Codebase list / 62359c16-21b0-45cd-bc59-cb9bfad975fe/main Date.m

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Date.m @62359c16-21b0-45cd-bc59-cb9bfad975fe/mainraw · history · blame

#import "Date.h"

@interface NSDateEnumerator : NSEnumerator
  Date *_start;
  Date *_end;
- (id)initWithStart:(Date *)start end:(Date *)end;
@implementation NSDateEnumerator
- (id)initWithStart:(Date *)start end:(Date *)end
  self = [super init];
  if (self != nil) {
    _start = [start copy];
    _end = [end copy];
    [_start setIsDate:YES];
    [_end setIsDate:YES];
    [_start changeDayBy:-1];
  return self;
- (id)nextObject
  [_start incrementDay];
  if ([_end timeIntervalSinceDate:_start] < 0)
    return nil;
  return _start;
- (void)dealloc
  [_start release];
  [_end release];
  [super dealloc];

@implementation Date(NSCoding)
- (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder
  [coder encodeObject:[NSString stringWithCString:icaltime_as_ical_string(_time)] forKey:@"icalTime"];
- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder
  _time = icaltime_from_string([[coder decodeObjectForKey:@"icalTime"] cString]);
  return self;

 * Based on ChronographerSource Appointment class

@implementation Date
static icaltimezone *gl_tz = NULL;
static icaltimezone *gl_utc = NULL;
static NSTimeZone *gl_nstz = nil;
+ (void)initialize
  const char *tzone;

  if (!gl_tz) {
    gl_nstz = RETAIN([[NSCalendarDate calendarDate] timeZone]);
    tzone = [[gl_nstz description] cString];
    gl_utc = icaltimezone_get_utc_timezone();
    gl_tz = icaltimezone_get_builtin_timezone(tzone);
    if (!gl_tz)
      NSLog(@"Couldn't get a timezone corresponding to %s", tzone);

- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone
  Date *new = [Date allocWithZone:zone];
  new->_time = _time;
  return new;

 * This method shouldn't be used as it's not
 * clear if it should compare Dates or DateTimes
- (NSComparisonResult)compare:(id)aDate
  [self notImplemented:_cmd];
  return NSOrderedSame;

- (BOOL)isEqual:(id)aDate
  return icaltime_as_timet(_time) == icaltime_as_timet(((Date *)aDate)->_time);

- (NSUInteger)hash
  return icaltime_as_timet(_time);
 * This is a bit convoluted because icaltime_compare
 * creates two dates in utc timezone to do the comparison.
 * The conversion to utc means a datetime will be modified
 * (up or down, depending on the local time zone) and a
 * date won't.
- (NSComparisonResult)compare:(id)aDate withTime:(BOOL)time
  if (!time)
    return icaltime_compare_date_only(_time, ((Date *)aDate)->_time);

  NSComparisonResult res;
  int a_isdate = _time.is_date;
  int b_isdate = ((Date *)aDate)->_time.is_date;
  _time.is_date = 0;
  ((Date *)aDate)->_time.is_date = 0;
  res = icaltime_compare(_time, ((Date *)aDate)->_time);
  _time.is_date = a_isdate;
  ((Date *)aDate)->_time.is_date = b_isdate;
  return res;

- (NSString *)description
  return [NSString stringWithCString:icaltime_as_ical_string(_time)];

- (id)init
  self = [super init];
  if (self) {
    _time = icaltime_current_time_with_zone(gl_tz);
    _time = icaltime_set_timezone(&_time, gl_tz);
  return self;

+ (id)now
  return AUTORELEASE([[Date alloc] init]);

+ (id)today
  Date *d = [[Date alloc] init];
  [d setIsDate:YES];
  return AUTORELEASE(d);

+ (id)dateWithTimeInterval:(NSTimeInterval)seconds sinceDate:(Date *)refDate
  Date *d = [[Date alloc] init];
  d->_time = refDate->_time;
  /* To be able to add hours and minutes, it has to be a datetime */
  d-> _time.is_date = 0;
  d->_time = icaltime_add(d->_time, icaldurationtype_from_int(seconds));
  if (!d->_time.hour && !d->_time.minute && !d->_time.second)
    d->_time.is_date = 1;
    d->_time.is_date = 0;
  return AUTORELEASE(d);

+ (id)dateWithCalendarDate:(NSCalendarDate *)cd withTime:(BOOL)time
  Date *d = [[Date alloc] init];
  d->_time.is_date = !time;
  d->_time.year = [cd yearOfCommonEra];
  d->_time.month = [cd monthOfYear];
  d-> = [cd dayOfMonth];
  if (time) {
    d->_time.hour = [cd hourOfDay];
    d->_time.minute = [cd minuteOfHour];
    d->_time.second = [cd secondOfMinute];
  } else {
    d->_time.hour = 0;
    d->_time.minute = 0;
    d->_time.second = 0;
  return AUTORELEASE(d);

+ (id)dayWithDate:(Date *)date
  Date *d = [date copy];
  [d setIsDate:YES];
  return AUTORELEASE(d);

- (NSCalendarDate *)calendarDate
  return [NSCalendarDate dateWithYear:_time.year 

- (int)year
  return _time.year;
- (int)monthOfYear
  return _time.month;
- (int)hourOfDay
  return _time.hour;
- (int)secondOfMinute
  return _time.second;
- (int)minuteOfHour
  return _time.minute;
- (int)minuteOfDay
  return _time.hour * 60 + _time.minute;
- (int)dayOfMonth
 * 1 : Monday
 * ...
 * 7 : Sunday
- (int)weekday
  int dow = icaltime_day_of_week(_time) - 1;
  return dow ? dow : 7;
- (int)weekOfYear
  char week[3];
  time_t tmt = icaltime_as_timet(_time);
  struct tm *tm = gmtime(&tmt);
  strftime(week, sizeof(week), "%V", tm);
  return atoi(week);
- (int)numberOfDaysInMonth
  return icaltime_days_in_month(_time.month, _time.year);

- (void)setSecondOfMinute:(int)second
  NSAssert(!_time.is_date, @"Works only with datetimes");
  _time.second = second;
  _time = icaltime_normalize(_time);

- (void)setMinute:(int)minute
  NSAssert(!_time.is_date, @"Works only with datetimes");
  struct icaldurationtype dt = {0, 0, 0, 0, minute - [self minuteOfDay], 0};
  _time = icaltime_add(_time, dt);

- (void)setDay:(int)day
{ = day;
  _time = icaltime_normalize(_time);

- (void)setMonth:(int)month
  _time.month = month;
  _time = icaltime_normalize(_time);

- (void)setYear:(int)year
  _time.year = year;

- (void)incrementDay
  struct icaldurationtype dt = {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0};
  _time = icaltime_add(_time, dt);

- (void)changeYearBy:(int)diff
  _time.year += diff;

- (void)changeDayBy:(int)diff
  struct icaldurationtype dt = {diff < 0, ABS(diff), 0, 0, 0, 0};
  _time = icaltime_add(_time, dt);

- (void)changeMinuteBy:(int)diff
  struct icaldurationtype dt = {diff < 0, 0, 0, 0, ABS(diff), 0};
  _time = icaltime_add(_time, dt);

- (NSEnumerator *)enumeratorTo:(Date *)end
  id e;
  e = [NSDateEnumerator allocWithZone:NSDefaultMallocZone()];
  e = [e initWithStart:self end:end];
  return AUTORELEASE(e);

- (BOOL)isDate
  return _time.is_date;
- (void)setIsDate:(BOOL)date
  _time.is_date = date;
  if (date) {
    _time.hour = 0;
    _time.minute = 0;
    _time.second = 0;

- (NSTimeInterval)timeIntervalSince1970
  return icaltime_as_timet(_time);

- (NSTimeInterval)timeIntervalSinceDate:(Date *)anotherDate
  return icaldurationtype_as_int(icaltime_subtract(_time, anotherDate->_time));

- (NSTimeInterval)timeIntervalSinceNow
  return [self timeIntervalSinceDate:[Date now]];

- (BOOL)belongsToDay:(Date *)day
  NSAssert([day isDate], @"This method expects a date, not a datetime");
  return _time.year == day->_time.year && _time.month == day->_time.month && == day->;

 * Dates are stored in the local timezone in memory
 * and in utc in iCalTree. These methods do the
 * necessary conversions
@implementation Date(iCalendar)
- (id)initWithICalTime:(struct icaltimetype)time
  self = [super init];
  if (self)
    _time = icaltime_convert_to_zone(time, gl_tz);
  return self;
- (struct icaltimetype)UTCICalTime
  return icaltime_convert_to_zone(_time, gl_utc);
- (struct icaltimetype)localICalTime
  return _time;