Codebase list 3dldf-doc / upstream/2.0.3+ndfsg

Tree @upstream/2.0.3+ndfsg (Download .tar.gz)

Created by Laurence D. Finston (LDF)
* (1) Copyright and License.

This file is part of GNU 3DLDF, a package for three-dimensional drawing.  
Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 The Free Software Foundation  

GNU 3DLDF is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or 
(at your option) any later version.  

GNU 3DLDF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
GNU General Public License for more details.  

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
along with GNU 3DLDF; if not, write to the Free Software 
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA 

GNU 3DLDF is a GNU package.  
It is part of the GNU Project of the  
Free Software Foundation 
and is published under the GNU General Public License. 
See the website 
for more information.   
GNU 3DLDF is available for downloading from

Please send bug reports to
The mailing list is available for people to 
ask other users for help.  
The mailing list is for sending 
announcements to users. To subscribe to these mailing lists, send an 
email with ``subscribe <email-address>'' as the subject.  

The author can be contacted at: 

Laurence D. Finston                  
c/o Free Software Foundation, Inc.  
51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor          
Boston, MA  02110-1301              

* Downloading

GNU 3DLDF 2.0.3 is available for downloading from the following servers using
the protocols indicated (i.e., `ftp', `http', and `rsync'): 

Free Software Foundation/GNU Project server:

* Mailing lists

The following mailing lists are available: --- For users to ask one another for help. --- For the maintainer of GNU 3DLDF to send 
                       announcements to users. 

To subscribe to these mailing lists, please send an 
email with ``subscribe'' as the subject.  

* Web sites
The official GNU 3DLDF website is  

* Description of GNU 3DLDF 

GNU 3DLDF is a package for three-dimensional drawing with MetaPost output.

* Documentation

See the directories 3DLDF-2.0.3/doc/ and 3DLDF-2.0.3/doc/old_doc.

* Installing 

The file INSTALL contains generic instructions on installing GNU packages.
They apply to GNU 3DLDF 2.0, however PLEASE NOTE that the environment variable 
`LIBS' must be set to `-lgsl -lgslcblas -lm' when the `configure' script is run, 

   cd <your path>/3DLDF-2.0.3 
   export LIBS="-lgsl -lgslcblas -lm"
   configure --prefix=`pwd`


   cd <your path>/3DLDF-2.0.3 
   configure --prefix=`pwd` LIBS="-lgsl -lgslcblas -lm"

In these example, the package will be installed below the current directory,
i.e., the top-level distribution directory.  It is safe to do this.  

Alternatively, the shellscript `3DLDF-2.0.3/' may be used to call
`configure'.  If `' is invoked without any arguments, or if its 
first argument is 0, shared libraries will be built.  Otherwise, they won't.
Not building shared libraries is faster.

* Running 3dldf

After the package has been installed, the program `3dldf' may be invoked from
the command-line like this:


The user will be prompted for input.

Alternatively, one or more filenames may be specified:

   3dldf sample.ldf sample1.ldf

The suffix `.ldf' may be omitted.  If an input files has a different suffix,
however, it must be specified.

See the subdirectories `3DLDF-2.0.3/src/' and `3DLDF-2.0.3/examples/' for examples.

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