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(*  v      *   The Coq Proof Assistant  /  The Coq Development Team     *)
(* <O___,, *   INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2016     *)
(*   \VV/  **************************************************************)
(*    //   *      This file is distributed under the terms of the       *)
(*         *       GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1        *)

open Pp
open CErrors
open Util
open System
open Flags
open Names
open Check

let () = at_exit flush_all

let chk_pp = Pp.pp_with Format.std_formatter

let fatal_error info anomaly =
  flush_all (); Feedback.msg_error info; flush_all ();
  exit (if anomaly then 129 else 1)

let coq_root = Id.of_string "Coq"
let parse_dir s =
  let len = String.length s in
  let rec decoupe_dirs dirs n =
    if n>=len then dirs else
    let pos =
	String.index_from s n '.'
      with Not_found -> len
    let dir = String.sub s n (pos-n) in
      decoupe_dirs (dir::dirs) (pos+1)
    decoupe_dirs [] 0
let dirpath_of_string s =
  match parse_dir s with
      [] -> Check.default_root_prefix
    | dir -> DirPath.make ( Id.of_string dir)
let path_of_string s =
  match parse_dir s with
      [] -> invalid_arg "path_of_string"
    | l::dir -> {dirpath=dir; basename=l}

let ( / ) = Filename.concat

let get_version_date () =
    let ch = open_in (Envars.coqlib () / "revision") in
    let ver = input_line ch in
    let rev = input_line ch in
    let () = close_in ch in
  with _ -> (Coq_config.version,

let print_header () =
  let (ver,rev) = (get_version_date ()) in
  Printf.printf "Welcome to Chicken %s (%s)\n" ver rev;
  flush stdout

(* Adding files to Coq loadpath *)

let add_path ~unix_path:dir ~coq_root:coq_dirpath =
  if exists_dir dir then
      Check.add_load_path (dir,coq_dirpath)
    Feedback.msg_warning (str "Cannot open " ++ str dir)

let convert_string d =
  try Id.of_string d
  with CErrors.UserError _ ->
    if_verbose Feedback.msg_warning
      (str "Directory " ++ str d ++ str " cannot be used as a Coq identifier (skipped)");
    raise Exit

let add_rec_path ~unix_path ~coq_root =
  if exists_dir unix_path then
    let dirs = all_subdirs ~unix_path in
    let prefix = DirPath.repr coq_root in
    let convert_dirs (lp, cp) =
        let path = List.rev_map convert_string cp @ prefix in
        Some (lp, Names.DirPath.make path)
      with Exit -> None
    let dirs = List.map_filter convert_dirs dirs in
    List.iter Check.add_load_path dirs;
    Check.add_load_path (unix_path, coq_root)
    Feedback.msg_warning (str "Cannot open " ++ str unix_path)

(* By the option -include -I or -R of the command line *)
let includes = ref []
let push_include (s, alias) = includes := (s,alias,false) :: !includes
let push_rec_include (s, alias) = includes := (s,alias,true) :: !includes

let set_default_include d =
  push_include (d, Check.default_root_prefix)
let set_include d p =
  let p = dirpath_of_string p in
  push_include (d,p)
let set_rec_include d p =
  let p = dirpath_of_string p in

(* Initializes the LoadPath *)
let init_load_path () =
  let coqlib = Envars.coqlib () in
  let user_contrib = coqlib/"user-contrib" in
  let xdg_dirs = Envars.xdg_dirs in
  let coqpath = Envars.coqpath in
  let plugins = coqlib/"plugins" in
  (* NOTE: These directories are searched from last to first *)
  (* first standard library *)
  add_rec_path ~unix_path:(coqlib/"theories") ~coq_root:(Names.DirPath.make[coq_root]);
  (* then plugins *)
  add_rec_path ~unix_path:plugins ~coq_root:(Names.DirPath.make [coq_root]);
  (* then user-contrib *)
  if Sys.file_exists user_contrib then
    add_rec_path ~unix_path:user_contrib ~coq_root:Check.default_root_prefix;
  (* then directories in XDG_DATA_DIRS and XDG_DATA_HOME *)
  List.iter (fun s -> add_rec_path ~unix_path:s ~coq_root:Check.default_root_prefix)
    (xdg_dirs ~warn:(fun x -> Feedback.msg_warning (str x)));
  (* then directories in COQPATH *)
  List.iter (fun s -> add_rec_path ~unix_path:s ~coq_root:Check.default_root_prefix) coqpath;
  (* then current directory *)
  add_path ~unix_path:"." ~coq_root:Check.default_root_prefix;
  (* additional loadpath, given with -I -include -R options *)
    (fun (unix_path, coq_root, reci) ->
      if reci then add_rec_path ~unix_path ~coq_root else add_path ~unix_path ~coq_root)
    (List.rev !includes);
  includes := []

let set_debug () = Flags.debug := true

let impredicative_set = ref Cic.PredicativeSet
let set_impredicative_set () = impredicative_set := Cic.ImpredicativeSet
let engage () = Safe_typing.set_engagement (!impredicative_set)

let admit_list = ref ([] : section_path list)
let add_admit s =
  admit_list := path_of_string s :: !admit_list

let norec_list = ref ([] : section_path list)
let add_norec s =
  norec_list := path_of_string s :: !norec_list

let compile_list = ref ([] : section_path list)
let add_compile s =
  compile_list := path_of_string s :: !compile_list

(*s Parsing of the command line.
    We no longer use [Arg.parse], in order to use share [Usage.print_usage]
    between coqtop and coqc. *)

let compile_files () =
    ~norec:(List.rev !norec_list)
    ~admit:(List.rev !admit_list)
    ~check:(List.rev !compile_list)

let version () =
  Printf.printf "The Coq Proof Checker, version %s (%s)\n"
  Printf.printf "compiled on %s\n" Coq_config.compile_date;
  exit 0

(* print the usage of coqtop (or coqc) on channel co *)

let print_usage_channel co command =
  output_string co command;
  output_string co "coqchk options are:\n";
  output_string co
"  -R dir coqdir          map physical dir to logical coqdir\
\n  -admit module          load module and dependencies without checking\
\n  -norec module          check module but admit dependencies without checking\
\n  -where                 print coqchk's standard library location and exit\
\n  -v                     print coqchk version and exit\
\n  -boot                  boot mode\
\n  -o, --output-context   print the list of assumptions\
\n  -m, --memory           print the maximum heap size\
\n  -silent                disable trace of constants being checked\
\n  -impredicative-set     set sort Set impredicative\
\n  -h, --help             print this list of options\

(* print the usage on standard error *)

let print_usage = print_usage_channel stderr

let print_usage_coqtop () =
  print_usage "Usage: coqchk <options> modules\n\n"

let usage () =
  print_usage_coqtop ();
  flush stderr;
  exit 1

open Type_errors

let anomaly_string () = str "Anomaly: "
let report () = (str "." ++ spc () ++ str "Please report" ++
                 strbrk "at " ++ str Coq_config.wwwbugtracker ++ str ".")

let guill s = str "\"" ++ str s ++ str "\""

let where s =
  if !Flags.debug then  (str"in " ++ str s ++ str":" ++ spc ()) else (mt ())

let rec explain_exn = function
  | Stream.Failure ->
      hov 0 (anomaly_string () ++ str "uncaught Stream.Failure.")
  | Stream.Error txt ->
      hov 0 (str "Syntax error: " ++ str txt)
  | Sys_error msg ->
      hov 0 (anomaly_string () ++ str "uncaught exception Sys_error " ++ guill msg ++ report() )
  | UserError(s,pps) ->
      hov 1 (str "User error: " ++ where s ++ pps)
  | Out_of_memory ->
      hov 0 (str "Out of memory")
  | Stack_overflow ->
      hov 0 (str "Stack overflow")
  | Match_failure(filename,pos1,pos2) ->
      hov 1 (anomaly_string () ++ str "Match failure in file " ++
	     guill filename ++ str " at line " ++ int pos1 ++
	     str " character " ++ int pos2 ++ report ())
  | Not_found ->
      hov 0 (anomaly_string () ++ str "uncaught exception Not_found" ++ report ())
  | Failure s ->
      hov 0 (str "Failure: " ++ str s ++ report ())
  | Invalid_argument s ->
      hov 0 (anomaly_string () ++ str "uncaught exception Invalid_argument " ++ guill s ++ report ())
  | Sys.Break ->
      hov 0 (fnl () ++ str "User interrupt.")
  | Univ.UniverseInconsistency (o,u,v) ->
      let msg =
	if !Flags.debug (*!Constrextern.print_universes*) then
	  spc() ++ str "(cannot enforce" ++ spc() ++ Univ.pr_uni u ++ spc() ++
          str (match o with Univ.Lt -> "<" | Univ.Le -> "<=" | Univ.Eq -> "=")
	  ++ spc() ++ Univ.pr_uni v ++ str")"
	  mt() in
      hov 0 (str "Error: Universe inconsistency" ++ msg ++ str ".")
  | TypeError(ctx,te) ->
      hov 0 (str "Type error: " ++
      (match te with
      | UnboundRel i -> str"UnboundRel " ++ int i
      | UnboundVar v -> str"UnboundVar" ++ str(Names.Id.to_string v)
      | NotAType _ -> str"NotAType"
      | BadAssumption _ -> str"BadAssumption"
      | ReferenceVariables _ -> str"ReferenceVariables"
      | ElimArity _ -> str"ElimArity"
      | CaseNotInductive _ -> str"CaseNotInductive"
      | WrongCaseInfo _ -> str"WrongCaseInfo"
      | NumberBranches _ -> str"NumberBranches"
      | IllFormedBranch _ -> str"IllFormedBranch"
      | Generalization _ -> str"Generalization"
      | ActualType _ -> str"ActualType"
      | CantApplyBadType ((n,a,b),(hd,hdty),args) ->
          Format.printf "====== ill-typed term ====@\n";
          Format.printf "@[<hov 2>application head=@ ";
          Print.print_pure_constr hd;
          Format.printf "@]@\n@[<hov 2>head type=@ ";
          Print.print_pure_constr hdty;
          Format.printf "@]@\narguments:@\n@[<hv>";
          Array.iteri (fun i (t,ty) ->
            Format.printf "@[<hov 2>arg %d=@ " (i+1);
            Print.print_pure_constr t;
            Format.printf "@ type=@ ";
            Print.print_pure_constr ty) args;
          Format.printf "@]@\n====== type error ====@\n";
          Print.print_pure_constr b;
          Format.printf "@\nis not convertible with@\n";
          Print.print_pure_constr a;
          Format.printf "@\n====== universes ====@\n";
          str "\nCantApplyBadType at argument " ++ int n
      | CantApplyNonFunctional _ -> str"CantApplyNonFunctional"
      | IllFormedRecBody _ -> str"IllFormedRecBody"
      | IllTypedRecBody _ -> str"IllTypedRecBody"
      | UnsatisfiedConstraints _ -> str"UnsatisfiedConstraints"))

  | Indtypes.InductiveError e ->
      hov 0 (str "Error related to inductive types")
(*      let ctx = Check.get_env() in
      hov 0
        (str "Error:" ++ spc () ++ Himsg.explain_inductive_error ctx e)*)
  | Assert_failure (s,b,e) ->
      hov 0 (anomaly_string () ++ str "assert failure" ++ spc () ++
	       (if s = "" then mt ()
		  (str "(file \"" ++ str s ++ str "\", line " ++ int b ++
		   str ", characters " ++ int e ++ str "-" ++
		   int (e+6) ++ str ")")) ++
	       report ())
  | e -> CErrors.print e (* for anomalies and other uncaught exceptions *)

let parse_args argv =
  let rec parse = function
    | [] -> ()
    | "-impredicative-set" :: rem ->
      set_impredicative_set (); parse rem

    | "-coqlib" :: s :: rem ->
      if not (exists_dir s) then 
	fatal_error (str "Directory '" ++ str s ++ str "' does not exist") false;
      Flags.coqlib := s;
      Flags.coqlib_spec := true;
      parse rem

    | ("-I"|"-include") :: d :: "-as" :: p :: rem -> set_include d p; parse rem
    | ("-I"|"-include") :: d :: "-as" :: [] -> usage ()
    | ("-I"|"-include") :: d :: rem -> set_default_include d; parse rem
    | ("-I"|"-include") :: []       -> usage ()

    | "-R" :: d :: p :: rem -> set_rec_include d p;parse rem
    | "-R" :: ([] | [_]) -> usage ()

    | "-debug" :: rem -> set_debug (); parse rem

    | "-where" :: _ ->
        Envars.set_coqlib ~fail:CErrors.error;
        print_endline (Envars.coqlib ());
        exit 0

    | ("-?"|"-h"|"-H"|"-help"|"--help") :: _ -> usage ()

    | ("-v"|"--version") :: _ -> version ()
    | "-boot" :: rem -> boot := true; parse rem
    | ("-m" | "--memory") :: rem -> Check_stat.memory_stat := true; parse rem
    | ("-o" | "--output-context") :: rem ->
        Check_stat.output_context := true; parse rem

    | "-admit" :: s :: rem -> add_admit s; parse rem
    | "-admit" :: [] -> usage ()

    | "-norec" :: s :: rem -> add_norec s; parse rem
    | "-norec" :: [] -> usage ()

    | "-silent" :: rem ->
        Flags.make_silent true; parse rem

    | s :: _ when s<>"" && s.[0]='-' ->
        fatal_error (str "Unknown option " ++ str s) false
    | s :: rem ->  add_compile s; parse rem
  parse ( (Array.to_list argv))

(* To prevent from doing the initialization twice *)
let initialized = ref false

let init_with_argv argv =
  if not !initialized then begin
    initialized := true;
    Sys.catch_break false; (* Ctrl-C is fatal during the initialisation *)
      parse_args argv;
      if !Flags.debug then Printexc.record_backtrace true;
      Envars.set_coqlib ~fail:CErrors.error;
      if_verbose print_header ();
      init_load_path ();
      engage ();
    with e ->
      fatal_error (str "Error during initialization :" ++ (explain_exn e)) (is_anomaly e)

let init() = init_with_argv Sys.argv

let run () =
    compile_files ();
  with e ->
    if !Flags.debug then Printexc.print_backtrace stderr;
    fatal_error (explain_exn e) (is_anomaly e)

let start () = init(); run(); Check_stat.stats(); exit 0