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 * hdf5doc.txt
 * documentation for the yorick hdf5 plugin
 * $Id: hdf5doc.txt,v 2007/12/27 15:10:25 frigaut Exp $
 * Author: Francois Rigaut.
 * Written 2004
 * last revision/addition: 2007dec26
 * Copyright (c) 2003, Francois RIGAUT (, Gemini
 * Observatory, 670 N A'Ohoku Place, HILO HI-96720).
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or  modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License  as  published  by the
 * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,  or  (at your
 * option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope  that  it  will  be  useful, but
 * WITHOUT  ANY   WARRANTY;   without   even   the   implied   warranty  of
 * General Public License for more details (to receive a  copy  of  the GNU
 * General Public License, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675
 * Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA).
 * $Log: hdf5doc.txt,v $
 * Revision  2007/12/27 15:10:25  frigaut
 * Initial Import - yorick-hdf5

                    HDF5 yorick plugin documentation

                    ******* DRAFT 2005dec11 ********

1. Overview

This plugin uses libhdf5, version 1.6.4 or greater. It will probably
work with slightly lesser version, but I haven't tested it. The
current version avilable from the NSCA site is (dec2005) is 1.6.5.

This plugin provide a minimal interface to HDF5 (Hierarchical Data
Format 5). I am not going to expand on HDF5 here. Suffice to say that
this format provides a way to store heterogeneous data in a single
file entity. The data are stored under a hierarchical directory
structure (hence the name), like:


A directory (e.g. /header) is called a "Group".
A scalar/vector/array of numbers/strings is called "Dataset".

One can also set and store attribute to groups or datasets.

Here is an example of a file as dumped by the h5info function:

> h5info,"data.h5",att=1
/2005mar04                       GROUP   
                                 ATTRIB(0): Temp on this date             
                                 ATTRIB(1): cups of coffee                
/2005mar04/comments              DATASET   STRING  DIMSOF()=[1,2]
/2005mar04/data                  DATASET   DOUBLE  DIMSOF()=[1,100]
/2005mar04/dewpoint              DATASET   DOUBLE  SCALAR
/2005mar04/time                  DATASET   DOUBLE  DIMSOF()=[1,100]
                                 ATTRIB(0): Units                         
                                 ATTRIB(1): Units2                        
/2005mar05                       GROUP   
/2005mar05/name with blanks      DATASET   DOUBLE  SCALAR
/HL                              HARDLINK -> /2005mar04
/bestdata                        SOFTLINK -> /2005mar04

which is, I believe, pretty much self-explanatory. Note the hardlink
and softlink references at the end (which are what they say they are:
links to other groups in this file).


As of v0.6, there are only a handfull of functions, but they should
provide most of the functionality to save regular datas (with the
exception of structure and pointers). These functions are:

     h5read(fname,target)                     return data
     h5write,fname,fullpath,data,zip=         write data
     h5open(filename,mode)                    return file handle
     h5close(filename)                        close file

     h5info,fname,target,att=                 print out file info/structure
     h5link(fname,group,group2link2,linktype) link datasets
     h5delete,fname,object                    delete data

     h5awrite(fname,object,aname,attdata)     write an object attribute
     h5aread(fname,object,aname)              read an object attribute
     h5adelete,fname,object,aname             delete an object attribute

     h5list_open                              list open files
     h5version                                return linhdf5 version
     h5off                                    close all reference to the
                                              h5 library (clean up).

Each function is detailled below:

2.1 Data I/O:

2.1.1 h5open

fd = h5open(filename,mode);

Opens file "filename" in mode "mode".
mode can be "r" (read-only), "w" (write-only) or "a" (append).

This function returns a file descriptor fd that can be used until released by a call to h5close. fd can be used with h5read and h5open (see below).

Warning: when a file is opened with h5open, it will have to be explicitely closed with h5close. If a file is open in read-only and one try to reopen it in write-only, it will cause a error (and vice-versa)

2.1.2 h5write


write "data" as object "fullpath" in file "fname".

fname can be either a string (filename) or a file descriptor returned
by h5open.

The scalar string fullpath contains the full path to the dataset

"data" are the data. Any yorick type is valid and will be saved as
zip is a long 0-9. if set, data will be compressed (the larger the
number, the more compression, and the larger the compression time).

mode can be set here (when fname is a string). Use "a" it to append
data to an existing file. Default is to overwrite ("w").

2.1.3 h5read

result = h5read(filename,dataset)

return the data pointed to by the scalar string "dataset" in file

2.1.4 h5close


Close all references to the file pointed at by "file". File can either
be a scalar string or a file descriptor (as the one returned by

to be continued...