Codebase list android-file-transfer / run/5a25b1f4-cc94-4b75-a32f-8d499bfc78b8/upstream

Tree @run/5a25b1f4-cc94-4b75-a32f-8d499bfc78b8/upstream (Download .tar.gz)

# Android File Transfer For Linux (FreeBSD and macOS, too!)

[![Android File Transfer for Linux (and macOS!)](](

Android File Transfer for Linux — a reliable [MTP]( client with minimalistic UI similar to [Android File Transfer](

It just works™.

## Do I need it?

If you're happy with `gmtp`/`gvfs`/`mtpfs` or any other MTP software, you might not need this software (but give it a try!).

If you're suffering from crashes, missing tags, album covers, USB freezes, and corrupted files however, this software is right for you.

## Pre-built Packages

If your distribution does not provide an `android-file-transfer-linux` package, you can still install it on your system.

There's quite a few packages available:
- AppImage:
- macOS DMG image:
- macOS Homebrew: `brew cask install whoozle-android-file-transfer` or `brew cask install whoozle-android-file-transfer-nightly`

## Support me
If you want to help me with development, click on the link below and follow the instructions. I'm working on this project in my spare time and I try to fix everything as fast as possible, sometimes adding features in realtime (more than 100 tickets closed by now).
Any amount would help relieving the pain of using MTP. :D

## Features

* Simple Qt UI with progress dialogs.
* FUSE wrapper (if you prefer mounting your device), supporting partial read/writes, allowing instant access to your files.
* No file size limits.
* Automatically renames album cover to make it visible from media player.
* Supports Zune and Zune HD.
* USB [zerocopy]( support found in recent Linux kernels (no user/kernel data copying).
* No extra dependencies (e.g. `libptp` or `libmtp`).
* Available as a static/shared library.
* Command line tool [`aft-mtp-cli`](
* Python bindings.

## FAQ
[Please take a look at the FAQ if you have issues with your operating system]( It's not that big, but those are the questions asked very often.

## Installation

### Debian/Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install android-file-transfer

### Gentoo

Android File Transfer for Linux is now included in Gentoo. You don't have to build anything, just run

sudo emerge -av sys-fs/android-file-transfer-linux

If you need a FUSE mount helper to mount MTP filesystems, you have to enable the FUSE use flag, e.g. adding the following in `/etc/portage/package.use` (which can either be a directory or a file):
sys-fs/android-file-transfer-linux fuse

You can use the `sys-fs/android-file-transfer-linux-9999` ebuild if you want the latest Git version by adding the following entry to `/etc/portage/package.accept_keywords (which can either be a directory or a file):
=sys-fs/android-file-transfer-linux-9999 **

### Arch

  sudo pacman -S android-file-transfer

## Building from source

### Prerequisites

* You will need the Qt libraries for building the UI program. If you're planning to use only the library (*Qt is not needed*), you could turn the option ```BUILD_QT_UI``` off.
* For Ubuntu and other Debian-based distros, use the following command:

  sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake qt5-default ninja-build libfuse-dev libreadline-dev qttools5-dev

  For Fedora:
  dnf install make automake gcc gcc-c++ kernel-devel cmake fuse fuse-devel qt-devel readline-devel libqt5-linguist-devel

* Basically
  * you need `libqtX-dev` or `libqt5-dev` for the UI,
  * `libfuse-dev` for the FUSE interface,
  * and `cmake`, `ninja`, or `make` for building the project.

### Building with Ninja

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G Ninja ..


### Building with make

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..


### Installing binary package on macOS
There is a binary package that can be installed via Homebrew:
 * First, install [`brew`]( if you don't have it already installed.
 * Then, the stable package may be installed via:

brew install homebrew/cask/whoozle-android-file-transfer
 * The nightly build may be installed via:

brew install homebrew/cask-versions/whoozle-android-file-transfer-nightly

 * Please note: Stable and nightly are in conflict, so please make sure to uninstall one of them when you want to switch between stable and nightly.

### Building app package on macOS

You'll need Qt installed to build the GUI app. Here are the build instructions with Qt5 from Homebrew (`brew install qt5`):

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/Applications -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/local/opt/qt5
make install

open ~/Applications/

### Installation

`sudo ninja install` or `sudo make install` will install the program into the cmake prefix/bin directory (usually `/usr/local/bin`).

## How to use

### FUSE interface

mkdir ~/my-device
./aft-mtp-mount ~/my-device
Remember, if you want album art to be displayed, it must be named '' and placed *first* in the destination folder. Then copy other files.
Also, note that FUSE could be 7-8 times slower than UI/CLI file transfer.

### Qt user interface

1. Start application, choose destination folder and click any button on toolbar.
2. The options available are: `Upload Album`, `Upload Directory`, and `Upload Files`.
   The latter two are self-explanatory. `Upload Album` tries searching the source directory for album covers and sets the best available cover.
3. You could drop any files or folders right into the application window: the transfer will start automatically.

### Known problems
* Samsung removed Android extensions from MTP, so FUSE will be available read-only, sorry. Feel free to post your complaints to
* Sometimes downloading fails with a USB timeout, after which the phone becomes unresponsive: [Android bug #75259](
* Objects created in the UI will not show up in the FUSE filesystem: [Android bug #169547](

Up-to-date list of all known problems and bugs are available [here](

## Contacts
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions. My email address is <>.

## Special thanks
* All who filed bugs on GitHub and wrote emails. Many features came to be only because of your feedback. Thanks!
* Alexey [gazay]( Gaziev for useful suggestions, support, and invaluable help with the MacBook and macOS port.
* @ssnjrthegr8 for the new logo!

## License

Android File Transfer for Linux is released under the [GNU LGPLv2.1 License](

Copyright © 2015-2022 Vladimir Menshakov