Codebase list bluez-firmware / upstream/1.2 broadcom / bcm_hex2bin

Tree @upstream/1.2 (Download .tar.gz)

bcm_hex2bin @upstream/1.2

# This is a tool to convert three banked intel hex format files 
# into a single intel hex format file. The common portion of the
# code will be removed.


$BANK_LIMIT = "8000";

$bcm2039 = "BCM2039";



if(( @ARGV == 0 ) || ( @ARGV == 1 ))
    print "Usage: inputFile.hex outputFile.bin\n";




    for( $i = 0 ; $i < $count; $i += 1 )
        $Image[$i] = 0xff;

    ParseOneFile( \@Bank0, shift ARGV );
    $outfile = shift ARGV;

    open (hdl, ">", $outfile ) || die "Can't open $outfile\n"; 
    binmode hdl, ':raw';

    foreach $item (@Bank0)
        $baseAddr = hex $item->{"addr"};

        if($item->{"type"} == 2)
            $baseAddr += 0x8000;

        if($item->{"type"} == 3)
            $baseAddr += 0x10000;

        $str = $item->{"data"} ;
        for($i = 0; $i < length($str ) ; $i +=2 )
            # cut the whole ascii string into two
            # characters each and convert them into 
            # hex number.
            $tmp = hex( substr( $str , $i, 2 ) );

            # figure out the offset

            $Image[$baseAddr ] = $tmp;

            #increase the base address by one for next 
            # byte
            $baseAddr += 1;

    for( $i = 0 ; $i < $count; $i += 1 )
       $val = sprintf("%02X", $Image[$i]); 
       $len = length($val);
       $value = pack("H$len", $val);
       print hdl $value;

    close hdl;

exit 0;

sub ParseOneFile()
    local ( $image ) = shift @_;
    $filename        = shift @_;
    local ($line);

    open( file, $filename ) || die "Can't open $filename\n";


    while( $line = <file> )
        $record = {};

        $line =~ /:(\w\w)(\w{4})(\w\w)(.*)(\w\w)/;

        $record->{"len"} = $1;
        $record->{"addr"} = $2;
        $record->{"type"} = $3;
        $record->{"data"} = $4;
        $record->{"checksum"} = $5;

        push @$image, $record;

