Codebase list airlift-airline / run/00ed5ea0-18c3-43ab-b42d-fc6ea7d8de08/main

Tree @run/00ed5ea0-18c3-43ab-b42d-fc6ea7d8de08/main (Download .tar.gz)


Airline is a Java annotation-based framework for parsing Git like command line structures.

Latest release is 0.6, available from Maven Central.


Here is a quick example:

public class Git
    public static void main(String[] args)
        CliBuilder<Runnable> builder = Cli.<Runnable>builder("git")
                .withDescription("the stupid content tracker")
                .withCommands(Help.class, Add.class);

                .withDescription("Manage set of tracked repositories")
                .withCommands(RemoteShow.class, RemoteAdd.class);

        Cli<Runnable> gitParser =;


    public static class GitCommand implements Runnable
        @Option(type = OptionType.GLOBAL, name = "-v", description = "Verbose mode")
        public boolean verbose;

        public void run()

    @Command(name = "add", description = "Add file contents to the index")
    public static class Add extends GitCommand
        @Arguments(description = "Patterns of files to be added")
        public List<String> patterns;

        @Option(name = "-i", description = "Add modified contents interactively.")
        public boolean interactive;

    @Command(name = "show", description = "Gives some information about the remote <name>")
    public static class RemoteShow extends GitCommand
        @Option(name = "-n", description = "Do not query remote heads")
        public boolean noQuery;

        @Arguments(description = "Remote to show")
        public String remote;

    @Command(name = "add", description = "Adds a remote")
    public static class RemoteAdd extends GitCommand
        @Option(name = "-t", description = "Track only a specific branch")
        public String branch;

        @Arguments(description = "Remote repository to add")
        public List<String> remote;

Assuming you have packaged this as an executable program named 'git', you would be able to execute the following commands:

$ git add -p file

$ git remote add origin

$ git -v remote show origin

Single Command Mode

Airline can also be used for simple, single-command programs:

@Command(name = "ping", description = "network test utility")
public class Ping
    public HelpOption helpOption;

    @Option(name = {"-c", "--count"}, description = "Send count packets")
    public int count = 1;

    public static void main(String... args)
        Ping ping = SingleCommand.singleCommand(Ping.class).parse(args);

        if (ping.helpOption.showHelpIfRequested()) {

    public void run()
        System.out.println("Ping count: " + count);

Assuming you have packaged this as an executable program named 'ping', you would be able to execute the following commands:

$ ping

$ ping -c 5

$ ping --help

Help System

Airline contains a fully automated help system, which generates man-page-like documentation driven by the Java

As you may have noticed in the git code above, we added `Help.class` to the cli.  This command is provided by Airline and works as follows:

$ git help
usage: git [-v] <command> [<args>]

The most commonly used git commands are:
    add       Add file contents to the index
    help      Display help information
    remote    Manage set of tracked repositories

See 'git help <command>' for more information on a specific command.

$ git help git
        git - the stupid content tracker

        git [-v] <command> [<args>]

            Verbose mode

            Display help information

            Add file contents to the index

        remote show
            Gives some information about the remote <name>

        remote add
            Adds a remote

$ git help add
        git add - Add file contents to the index

        git [-v] add [-i] [--] [<patterns>...]

            Add modified contents interactively.

            Verbose mode

            This option can be used to separate command-line options from the
            list of argument, (useful when arguments might be mistaken for
            command-line options

            Patterns of files to be added

$ git help remote
        git remote - Manage set of tracked repositories

        git [-v] remote
        git [-v] remote add [-t <branch>]
        git [-v] remote show [-n]

            Verbose mode

        With no arguments, Gives some information about the remote <name>

            Gives some information about the remote <name>

            With -n option, Do not query remote heads

            Adds a remote

            With -t option, Track only a specific branch

$ git help remote show
        git remote show - Gives some information about the remote <name>

        git [-v] remote show [-n] [--] [<remote>]

            Do not query remote heads

            Verbose mode

            This option can be used to separate command-line options from the
            list of argument, (useful when arguments might be mistaken for
            command-line options

            Remote to show

We have also, add `Help.class` as the default command for git, so if you execute git without any arguments, you will see the following:

$ git help
usage: git [-v] <command> [<args>]

The most commonly used git commands are:
    add       Add file contents to the index
    help      Display help information
    remote    Manage set of tracked repositories

See 'git help <command>' for more information on a specific command.

For simple, single-command programs like ping, use the `HelpOption` option as shown in the example above.
`HelpOption` handles the options `-h` and `--help` and provides the `showHelpIfRequested()` method
to automatically show the following help output:

$ ping -h
        ping - network test utility

        ping [(-c <count> | --count <count>)] [(-h | --help)]

        -c <count>, --count <count>
            Send count packets

        -h, --help
            Display help information