Codebase list apertium / 8f7fd681-c541-4394-a4ac-701b42f55f85/main

Tree @8f7fd681-c541-4394-a4ac-701b42f55f85/main (Download .tar.gz)



* This package needs the package [lttoolbox-3.5][1] installed in the
system, as well as `libxml` and `libpcre`.

See and for more information
on installing.


When building, this package generates, among others, the following

* `apertium-deshtml`, `apertium-desrtf`, `apertium-destxt`
  Deformatters for html, rtf and txt document formats.
* `apertium-rehtml`, `apertium-rertf`, `apertium-retxt`
  Reformatters for html, rtf and txt document formats.
* `apertium`
  Translator program.  Execute without parameters to see the usage.

Quick Start

1) Download the packages for `lttoolbox-VERSION.tar.gz` and
   `apertium-VERSION.tar.gz` and linguistic data

   Note: If you are using the translator from GitHub, run `./` before
         running `./configure` in all cases.

2) Unpack lttoolbox and do ('#' means 'do that with root privileges'):
   $ cd lttoolbox-VERSION
   $ ./configure
   $ make
   # make install
3) Unpack apertium and do:
   $ cd apertium-VERSION
   $ ./configure
   $ make
   # make install
4) Unpack linguistic data (LING_DATA_DIR) and do:
   $ ./configure
   $ make
   and wait for a while (minutes).
5) Use the translator

   USAGE: apertium [-d datadir] [-f format] [-u] <direction> [in [out]]
    -d datadir       directory of linguistic data
    -f format        one of: txt (default), html, rtf, odt, docx, wxml, xlsx, pptx,
                     xpresstag, html-noent, latex, latex-raw
    -a               display ambiguity
    -u               don't display marks '*' for unknown words
    -n               don't insert period before possible sentence-ends
    -m memory.tmx    use a translation memory to recycle translations
    -o direction     translation direction using the translation memory,
                     by default 'direction' is used instead
    -l               lists the available translation directions and exits
    direction        typically, LANG1-LANG2, but see modes.xml in language data
    in               input file (stdin by default)
    out              output file (stdout by default)


   $ apertium -f txt es-ca <input >output
