New Upstream Release - bin-prot

Ready changes


Merged new upstream version: 0.16.0 (was: 0.15.0).


diff --git a/ b/
index 5bc4f67..0ae9fc1 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,3 +1,22 @@
+## Release v0.16.0
+Insert the changelog here. When making the release, we will keep this
+section and delete the section above.
+- In `Bin_prot.Bin_shape`, expose the structure of `Expert.Canonical.t`
+  * The purpose is so that custom bin shape traversals can be built.
+- Add a `stable_witness` idiom
+  * This is an idiom of stable types that is checked by the compiler, instead of relying on convention.
+- Remove deprecated functions for dealing with float arrays.
+  * Users should now use `ppx_bin_prot` with type `float array` or `floatarray`
+- Remove the deprecated `Make_binable*` functor family
+  * Users are advised to use `*_with_uuid` or `*_without_uuid` alternatives
+## Old pre-v0.15 changelogs (very likely stale and incomplete)
 ## 113.43.00
 - Converted `bin_prot` to use `%expect` tests. No functional changes.
diff --git a/ b/
index 4e90255..c907fb8 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 The MIT License
-Copyright (c) 2008--2022 Jane Street Group, LLC <>
+Copyright (c) 2008--2023 Jane Street Group, LLC <>
 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
diff --git a/ b/
index aba24e3..97fc54b 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -55,27 +55,13 @@ Usage
 The API (`.mli`-files) in the `bin_prot` library directory (`lib`)
 is fully documented, and HTML-documentation can be built from it on
 installation.  The documentation for the latest release can also be found
 Module `Common` defines some globally used types, functions, exceptions,
 and values.  `Nat0` implements natural numbers including zero.
 Modules `Read_ml` and `Write_ml` contain read and write functions respectively
-for all basic types and are implemented in OCaml as far as reasonable.
-Some operations are most easily performed in C.  If you only want to read
-or write single, basic, unstructured values, using this module is probably
-the most efficient and convenient way of doing this.
-Otherwise you should annotate your type definitions to generate type
-converters automatically (see later sections for details).  The preprocessor
-in `syntax/` will then generate highly optimized functions for
-converting your OCaml-values to and from the binary representation.  This
-automatically generated code will use functions in modules `Unsafe_common`,
-`Unsafe_read_c` and `Unsafe_write_c`, which employ unsafe internal
-representations to achieve optimal performance.  The auto-generated code is
-extremely well-tested and should use these unsafe representations correctly.
-Developers who want to make manual use of these unsafe calling conventions
-for efficiency are strongly encouraged to test their code carefully.
+for all basic types.
 The module `Size` allows you to compute the size of basic OCaml-values in the
 binary representation before writing them to a buffer.  The code generator
@@ -92,14 +78,6 @@ the top of files using this library:
 Note that you can shadow the definitions in the above module in the unlikely
 event that the predefined ways of converting data are unsatisfactory to you.
-The modules `Read_c` and `Write_c` wrap the unsafe low-level converters for
-basic values to ones accessible safely from within OCaml and vice versa.  They
-also export functions for wrapping user-defined converters.  This should help
-developers make their converters available in the respective other
-representation (low- or high-level).  The test applications in the distribution
-use these wrappers to verify the correctness of implementations for low-level
-(C) and high-level (OCaml) representations.
 The module `Type_class` contains some extra definitions for type classes of
 basic values.  These definitions can be passed to the function `bin_dump` in
 module `Utils` to marshal values into buffers of exact size using the binary
diff --git a/bench/ b/bench/
deleted file mode 100644
index add1ed2..0000000
--- a/bench/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-open Bin_prot
-open Core
-[@@@ocaml.alert "-deprecated"]
-let%bench_module "float array" =
-  (module struct
-    let a = Array.create ~len:1000 0.
-    let buf =
-      let buf = Common.create_buf ((1000 * 8) + 8) in
-      let _ = Write.bin_write_float_array buf ~pos:0 a in
-      buf
-    ;;
-    module Price = struct
-      type t = float [@@deriving bin_io]
-    end
-    let price_array : Price.t array = Array.create ~len:1000 0.
-    let size_float f = Size.bin_size_float f
-    let%bench "size    non optimal" = Size.bin_size_array size_float a
-    let%bench "size    float array" = Size.bin_size_float_array a
-    let%bench "size  Price.t array" = Size.bin_size_array Price.bin_size_t price_array
-    let write_float buf ~pos f = Write.bin_write_float buf ~pos f
-    let%bench "write   non optimal" =
-      let _ = Write.bin_write_array write_float buf ~pos:0 a in
-      ()
-    ;;
-    let%bench "write   float array" =
-      let _ = Write.bin_write_float_array buf ~pos:0 a in
-      ()
-    ;;
-    let%bench "write Price.t array" =
-      let _ = Write.bin_write_array Price.bin_write_t buf ~pos:0 a in
-      ()
-    ;;
-    let read_float buf ~pos_ref = Read.bin_read_float buf ~pos_ref
-    let%bench "read    non optimal" =
-      let pos_ref = ref 0 in
-      let _ = Read.bin_read_array read_float buf ~pos_ref in
-      ()
-    ;;
-    let%bench "read    float array" =
-      let pos_ref = ref 0 in
-      let _ = Read.bin_read_float_array buf ~pos_ref in
-      ()
-    ;;
-    let%bench "read  Price.t array" =
-      let pos_ref = ref 0 in
-      let _ = Read.bin_read_array Price.bin_read_t buf ~pos_ref in
-      ()
-    ;;
-    let int_array = Array.create ~len:1000 0
-    let%bench "int array  size" = Size.bin_size_array Size.bin_size_int int_array
-    let%bench "int array write" =
-      let _ = Write.bin_write_array Write.bin_write_int buf ~pos:0 int_array in
-      ()
-    ;;
-    let%bench "int array  read" =
-      let pos_ref = ref 0 in
-      let _ = Read.bin_read_array Read.bin_read_int buf ~pos_ref in
-      ()
-    ;;
-    module Book = struct
-      type t = { a : Price.t array } [@@deriving bin_io]
-    end
-    let book = { Book.a = Array.create ~len:1000 0. }
-    let buf =
-      let buf = Common.create_buf (2100 * 8) in
-      let _ = Book.bin_write_t buf ~pos:0 book in
-      buf
-    ;;
-    let%bench "size  field" = Book.bin_size_t book
-    let%bench "write field" = Book.bin_write_t buf ~pos:0 book
-    let%bench "read  field" =
-      let pos_ref = ref 0 in
-      let _ = Book.bin_read_t buf ~pos_ref in
-      ()
-    ;;
-  end)
diff --git a/bench/bench_numbers.mli b/bench/bench_numbers.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74bb729
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bench/bench_numbers.mli
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+(*_ This signature is deliberately empty. *)
diff --git a/bench/dune b/bench/dune
index 760c8a0..4dba235 100644
--- a/bench/dune
+++ b/bench/dune
@@ -1 +1,4 @@
-(library (name bin_prot_bench) (libraries core) (preprocess (pps ppx_jane)))
\ No newline at end of file
+(library (name bin_prot_bench)
+ (libraries bin_prot ppx_expect.collector ppx_bench.runtime-lib
+  ppx_module_timer.runtime)
+ (preprocess (pps ppx_jane)))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bin_prot.opam b/bin_prot.opam
index 0243311..1cc4927 100644
--- a/bin_prot.opam
+++ b/bin_prot.opam
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 opam-version: "2.0"
-version: "v0.15.0"
+version: "v0.16.0"
 maintainer: "Jane Street developers"
 authors: ["Jane Street Group, LLC"]
 homepage: ""
@@ -11,19 +11,21 @@ build: [
   ["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs]
 depends: [
-  "ocaml"             {>= "4.08.0"}
-  "base"              {>= "v0.15" & < "v0.16"}
-  "ppx_compare"       {>= "v0.15" & < "v0.16"}
-  "ppx_custom_printf" {>= "v0.15" & < "v0.16"}
-  "ppx_fields_conv"   {>= "v0.15" & < "v0.16"}
-  "ppx_optcomp"       {>= "v0.15" & < "v0.16"}
-  "ppx_sexp_conv"     {>= "v0.15" & < "v0.16"}
-  "ppx_variants_conv" {>= "v0.15" & < "v0.16"}
-  "dune"              {>= "2.0.0"}
+  "ocaml"              {>= "4.14.0"}
+  "base"               {>= "v0.16" & < "v0.17"}
+  "ppx_compare"        {>= "v0.16" & < "v0.17"}
+  "ppx_custom_printf"  {>= "v0.16" & < "v0.17"}
+  "ppx_fields_conv"    {>= "v0.16" & < "v0.17"}
+  "ppx_optcomp"        {>= "v0.16" & < "v0.17"}
+  "ppx_sexp_conv"      {>= "v0.16" & < "v0.17"}
+  "ppx_stable_witness" {>= "v0.16" & < "v0.17"}
+  "ppx_variants_conv"  {>= "v0.16" & < "v0.17"}
+  "dune"               {>= "2.0.0"}
 depopts: [
+available: arch != "arm32" & arch != "x86_32"
 synopsis: "A binary protocol generator"
 description: "
 Part of Jane Street's Core library
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 44bdc02..00d0e1a 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+bin-prot (1:0.16.0-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release.
+ -- Debian Janitor <>  Wed, 28 Jun 2023 03:23:48 -0000
 bin-prot (1:0.15.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   [ Stéphane Glondu ]
diff --git a/shape/ b/shape/
index f09004e..51f8e4e 100644
--- a/shape/
+++ b/shape/
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ canonical shapes and hence equivalence at the `Shape.t` level.
 The intention is that a shape digest can be passed between
-server/client of an RPC protocol to check that the both sides have the
+server/client of an RPC protocol to check that both sides have the
 same opinion of the types being passed.
 We can convert directly from a base shape to its digest, avoiding
diff --git a/shape/src/ b/shape/src/
index 42f9410..a868415 100644
--- a/shape/src/
+++ b/shape/src/
@@ -314,13 +314,7 @@ module Canonical_digest : Canonical = struct
-module Canonical_full : sig
-  type t [@@deriving compare, sexp]
-  include Canonical with type t := t
-  val to_string_hum : t -> string
-end = struct
+module Canonical_full = struct
   module CD = Create_digest
   module Exp1 = struct
@@ -393,11 +387,11 @@ end
 module Gid : sig
   (* unique group-id, used as key for Tenv below *)
-  type t [@@deriving compare, sexp_of]
+  type t [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
   val create : unit -> t
 end = struct
-  type t = int [@@deriving compare, sexp_of]
+  type t = int [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
   let r = ref 0
@@ -413,10 +407,10 @@ module Expression = struct
     [ `Constr of string * 't option
     | `Inherit of Location.t * 't
-  [@@deriving compare, sexp_of]
+  [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
   module Group : sig
-    type 'a t [@@deriving compare, sexp_of]
+    type 'a t [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
     val create : Location.t -> (Tid.t * Vid.t list * 'a) list -> 'a t
     val id : 'a t -> Gid.t
@@ -427,7 +421,7 @@ module Expression = struct
       ; loc : Location.t
       ; members : (Tid.t * (Vid.t list * 'a)) list
-    [@@deriving compare, sexp_of]
+    [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
     let create loc trips =
       let gid = Gid.create () in
@@ -449,17 +443,23 @@ module Expression = struct
-  type t =
-    | Annotate of Uuid.t * t
-    | Base of Uuid.t * t list
-    | Record of (string * t) list
-    | Variant of (string * t list) list
-    | Tuple of t list
-    | Poly_variant of (Location.t * t poly_constr list)
-    | Var of (Location.t * Vid.t)
-    | Rec_app of Tid.t * t list
-    | Top_app of t Group.t * Tid.t * t list
-  [@@deriving variants, sexp_of]
+  module Stable = struct
+    module V1 = struct
+      type t =
+        | Annotate of Uuid.t * t
+        | Base of Uuid.t * t list
+        | Record of (string * t) list
+        | Variant of (string * t list) list
+        | Tuple of t list
+        | Poly_variant of (Location.t * t poly_constr list)
+        | Var of (Location.t * Vid.t)
+        | Rec_app of Tid.t * t list
+        | Top_app of t Group.t * Tid.t * t list
+      [@@deriving equal, sexp, variants]
+    end
+  end
+  include Stable.V1
   type group = t Group.t
@@ -766,3 +766,9 @@ module For_typerep = struct
     | _ -> raise (Not_a_tuple t)
+module Expert = struct
+  module Sorted_table = Sorted_table
+  module Canonical_exp_constructor = Canonical_exp_constructor
+  module Canonical = Canonical
diff --git a/shape/src/bin_shape.mli b/shape/src/bin_shape.mli
index fdda0e1..10d73fa 100644
--- a/shape/src/bin_shape.mli
+++ b/shape/src/bin_shape.mli
@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ module Uuid : sig
       use string in `uuid' format: XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX
       There is also no attempt to detect & reject duplicates *)
   val of_string : string -> t
+  val to_string : t -> string
 (** group of mutually recursive type definitions *)
@@ -72,9 +74,14 @@ val basetype : Uuid.t -> t list -> t
 (** [a = annotate s t] creates a shape [a] distinguished, but dependent on shape [t].
     Very much as [record [(s,t)]] does.
     But with [annotate] the ocaml record type does not exist. *)
 val annotate : Uuid.t -> t -> t
+module Stable : sig
+  module V1 : sig
+    type nonrec t = t [@@deriving equal, sexp]
+  end
 (** [Shape.Canonical.t] is the result of [eval]uating a shape to a canonical form, and
     represents the shape of Ocaml types w.r.t. bin_io serialization.
@@ -101,8 +108,38 @@ module Digest : sig
   val of_md5 : Md5_lib.t -> t
+module Expert : sig
+  module Sorted_table : sig
+    type 'a t [@@deriving compare, sexp_of]
+    val expose : 'a t -> (string * 'a) list
+  end
+  module Canonical_exp_constructor : sig
+    type 'a t =
+      | Annotate of Uuid.t * 'a
+      | Base of Uuid.t * 'a list
+      | Tuple of 'a list
+      | Record of (string * 'a) list
+      | Variant of (string * 'a list) list
+      | Poly_variant of 'a option Sorted_table.t
+      | Application of 'a * 'a list
+      | Rec_app of int * 'a list
+      | Var of int
+    [@@deriving compare, sexp_of]
+  end
+  module Canonical : sig
+    module Exp1 : sig
+      type t0 = Exp of t0 Canonical_exp_constructor.t [@@deriving compare, sexp_of]
+    end
+    type t = Exp1.t0 [@@deriving compare, sexp_of]
+  end
 module Canonical : sig
-  type t [@@deriving compare, sexp_of]
+  type t = Expert.Canonical.t [@@deriving compare, sexp_of]
   val to_string_hum : t -> string
   val to_digest : t -> Digest.t
diff --git a/shape/src/dune b/shape/src/dune
index 22034c8..a0a4f53 100644
--- a/shape/src/dune
+++ b/shape/src/dune
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-(library (name bin_shape_lib) (public_name bin_prot.shape)
- (libraries base.md5)
+(library (name bin_shape) (public_name bin_prot.shape) (libraries base.md5)
   (pps ppx_compare ppx_sexp_conv ppx_fields_conv ppx_variants_conv
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/shape/src/ b/shape/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index e775552..0000000
--- a/shape/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-module Shape = Bin_shape
diff --git a/shape/test/ b/shape/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ceb1a9..0000000
--- a/shape/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-open Core
-open Poly
-open Async
-type uuid_in_file =
-  { fname : string
-  ; line : int
-  ; uuid : string
-  }
-let main () =
-  let argv = Sys.get_argv () in
-  assert (Array.length argv = 2);
-  let%bind () = Unix.chdir argv.(1) in
-  let%bind files =
-    Process.run_lines_exn () ~prog:"hg" ~args:[ "stat"; "-numac" ]
-    >>| List.filter ~f:(fun fn ->
-      (not (String.is_prefix fn ~prefix:"external/"))
-      && (* Filter out symlinks and other things. Use core as it would be too slow with
-            async. *)
-      (Core_unix.lstat fn).st_kind = S_REG)
-  in
-  let%bind uuids =
-    (* Break the list into chunks of 200 to stay under the command line length
-       restrictions *)
-    List.chunks_of files ~length:200
-    |> Deferred.List.concat_map ~f:(fun files ->
-      Process.run_lines_exn
-        ()
-        ~accept_nonzero_exit:[ 1 ]
-        ~prog:"grep"
-        ~args:("-HEno" :: "\"[a-f0-9]{8}-([a-f0-9]{4}-){3}[a-f0-9]{12}\"" :: files))
-    >>| ~f:(fun line ->
-      Scanf.sscanf line {|%[^:]:%u:"%[^"]"|} (fun fname line uuid ->
-        { fname; line; uuid }))
-  in
-  let dups =
- uuids ~f:(fun u -> u.uuid, u)
-    |> String.Map.of_alist_multi
-    |> Map.filter ~f:(function
-      | [] | [ _ ] -> false
-      | _ :: _ :: _ -> true)
-    |> Map.to_alist
-  in
-  match dups with
-  | [] -> Shutdown.exit 0
-  | l ->
-    eprintf "Duplicated UUIDS found in the tree!\n";
-    List.iter l ~f:(fun (uuid, occurences) ->
-      eprintf "UUID %S appears in:\n" uuid;
-      List.iter occurences ~f:(fun u -> eprintf "- %s:%u\n" u.fname u.line));
-    Shutdown.exit 1
-let (_ : never_returns) =
-  don't_wait_for (return () >>= main);
-  Scheduler.go ()
diff --git a/shape/test/dune b/shape/test/dune
deleted file mode 100644
index c045703..0000000
--- a/shape/test/dune
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-(executables (names check_no_uuid_duplication) (libraries core async)
- (preprocess (pps ppx_jane)))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..262e567
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+module Binable = Binable
+module Blob = Blob
+module Common = Common
+module Md5 = Md5
+module Nat0 = Nat0
+module Read = Read
+module Shape = Shape
+module Size = Size
+module Std = Std
+module Type_class = Type_class
+module Utils = Utils
+module Write = Write
diff --git a/src/blit_stubs.c b/src/blit_stubs.c
index bb77b39..6792401 100644
--- a/src/blit_stubs.c
+++ b/src/blit_stubs.c
@@ -8,99 +8,96 @@
 #include <caml/signals.h>
 #if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 3
-# ifndef __likely
-#   define likely(x) __builtin_expect (!!(x), 1)
-# endif
-# ifndef __unlikely
-#   define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect (!!(x), 0)
-# endif
+#ifndef __likely
+#define likely(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 1)
+#ifndef __unlikely
+#define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 0)
-# ifndef  __likely
-#   define likely(x) (x)
-# endif
-# ifndef  __unlikely
-#   define unlikely(x) (x)
-# endif
+#ifndef __likely
+#define likely(x) (x)
+#ifndef __unlikely
+#define unlikely(x) (x)
 #ifdef __MINIOS__
-#define unlikely(x)     __builtin_expect((x),0)
+#define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect((x), 0)
-#define get_buf(v_buf, v_pos) (char *) Caml_ba_data_val(v_buf) + Long_val(v_pos)
+#define get_buf(v_buf, v_pos) (char *)Caml_ba_data_val(v_buf) + Long_val(v_pos)
 /* Bytes_val is only available from 4.06 */
 #ifndef Bytes_val
 #define Bytes_val String_val
-CAMLprim value bin_prot_blit_string_buf_stub(
-  value v_src_pos, value v_str, value v_dst_pos, value v_buf, value v_len)
+CAMLprim value bin_prot_blit_string_buf_stub(value v_src_pos, value v_str,
+                                             value v_dst_pos, value v_buf,
+                                             value v_len) {
   const char *str = String_val(v_str) + Long_val(v_src_pos);
   char *buf = get_buf(v_buf, v_dst_pos);
-  memcpy(buf, str, (size_t) Long_val(v_len));
+  memcpy(buf, str, (size_t)Long_val(v_len));
   return Val_unit;
-CAMLprim value bin_prot_blit_bytes_buf_stub(
-  value v_src_pos, value v_str, value v_dst_pos, value v_buf, value v_len)
+CAMLprim value bin_prot_blit_bytes_buf_stub(value v_src_pos, value v_str,
+                                            value v_dst_pos, value v_buf,
+                                            value v_len) {
   unsigned char *str = Bytes_val(v_str) + Long_val(v_src_pos);
   char *buf = get_buf(v_buf, v_dst_pos);
-  memcpy(buf, str, (size_t) Long_val(v_len));
+  memcpy(buf, str, (size_t)Long_val(v_len));
   return Val_unit;
-CAMLprim value bin_prot_blit_buf_bytes_stub(
-  value v_src_pos, value v_buf, value v_dst_pos, value v_str, value v_len)
+CAMLprim value bin_prot_blit_buf_bytes_stub(value v_src_pos, value v_buf,
+                                            value v_dst_pos, value v_str,
+                                            value v_len) {
   char *buf = get_buf(v_buf, v_src_pos);
   unsigned char *str = Bytes_val(v_str) + Long_val(v_dst_pos);
-  memcpy(str, buf, (size_t) Long_val(v_len));
+  memcpy(str, buf, (size_t)Long_val(v_len));
   return Val_unit;
-CAMLprim value bin_prot_blit_buf_stub(
-  value v_src_pos, value v_src, value v_dst_pos, value v_dst, value v_len)
+CAMLprim value bin_prot_blit_buf_stub(value v_src_pos, value v_src,
+                                      value v_dst_pos, value v_dst,
+                                      value v_len) {
   struct caml_ba_array *ba_src = Caml_ba_array_val(v_src);
   struct caml_ba_array *ba_dst = Caml_ba_array_val(v_dst);
-  char *src = (char *) ba_src->data + Long_val(v_src_pos);
-  char *dst = (char *) ba_dst->data + Long_val(v_dst_pos);
-  size_t len = (size_t) Long_val(v_len);
-  if
-    (
-      unlikely(len > 65536)
-      || unlikely(((ba_src->flags & CAML_BA_MAPPED_FILE) != 0))
-      || unlikely(((ba_dst->flags & CAML_BA_MAPPED_FILE) != 0))
-    )
+  char *src = (char *)ba_src->data + Long_val(v_src_pos);
+  char *dst = (char *)ba_dst->data + Long_val(v_dst_pos);
+  size_t len = (size_t)Long_val(v_len);
+  if (unlikely(len > 65536) ||
+      unlikely(((ba_src->flags & CAML_BA_MAPPED_FILE) != 0)) ||
+      unlikely(((ba_dst->flags & CAML_BA_MAPPED_FILE) != 0)))
   /* use [memmove] rather than [memcpy] because src and dst may overlap */
     Begin_roots2(v_src, v_dst);
-      memmove(dst, src, len);
+    memmove(dst, src, len);
-  }
-  else memmove(dst, src, len);
+  } else
+    memmove(dst, src, len);
   return Val_unit;
-CAMLprim value bin_prot_blit_float_array_buf_stub(
-  value v_src_pos, value v_arr, value v_dst_pos, value v_buf, value v_len)
-  char *arr = (char*)v_arr + Long_val(v_src_pos) * sizeof(double);
+CAMLprim value bin_prot_blit_float_array_buf_stub(value v_src_pos, value v_arr,
+                                                  value v_dst_pos, value v_buf,
+                                                  value v_len) {
+  char *arr = (char *)v_arr + Long_val(v_src_pos) * sizeof(double);
   char *buf = get_buf(v_buf, v_dst_pos);
-  memcpy(buf, arr, (size_t) (Long_val(v_len) * sizeof(double)));
+  memcpy(buf, arr, (size_t)(Long_val(v_len) * sizeof(double)));
   return Val_unit;
-CAMLprim value bin_prot_blit_buf_float_array_stub(
-  value v_src_pos, value v_buf, value v_dst_pos, value v_arr, value v_len)
+CAMLprim value bin_prot_blit_buf_float_array_stub(value v_src_pos, value v_buf,
+                                                  value v_dst_pos, value v_arr,
+                                                  value v_len) {
   char *buf = get_buf(v_buf, v_src_pos);
-  char *arr = (char*)v_arr + Long_val(v_dst_pos) * sizeof(double);
-  memcpy(arr, buf, (size_t) (Long_val(v_len) * sizeof(double)));
+  char *arr = (char *)v_arr + Long_val(v_dst_pos) * sizeof(double);
+  memcpy(arr, buf, (size_t)(Long_val(v_len) * sizeof(double)));
   return Val_unit;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 4cba336..4370bec 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ let blit_buf_string = blit_buf_bytes
 let rec copy_htbl_list htbl = function
   | [] -> htbl
   | (k, v) :: rest ->
-    Caml.Hashtbl.add htbl k v;
+    Stdlib.Hashtbl.add htbl k v;
     copy_htbl_list htbl rest
diff --git a/src/dune b/src/dune
index c23459c..2691aec 100644
--- a/src/dune
+++ b/src/dune
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 (library (name bin_prot)
- (libraries bigarray bin_shape_lib base.md5 base base.caml)
+ (libraries bin_shape base.md5 base ppx_stable_witness.stable_witness)
  (public_name bin_prot) (c_names blit_stubs)
  (preprocess (pps ppx_sexp_conv ppx_compare ppx_optcomp))
  (js_of_ocaml (javascript_files runtime.js)))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index bf2d892..7bfdd97 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,13 +1,24 @@
-include Md5_lib
+module Stable = struct
+  module V1 = struct
+    include Md5_lib
-let bin_shape_t =
-  Shape.basetype (Shape.Uuid.of_string "f6bdcdd0-9f75-11e6-9a7e-d3020428efed") []
+    let bin_shape_t =
+      Shape.basetype (Shape.Uuid.of_string "f6bdcdd0-9f75-11e6-9a7e-d3020428efed") []
+    ;;
-let bin_size_t = Size.bin_size_md5
-let bin_write_t = Write.bin_write_md5
-let bin_read_t = Read.bin_read_md5
+    let bin_size_t = Size.bin_size_md5
+    let bin_write_t = Write.bin_write_md5
+    let bin_read_t = Read.bin_read_md5
-let __bin_read_t__ _buf ~pos_ref _vdigest =
-  Common.raise_variant_wrong_type "Shape.Md5.t" !pos_ref
+    let __bin_read_t__ _buf ~pos_ref _vdigest =
+      Common.raise_variant_wrong_type "Shape.Md5.t" !pos_ref
+    ;;
+    let stable_witness : t Stable_witness.t =
+      (* we assume this type to have a stable format *)
+      Stable_witness.assert_stable
+    ;;
+  end
+include Stable.V1
diff --git a/src/md5.mli b/src/md5.mli
index 8cd5547..3bebf3e 100644
--- a/src/md5.mli
+++ b/src/md5.mli
@@ -8,3 +8,13 @@ val compare : t -> t -> int
 val to_binary : t -> string
 val of_binary_exn : string -> t
 val unsafe_of_binary : string -> t
+module Stable : sig
+  module V1 : sig
+    type nonrec t = t [@@deriving compare]
+    val stable_witness : t Stable_witness.t
+    include Binable.Minimal.S with type t := t
+  end
diff --git a/src/read.mli b/src/read.mli
index 2e32c8d..2b402c6 100644
--- a/src/read.mli
+++ b/src/read.mli
@@ -39,12 +39,6 @@ val bin_read_float64_mat : mat64 reader
 val bin_read_mat : mat reader
 val bin_read_bigstring : buf reader
 val bin_read_floatarray : floatarray reader
-val bin_read_float_array : float array reader
-  "[since 2021-09] use ppx_bin_prot with type [float array] or [floatarray] or the \
-   'floatarray' functions"]
 val bin_read_variant_int : int reader
 val bin_read_int_8bit : int reader
 val bin_read_int_16bit : int reader
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 7445b8c..834915c 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-include Bin_shape_lib.Std.Shape
+include Bin_shape
 (* new base shapes *)
 let bin_shape_unit = basetype (Uuid.of_string "unit") []
@@ -41,13 +41,6 @@ let bin_shape_list x = basetype (Uuid.of_string "list") [ x ]
 let bin_shape_array x = basetype (Uuid.of_string "array") [ x ]
 let bin_shape_hashtbl x y = basetype (Uuid.of_string "hashtbl") [ x; y ]
-(* shape alias *)
-let bin_shape_float_array = bin_shape_array bin_shape_float
-  "[since 2021-09] use ppx_bin_prot with type [float array] or [floatarray] or the \
-   'floatarray' functions"]
 (* shape-constructor aliases *)
 let bin_shape_lazy x = x
 let bin_shape_pair x y = tuple [ x; y ]
diff --git a/src/shape.mli b/src/shape.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ff4942
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/shape.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+include module type of struct
+  include Bin_shape
+val bin_shape_unit : t
+val bin_shape_bool : t
+val bin_shape_string : t
+val bin_shape_bytes : t
+val bin_shape_char : t
+val bin_shape_float : t
+val bin_shape_int : t
+val bin_shape_int32 : t
+val bin_shape_int63 : t
+val bin_shape_int64 : t
+val bin_shape_nativeint : t
+val bin_shape_nat0 : t
+val bin_shape_digest : t
+val bin_shape_float32_vec : t
+val bin_shape_float64_vec : t
+val bin_shape_vec : t
+val bin_shape_float32_mat : t
+val bin_shape_float64_mat : t
+val bin_shape_mat : t
+val bin_shape_bigstring : t
+val bin_shape_floatarray : t
+val bin_shape_variant_int : t
+val bin_shape_int_8bit : t
+val bin_shape_int_16bit : t
+val bin_shape_int_32bit : t
+val bin_shape_int_64bit : t
+val bin_shape_int64_bits : t
+val bin_shape_network16_int : t
+val bin_shape_network32_int : t
+val bin_shape_network32_int32 : t
+val bin_shape_network64_int : t
+val bin_shape_network64_int64 : t
+val bin_shape_ref : t -> t
+val bin_shape_option : t -> t
+val bin_shape_list : t -> t
+val bin_shape_array : t -> t
+val bin_shape_hashtbl : t -> t -> t
+val bin_shape_lazy : t -> t
+val bin_shape_pair : t -> t -> t
+val bin_shape_triple : t -> t -> t -> t
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index a5d09d7..08d5661 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -265,7 +265,3 @@ let bin_size_network32_int _ = 4
 let bin_size_network32_int32 _ = 4
 let bin_size_network64_int _ = 8
 let bin_size_network64_int64 _ = 8
-let bin_size_array_no_length bin_size_el ar =
-  bin_size_array_loop bin_size_el ar ~total_len:0 ~n:(Array.length ar)
diff --git a/src/size.mli b/src/size.mli
index c872ea8..d00ca96 100644
--- a/src/size.mli
+++ b/src/size.mli
@@ -36,12 +36,6 @@ val bin_size_float64_mat : mat64 sizer
 val bin_size_mat : mat sizer
 val bin_size_bigstring : buf sizer
 val bin_size_floatarray : floatarray sizer
-val bin_size_float_array : float array sizer
-  "[since 2021-09] use ppx_bin_prot with type [float array] or [floatarray] or the \
-   'floatarray' functions"]
 val bin_size_variant_int : int sizer
 val bin_size_int_8bit : int sizer
 val bin_size_int_16bit : int sizer
@@ -53,11 +47,6 @@ val bin_size_network32_int : int sizer
 val bin_size_network32_int32 : int32 sizer
 val bin_size_network64_int : int sizer
 val bin_size_network64_int64 : int64 sizer
-val bin_size_array_no_length : ('a, 'a array) sizer1
-  "[since 2016-03] this function was deprecated as it is misleading and unused"]
 val bin_size_md5 : Md5_lib.t sizer
 (* Provide the maximum sizes for fields which do not depend upon an array/vector/matrix
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index d01923d..5c906b7 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -89,58 +89,6 @@ let __bin_read_floatarray__ _buf ~pos_ref _vint =
   Common.raise_variant_wrong_type "floatarray" !pos_ref
-include struct
-  type float_array = float array
-  [@@deprecated "[since 2021-09] Use [float array] or [floatarray] instead"]
-  let (bin_shape_float_array [@deprecated
-         "[since 2021-09] use ppx_bin_prot with type [float array] \
-          or [floatarray] or the 'floatarray' functions"])
-    =
-    Type_class.bin_shape_float_array
-  ;;
-  let (bin_writer_float_array [@deprecated
-         "[since 2021-09] use ppx_bin_prot with type [float \
-          array] or [floatarray] or the 'floatarray' functions"])
-    =
-    Type_class.bin_writer_float_array
-  ;;
-  let (bin_write_float_array [@deprecated
-         "[since 2021-09] use ppx_bin_prot with type [float array] \
-          or [floatarray] or the 'floatarray' functions"])
-    =
-    Write.bin_write_float_array
-  ;;
-  let (bin_reader_float_array [@deprecated
-         "[since 2021-09] use ppx_bin_prot with type [float \
-          array] or [floatarray] or the 'floatarray' functions \
-          directly"])
-    =
-    Type_class.bin_reader_float_array
-  ;;
-  let (bin_read_float_array [@deprecated
-         "[since 2021-09] use ppx_bin_prot with type [float array] \
-          or [floatarray] or the 'floatarray' functions"])
-    =
-    Read.bin_read_float_array
-  ;;
-  let __bin_read_float_array__ _buf ~pos_ref _vint =
-    Common.raise_variant_wrong_type "float_array" !pos_ref
-  ;;
-  let (__bin_read_float_array__ [@deprecated
-         "[since 2021-09] use ppx_bin_prot with type [float \
-          array] or [floatarray] or the floatarray functions"])
-    =
-    __bin_read_float_array__
-  ;;
-end [@alert "-deprecated"]
 let bin_int32 = Type_class.bin_int32
 let bin_shape_int32 = Type_class.bin_shape_int32
 let bin_writer_int32 = Type_class.bin_writer_int32
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index fe550f2..a322c9a 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -491,29 +491,6 @@ let bin_floatarray =
-type float_array = float array
-include struct
-  (*$ mk_base "float_array" *)
-  let bin_writer_float_array =
-    { size = Size.bin_size_float_array; write = Write.bin_write_float_array }
-  ;;
-  let bin_reader_float_array =
-    { read = Read.bin_read_float_array; vtag_read = variant_wrong_type "float_array" }
-  ;;
-  let bin_shape_float_array = Shape.bin_shape_float_array
-  let bin_float_array =
-    { shape = bin_shape_float_array
-    ; writer = bin_writer_float_array
-    ; reader = bin_reader_float_array
-    }
-  ;;
-  (*$*)
-end [@alert "-deprecated"]
 (*$ mk_base "variant_int" *)
 let bin_writer_variant_int =
   { size = Size.bin_size_variant_int; write = Write.bin_write_variant_int }
@@ -717,13 +694,6 @@ let bin_network64_int64 =
-let bin_writer_array_no_length bin_writer_el =
-  { size = (fun v -> (Size.bin_size_array_no_length [@warning "-3"]) bin_writer_el.size v)
-  ; write =
-      (fun buf ~pos v ->
-         (Write.bin_write_array_no_length [@warning "-3"]) bin_writer_el.write buf ~pos v)
-  }
 (* Conversion of binable types *)
diff --git a/src/type_class.mli b/src/type_class.mli
index 62742ac..6a47d06 100644
--- a/src/type_class.mli
+++ b/src/type_class.mli
@@ -201,40 +201,6 @@ val bin_shape_floatarray : Shape.t
 val bin_floatarray : floatarray t
-  mk_base_tp
-    ~deprecate:
-      "[@@ocaml.deprecated \"[since 2021-09] use ppx_bin_prot with type [float array] or \
-       [floatarray] or the 'floatarray' functions\"]"
-    "float_array"
-    "float array"
-val bin_writer_float_array : float array writer
-  "[since 2021-09] use ppx_bin_prot with type [float array] or [floatarray] or the \
-   'floatarray' functions"]
-val bin_reader_float_array : float array reader
-  "[since 2021-09] use ppx_bin_prot with type [float array] or [floatarray] or the \
-   'floatarray' functions"]
-val bin_shape_float_array : Shape.t
-  "[since 2021-09] use ppx_bin_prot with type [float array] or [floatarray] or the \
-   'floatarray' functions"]
-val bin_float_array : float array t
-  "[since 2021-09] use ppx_bin_prot with type [float array] or [floatarray] or the \
-   'floatarray' functions"]
-type float_array = float array
-  "[since 2021-09] use ppx_bin_prot with type [float array] or [floatarray] or the \
-   'floatarray' functions"]
 val bin_writer_variant_int : int writer
 val bin_reader_variant_int : int reader
 val bin_variant_int : int t
@@ -300,10 +266,6 @@ val bin_shape_network64_int64 : Shape.t
 val bin_network64_int64 : int64 t
-val bin_writer_array_no_length : ('a, 'a array) S1.writer
-  "[since 2016-03] this writer was deprecated as it is misleading and unused"]
 (** Conversion of binable types *)
 val cnv_writer : ('a -> 'b) -> 'b writer -> 'a writer
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 5c79a5f..7e03665 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -308,11 +308,6 @@ module Make_binable3_without_uuid (S : Make_binable3_without_uuid_spec) =
     let maybe_caller_identity = None
-module Make_binable = Make_binable_without_uuid
-module Make_binable1 = Make_binable1_without_uuid
-module Make_binable2 = Make_binable2_without_uuid
-module Make_binable3 = Make_binable3_without_uuid
 let with_module_name f ~module_name function_name =
   match module_name with
   | None -> f function_name
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index e984433..cacd6a7 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 open Common
 open Type_class
 module type Make_binable_without_uuid_spec = sig
   module Binable : Binable.Minimal.S
@@ -226,30 +227,6 @@ module type Utils = sig
     Binable.S3 with type ('a, 'b, 'c) t := ('a, 'b, 'c) Bin_spec.t
     [@@alert legacy "Use [Make_binable3_with_uuid] if possible."]
-  module Make_binable = Make_binable_without_uuid
-  [@@alert "-legacy"]
-  [@@deprecated
-    "[since 2019-11] Use [Make_binable_with_uuid] if possible, or \
-     [Make_binable_without_uuid] otherwise."]
-  module Make_binable1 = Make_binable1_without_uuid
-  [@@alert "-legacy"]
-  [@@deprecated
-    "[since 2019-11] Use [Make_binable1_with_uuid] if possible, or \
-     [Make_binable1_without_uuid] otherwise."]
-  module Make_binable2 = Make_binable2_without_uuid
-  [@@alert "-legacy"]
-  [@@deprecated
-    "[since 2019-11] Use [Make_binable2_with_uuid] if possible, or \
-     [Make_binable2_without_uuid] otherwise."]
-  module Make_binable3 = Make_binable3_without_uuid
-  [@@alert "-legacy"]
-  [@@deprecated
-    "[since 2019-11] Use [Make_binable3_with_uuid] if possible, or \
-     [Make_binable3_without_uuid] otherwise."]
   (** Conversion of iterable types *)
   module type Make_iterable_binable_spec = Make_iterable_binable_spec
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 68f4e26..69faef8 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -23,13 +23,9 @@ external bswap64 : int64 -> int64 = "%bswap_int64"
 (*$ open Bin_prot_cinaps $*)
 let code_NEG_INT8 = (*$ Code.char NEG_INT8 *) '\xff' (*$*)
 let code_INT16 = (*$ Code.char INT16 *) '\xfe' (*$*)
 let code_INT32 = (*$ Code.char INT32 *) '\xfd' (*$*)
 let code_INT64 = (*$ Code.char INT64 *) '\xfc' (*$*)
 let arch_sixtyfour = Sys.word_size = 64
 let arch_big_endian = Sys.big_endian
@@ -488,10 +484,6 @@ let bin_write_network64_int64 buf ~pos n =
-let bin_write_array_no_length bin_write_el buf ~pos ar =
-  bin_write_array_loop bin_write_el buf ~els_pos:pos ~n:(Array.length ar) ar
 external unsafe_string_get32 : string -> int -> int32 = "%caml_string_get32u"
 external unsafe_string_get64 : string -> int -> int64 = "%caml_string_get64u"
diff --git a/src/write.mli b/src/write.mli
index 6194a14..f799a5a 100644
--- a/src/write.mli
+++ b/src/write.mli
@@ -38,12 +38,6 @@ val bin_write_float64_mat : mat64 writer
 val bin_write_mat : mat writer
 val bin_write_bigstring : buf writer
 val bin_write_floatarray : floatarray writer
-val bin_write_float_array : float array writer
-  "[since 2021-09] use ppx_bin_prot with type [float array] or [floatarray] or the \
-   'floatarray' functions"]
 val bin_write_md5 : Md5_lib.t writer
 (** [bin_write_variant_int] writes out the exact little-endian bit
@@ -90,9 +84,3 @@ val bin_write_network64_int : int writer
 (** [bin_write_network64_int64] writes out a 64bit integer in 64bit
     network byte order (= big-endian). *)
 val bin_write_network64_int64 : int64 writer
-(** [bin_write_array_no_length] writes out all values in the given array
-    without writing out its length. *)
-val bin_write_array_no_length : ('a, 'a array) writer1
-  "[since 2016-03] this function was deprecated as it is misleading and unused"]
diff --git a/test/dune b/test/dune
index 2c9eeca..6be85fa 100644
--- a/test/dune
+++ b/test/dune
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-(library (name bin_prot_test) (libraries core bin_prot float_array base.md5)
+(library (name bin_prot_test)
+ (libraries core bin_prot expect_test_patterns float_array base.md5)
  (preprocess (pps ppx_jane)))
 (alias (name runtest)
diff --git a/test/integers_repr_tests_32bit.mli b/test/integers_repr_tests_32bit.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74bb729
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integers_repr_tests_32bit.mli
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+(*_ This signature is deliberately empty. *)
diff --git a/test/integers_repr_tests_64bit.mli b/test/integers_repr_tests_64bit.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74bb729
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integers_repr_tests_64bit.mli
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+(*_ This signature is deliberately empty. *)
diff --git a/test/integers_repr_tests_js.mli b/test/integers_repr_tests_js.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74bb729
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integers_repr_tests_js.mli
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+(*_ This signature is deliberately empty. *)
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 88136a7..3b86f53 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -230,17 +230,6 @@ module Tests = struct
-  let float_array =
-    { writer = Write.bin_write_float_array
-    ; reader = Read.bin_read_float_array
-    ; values = [ [||]; [| 0. |] ]
-    ; equal = Array.equal Float.equal
-    ; sexp_of = [%sexp_of: float array]
-    ; hi_bound = None
-    ; lo_bound = Minimum.bin_size_float_array
-    } [@ocaml.alert "-deprecated"]
-  ;;
   let ref =
     { writer = Write.bin_write_ref Write.bin_write_int32
     ; reader = Read.bin_read_ref Read.bin_read_int32
@@ -363,13 +352,14 @@ module Tests = struct
           ; [ -1l, -1l; Int32.min_value, Int32.min_value ]
           ~f:(fun l ->
-            let hashtbl = Caml.Hashtbl.create (List.length l) in
-            List.iter l ~f:(fun (key, data) -> Caml.Hashtbl.add hashtbl key data);
+            let hashtbl = Stdlib.Hashtbl.create (List.length l) in
+            List.iter l ~f:(fun (key, data) -> Stdlib.Hashtbl.add hashtbl key data);
     ; equal =
         (fun t1 t2 ->
            let to_list tbl =
-             Caml.Hashtbl.fold (fun k v acc -> (k, v) :: acc) tbl [] |> List.sort ~compare
+             Stdlib.Hashtbl.fold (fun k v acc -> (k, v) :: acc) tbl []
+             |> List.sort ~compare
            to_list t1 = to_list t2)
     ; sexp_of = [%sexp_of: (int32, int32) Sexplib.Std.Hashtbl.t]
@@ -625,9 +615,11 @@ let%expect_test "Non-integer bin_prot size tests" =
     00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0
   gen_tests Tests.float_nan;
-  [%expect {|
+  Expect_test_patterns.require_match
+    [%here]
+    {|
     7f f{8,0} 00 00 00 00 00 01 -> NAN (glob)
-  |}];
+  |};
   gen_tests Tests.vec;
@@ -673,12 +665,6 @@ let%expect_test "Non-integer bin_prot size tests" =
     .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 00 -> ()
     00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 -> (0)
-  gen_tests Tests.float_array;
-  [%expect
-    {|
-    .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 00 -> ()
-    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 -> (0)
-  |}];
   gen_tests Tests.ref;
diff --git a/xen/blit_stubs.c b/xen/blit_stubs.c
index bb77b39..6792401 100644
--- a/xen/blit_stubs.c
+++ b/xen/blit_stubs.c
@@ -8,99 +8,96 @@
 #include <caml/signals.h>
 #if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 3
-# ifndef __likely
-#   define likely(x) __builtin_expect (!!(x), 1)
-# endif
-# ifndef __unlikely
-#   define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect (!!(x), 0)
-# endif
+#ifndef __likely
+#define likely(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 1)
+#ifndef __unlikely
+#define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 0)
-# ifndef  __likely
-#   define likely(x) (x)
-# endif
-# ifndef  __unlikely
-#   define unlikely(x) (x)
-# endif
+#ifndef __likely
+#define likely(x) (x)
+#ifndef __unlikely
+#define unlikely(x) (x)
 #ifdef __MINIOS__
-#define unlikely(x)     __builtin_expect((x),0)
+#define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect((x), 0)
-#define get_buf(v_buf, v_pos) (char *) Caml_ba_data_val(v_buf) + Long_val(v_pos)
+#define get_buf(v_buf, v_pos) (char *)Caml_ba_data_val(v_buf) + Long_val(v_pos)
 /* Bytes_val is only available from 4.06 */
 #ifndef Bytes_val
 #define Bytes_val String_val
-CAMLprim value bin_prot_blit_string_buf_stub(
-  value v_src_pos, value v_str, value v_dst_pos, value v_buf, value v_len)
+CAMLprim value bin_prot_blit_string_buf_stub(value v_src_pos, value v_str,
+                                             value v_dst_pos, value v_buf,
+                                             value v_len) {
   const char *str = String_val(v_str) + Long_val(v_src_pos);
   char *buf = get_buf(v_buf, v_dst_pos);
-  memcpy(buf, str, (size_t) Long_val(v_len));
+  memcpy(buf, str, (size_t)Long_val(v_len));
   return Val_unit;
-CAMLprim value bin_prot_blit_bytes_buf_stub(
-  value v_src_pos, value v_str, value v_dst_pos, value v_buf, value v_len)
+CAMLprim value bin_prot_blit_bytes_buf_stub(value v_src_pos, value v_str,
+                                            value v_dst_pos, value v_buf,
+                                            value v_len) {
   unsigned char *str = Bytes_val(v_str) + Long_val(v_src_pos);
   char *buf = get_buf(v_buf, v_dst_pos);
-  memcpy(buf, str, (size_t) Long_val(v_len));
+  memcpy(buf, str, (size_t)Long_val(v_len));
   return Val_unit;
-CAMLprim value bin_prot_blit_buf_bytes_stub(
-  value v_src_pos, value v_buf, value v_dst_pos, value v_str, value v_len)
+CAMLprim value bin_prot_blit_buf_bytes_stub(value v_src_pos, value v_buf,
+                                            value v_dst_pos, value v_str,
+                                            value v_len) {
   char *buf = get_buf(v_buf, v_src_pos);
   unsigned char *str = Bytes_val(v_str) + Long_val(v_dst_pos);
-  memcpy(str, buf, (size_t) Long_val(v_len));
+  memcpy(str, buf, (size_t)Long_val(v_len));
   return Val_unit;
-CAMLprim value bin_prot_blit_buf_stub(
-  value v_src_pos, value v_src, value v_dst_pos, value v_dst, value v_len)
+CAMLprim value bin_prot_blit_buf_stub(value v_src_pos, value v_src,
+                                      value v_dst_pos, value v_dst,
+                                      value v_len) {
   struct caml_ba_array *ba_src = Caml_ba_array_val(v_src);
   struct caml_ba_array *ba_dst = Caml_ba_array_val(v_dst);
-  char *src = (char *) ba_src->data + Long_val(v_src_pos);
-  char *dst = (char *) ba_dst->data + Long_val(v_dst_pos);
-  size_t len = (size_t) Long_val(v_len);
-  if
-    (
-      unlikely(len > 65536)
-      || unlikely(((ba_src->flags & CAML_BA_MAPPED_FILE) != 0))
-      || unlikely(((ba_dst->flags & CAML_BA_MAPPED_FILE) != 0))
-    )
+  char *src = (char *)ba_src->data + Long_val(v_src_pos);
+  char *dst = (char *)ba_dst->data + Long_val(v_dst_pos);
+  size_t len = (size_t)Long_val(v_len);
+  if (unlikely(len > 65536) ||
+      unlikely(((ba_src->flags & CAML_BA_MAPPED_FILE) != 0)) ||
+      unlikely(((ba_dst->flags & CAML_BA_MAPPED_FILE) != 0)))
   /* use [memmove] rather than [memcpy] because src and dst may overlap */
     Begin_roots2(v_src, v_dst);
-      memmove(dst, src, len);
+    memmove(dst, src, len);
-  }
-  else memmove(dst, src, len);
+  } else
+    memmove(dst, src, len);
   return Val_unit;
-CAMLprim value bin_prot_blit_float_array_buf_stub(
-  value v_src_pos, value v_arr, value v_dst_pos, value v_buf, value v_len)
-  char *arr = (char*)v_arr + Long_val(v_src_pos) * sizeof(double);
+CAMLprim value bin_prot_blit_float_array_buf_stub(value v_src_pos, value v_arr,
+                                                  value v_dst_pos, value v_buf,
+                                                  value v_len) {
+  char *arr = (char *)v_arr + Long_val(v_src_pos) * sizeof(double);
   char *buf = get_buf(v_buf, v_dst_pos);
-  memcpy(buf, arr, (size_t) (Long_val(v_len) * sizeof(double)));
+  memcpy(buf, arr, (size_t)(Long_val(v_len) * sizeof(double)));
   return Val_unit;
-CAMLprim value bin_prot_blit_buf_float_array_stub(
-  value v_src_pos, value v_buf, value v_dst_pos, value v_arr, value v_len)
+CAMLprim value bin_prot_blit_buf_float_array_stub(value v_src_pos, value v_buf,
+                                                  value v_dst_pos, value v_arr,
+                                                  value v_len) {
   char *buf = get_buf(v_buf, v_src_pos);
-  char *arr = (char*)v_arr + Long_val(v_dst_pos) * sizeof(double);
-  memcpy(arr, buf, (size_t) (Long_val(v_len) * sizeof(double)));
+  char *arr = (char *)v_arr + Long_val(v_dst_pos) * sizeof(double);
+  memcpy(arr, buf, (size_t)(Long_val(v_len) * sizeof(double)));
   return Val_unit;
diff --git a/xen/ b/xen/
index 61014fa..13b624d 100755
--- a/xen/
+++ b/xen/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 set -e -o pipefail
-flags="`pkg-config --static mirage-xen --cflags`"
+flags="$(pkg-config --static mirage-xen --cflags)"
 echo "($flags)"

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