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# 東風破 /plum/

Rime configuration manager and input schema repository

## Project home


## Introduction

**/plum/** is a configuration manager for [Rime]( input method engine.

/// **東風破** 是 [中州韻輸入法引擎]( 的配置管理工具。///

It's designed for Rime users to install and update the default configuration and a collection
of data packages maintained by [Rime Developers](

It also works perfectly well with personal configuration hosted on GitHub and input schema packages
from third-party developers.

A **Rime input schema** (**Rime 輸入方案**) defines the rules of a specific "input method", or in technical terms
how user input sequences are interpreted by the Rime input method engine.
It consists of a configuration file named `<schema_id>.schema.yaml`, and usually an optional
**Rime dictionary** (**韻書**) file named `*.dict.yaml`.

A package may contain one or several interrelated input schemata and their affiliated Rime dictionaries.
A package is also good for publishing general configuration files and data files used by Rime.

In /plum/ terms, a re-usable piece of configuration is known as a **recipe** (**配方**), denoted by the "℞" symbol.

A data package itself can be a recipe, this is the common case.
In the future, /plum/ will support more fine-grained recipes that allow you to select what to install from a package,
or even take parameters like the target input schema to customize.

## Packages

This is an index of the packages maintained by Rime Developers as separate projects.

These packages aim to offer a sensible default configuration for most users, and support various
Chinese input methods including those based on modern dialects and historical Chinese phonology.

/// **配方一覽** ///

### Essentials

  - ℞ [`prelude`]( 基礎配置 / the prelude package, providing Rime's default settings
  - ℞ [`essay`]( 八股文 / a shared vocabulary and language model

### Phonetic-based input methods

Modern Standard Madarin

  - ℞ [`luna-pinyin`]( 朙月拼音 / Pinyin input method for Tranditional Chinese
  - ℞ [`terra-pinyin`]( 地球拼音 / School-taught Pinyin, with tone marks
  - ℞ [`bopomofo`]( 注音 / Zhuyin (aka. Bopomofo)
  - ℞ [`pinyin-simp`]( 袖珍簡化字拼音

Derivatives of Pinyin

  - ℞ [`double-pinyin`]( 雙拼 / Double Pinyin (ZiRanMa, ABC, flyPY, MSPY, PYJJ variants)
  - ℞ [`combo-pinyin`]( 宮保拼音 / [Combo Pinyin](, a chord-typing input method
  - ℞ [`stenotype`]( 打字速記法 / a stenographic system derived from ABC Easy Shorthand

Other modern varieties of Chinese

  - ℞ [`cantonese`]( 粵語拼音 / Cantonese
  - ℞ [`jyutping`]( 粵拼(無聲調) / Cantonese (without tones)
  - ℞ [`wugniu`]( 上海吳語 / Wu (Shanghainese)
  - ℞ [`soutzoe`]( 蘇州吳語 / Wu (Suzhounese)

Middle Chinese

  - ℞ [`middle-chinese`]( 中古漢語拼音 / Middle Chinese Romanization

### Shape-based input methods

  - ℞ [`stroke`]( 五筆畫 / five strokes
  - ℞ [`cangjie`]( 倉頡輸入法 / Cangjie input method
  - ℞ [`quick`]( 速成 / Simplified Cangjie
  - ℞ [`wubi`]( 五筆字型
  - ℞ [`array`]( 行列輸入法
  - ℞ [`scj`]( 快速倉頡

### Miscellaneous

  - ℞ [`emoji`]( 繪文字 / input emoji with English or Chinese Pinyin keywords
  - ℞ [`ipa`]( 國際音標 / International Phonetic Alphabet

## Usage

To prepare your Rime configuration for [ibus-rime](,
[Squirrel](, you can get started by running

curl -fsSL | bash

/// 用法:Linux、macOS 系統,在終端輸入以上命令行,安裝配置管理器及預設配方。 ///

Paste the command line in Linux terminal or macOS `` and hit enter.

The one-liner runs the `rime-install` script to download preset packages and install
source files to Rime user directory. (Yet it doesn't enable new schemas for you)

For [Weasel](, please refer to the [Windows bootstrap script](#windows) section for initial setup.

## Advanced usage

Alternatively, you can specify a configuration among `:preset`, `:extra` and `:all` (note the colon):

curl -fsSL | bash -s -- :preset

This is equivalent to cloning this repo and running the local copy of `rime-install`:

git clone --depth 1
cd plum
bash rime-install :preset

You can then add packages from all the great Rime developers on GitHub by specifying
a list of package names or refer to packages by `<user>/<repo>`:

bash rime-install jyutping lotem/rime-zhung acevery/rime-zhengma

# optionally, specific a branch by appending "@<branch-name>"
bash rime-install jyutping@master lotem/rime-zhung@master

Lastly, it's also possible to install other author's Rime configuration from a
`*-packages.conf` file hosted on GitHub. For example:

bash rime-install

# or in short form: "<user>/<repo>/<filepath>"
bash rime-install lotem/rime-forge/lotem-packages.conf

# or specify a branch: "<user>/<repo>@<branch>/<filepath>"
bash rime-install lotem/rime-forge@master/lotem-packages.conf

For third-party Rime distributions, specify the `rime_frontend` variable in the command line:

rime_frontend=fcitx-rime bash rime-install

or set `rime_dir` to Rime user directory

rime_dir="$HOME/.config/fcitx/rime" bash rime-install

To update /plum/ itself, run

bash rime-install plum

## Interactively select packages to install

Specify the `--select` flag as the first argument to `rime-install`,
then add configurations (`:preset` is the default) and/or individual packages to display in the menu.

bash rime-install --select :extra

bash rime-install --select :all lotem/rime-forge/lotem-packages.conf

[Screenshot]( of usage example

<a name="windows"></a>
## Windows bootstrap script

To get started on Windows, download the [bootstrap bundle][bootstrap-bundle],
unpack the ZIP archive and run `rime-install-bootstrap.bat` for initial setup.

It will fetch the latest installer script `rime-install.bat` an create a shortcut to it,
which can then be copied or moved anywhere for easier access.

/// Windows 用家可以通過 [小狼毫]( 0.11 以上「輸入法設定/獲取更多輸入方案」調用配置管理器。///

/// 或者下載獨立的 [啓動工具包][bootstrap-bundle]。///


### Use built-in ZIP package installer

You can use the installer script to download and install ZIP packages from GitHub, in a number of ways:

1. Double-click the shortcut to bring up an interactive package installer, then input package name, `<user>/<repo>` or GitHub URL for the package.

2. Run `rime-install.bat` in the command line. The command takes a list of packages to install as arguments.

rime-install :preset combo-pinyin jyutping wubi

3. Drag downloaded ZIP packages from GitHub onto the shortcut to do offline install.

   You can find ZIP packages downloaded by the installer script in `%TEMP%` folder (can be customized via variable `download_cache_dir`).

   To manually download ZIP package from a GitHub repository, click the button *Clone or download*, then *Download ZIP*.

### Use git for incremental updates (optional)

If [Git for Windows]( is installed in the default location or is available in your `PATH`,
the script will use git-bash to install or update packages.

Use the following command to install Git for Windows, if you are new to git.
In China, it's probably faster to download Git from a local mirror by specifying `git_mirror`.

(set git_mirror=taobao) && rime-install git

You can set more options in `rime-install-config.bat` in the same directory as `rime-install.bat`, for example:

set git_mirror=taobao
set plum_dir=%APPDATA%\plum
set rime_dir=%APPDATA%\Rime
set use_plum=1

## Install as shared data

The `Makefile` builds and installs Rime data as a software on Unix systems.

For downstream packagers for the package management systems of the OS, it's recommend to create
separate packages for the /plum/ configuration manager (possibly named `rime-plum` or `rime-install`)
and the data package(s) (possibly named `rime-data`, or `rime-data-*` if separated into many)
created by the make targets.

### Build dependencies

  - git
  - librime>=1.3 (for `rime_deployer`)

### Run-time dependencies

  - librime>=1.3
  - opencc>=1.0.2

### Build and install

The default make target uses `git` command to download the latest packages from GitHub.

sudo make install

You can optionally build the by default enabled input schemas to binaries.
This saves user's time building those files on first startup.

make preset-bin

## License

Code in the `rime/plum` repository is licensed under **LGPLv3**.
Please refer to the `LICENSE` file in the project root directory.

**Note** that make targets provided by the `Makefile` may include files downloaded by the
configuration manager. Individual packages can be released under different licenses.
Please refer to their respective `LICENSE` files.
The license compatible with all the maintained packages is **GPLv3**.

## Credits

We are grateful to the makers of the following open source projects:

  - [Android Pinyin IME]( (Apache 2.0)
  - [Chewing / 新酷音]( (LGPL)
  - [ibus-table]( (LGPL)
  - [OpenCC / 開放中文轉換]( (Apache 2.0)
  - [moedict / 萌典]( (CC0 1.0)
  - [Rime 翰林院 / Rime Academy]( (GPLv3)

Also to the inventors of the following input methods:

  - Cangjie / 倉頡輸入法 by 朱邦復
  - Array input method / 行列輸入法 by 廖明德
  - Wubi / 五筆字型 by 王永民
  - Scj / 快速倉頡 by 麥志洪
  - Middle Chinese Romanization / 中古漢語拼音 by 古韻

## Contributors

This software is a result of collective effort. It was set up by the following
people by contributing files, patches and pull-requests. See also the
[contributors]( page for a
list of open-source collaborators.

  - [佛振](
  - [Kunki Chou](
  - [雪齋](
  - [Patrick Tschang](
  - [Joseph J.C. Tang](
  - [lxk](
  - [Ye Zhou](
  - Jiehong Ma
  - StarSasumi
  - 古韻
  - 寒寒豆
  - 四季的風
  - 上海閒話abc
  - 吳語越音