Codebase list apertium-apy / ca2e2410-6221-43b5-8971-1f20e198e325/main

Tree @ca2e2410-6221-43b5-8971-1f20e198e325/main (Download .tar.gz) @ca2e2410-6221-43b5-8971-1f20e198e325/mainraw · history · blame

Apertium APy

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Apertium APy, **Apertium A**PI in **Py**thon, is a web server exposing Apertium
morphological functions including text, document and webpage translation. More
information is available on the [Apertium Wiki][1].


- Python 3.4+
- Tornado 4.3+ (`python3-tornado` on Debian)

Additional functionality is provided by installation
of the following packages:

- `apertium-streamparser` enables spell checking
- `requests` enables suggestion handling
- `chromium_compact_language_detector` enables improved language detection (cld2)
- `chardet` enables website character encoding detection
- `commentjson` allows to keep API keys in commented json

Precise versions are available in `requirements.txt` and ``.


Before you install, you can try out a live version of APy at [][2].

APy is available through [PyPi](

    $ pip install apertium-apy

On Ubuntu/Debian, it is also available through `apt`:

    $ wget -qO- | bash
    $ apt-get install apertium-apy

Finally, [Docker Hub][3] hosts an image of the provided `Dockerfile` with
entry point `apertium-apy` exposing port 2737:

    $ docker pull apertium/apy


Installation through `apt` or `pip` adds an `apertium-apy` executable:

    $ apertium-apy --help

    usage: apertium-apy [-h] [-s NONPAIRS_PATH] [-l LANG_NAMES] [-f MISSING_FREQS]
                    [-p PORT] [-c SSL_CERT] [-k SSL_KEY] [-t TIMEOUT]
                    [-j [NUM_PROCESSES]] [-d] [-P LOG_PATH]
                    [-i MAX_PIPES_PER_PAIR] [-n MIN_PIPES_PER_PAIR]
                    [-u MAX_USERS_PER_PIPE] [-m MAX_IDLE_SECS]
                    [-r RESTART_PIPE_AFTER] [-v VERBOSITY] [-V] [-S]
                    [-wp WIKI_PASSWORD] [-wu WIKI_USERNAME] [-b]
                    [-rs RECAPTCHA_SECRET] [-md MAX_DOC_PIPES] [-C CONFIG]
                    [-ak API_KEYS_FILE]

    Apertium APY -- API server for machine translation and language analysis

    positional arguments:
    pairs_path            path to Apertium installed pairs (all modes files in
                            this path are included)

    optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    -s NONPAIRS_PATH, --nonpairs-path NONPAIRS_PATH
                            path to Apertium tree (only non-translator debug modes
                            are included from this path)
    -l LANG_NAMES, --lang-names LANG_NAMES
                            path to localised language names sqlite database
                            (default = langNames.db)
    -f MISSING_FREQS, --missing-freqs MISSING_FREQS
                            path to missing word frequency sqlite database
                            (default = None)
    -p PORT, --port PORT  port to run server on (default = 2737)
    -c SSL_CERT, --ssl-cert SSL_CERT
                            path to SSL Certificate
    -k SSL_KEY, --ssl-key SSL_KEY
                            path to SSL Key File
    -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                            timeout for requests (default = 10)
    -j [NUM_PROCESSES], --num-processes [NUM_PROCESSES]
                            number of processes to run (default = 1; use 0 to run
                            one http server per core, where each http server runs
                            all available language pairs)
    -d, --daemon          daemon mode: redirects stdout and stderr to files
                            apertium-apy.log and apertium-apy.err; use with --log-
    -P LOG_PATH, --log-path LOG_PATH
                            path to log output files to in daemon mode; defaults
                            to local directory
    -i MAX_PIPES_PER_PAIR, --max-pipes-per-pair MAX_PIPES_PER_PAIR
                            how many pipelines we can spin up per language pair
                            (default = 1)
    -n MIN_PIPES_PER_PAIR, --min-pipes-per-pair MIN_PIPES_PER_PAIR
                            when shutting down pipelines, keep at least this many
                            open per language pair (default = 0)
    -u MAX_USERS_PER_PIPE, --max-users-per-pipe MAX_USERS_PER_PIPE
                            how many concurrent requests per pipeline before we
                            consider spinning up a new one (default = 5)
    -m MAX_IDLE_SECS, --max-idle-secs MAX_IDLE_SECS
                            if specified, shut down pipelines that have not been
                            used in this many seconds
    -r RESTART_PIPE_AFTER, --restart-pipe-after RESTART_PIPE_AFTER
                            restart a pipeline if it has had this many requests
                            (default = 1000)
    -v VERBOSITY, --verbosity VERBOSITY
                            logging verbosity
    -V, --version         show APY version
    -S, --scalemt-logs    generates ScaleMT-like logs; use with --log-path;
                            keeps unknown words in memory until a limit is
                            reached; use with --missing-freqs (default = 1000)
    -T STAT_PERIOD_MAX_AGE, --stat-period-max-age STAT_PERIOD_MAX_AGE
                            How many seconds back to keep track request timing
                            stats (default = 3600)
    -wp WIKI_PASSWORD, --wiki-password WIKI_PASSWORD
                            Apertium Wiki account password for SuggestionHandler
    -wu WIKI_USERNAME, --wiki-username WIKI_USERNAME
                            Apertium Wiki account username for SuggestionHandler
    -b, --bypass-token    ReCAPTCHA bypass token
    -rs RECAPTCHA_SECRET, --recaptcha-secret RECAPTCHA_SECRET
                            ReCAPTCHA secret for suggestion validation
    -md MAX_DOC_PIPES, --max-doc-pipes MAX_DOC_PIPES
                            how many concurrent document translation pipelines we
                            allow (default = 3)
    -C CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                            Configuration file to load options from
    -ak, --api-keys         JSON file where API keys are stored. Comments are allowed


APy uses [TravisCI][4] for continous integration. Locally, use `make test`
to run the same checks it does. Use `pipenv install --dev`
to install the requirements required for development, e.g. linters.
