
20 , colorizeString
2021 , showWithPadding
2122 , showWithColors
2223 , showWithColors'
2323 , skipTillString
2424 , parseTemplate
2525 , parseTemplate'
26 , parseOptsWith
2627 ) where
2829 import Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Common.Types
3031 import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
3132 import qualified Data.Map as Map
33 import System.Console.GetOpt (ArgOrder(Permute), OptDescr, getOpt)
3234 import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
3436 runP :: Parser [a] -> String -> IO [a]
149151 Nothing -> return $ "<" ++ ts ++ ">"
150152 Just r -> let f "" = r; f n = n; in f <$> parseTemplate' r m
151153 return $ s ++ str ++ ss ++ next
155 -- | Try to parse arguments from the config file and apply them to Options.
156 parseOptsWith
157 :: [OptDescr (opts -> opts)] -- ^ Options that are specifiable
158 -> opts -- ^ Default options to use as a fallback
159 -> [String] -- ^ Actual arguments given
160 -> IO opts
161 parseOptsWith options defaultOpts argv =
162 case getOpt Permute options argv of
163 (o, _, [] ) -> pure $ foldr id defaultOpts o
164 (_, _, errs) -> ioError . userError $ concat errs
1818 , runMD
1919 , runMB
2020 , runMBD
21 , runML
22 , runMLD
23 , getArgvs
2124 ) where
2326 import Control.Exception (SomeException,handle)
2629 import System.Console.GetOpt
2831 import Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Common.Types
29 import Xmobar.Run.Exec (tenthSeconds)
32 import Xmobar.Run.Exec (doEveryTenthSeconds)
3134 options :: [OptDescr Opts]
3235 options =
5356 , Option "T" ["maxtwidth"] (ReqArg MaxTotalWidth "Maximum total width") "Maximum total width"
5457 , Option "E" ["maxtwidthellipsis"] (ReqArg MaxTotalWidthEllipsis "Maximum total width ellipsis") "Ellipsis to be added to the total text when it has reached its max width."
5558 ]
60 -- | Get all argument values out of a list of arguments.
61 getArgvs :: [String] -> [String]
62 getArgvs args =
63 case getOpt Permute options args of
64 (_, n, [] ) -> n
65 (_, _, errs) -> errs
5767 doArgs :: [String]
5868 -> ([String] -> Monitor String)
100110 runM :: [String] -> IO MConfig -> ([String] -> Monitor String) -> Int
101111 -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
102 runM args conf action r = runMB args conf action (tenthSeconds r)
112 runM args conf action r = runML args conf action (doEveryTenthSeconds r)
104114 runMD :: [String] -> IO MConfig -> ([String] -> Monitor String) -> Int
105115 -> ([String] -> Monitor Bool) -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
106 runMD args conf action r = runMBD args conf action (tenthSeconds r)
116 runMD args conf action r = runMLD args conf action (doEveryTenthSeconds r)
108118 runMB :: [String] -> IO MConfig -> ([String] -> Monitor String) -> IO ()
109119 -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
115125 where ac = doArgs args action detect
116126 loop = conf >>= runReaderT ac >>= cb >> wait >> loop
128 runML :: [String] -> IO MConfig -> ([String] -> Monitor String)
129 -> (IO () -> IO ()) -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
130 runML args conf action looper = runMLD args conf action looper (\_ -> return True)
132 runMLD :: [String] -> IO MConfig -> ([String] -> Monitor String)
133 -> (IO () -> IO ()) -> ([String] -> Monitor Bool) -> (String -> IO ())
134 -> IO ()
135 runMLD args conf action looper detect cb = handle (cb . showException) loop
136 where ac = doArgs args action detect
137 loop = looper $ conf >>= runReaderT ac >>= cb
118139 showException :: SomeException -> String
119140 showException = ("error: "++) . show . flip asTypeOf undefined
2424 , io
2525 ) where
27 import Data.IORef
28 import Control.Monad.Reader
27 import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT, ask, liftIO)
28 import Data.IORef (IORef, modifyIORef, newIORef, readIORef)
3031 type Monitor a = ReaderT MConfig IO a
2424 coreTempConfig :: IO MConfig
2525 coreTempConfig = mkMConfig
2626 "Temp: <core0>C" -- template
27 (map ((++) "core" . show) [0 :: Int ..]) -- available
28 -- replacements
27 (map ((++) "core" . show) [0 :: Int ..]) -- available replacements
3029 -- |
3130 -- Function retrieves monitor string holding the core temperature
3434 o { loadIconPattern = Just $ parseIconPattern x }) "") ""
3535 ]
37 parseOpts :: [String] -> IO CpuOpts
38 parseOpts argv =
39 case getOpt Permute options argv of
40 (o, _, []) -> return $ foldr id defaultOpts o
41 (_, _, errs) -> ioError . userError $ concat errs
4337 cpuConfig :: IO MConfig
4438 cpuConfig = mkMConfig
4539 "Cpu: <total>%"
7670 runCpu :: CpuDataRef -> [String] -> Monitor String
7771 runCpu cref argv =
7872 do c <- io (parseCpu cref)
79 opts <- io $ parseOpts argv
73 opts <- io $ parseOptsWith options defaultOpts argv
8074 l <- formatCpu opts c
8175 parseTemplate l
3030 { totalIconPattern :: Maybe IconPattern
3131 , writeIconPattern :: Maybe IconPattern
3232 , readIconPattern :: Maybe IconPattern
33 , contiguous :: Bool
3334 }
35 parseDiskIOOpts :: [String] -> IO DiskIOOpts
36 parseDiskIOOpts argv =
37 case getOpt Permute options argv of
38 (o, _, []) -> return $ foldr id defaultOpts o
39 (_, _, errs) -> ioError . userError $ concat errs
40 where defaultOpts = DiskIOOpts
41 { totalIconPattern = Nothing
42 , writeIconPattern = Nothing
43 , readIconPattern = Nothing
44 }
45 options =
46 [ Option "" ["total-icon-pattern"] (ReqArg (\x o ->
47 o { totalIconPattern = Just $ parseIconPattern x}) "") ""
48 , Option "" ["write-icon-pattern"] (ReqArg (\x o ->
49 o { writeIconPattern = Just $ parseIconPattern x}) "") ""
50 , Option "" ["read-icon-pattern"] (ReqArg (\x o ->
51 o { readIconPattern = Just $ parseIconPattern x}) "") ""
52 ]
36 dioDefaultOpts :: DiskIOOpts
37 dioDefaultOpts = DiskIOOpts
38 { totalIconPattern = Nothing
39 , writeIconPattern = Nothing
40 , readIconPattern = Nothing
41 , contiguous = False
42 }
44 dioOptions :: [OptDescr (DiskIOOpts -> DiskIOOpts)]
45 dioOptions =
46 [ Option "" ["total-icon-pattern"] (ReqArg (\x o ->
47 o { totalIconPattern = Just $ parseIconPattern x}) "") ""
48 , Option "" ["write-icon-pattern"] (ReqArg (\x o ->
49 o { writeIconPattern = Just $ parseIconPattern x}) "") ""
50 , Option "" ["read-icon-pattern"] (ReqArg (\x o ->
51 o { readIconPattern = Just $ parseIconPattern x}) "") ""
52 , Option "c" ["contiguous"] (NoArg (\o -> o {contiguous = True})) ""
53 ]
5455 diskIOConfig :: IO MConfig
5556 diskIOConfig = mkMConfig "" ["total", "read", "write"
6566 data DiskUOpts = DiskUOpts
6667 { freeIconPattern :: Maybe IconPattern
6768 , usedIconPattern :: Maybe IconPattern
69 , contiguousU :: Bool
6870 }
70 parseDiskUOpts :: [String] -> IO DiskUOpts
71 parseDiskUOpts argv =
72 case getOpt Permute options argv of
73 (o, _, []) -> return $ foldr id defaultOpts o
74 (_, _, errs) -> ioError . userError $ concat errs
75 where defaultOpts = DiskUOpts
76 { freeIconPattern = Nothing
77 , usedIconPattern = Nothing
78 }
79 options =
80 [ Option "" ["free-icon-pattern"] (ReqArg (\x o ->
81 o { freeIconPattern = Just $ parseIconPattern x}) "") ""
82 , Option "" ["used-icon-pattern"] (ReqArg (\x o ->
83 o { usedIconPattern = Just $ parseIconPattern x}) "") ""
84 ]
72 duDefaultOpts :: DiskUOpts
73 duDefaultOpts = DiskUOpts
74 { freeIconPattern = Nothing
75 , usedIconPattern = Nothing
76 , contiguousU = False
77 }
79 duOptions :: [OptDescr (DiskUOpts -> DiskUOpts)]
80 duOptions =
81 [ Option "" ["free-icon-pattern"] (ReqArg (\x o ->
82 o { freeIconPattern = Just $ parseIconPattern x}) "") ""
83 , Option "" ["used-icon-pattern"] (ReqArg (\x o ->
84 o { usedIconPattern = Just $ parseIconPattern x}) "") ""
85 , Option "c" ["contiguous"] (NoArg (\o -> o {contiguousU = True})) ""
86 ]
8688 diskUConfig :: IO MConfig
8789 diskUConfig = mkMConfig ""
146148 return $ map (parseDev (zipWith diff dt' dt)) devs
147149 where diff (dev, xs) (_, ys) = (dev, zipWith (-) xs ys)
149152 parseDev :: [(DevName, [Float])] -> DevName -> (DevName, [Float])
150153 parseDev dat dev =
151154 case find ((==dev) . fst) dat of
152155 Nothing -> (dev, [0, 0, 0])
153156 Just (_, xs) ->
154 let r = xs !! 2
155 w = xs !! 6
157 let r = 4096 * xs !! 2
158 w = 4096 * xs !! 6
156159 t = r + w
157160 rSp = speed r (xs !! 3)
158161 wSp = speed w (xs !! 7)
159162 sp = speed t (xs !! 3 + xs !! 7)
160 speed x d = if d == 0 then 0 else 500 * x / d
163 speed x d = if d == 0 then 0 else x / d
161164 dat' = if length xs > 6
162165 then [sp, rSp, wSp, t, r, w]
163166 else [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
164167 in (dev, dat')
166169 speedToStr :: Float -> String
167 speedToStr = showWithUnits 2 1
170 speedToStr = showWithUnits 2 1 . (/ 1024)
169172 sizeToStr :: Integer -> String
170173 sizeToStr = showWithUnits 3 0 . fromIntegral
201204 runDiskIO :: DevDataRef -> [(String, String)] -> [String] -> Monitor String
202205 runDiskIO dref disks argv = do
203 opts <- io $ parseDiskIOOpts argv
206 opts <- io $ parseOptsWith dioOptions dioDefaultOpts argv
204207 dev <- io $ mountedOrDiskDevices (map fst disks)
205208 dat <- io $ mountedData dref (map fst dev)
206209 strs <- mapM (runDiskIO' opts) $ devTemplates disks dev dat
207 return $ unwords strs
210 return $ (if contiguous opts then concat else unwords) strs
209212 startDiskIO :: [(String, String)] ->
210213 [String] -> Int -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
246249 runDiskU :: [(String, String)] -> [String] -> Monitor String
247250 runDiskU disks argv = do
248251 devs <- io $ mountedDevices (map fst disks)
249 opts <- io $ parseDiskUOpts argv
252 opts <- io $ parseOptsWith duOptions duDefaultOpts argv
250253 strs <- mapM (\(d, p) -> runDiskU' opts (findTempl d p disks) p) devs
251 return $ unwords strs
254 return $ (if contiguousU opts then concat else unwords) strs
3333 , mStopped :: String
3434 , mPaused :: String
3535 , mLapsedIconPattern :: Maybe IconPattern
36 , mPort :: Maybe String
37 , mHost :: Maybe String
3638 }
3840 defaultOpts :: MOpts
4143 , mStopped = "><"
4244 , mPaused = "||"
4345 , mLapsedIconPattern = Nothing
46 , mPort = Nothing
47 , mHost = Nothing
4448 }
4650 options :: [OptDescr (MOpts -> MOpts)]
4852 [ Option "P" ["playing"] (ReqArg (\x o -> o { mPlaying = x }) "") ""
4953 , Option "S" ["stopped"] (ReqArg (\x o -> o { mStopped = x }) "") ""
5054 , Option "Z" ["paused"] (ReqArg (\x o -> o { mPaused = x }) "") ""
55 , Option "p" ["port"] (ReqArg (\x o -> o { mPort = Just x }) "") ""
56 , Option "h" ["host"] (ReqArg (\x o -> o { mHost = Just x }) "") ""
5157 , Option "" ["lapsed-icon-pattern"] (ReqArg (\x o ->
5258 o { mLapsedIconPattern = Just $ parseIconPattern x }) "") ""
5359 ]
61 withMPD :: MOpts -> M.MPD a -> IO (M.Response a)
62 withMPD opts = M.withMPD_ (mHost opts) (mPort opts)
5564 runMPD :: [String] -> Monitor String
5665 runMPD args = do
57 opts <- io $ mopts args
58 status <- io $ M.withMPD M.status
59 song <- io $ M.withMPD M.currentSong
66 opts <- io $ parseOptsWith options defaultOpts args
67 status <- io $ withMPD opts M.status
68 song <- io $ withMPD opts M.currentSong
6069 s <- parseMPD status song opts
6170 parseTemplate s
6877 _ -> return ()
7079 mpdReady :: [String] -> Monitor Bool
71 mpdReady _ = do
72 response <- io $ M.withMPD
80 mpdReady args = do
81 opts <- io $ parseOptsWith options defaultOpts args
82 response <- io $ withMPD opts
7383 case response of
7484 Right _ -> return True
7585 -- Only cases where MPD isn't responding is an issue; bogus information at
7787 Left M.NoMPD -> return False
7888 Left (M.ConnectionError _) -> return False
7989 Left _ -> return True
81 mopts :: [String] -> IO MOpts
82 mopts argv =
83 case getOpt Permute options argv of
84 (o, _, []) -> return $ foldr id defaultOpts o
85 (_, _, errs) -> ioError . userError $ concat errs
8791 parseMPD :: M.Response M.Status -> M.Response (Maybe M.Song) -> MOpts
8892 -> Monitor [String]
98102 si = stateGlyph s opts
99103 vol = int2str $ fromMaybe 0 (M.stVolume st)
100104 (p, t) = fromMaybe (0, 0) (M.stTime st)
101 [lap, len, remain] = map showTime [floor p, t, max 0 (t - floor p)]
102 b = if t > 0 then realToFrac $ p / fromIntegral t else 0
105 [lap, len, remain] = map showTime [floor p, floor t, max 0 (floor t - floor p)]
106 b = if t > 0 then realToFrac $ p / t else 0
103107 plen = int2str $ M.stPlaylistLength st
104108 ppos = maybe "" (int2str . (+1)) $ M.stSongPos st
105109 flags = playbackMode st
107 stateGlyph :: M.State -> MOpts -> String
111 stateGlyph :: M.PlaybackState -> MOpts -> String
108112 stateGlyph s o =
109113 case s of
110114 M.Playing -> mPlaying o
3939 , Option "" ["available-icon-pattern"] (ReqArg (\x o ->
4040 o { availableIconPattern = Just $ parseIconPattern x }) "") ""
4141 ]
43 parseOpts :: [String] -> IO MemOpts
44 parseOpts argv =
45 case getOpt Permute options argv of
46 (o, _, []) -> return $ foldr id defaultOpts o
47 (_, _, errs) -> ioError . userError $ concat errs
4943 memConfig :: IO MConfig
5044 memConfig = mkMConfig
9084 runMem :: [String] -> Monitor String
9185 runMem argv =
9286 do m <- io parseMEM
93 opts <- io $ parseOpts argv
87 opts <- io $ parseOptsWith options defaultOpts argv
9488 l <- formatMem opts m
9589 parseTemplate l
5858 "")
5959 ""
6060 ]
62 -- | Parse Arguments and apply them to Options.
63 parseOpts :: [String] -> IO CTOpts
64 parseOpts argv = case getOpt Permute options argv of
65 (opts , _ , [] ) -> return $ foldr id defaultOpts opts
66 (_ , _ , errs) -> ioError . userError $ concat errs
6862 -- | Generate Config with a default template and options.
6963 cTConfig :: IO MConfig
157151 runCT :: [String] -> Monitor String
158152 runCT argv = do cTs <- io parseCT
159 opts <- io $ parseOpts argv
153 opts <- io $ parseOptsWith options defaultOpts argv
160154 l <- formatCT opts cTs
161155 parseTemplate l
2424 { loadIconPatterns :: [IconPattern]
2525 , loadIconPattern :: Maybe IconPattern
2626 , fallbackIconPattern :: Maybe IconPattern
27 , contiguous :: Bool
2728 }
2930 defaultOpts :: MultiCpuOpts
3132 { loadIconPatterns = []
3233 , loadIconPattern = Nothing
3334 , fallbackIconPattern = Nothing
35 , contiguous = False
3436 }
3638 options :: [OptDescr (MultiCpuOpts -> MultiCpuOpts)]
4143 o { loadIconPatterns = parseIconPattern x : loadIconPatterns o }) "") ""
4244 , Option "" ["fallback-icon-pattern"] (ReqArg (\x o ->
4345 o { fallbackIconPattern = Just $ parseIconPattern x }) "") ""
46 , Option "" ["contiguous-icons"] (NoArg (\o -> o {contiguous = True})) ""
4447 ]
46 parseOpts :: [String] -> IO MultiCpuOpts
47 parseOpts argv =
48 case getOpt Permute options argv of
49 (o, _, []) -> return $ foldr id defaultOpts o
50 (_, _, errs) -> ioError . userError $ concat errs
5249 variables :: [String]
5350 variables = ["bar", "vbar","ipat","total","user","nice","system","idle"]
8784 formatMultiCpus :: MultiCpuOpts -> [[Float]] -> Monitor [String]
8885 formatMultiCpus _ [] = return []
89 formatMultiCpus opts xs = concat <$> mapM (\(i, x) -> formatCpu opts i x) (zip [0..] xs)
86 formatMultiCpus opts xs =
87 concat <$> mapM (\(i, x) -> formatCpu opts i x) (zip [0..] xs)
9189 formatCpu :: MultiCpuOpts -> Int -> [Float] -> Monitor [String]
9290 formatCpu opts i xs
9997 return (b:h:d:ps)
10098 where tryString
10199 | i == 0 = loadIconPattern opts
102 | i <= length (loadIconPatterns opts) = Just $ loadIconPatterns opts !! (i - 1)
100 | i <= length (loadIconPatterns opts) =
101 Just $ loadIconPatterns opts !! (i - 1)
103102 | otherwise = fallbackIconPattern opts
105104 splitEvery :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
108107 groupData :: [String] -> [[String]]
109108 groupData = transpose . tail . splitEvery vNum
111 formatAutoCpus :: [String] -> Monitor [String]
112 formatAutoCpus [] = return $ replicate vNum ""
113 formatAutoCpus xs = return $ map unwords (groupData xs)
110 formatAutoCpus :: MultiCpuOpts -> [String] -> Monitor [String]
111 formatAutoCpus _ [] = return $ replicate vNum ""
112 formatAutoCpus opts xs =
113 return $ map (if contiguous opts then concat else unwords) (groupData xs)
115115 runMultiCpu :: CpuDataRef -> [String] -> Monitor String
116116 runMultiCpu cref argv =
117117 do c <- io $ parseCpuData cref
118 opts <- io $ parseOpts argv
118 opts <- io $ parseOptsWith options defaultOpts argv
119119 l <- formatMultiCpus opts c
120 a <- formatAutoCpus l
120 a <- formatAutoCpus opts l
121121 parseTemplate $ a ++ l
123123 startMultiCpu :: [String] -> Int -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
1212 --
1313 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
1517 module Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Net (
1618 startNet
1719 , startDynNet
2022 import Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Common
24 import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
25 import Data.Monoid ((<>))
26 import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime, getCurrentTime, diffUTCTime)
2227 import Data.Word (Word64)
23 import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
24 import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime, getCurrentTime, diffUTCTime)
2528 import Control.Monad (forM, filterM)
2629 import System.Directory (getDirectoryContents, doesFileExist)
2730 import System.FilePath ((</>))
2831 import System.Console.GetOpt
2932 import System.IO.Error (catchIOError)
31 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
33 import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO)
35 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
37 type DevList = [String]
39 parseDevList :: String -> DevList
40 parseDevList = splitOnComma
41 where splitOnComma [] = [[]]
42 splitOnComma (',':xs) = [] : splitOnComma xs
43 splitOnComma (x:xs) =
44 let rest = splitOnComma xs
45 in (x : head rest) : tail rest
3347 data NetOpts = NetOpts
3448 { rxIconPattern :: Maybe IconPattern
3549 , txIconPattern :: Maybe IconPattern
50 , onlyDevList :: Maybe DevList
3651 }
3853 defaultOpts :: NetOpts
3954 defaultOpts = NetOpts
4055 { rxIconPattern = Nothing
4156 , txIconPattern = Nothing
57 , onlyDevList = Nothing
4258 }
4460 options :: [OptDescr (NetOpts -> NetOpts)]
4763 o { rxIconPattern = Just $ parseIconPattern x }) "") ""
4864 , Option "" ["tx-icon-pattern"] (ReqArg (\x o ->
4965 o { txIconPattern = Just $ parseIconPattern x }) "") ""
66 , Option "" ["devices"] (ReqArg (\x o ->
67 o { onlyDevList = Just $ parseDevList x }) "") ""
5068 ]
52 parseOpts :: [String] -> IO NetOpts
53 parseOpts argv =
54 case getOpt Permute options argv of
55 (o, _, []) -> return $ foldr id defaultOpts o
56 (_, _, errs) -> ioError . userError $ concat errs
5870 data UnitPerSec = Bs | KBs | MBs | GBs deriving (Eq,Enum,Ord)
5971 data NetValue = NetValue Float UnitPerSec deriving (Eq,Show)
6476 show MBs = "MB/s"
6577 show GBs = "GB/s"
67 data NetDev num
68 = NA
69 | NI String
70 | ND String num num deriving (Eq,Show,Read)
79 data NetDev num = N String (NetDevInfo num) | NA deriving (Eq,Show,Read)
80 data NetDevInfo num = NI | ND num num deriving (Eq,Show,Read)
7282 type NetDevRawTotal = NetDev Word64
7383 type NetDevRate = NetDev Float
7888 -- Note that names don't matter. Therefore, if only the names differ,
7989 -- a compare evaluates to EQ while (==) evaluates to False.
8090 instance Ord num => Ord (NetDev num) where
81 compare NA NA = EQ
82 compare NA _ = LT
83 compare _ NA = GT
84 compare (NI _) (NI _) = EQ
85 compare (NI _) ND {} = LT
86 compare ND {} (NI _) = GT
87 compare (ND _ x1 y1) (ND _ x2 y2) =
88 if downcmp /= EQ
89 then downcmp
90 else y1 `compare` y2
91 where downcmp = x1 `compare` x2
91 compare NA NA = EQ
92 compare NA _ = LT
93 compare _ NA = GT
94 compare (N _ i1) (N _ i2) = i1 `compare` i2
96 instance Ord num => Ord (NetDevInfo num) where
97 compare NI NI = EQ
98 compare NI ND {} = LT
99 compare ND {} NI = GT
100 compare (ND x1 y1) (ND x2 y2) = x1 `compare` x2 <> y1 `compare` y2
93102 netConfig :: IO MConfig
94103 netConfig = mkMConfig
107116 isUp :: String -> IO Bool
108117 isUp d = flip catchIOError (const $ return False) $ do
109118 operstate <- B.readFile (operstateDir d)
110 return $! (B.unpack . head . B.lines) operstate `elem` ["up", "unknown"]
119 return $! (head . B.lines) operstate `elem` ["up", "unknown"]
112121 readNetDev :: [String] -> IO NetDevRawTotal
113 readNetDev (d:x:y:_) = do
114 up <- isUp d
115 return (if up then ND d (r x) (r y) else NI d)
122 readNetDev ~[d, x, y] = do
123 up <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ isUp d
124 return $ N d (if up then ND (r x) (r y) else NI)
116125 where r s | s == "" = 0
117126 | otherwise = read s
119 readNetDev _ = return NA
121128 netParser :: B.ByteString -> IO [NetDevRawTotal]
122129 netParser = mapM (readNetDev . splitDevLine) . readDevLines
123130 where readDevLines = drop 2 . B.lines
124 splitDevLine = selectCols . wordsBy (`elem` " :") . B.unpack
131 splitDevLine = map B.unpack . selectCols . filter (not . B.null) . B.splitWith (`elem` [' ',':'])
125132 selectCols cols = map (cols!!) [0,1,9]
126 wordsBy f s = case dropWhile f s of
127 [] -> []
128 s' -> w : wordsBy f s'' where (w, s'') = break f s'
130134 findNetDev :: String -> IO NetDevRawTotal
131135 findNetDev dev = do
133137 case filter isDev nds of
134138 x:_ -> return x
135139 _ -> return NA
136 where isDev (ND d _ _) = d == dev
137 isDev (NI d) = d == dev
140 where isDev (N d _) = d == dev
138141 isDev NA = False
140143 formatNet :: Maybe IconPattern -> Float -> Monitor (String, String, String, String)
153156 printNet :: NetOpts -> NetDevRate -> Monitor String
154157 printNet opts nd =
155158 case nd of
156 ND d r t -> do
159 N d (ND r t) -> do
157160 (rx, rb, rvb, ripat) <- formatNet (rxIconPattern opts) r
158161 (tx, tb, tvb, tipat) <- formatNet (txIconPattern opts) t
159162 parseTemplate [d,rx,tx,rb,rvb,ripat,tb,tvb,tipat]
160 NI _ -> return ""
163 N _ NI -> return ""
161164 NA -> getConfigValue naString
163166 parseNet :: NetDevRef -> String -> IO NetDevRate
169172 let scx = realToFrac (diffUTCTime t1 t0)
170173 scx' = if scx > 0 then scx else 1
171174 rate da db = takeDigits 2 $ fromIntegral (db - da) / scx'
172 diffRate (ND d ra ta) (ND _ rb tb) = ND d (rate ra rb) (rate ta tb)
173 diffRate (NI d) _ = NI d
174 diffRate _ (NI d) = NI d
175 diffRate (N d (ND ra ta)) (N _ (ND rb tb)) = N d (ND (rate ra rb) (rate ta tb))
176 diffRate (N d NI) _ = N d NI
177 diffRate _ (N d NI) = N d NI
175178 diffRate _ _ = NA
176179 return $ diffRate n0 n1
178181 runNet :: NetDevRef -> String -> [String] -> Monitor String
179182 runNet nref i argv = do
180183 dev <- io $ parseNet nref i
181 opts <- io $ parseOpts argv
184 opts <- io $ parseOptsWith options defaultOpts argv
182185 printNet opts dev
184187 parseNets :: [(NetDevRef, String)] -> IO [NetDevRate]
187190 runNets :: [(NetDevRef, String)] -> [String] -> Monitor String
188191 runNets refs argv = do
189 dev <- io $ parseActive refs
190 opts <- io $ parseOpts argv
192 opts <- io $ parseOptsWith options defaultOpts argv
193 dev <- io $ parseActive $ filterRefs opts refs
191194 printNet opts dev
192195 where parseActive refs' = fmap selectActive (parseNets refs')
196 refInDevList opts' (_, refname') = case onlyDevList opts' of
197 Just theList -> refname' `elem` theList
198 Nothing -> True
199 filterRefs opts' refs' = case filter (refInDevList opts') refs' of
200 [] -> refs'
201 xs -> xs
193202 selectActive = maximum
195204 startNet :: String -> [String] -> Int -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
1919 import qualified Control.Exception as CE
2020 import Network.HTTP.Conduit
21 (parseRequest, newManager, tlsManagerSettings, httpLbs,
22 responseBody)
21 ( Manager
22 , httpLbs
23 , managerConnCount
24 , newManager
25 , parseRequest
26 , responseBody
27 , tlsManagerSettings
28 )
2329 import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
30 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
31 import System.Console.GetOpt (ArgDescr(ReqArg), OptDescr(Option))
2432 import Text.Read (readMaybe)
2533 import Text.Parsec
2634 import Text.Parsec.String
2735 import Control.Monad (void)
38 -- | Options the user may specify.
39 newtype UVMeterOpts = UVMeterOpts
40 { useManager :: Bool
41 }
43 -- | Default values for options.
44 defaultOpts :: UVMeterOpts
45 defaultOpts = UVMeterOpts
46 { useManager = True
47 }
49 -- | Apply options.
50 options :: [OptDescr (UVMeterOpts -> UVMeterOpts)]
51 options =
52 [ Option "m" ["useManager"] (ReqArg (\m o -> o { useManager = read m }) "") ""
53 ]
3055 uvConfig :: IO MConfig
3156 uvConfig = mkMConfig
3964 uvURL :: String
4065 uvURL = ""
42 getData :: IO String
43 getData =
44 CE.catch (do request <- parseRequest uvURL
45 manager <- newManager tlsManagerSettings
46 res <- httpLbs request manager
47 return $ B.unpack $ responseBody res)
48 errHandler
49 where errHandler
50 :: CE.SomeException -> IO String
51 errHandler _ = return "<Could not retrieve data>"
67 -- | Get the UV data from the given url.
68 getData :: Maybe Manager -> IO String
69 getData uvMan = CE.catch
70 (do man <- flip fromMaybe uvMan <$> mkManager
71 -- Create a new manager if none was present or the user does not want to
72 -- use one, otherwise use the provided manager.
73 request <- parseRequest uvURL
74 res <- httpLbs request man
75 return $ B.unpack $ responseBody res)
76 errHandler
77 where
78 errHandler :: CE.SomeException -> IO String
79 errHandler _ = return "<Could not retrieve data>"
5381 textToXMLDocument :: String -> Either ParseError [XML]
5482 textToXMLDocument = parse document ""
6896 getUVRating locID (_:xs) = getUVRating locID xs
6997 getUVRating _ [] = Nothing
72 runUVMeter :: [String] -> Monitor String
73 runUVMeter [] = return "N.A."
74 runUVMeter (s:_) = do
75 resp <- io getData
99 -- | Start the uvmeter monitor, create a new 'Maybe Manager', should the user have
100 -- chosen to use one.
101 startUVMeter
102 :: String -- ^ Station
103 -> [String] -- ^ User supplied arguments
104 -> Int -- ^ Update rate
105 -> (String -> IO ())
106 -> IO ()
107 startUVMeter station args rate cb = do
108 opts <- parseOptsWith options defaultOpts (getArgvs args)
109 uvMan <- tryMakeManager opts
110 runM (station : args) uvConfig (runUVMeter uvMan) rate cb
112 runUVMeter :: Maybe Manager -> [String] -> Monitor String
113 runUVMeter _ [] = return "N.A."
114 runUVMeter uvMan (s:_) = do
115 resp <- io $ getData uvMan
76116 case textToXMLDocument resp of
77117 Right doc -> formatUVRating (getUVRating s doc)
78118 Left _ -> getConfigValue naString
154194 char '"'
155195 spaces
156196 return (Attribute (name, value))
198 -- | Possibly create a new 'Manager', based upon the users preference. If one
199 -- is created, this 'Manager' will be used throughout the monitor.
200 tryMakeManager :: UVMeterOpts -> IO (Maybe Manager)
201 tryMakeManager opts =
202 if useManager opts
203 then Just <$> mkManager
204 else pure Nothing
206 -- | Create a new 'Manager' for managing network connections.
207 mkManager :: IO Manager
208 mkManager = newManager $ tlsManagerSettings {managerConnCount = 1}
2020 , VolumeOpts
2121 ) where
23 import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
23 import Control.Applicative ( (<$>), liftA3 )
2424 import Control.Monad ( liftM2, liftM3, mplus )
25 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
2526 import Data.Traversable (sequenceA)
2627 import Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Common
2728 import Sound.ALSA.Mixer
2829 import qualified Sound.ALSA.Exception as AE
2930 import System.Console.GetOpt
3133 volumeConfig :: IO MConfig
32 volumeConfig = mkMConfig "Vol: <volume>% <status>"
33 ["volume", "volumebar", "volumevbar", "dB","status", "volumeipat"]
34 volumeConfig =
35 mkMConfig
36 "Vol: <volume>% <status>"
37 [ "volume"
38 , "volumebar"
39 , "volumevbar"
40 , "dB"
41 , "status"
42 , "volumeipat"
43 , "volumestatus"
44 ]
3646 data VolumeOpts = VolumeOpts
3747 { onString :: String
4151 , highDbThresh :: Float
4252 , lowDbThresh :: Float
4353 , volumeIconPattern :: Maybe IconPattern
54 , lowVolThresh :: Maybe Float
55 , highVolThresh :: Maybe Float
56 , lowString :: String
57 , mediumString :: String
58 , highString :: String
4459 }
4661 defaultOpts :: VolumeOpts
5267 , highDbThresh = -5.0
5368 , lowDbThresh = -30.0
5469 , volumeIconPattern = Nothing
70 , lowVolThresh = Just 20.0
71 , highVolThresh = Just 60.0
72 , lowString = ""
73 , mediumString = ""
74 , highString = ""
5575 }
77 data VolumeStatus
78 = VolLow
79 | VolMedium
80 | VolHigh
81 | VolOff
83 -- | Set the volume status according to user set thresholds and the current
84 -- volume
85 getVolStatus :: Float -- ^ Low volume threshold, in [0,100]
86 -> Float -- ^ High volume threshold, in [0,100]
87 -> Float -- ^ Current volume, in [0,1]
88 -> VolumeStatus
89 getVolStatus lo hi val'
90 | val >= hi = VolHigh
91 | val >= lo = VolMedium
92 | otherwise = VolLow
93 where
94 val = val' * 100
5796 options :: [OptDescr (VolumeOpts -> VolumeOpts)]
5897 options =
64103 , Option "c" ["offc"] (ReqArg (\x o -> o { offColor = Just x }) "") ""
65104 , Option "" ["volume-icon-pattern"] (ReqArg (\x o ->
66105 o { volumeIconPattern = Just $ parseIconPattern x }) "") ""
106 , Option "L" ["lowv"] (ReqArg (\x o -> o { lowVolThresh = Just $ read x }) "") ""
107 , Option "H" ["highv"] (ReqArg (\x o -> o { highVolThresh = Just $ read x }) "") ""
108 , Option "l" ["lows"] (ReqArg (\x o -> o { lowString = x }) "") ""
109 , Option "m" ["mediums"] (ReqArg (\x o -> o { mediumString = x }) "") ""
110 , Option "h" ["highs"] (ReqArg (\x o -> o { highString = x }) "") ""
67111 ]
69 parseOpts :: [String] -> IO VolumeOpts
70 parseOpts argv =
71 case getOpt Permute options argv of
72 (o, _, []) -> return $ foldr id defaultOpts o
73 (_, _, errs) -> ioError . userError $ concat errs
75113 percent :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Float
76114 percent v' lo' hi' = (v - lo) / (hi - lo)
97135 switchHelper :: VolumeOpts
98136 -> (VolumeOpts -> Maybe String)
99137 -> (VolumeOpts -> String)
138 -> VolumeStatus
100139 -> Monitor String
101 switchHelper opts cHelp strHelp = return $
140 switchHelper opts cHelp strHelp vs = return $
102141 colorHelper (cHelp opts)
142 ++ volHelper vs opts
103143 ++ strHelp opts
104144 ++ maybe "" (const "</fc>") (cHelp opts)
106 formatSwitch :: VolumeOpts -> Bool -> Monitor String
107 formatSwitch opts True = switchHelper opts onColor onString
108 formatSwitch opts False = switchHelper opts offColor offString
146 formatSwitch :: VolumeOpts -> Bool -> VolumeStatus -> Monitor String
147 formatSwitch opts True vs = switchHelper opts onColor onString vs
148 formatSwitch opts False _ = switchHelper opts offColor offString VolOff
150 -- | Convert the current volume status into user defined strings
151 volHelper :: VolumeStatus -> VolumeOpts -> String
152 volHelper volStatus opts =
153 case volStatus of
154 VolHigh -> highString opts
155 VolMedium -> mediumString opts
156 VolLow -> lowString opts
157 VolOff -> ""
110159 colorHelper :: Maybe String -> String
111160 colorHelper = maybe "" (\c -> "<fc=" ++ c ++ ">")
128177 runVolume :: String -> String -> [String] -> Monitor String
129178 runVolume mixerName controlName argv = do
130 opts <- io $ parseOpts argv
179 opts <- io $ parseOptsWith options defaultOpts argv
131180 runVolumeWith opts mixerName controlName
133182 runVolumeWith :: VolumeOpts -> String -> String -> Monitor String
137186 b <- liftMonitor $ liftM3 formatVolBar lo hi val
138187 v <- liftMonitor $ liftM3 formatVolVBar lo hi val
139188 d <- getFormatDB opts db
140 s <- getFormatSwitch opts sw
189 let volStat = liftA3 getVolStatus
190 (lowVolThresh opts)
191 (highVolThresh opts)
192 (liftA3 percent val lo hi) -- current volume in %
193 s <- getFormatSwitch opts sw volStat
141194 ipat <- liftMonitor $ liftM3 (formatVolDStr $ volumeIconPattern opts) lo hi val
142 parseTemplate [p, b, v, d, s, ipat]
196 -- Volume and status in one.
197 let vs = if isVolOff sw
198 then offString opts -- User defined off string
199 else s ++ p -- Status string, current volume in %
201 parseTemplate [p, b, v, d, s, ipat, vs]
144203 where
190249 getFormatDB _ Nothing = unavailable
191250 getFormatDB opts' (Just d) = formatDb opts' d
193 getFormatSwitch :: VolumeOpts -> Maybe Bool -> Monitor String
194 getFormatSwitch _ Nothing = unavailable
195 getFormatSwitch opts' (Just sw) = formatSwitch opts' sw
252 getFormatSwitch :: VolumeOpts -> Maybe Bool -> Maybe VolumeStatus -> Monitor String
253 getFormatSwitch _ Nothing _ = unavailable
254 getFormatSwitch _ _ Nothing = unavailable
255 getFormatSwitch opts' (Just sw) (Just vs) = formatSwitch opts' sw vs
257 -- | Determine whether the volume is off based on the value of 'sw' from
258 -- 'runVolumeWith'.
259 isVolOff = not . fromMaybe False
197261 unavailable = getConfigValue naString
1919 import qualified Control.Exception as CE
21 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
22 import Data.Char (toLower)
23 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
2124 import Network.HTTP.Conduit
2225 import Network.HTTP.Types.Status
2326 import Network.HTTP.Types.Method
24 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
25 import Data.Char (toLower)
2728 import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
29 import System.Console.GetOpt (ArgDescr(ReqArg), OptDescr(Option))
32 -- | Options the user may specify.
33 data WeatherOpts = WeatherOpts
34 { weatherString :: String
35 , useManager :: Bool
36 }
38 -- | Default values for options.
39 defaultOpts :: WeatherOpts
40 defaultOpts = WeatherOpts
41 { weatherString = ""
42 , useManager = True
43 }
45 -- | Apply options.
46 options :: [OptDescr (WeatherOpts -> WeatherOpts)]
47 options =
48 [ Option "w" ["weathers" ] (ReqArg (\s o -> o { weatherString = s }) "") ""
49 , Option "m" ["useManager"] (ReqArg (\b o -> o { useManager = read b }) "") ""
50 ]
2952 weatherConfig :: IO MConfig
3053 weatherConfig = mkMConfig
4467 , "visibility"
4568 , "skyCondition"
4669 , "skyConditionS"
70 , "weather"
4771 , "tempC"
4872 , "tempF"
4973 , "dewPointC"
7296 , windInfo :: WindInfo
7397 , visibility :: String
7498 , skyCondition :: String
99 , weather :: String
75100 , tempC :: Int
76101 , tempF :: Int
77102 , dewPointC :: Int
168193 w <- pWind
169194 v <- getAfterString "Visibility: "
170195 sk <- getAfterString "Sky conditions: "
196 we <- getAfterString "Weather: "
171197 skipTillString "Temperature: "
172198 (tC,tF) <- pTemp
173199 skipTillString "Dew Point: "
177203 skipTillString "Pressure (altimeter): "
178204 p <- pPressure
179205 manyTill skipRestOfLine eof
180 return [WI st ss y m d h w v sk tC tF dC dF rh p]
206 return [WI st ss y m d h w v sk we tC tF dC dF rh p]
182208 defUrl :: String
183209 defUrl = ""
185211 stationUrl :: String -> String
186212 stationUrl station = defUrl ++ station ++ ".TXT"
188 getData :: String -> IO String
189 getData station = CE.catch (do
190 manager <- newManager tlsManagerSettings
191 request <- parseUrlThrow $ stationUrl station
192 res <- httpLbs request manager
193 return $ B.unpack $ responseBody res
194 ) errHandler
195 where errHandler :: CE.SomeException -> IO String
196 errHandler _ = return "<Could not retrieve data>"
214 -- | Get the decoded weather data from the given station.
215 getData :: Maybe Manager -> String -> IO String
216 getData weMan station = CE.catch
217 (do man <- flip fromMaybe weMan <$> mkManager
218 -- Create a new manager if none was present or the user does not want to
219 -- use one.
220 request <- parseUrlThrow $ stationUrl station
221 res <- httpLbs request man
222 return $ B.unpack $ responseBody res)
223 errHandler
224 where
225 errHandler :: CE.SomeException -> IO String
226 errHandler _ = return "<Could not retrieve data>"
198228 formatSk :: Eq p => [(p, p)] -> p -> p
199229 formatSk ((a,b):sks) sk = if a == sk then b else formatSk sks sk
200230 formatSk [] sk = sk
202 formatWeather :: [(String,String)] -> [WeatherInfo] -> Monitor String
203 formatWeather sks [WI st ss y m d h (WindInfo wc wa wm wk wkh wms) v sk tC tF dC dF r p] =
232 formatWeather
233 :: WeatherOpts -- ^ Formatting options from the cfg file
234 -> [(String,String)] -- ^ 'SkyConditionS' for 'WeatherX'
235 -> [WeatherInfo] -- ^ The actual weather info
236 -> Monitor String
237 formatWeather opts sks [WI st ss y m d h (WindInfo wc wa wm wk wkh wms) v sk we tC tF dC dF r p] =
204238 do cel <- showWithColors show tC
205239 far <- showWithColors show tF
206240 let sk' = formatSk sks (map toLower sk)
241 we' = showWeather (weatherString opts) we
207242 parseTemplate [st, ss, y, m, d, h, wc, wa, wm, wk, wkh
208 , wms, v, sk, sk', cel, far
243 , wms, v, sk, sk', we', cel, far
209244 , show dC, show dF, show r , show p ]
210 formatWeather _ _ = getConfigValue naString
212 runWeather :: [String] -> Monitor String
213 runWeather = runWeather' []
215 runWeather' :: [(String, String)] -> [String] -> Monitor String
216 runWeather' sks args =
217 do d <- io $ getData $ head args
218 i <- io $ runP parseData d
219 formatWeather sks i
245 formatWeather _ _ _ = getConfigValue naString
247 -- | Show the 'weather' field with a default string in case it was empty.
248 showWeather :: String -> String -> String
249 showWeather "" d = d
250 showWeather s _ = s
252 -- | Start a weather monitor, create a new 'Maybe Manager', should the user have
253 -- chosen to use one.
254 startWeather'
255 :: [(String, String)] -- ^ 'SkyConditionS' replacement strings
256 -> String -- ^ Weather station
257 -> [String] -- ^ User supplied arguments
258 -> Int -- ^ Update rate
259 -> (String -> IO ())
260 -> IO ()
261 startWeather' sks station args rate cb = do
262 opts <- parseOptsWith options defaultOpts (getArgvs args)
263 weRef <- tryMakeManager opts
264 runMD
265 (station : args)
266 weatherConfig
267 (runWeather sks weRef opts)
268 rate
269 weatherReady
270 cb
272 -- | Same as 'startWeather'', only for 'Weather' instead of 'WeatherX', meaning
273 -- no 'SkyConditionS'.
274 startWeather :: String -> [String] -> Int -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
275 startWeather = startWeather' []
277 -- | Run a weather monitor.
278 runWeather
279 :: [(String, String)] -- ^ 'SkyConditionS' replacement strings
280 -> Maybe Manager -- ^ Whether to use a 'Manager'
281 -> WeatherOpts -- ^ Weather specific options
282 -> [String] -- ^ User supplied arguments
283 -> Monitor String
284 runWeather sks weMan opts args = do
285 d <- io $ getData weMan (head args)
286 i <- io $ runP parseData d
287 formatWeather opts sks i
221289 weatherReady :: [String] -> Monitor Bool
222 weatherReady str = do
290 weatherReady str = io $ do
223291 initRequest <- parseUrlThrow $ stationUrl $ head str
224 let request = initRequest{method = methodHead}
225 io $ CE.catch ( do
226 manager <- newManager tlsManagerSettings
227 res <- httpLbs request manager
228 return $ checkResult $responseStatus res ) errHandler
229 where errHandler :: CE.SomeException -> IO Bool
230 errHandler _ = return False
231 checkResult status
232 | statusIsServerError status = False
233 | statusIsClientError status = False
234 | otherwise = True
292 let request = initRequest { method = methodHead }
294 CE.catch
295 (do man <- mkManager
296 res <- httpLbs request man
297 return $ checkResult $ responseStatus res)
298 errHandler
299 where
300 -- | If any exception occurs, indicate that the monitor is not ready.
301 errHandler :: CE.SomeException -> IO Bool
302 errHandler _ = return False
304 -- | Check for and indicate any errors in the http response.
305 checkResult :: Status -> Bool
306 checkResult status
307 | statusIsServerError status = False
308 | statusIsClientError status = False
309 | otherwise = True
311 -- | Possibly create a new 'Manager', based upon the users preference. If one
312 -- is created, this 'Manager' will be used throughout the monitor.
313 tryMakeManager :: WeatherOpts -> IO (Maybe Manager)
314 tryMakeManager opts =
315 if useManager opts
316 then Just <$> mkManager
317 else pure Nothing
319 -- | Create a new 'Manager' for managing network connections.
320 mkManager :: IO Manager
321 mkManager = newManager $ tlsManagerSettings { managerConnCount = 1 }
0 {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications, CPP #-}
01 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 -- |
23 -- Module : Plugins.Monitors.Wireless
78 -- Stability : unstable
89 -- Portability : unportable
910 --
10 -- A monitor reporting ESSID and link quality for wireless interfaces
11 -- A monitor reporting SSID and signal level for wireless interfaces
1112 --
1213 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1415 module Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Wireless (wirelessConfig, runWireless) where
1617 import System.Console.GetOpt
18 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
1820 import Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Common
22 #ifdef IWLIB
1923 import Network.IWlib
24 #elif defined USE_NL80211
25 import Control.Exception (bracket)
26 import qualified Data.Map as M
27 import GHC.Int (Int8)
28 import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
29 import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
30 import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT(..), runMaybeT)
31 import Data.ByteString.Char8 (unpack)
32 import Data.Serialize.Put (runPut, putWord32host, putByteString)
33 import Data.Serialize.Get (runGet)
35 import System.Linux.Netlink hiding (query)
36 import System.Linux.Netlink.GeNetlink.NL80211
37 import System.Linux.Netlink.GeNetlink.NL80211.StaInfo
38 import System.Linux.Netlink.GeNetlink.NL80211.Constants
39 import System.Posix.IO (closeFd)
41 data IwData = IwData { wiEssid :: String, wiSignal :: Maybe Int, wiQuality :: Int }
43 getWirelessInfo :: String -> IO IwData
44 getWirelessInfo ifname = do
45 bracket makeNL80211Socket (closeFd . getFd) (\s -> do
46 iflist <- getInterfaceList s
47 iwdata <- runMaybeT $ do
48 ifidx <- MaybeT . return $ foldr (\(n, i) z ->
49 if (ifname == "" || ifname == n) then Just i else z)
50 Nothing
51 iflist
52 scanp <- liftIO (getConnectedWifi s ifidx) >>=
53 MaybeT . return . listToMaybe
54 bssid <- MaybeT . return $ M.lookup eNL80211_ATTR_BSS (packetAttributes scanp) >>=
55 rightToMaybe . runGet getAttributes >>=
56 M.lookup eNL80211_BSS_BSSID
57 stap <- liftIO (query s eNL80211_CMD_GET_STATION True $ M.fromList
58 [(eNL80211_ATTR_IFINDEX, runPut $ putWord32host ifidx),
59 (eNL80211_ATTR_MAC, runPut $ putByteString bssid)]) >>=
60 MaybeT . return . listToMaybe
61 let ssid = fromMaybe "" $ getWifiAttributes scanp >>= M.lookup eWLAN_EID_SSID >>=
62 return . unpack
63 signal = staInfoFromPacket stap >>= staSignalMBM >>=
64 return . fromIntegral @Int8 . fromIntegral
65 qlty = fromMaybe (-1) (round @Float . (/ 0.7) . (+ 110) .
66 clamp (-110) (-40) . fromIntegral <$> signal)
67 MaybeT . return $ Just $ IwData ssid signal qlty
68 return $ fromMaybe (IwData "" Nothing (-1)) iwdata)
69 where
70 rightToMaybe = either (const Nothing) Just
71 clamp lb up v = if v < lb then lb else if v > up then up else v
72 #endif
2174 newtype WirelessOpts = WirelessOpts
2275 { qualityIconPattern :: Maybe IconPattern
3386 opts { qualityIconPattern = Just $ parseIconPattern d }) "") ""
3487 ]
36 parseOpts :: [String] -> IO WirelessOpts
37 parseOpts argv =
38 case getOpt Permute options argv of
39 (o, _, []) -> return $ foldr id defaultOpts o
40 (_, _, errs) -> ioError . userError $ concat errs
4289 wirelessConfig :: IO MConfig
4390 wirelessConfig =
44 mkMConfig "<essid> <quality>"
45 ["essid", "quality", "qualitybar", "qualityvbar", "qualityipat"]
91 mkMConfig "<ssid> <quality>"
92 ["ssid", "essid", "signal", "quality", "qualitybar", "qualityvbar", "qualityipat"]
4794 runWireless :: String -> [String] -> Monitor String
4895 runWireless iface args = do
49 opts <- io $ parseOpts args
96 opts <- io $ parseOptsWith options defaultOpts args
97 #ifdef IWLIB
5098 iface' <- if "" == iface then io findInterface else return iface
99 #else
100 let iface' = iface
101 #endif
51102 wi <- io $ getWirelessInfo iface'
52103 na <- getConfigValue naString
53104 let essid = wiEssid wi
54105 qlty = fromIntegral $ wiQuality wi
55106 e = if essid == "" then na else essid
56107 ep <- showWithPadding e
108 #ifdef USE_NL80211
109 let s = wiSignal wi
110 #else
111 let s = if qlty >= 0 then Just (qlty * 0.7 - 110) else Nothing
112 #endif
113 sp <- showWithPadding $ maybe "" show s
57114 q <- if qlty >= 0
58115 then showPercentWithColors (qlty / 100)
59116 else showWithPadding ""
60117 qb <- showPercentBar qlty (qlty / 100)
61118 qvb <- showVerticalBar qlty (qlty / 100)
62119 qipat <- showIconPattern (qualityIconPattern opts) (qlty / 100)
63 parseTemplate [ep, q, qb, qvb, qipat]
120 parseTemplate [ep, ep, sp, q, qb, qvb, qipat]
122 #ifdef IWLIB
65123 findInterface :: IO String
66124 findInterface = do
67125 c <- readFile "/proc/net/wireless"
68126 let nds = lines c
69127 return $ if length nds > 2 then takeWhile (/= 'c') (nds!!2) else []
128 #endif
1919 import Xmobar.Run.Exec
21 import Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Common (runM, runMD)
21 import Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Common (runM)
2222 #ifdef WEATHER
2323 import Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Weather
2424 #endif
4141 #ifdef UVMETER
4242 import Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.UVMeter
4343 #endif
44 #ifdef IWLIB
44 #if defined IWLIB || defined USE_NL80211
4545 import Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Wireless
4646 #endif
4747 #ifdef LIBMPD
4848 import Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.MPD
49 import Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Common (runMBD)
49 import Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Common (runMBD, runMD)
5050 #endif
5151 #ifdef ALSA
5252 import Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Volume
8484 #ifdef UVMETER
8585 | UVMeter Station Args Rate
8686 #endif
87 #ifdef IWLIB
87 #if defined IWLIB || defined USE_NL80211
8888 | Wireless Interface Args Rate
8989 #endif
9090 #ifdef LIBMPD
141141 #ifdef UVMETER
142142 alias (UVMeter s _ _) = "uv " ++ s
143143 #endif
144 #ifdef IWLIB
144 #if defined IWLIB || defined USE_NL80211
145145 alias (Wireless i _ _) = i ++ "wi"
146146 #endif
147147 #ifdef LIBMPD
163163 start (TopProc a r) = startTop a r
164164 start (TopMem a r) = runM a topMemConfig runTopMem r
165165 #ifdef WEATHER
166 start (Weather s a r) = runMD (a ++ [s]) weatherConfig runWeather r weatherReady
167 start (WeatherX s c a r) = runMD (a ++ [s]) weatherConfig (runWeather' c) r weatherReady
166 start (Weather s a r) = startWeather s a r
167 start (WeatherX s c a r) = startWeather' c s a r
168168 #endif
169169 start (Thermal z a r) = runM (a ++ [z]) thermalConfig runThermal r
170170 start (ThermalZone z a r) =
183183 start (Uptime a r) = runM a uptimeConfig runUptime r
184184 start (CatInt _ s a r) = runM a catIntConfig (runCatInt s) r
185185 #ifdef UVMETER
186 start (UVMeter s a r) = runM (a ++ [s]) uvConfig runUVMeter r
187 #endif
188 #ifdef IWLIB
186 start (UVMeter s a r) = startUVMeter s a r
187 #endif
188 #if defined IWLIB || defined USE_NL80211
189189 start (Wireless i a r) = runM a wirelessConfig (runWireless i) r
190190 #endif
191191 #ifdef LIBMPD
4040 start (Com p as al r) cb =
4141 start (ComX p as ("Could not execute command " ++ p) al r) cb
4242 start (ComX prog args msg _ r) cb = if r > 0 then go else exec
43 where go = exec >> tenthSeconds r >> go
43 where go = doEveryTenthSeconds r exec
4444 exec = do
4545 (i,o,e,p) <- runInteractiveProcess prog args Nothing Nothing
4646 exit <- waitForProcess p
1616 --
1717 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 module Xmobar.Run.Exec (Exec (..), tenthSeconds) where
19 module Xmobar.Run.Exec (Exec (..), tenthSeconds, doEveryTenthSeconds) where
2121 import Prelude
2222 import Data.Char
23 import Control.Concurrent
24 import Xmobar.App.Timer (doEveryTenthSeconds, tenthSeconds)
2525 import Xmobar.System.Signal
27 -- | Work around to the Int max bound: since threadDelay takes an Int, it
28 -- is not possible to set a thread delay grater than about 45 minutes.
29 -- With a little recursion we solve the problem.
30 tenthSeconds :: Int -> IO ()
31 tenthSeconds s | s >= x = do threadDelay (x * 100000)
32 tenthSeconds (s - x)
33 | otherwise = threadDelay (s * 100000)
34 where x = (maxBound :: Int) `div` 100000
3627 class Show e => Exec e where
3728 alias :: e -> String
4233 run _ = return ""
4334 start :: e -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
4435 start e cb = go
45 where go = run e >>= cb >> tenthSeconds (rate e) >> go
36 where go = doEveryTenthSeconds (rate e) $ run e >>= cb
4637 trigger :: e -> (Maybe SignalType -> IO ()) -> IO ()
4738 trigger _ sh = sh Nothing
6161 (defaultDepthOfScreen (defaultScreenOfDisplay d))
6262 #if XFT
6363 when (alpha c /= 255) (liftIO $ drawBackground d p (bgColor c) (alpha c) wr)
64 #else
65 _ <- return wr
6466 #endif
6567 withColors d [bgColor c, borderColor c] $ \[bgcolor, bdcolor] -> do
6668 gc <- liftIO $ createGC d w
0 # Compiling with ghc 8.6.4
1 resolver: lts-13.17
3 # To use ghc 4.4 try:
4 # resolver: lts-12.24
0 # ghc 8.6.5
1 resolver: lts-14.20
63 packages:
74 - .
96 flags:
107 xmobar:
118 all_extensions: true
9 with_threaded: true
1311 extra-deps:
14 - iwlib-0.1.0
16 # Add to extra-deps for lts-12.24:
17 # - parsec-numbers-0.1.0
18 # - libmpd-
19 # - alsa-mixer-0.3.0
12 - netlink-
2114 nix:
2215 packages:
00 name: xmobar
1 version: 0.30
1 version: 0.33
22 homepage:
33 synopsis: A Minimalistic Text Based Status Bar
44 description: Xmobar is a minimalistic text based status bar.
3939 default: False
4141 flag with_iwlib
42 description: Wireless info support. Required for the Wireless plugin, needs iwlib installed.
42 description: Wireless info support via Wext ioctls (deprecated). Required for the Wireless plugin, needs iwlib installed.
43 default: False
45 flag with_nl80211
46 description: Wireless info support via nl80211. Required for the Wireless plugin on systems running Linux, the kernel.
4347 default: False
4549 flag with_mpd
7175 default: False
7377 flag with_threaded
74 description: Use threaded runtime.
78 description: Use threaded runtime. Required for timer coalescing (less power usage).
7579 default: False
7781 flag with_rtsopts
104108 Xmobar.App.Main,
105109 Xmobar.App.Opts,
106110 Xmobar.App.Compile,
111 Xmobar.App.Timer,
107112 Xmobar.System.Utils,
108113 Xmobar.System.StatFS,
109114 Xmobar.System.Environment,
158163 ghc-options: -funbox-strict-fields -Wall -fno-warn-unused-do-bind
160165 build-depends:
161 base >= && < 4.13,
166 base >= && < 4.14,
162167 containers,
163168 regex-compat,
164169 process,
207212 exposed-modules: Xmobar.Plugins.Mail, Xmobar.Plugins.MBox
208213 cpp-options: -DINOTIFY
210 if flag(with_iwlib) || flag(all_extensions)
215 if flag(with_iwlib) || flag(with_nl80211) || flag(all_extensions)
216 exposed-modules: Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Wireless
218 if flag(with_iwlib)
211219 extra-libraries: iw
212220 build-depends: iwlib >= 0.1.0 && < 0.2
213 exposed-modules: Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Wireless
214221 cpp-options: -DIWLIB
223 if !flag(with_iwlib) && (flag(with_nl80211) || flag(all_extensions))
224 build-depends: netlink >=,
225 cereal >=
226 cpp-options: -DUSE_NL80211
216228 if flag(with_mpd) || flag(all_extensions)
217 build-depends: libmpd >=
229 build-depends: libmpd >=
218230 exposed-modules: Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.MPD
219231 cpp-options: -DLIBMPD
255267 exposed-modules: Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.UVMeter
256268 build-depends: http-conduit, http-types
257269 cpp-options: -DUVMETER
271 if os(freebsd)
272 -- enables freebsd specific code
273 build-depends: bsd-sysctl
274 cpp-options: -DFREEBSD
259276 executable xmobar
260277 hs-source-dirs: app
314331 Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Common.Output
315332 Xmobar.Plugins.Monitors.Common.Files
316333 Xmobar.Run.Exec
334 Xmobar.App.Timer
317335 Xmobar.System.Signal
319337 if flag(with_alsa) || flag(all_extensions)