Codebase list core-async-clojure / 7fdd091
New upstream version 0.3.443 Apollon Oikonomopoulos 6 years ago
58 changed file(s) with 8954 addition(s) and 0 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
0 *.iml
1 *init.clj
2 .idea
3 out-simp
4 out-simp-node
5 out-adv
6 out-adv-node
7 /target
8 /lib
9 /classes
10 /checkouts
11 *.jar
12 *.class
13 .lein-deps-sum
14 .lein-failures
15 .lein-plugins
16 .lein-repl-history
17 tests.js
19 pom.xml.versionsBackup
0 If you'd like to submit a patch, please follow the [contributing guidelines](
0 # core.async
2 A Clojure library providing facilities for async programming and communication.
5 ## Releases and Dependency Information
7 Latest release: 0.3.442
9 * [All Released Versions](
11 [Leiningen]( dependency information:
13 ```clj
14 [org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0"]
15 [org.clojure/core.async "0.3.442"]
16 ```
18 [Maven]( dependency information:
20 ```xml
21 <dependency>
22 <groupId>org.clojure</groupId>
23 <artifactId>core.async</artifactId>
24 <version>0.3.442</version>
25 </dependency>
26 ```
28 ## Documentation
30 * [Rationale](
31 * [API docs](
32 * [Code walkthrough](
34 ## Presentations
36 * [Rich Hickey on core.async](
37 * [Tim Baldridge on core.async]( from Clojure/conj 2013 ([code](
38 * Tim Baldridge on go macro internals - [part 1]( [part 2](
39 * David Nolen [core.async webinar](
41 ## Contributing
43 [Contributing to Clojure projects]( requires a signed Contributor Agreement. Pull requests and GitHub issues are not accepted; please use the [core.async JIRA project]( to report problems or enhancements.
45 To run the ClojureScript tests:
47 * lein cljsbuild once
48 * open script/runtests.html
49 * View JavaScript console for test results
51 ## License
53 Copyright © 2017 Rich Hickey and contributors
55 Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.
57 ## Changelog
59 * Release on 2017.05.26
60 *
61 * Release 0.3.442 on 2017.03.14
62 * Fix bad `:refer-clojure` clause that violates new spec in Clojure 1.9.0-alpha15
63 * Release 0.3.441 on 2017.02.23
64 * [ASYNC-187]( - Tag metadata is lost in local closed over by a loop
65 * Related: [ASYNC-188](
66 * [ASYNC-185]( - `thread` prevents clearing of body locals
67 * [ASYNC-186]( - NPE when `go` closes over a local variable bound to nil
68 * Release 0.3.426 on 2017.02.22
69 * [ASYNC-169]( - handling of catch and finally inside go blocks was broken, causing a number of issues. Related: [ASYNC-100](, [ASYNC-173](, [ASYNC-180](, [ASYNC-179](, [ASYNC-122](, [ASYNC-78](, [ASYNC-168](
70 * [ASYNC-138]( - go blocks do not allow closed over locals to be cleared which can lead to a memory leak. Related: [ASYNC-32](
71 * [ASYNC-155]( - preserve loop binding metadata when inside a go block
72 * [ASYNC-54]( - fix bad type hint on MAX-QUEUE-SIZE
73 * [ASYNC-177]( - fix typo in Buffer protocol full? method
74 * [ASYNC-70]( - docstring change in thread, thread-call
75 * [ASYNC-143]( - assert that fixed buffers must have size > 0
76 * Update tools.analyzer.jvm dependency
77 * Release 0.2.395 on 2016.10.12
78 * Add async version of transduce
79 * Release 0.2.391 on 2016.09.09
80 * Fix redefinition warning for bounded-count (added in Clojure 1.9)
81 * Add :deprecated meta to the deprecated functions
82 * Release 0.2.385 on 2016.06.17
83 * Updated tools.analyzer.jvm version
84 * Release 0.2.382 on 2016.06.13
85 * Important: Change default dispatch thread pool size to 8.
86 * Add Java system property `clojure.core.async.pool-size` to set the dispatch thread pool size
87 * [ASYNC-152]( - disable t.a.jvm's warn-on-reflection pass
88 * Release 0.2.374 on 2015.11.11
89 * [ASYNC-149]( - fix error compiling recur inside case in a go block
90 * Updated tools.analyzer.jvm version (and other upstream deps)
91 * Updated to latest clojurescript and cljsbuild versions
92 * Release 0.2.371 on 2015.10.28
93 * [ASYNC-124]( - dispatch multiple pending takers from expanding transducer
94 * [ASYNC-103]( - NEW promise-chan
95 * [ASYNC-104]( - NEW non-blocking offer!, poll!
96 * [ASYNC-101]( - async/reduce now respects reduced
97 * [ASYNC-112]( - replace "transformer" with "transducer" in deprecation messages
98 * [ASYNC-6]( - alts! docs updated to explicitly state ports is a vector
99 * Support (try (catch :default)) in CLJS exception handling
100 * Use cljs.test
101 * Updated tools.analyzer.jvm version (and other upstream deps)
102 * Release 0.1.346.0-17112a-alpha on 2014.09.22
103 * cljs nextTick relies on goog.async.nextTick
104 * Updated docstring for put! re result on closed channel
105 * Release 0.1.338.0-5c5012-alpha on 2014.08.19
106 * Add cljs transducers support
107 * Release 0.1.319.0-6b1aca-alpha on 2014.08.06
108 * Add transducers support
109 * NEW pipeline
110 * Release 0.1.303.0-886421-alpha on 2014.05.08
111 * Release 0.1.301.0-deb34a-alpha on 2014.04.29
112 * Release on 2014.04.25
113 * Release on 2014.02.07
114 * Release on 2013.12.11
115 * Release on 2013.12.10
116 * Release on 2013.11.07
117 * Release on 2013.09.27
118 * Release on 2013.09.12
0 # Introduction to core.async
0 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
2 <html xmlns="">
4 <head>
5 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
6 <title>Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0</title>
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27 <body lang="EN-US">
29 <h2>Eclipse Public License - v 1.0</h2>
36 <p><b>1. DEFINITIONS</b></p>
38 <p>&quot;Contribution&quot; means:</p>
40 <p class="list">a) in the case of the initial Contributor, the initial
41 code and documentation distributed under this Agreement, and</p>
42 <p class="list">b) in the case of each subsequent Contributor:</p>
43 <p class="list">i) changes to the Program, and</p>
44 <p class="list">ii) additions to the Program;</p>
45 <p class="list">where such changes and/or additions to the Program
46 originate from and are distributed by that particular Contributor. A
47 Contribution 'originates' from a Contributor if it was added to the
48 Program by such Contributor itself or anyone acting on such
49 Contributor's behalf. Contributions do not include additions to the
50 Program which: (i) are separate modules of software distributed in
51 conjunction with the Program under their own license agreement, and (ii)
52 are not derivative works of the Program.</p>
54 <p>&quot;Contributor&quot; means any person or entity that distributes
55 the Program.</p>
57 <p>&quot;Licensed Patents&quot; mean patent claims licensable by a
58 Contributor which are necessarily infringed by the use or sale of its
59 Contribution alone or when combined with the Program.</p>
61 <p>&quot;Program&quot; means the Contributions distributed in accordance
62 with this Agreement.</p>
64 <p>&quot;Recipient&quot; means anyone who receives the Program under
65 this Agreement, including all Contributors.</p>
67 <p><b>2. GRANT OF RIGHTS</b></p>
69 <p class="list">a) Subject to the terms of this Agreement, each
70 Contributor hereby grants Recipient a non-exclusive, worldwide,
71 royalty-free copyright license to reproduce, prepare derivative works
72 of, publicly display, publicly perform, distribute and sublicense the
73 Contribution of such Contributor, if any, and such derivative works, in
74 source code and object code form.</p>
76 <p class="list">b) Subject to the terms of this Agreement, each
77 Contributor hereby grants Recipient a non-exclusive, worldwide,
78 royalty-free patent license under Licensed Patents to make, use, sell,
79 offer to sell, import and otherwise transfer the Contribution of such
80 Contributor, if any, in source code and object code form. This patent
81 license shall apply to the combination of the Contribution and the
82 Program if, at the time the Contribution is added by the Contributor,
83 such addition of the Contribution causes such combination to be covered
84 by the Licensed Patents. The patent license shall not apply to any other
85 combinations which include the Contribution. No hardware per se is
86 licensed hereunder.</p>
88 <p class="list">c) Recipient understands that although each Contributor
89 grants the licenses to its Contributions set forth herein, no assurances
90 are provided by any Contributor that the Program does not infringe the
91 patent or other intellectual property rights of any other entity. Each
92 Contributor disclaims any liability to Recipient for claims brought by
93 any other entity based on infringement of intellectual property rights
94 or otherwise. As a condition to exercising the rights and licenses
95 granted hereunder, each Recipient hereby assumes sole responsibility to
96 secure any other intellectual property rights needed, if any. For
97 example, if a third party patent license is required to allow Recipient
98 to distribute the Program, it is Recipient's responsibility to acquire
99 that license before distributing the Program.</p>
101 <p class="list">d) Each Contributor represents that to its knowledge it
102 has sufficient copyright rights in its Contribution, if any, to grant
103 the copyright license set forth in this Agreement.</p>
105 <p><b>3. REQUIREMENTS</b></p>
107 <p>A Contributor may choose to distribute the Program in object code
108 form under its own license agreement, provided that:</p>
110 <p class="list">a) it complies with the terms and conditions of this
111 Agreement; and</p>
113 <p class="list">b) its license agreement:</p>
115 <p class="list">i) effectively disclaims on behalf of all Contributors
116 all warranties and conditions, express and implied, including warranties
117 or conditions of title and non-infringement, and implied warranties or
118 conditions of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose;</p>
120 <p class="list">ii) effectively excludes on behalf of all Contributors
121 all liability for damages, including direct, indirect, special,
122 incidental and consequential damages, such as lost profits;</p>
124 <p class="list">iii) states that any provisions which differ from this
125 Agreement are offered by that Contributor alone and not by any other
126 party; and</p>
128 <p class="list">iv) states that source code for the Program is available
129 from such Contributor, and informs licensees how to obtain it in a
130 reasonable manner on or through a medium customarily used for software
131 exchange.</p>
133 <p>When the Program is made available in source code form:</p>
135 <p class="list">a) it must be made available under this Agreement; and</p>
137 <p class="list">b) a copy of this Agreement must be included with each
138 copy of the Program.</p>
140 <p>Contributors may not remove or alter any copyright notices contained
141 within the Program.</p>
143 <p>Each Contributor must identify itself as the originator of its
144 Contribution, if any, in a manner that reasonably allows subsequent
145 Recipients to identify the originator of the Contribution.</p>
147 <p><b>4. COMMERCIAL DISTRIBUTION</b></p>
149 <p>Commercial distributors of software may accept certain
150 responsibilities with respect to end users, business partners and the
151 like. While this license is intended to facilitate the commercial use of
152 the Program, the Contributor who includes the Program in a commercial
153 product offering should do so in a manner which does not create
154 potential liability for other Contributors. Therefore, if a Contributor
155 includes the Program in a commercial product offering, such Contributor
156 (&quot;Commercial Contributor&quot;) hereby agrees to defend and
157 indemnify every other Contributor (&quot;Indemnified Contributor&quot;)
158 against any losses, damages and costs (collectively &quot;Losses&quot;)
159 arising from claims, lawsuits and other legal actions brought by a third
160 party against the Indemnified Contributor to the extent caused by the
161 acts or omissions of such Commercial Contributor in connection with its
162 distribution of the Program in a commercial product offering. The
163 obligations in this section do not apply to any claims or Losses
164 relating to any actual or alleged intellectual property infringement. In
165 order to qualify, an Indemnified Contributor must: a) promptly notify
166 the Commercial Contributor in writing of such claim, and b) allow the
167 Commercial Contributor to control, and cooperate with the Commercial
168 Contributor in, the defense and any related settlement negotiations. The
169 Indemnified Contributor may participate in any such claim at its own
170 expense.</p>
172 <p>For example, a Contributor might include the Program in a commercial
173 product offering, Product X. That Contributor is then a Commercial
174 Contributor. If that Commercial Contributor then makes performance
175 claims, or offers warranties related to Product X, those performance
176 claims and warranties are such Commercial Contributor's responsibility
177 alone. Under this section, the Commercial Contributor would have to
178 defend claims against the other Contributors related to those
179 performance claims and warranties, and if a court requires any other
180 Contributor to pay any damages as a result, the Commercial Contributor
181 must pay those damages.</p>
183 <p><b>5. NO WARRANTY</b></p>
189 OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Each Recipient is solely
190 responsible for determining the appropriateness of using and
191 distributing the Program and assumes all risks associated with its
192 exercise of rights under this Agreement , including but not limited to
193 the risks and costs of program errors, compliance with applicable laws,
194 damage to or loss of data, programs or equipment, and unavailability or
195 interruption of operations.</p>
197 <p><b>6. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY</b></p>
208 <p><b>7. GENERAL</b></p>
210 <p>If any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable under
211 applicable law, it shall not affect the validity or enforceability of
212 the remainder of the terms of this Agreement, and without further action
213 by the parties hereto, such provision shall be reformed to the minimum
214 extent necessary to make such provision valid and enforceable.</p>
216 <p>If Recipient institutes patent litigation against any entity
217 (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the
218 Program itself (excluding combinations of the Program with other
219 software or hardware) infringes such Recipient's patent(s), then such
220 Recipient's rights granted under Section 2(b) shall terminate as of the
221 date such litigation is filed.</p>
223 <p>All Recipient's rights under this Agreement shall terminate if it
224 fails to comply with any of the material terms or conditions of this
225 Agreement and does not cure such failure in a reasonable period of time
226 after becoming aware of such noncompliance. If all Recipient's rights
227 under this Agreement terminate, Recipient agrees to cease use and
228 distribution of the Program as soon as reasonably practicable. However,
229 Recipient's obligations under this Agreement and any licenses granted by
230 Recipient relating to the Program shall continue and survive.</p>
232 <p>Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute copies of this
233 Agreement, but in order to avoid inconsistency the Agreement is
234 copyrighted and may only be modified in the following manner. The
235 Agreement Steward reserves the right to publish new versions (including
236 revisions) of this Agreement from time to time. No one other than the
237 Agreement Steward has the right to modify this Agreement. The Eclipse
238 Foundation is the initial Agreement Steward. The Eclipse Foundation may
239 assign the responsibility to serve as the Agreement Steward to a
240 suitable separate entity. Each new version of the Agreement will be
241 given a distinguishing version number. The Program (including
242 Contributions) may always be distributed subject to the version of the
243 Agreement under which it was received. In addition, after a new version
244 of the Agreement is published, Contributor may elect to distribute the
245 Program (including its Contributions) under the new version. Except as
246 expressly stated in Sections 2(a) and 2(b) above, Recipient receives no
247 rights or licenses to the intellectual property of any Contributor under
248 this Agreement, whether expressly, by implication, estoppel or
249 otherwise. All rights in the Program not expressly granted under this
250 Agreement are reserved.</p>
252 <p>This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of New York and
253 the intellectual property laws of the United States of America. No party
254 to this Agreement will bring a legal action under this Agreement more
255 than one year after the cause of action arose. Each party waives its
256 rights to a jury trial in any resulting litigation.</p>
258 </body>
260 </html>
0 (require '[clojure.core.async :as async :refer [<! >! <!! >!! timeout chan alt! alts!! go]])
2 (defn fan-in [ins]
3 (let [c (chan)]
4 (future (while true
5 (let [[x] (alts!! ins)]
6 (>!! c x))))
7 c))
9 (defn fan-out [in cs-or-n]
10 (let [cs (if (number? cs-or-n)
11 (repeatedly cs-or-n chan)
12 cs-or-n)]
13 (future (while true
14 (let [x (<!! in)
15 outs (map #(vector % x) cs)]
16 (alts!! outs))))
17 cs))
19 (let [cout (chan)
20 cin (fan-in (fan-out cout (repeatedly 3 chan)))]
21 (dotimes [n 10]
22 (>!! cout n)
23 (prn (<!! cin))))
0 (require '[clojure.core.async :as async :refer [<! >! timeout chan alt! alts! go]])
2 (defn fan-in [ins]
3 (let [c (chan)]
4 (go (while true
5 (let [[x] (alts! ins)]
6 (>! c x))))
7 c))
9 (defn fan-out [in cs-or-n]
10 (let [cs (if (number? cs-or-n)
11 (repeatedly cs-or-n chan)
12 cs-or-n)]
13 (go (while true
14 (let [x (<! in)
15 outs (map #(vector % x) cs)]
16 (alts! outs))))
17 cs))
19 (let [cout (chan)
20 cin (fan-in (fan-out cout (repeatedly 3 chan)))]
21 (go (dotimes [n 10]
22 (>! cout n)
23 (prn (<! cin))))
24 nil)
0 (require '[clojure.core.async :as async :refer [<!! >!! timeout chan alt!!]])
2 (defn fake-search [kind]
3 (fn [c query]
4 (future
5 (<!! (timeout (rand-int 100)))
6 (>!! c [kind query]))))
8 (def web1 (fake-search :web1))
9 (def web2 (fake-search :web2))
10 (def image1 (fake-search :image1))
11 (def image2 (fake-search :image2))
12 (def video1 (fake-search :video1))
13 (def video2 (fake-search :video2))
15 (defn fastest [query & replicas]
16 (let [c (chan)]
17 (doseq [replica replicas]
18 (replica c query))
19 c))
21 (defn google [query]
22 (let [c (chan)
23 t (timeout 80)]
24 (future (>!! c (<!! (fastest query web1 web2))))
25 (future (>!! c (<!! (fastest query image1 image2))))
26 (future (>!! c (<!! (fastest query video1 video2))))
27 (loop [i 0 ret []]
28 (if (= i 3)
29 ret
30 (recur (inc i) (conj ret (alt!! [c t] ([v] v))))))))
32 (google "clojure")
0 (require '[clojure.core.async :as async :refer [<! >! <!! timeout chan alt! go]])
2 (defn fake-search [kind]
3 (fn [c query]
4 (go
5 (<! (timeout (rand-int 100)))
6 (>! c [kind query]))))
8 (def web1 (fake-search :web1))
9 (def web2 (fake-search :web2))
10 (def image1 (fake-search :image1))
11 (def image2 (fake-search :image2))
12 (def video1 (fake-search :video1))
13 (def video2 (fake-search :video2))
15 (defn fastest [query & replicas]
16 (let [c (chan)]
17 (doseq [replica replicas]
18 (replica c query))
19 c))
21 (defn google [query]
22 (let [c (chan)
23 t (timeout 80)]
24 (go (>! c (<! (fastest query web1 web2))))
25 (go (>! c (<! (fastest query image1 image2))))
26 (go (>! c (<! (fastest query video1 video2))))
27 (go (loop [i 0 ret []]
28 (if (= i 3)
29 ret
30 (recur (inc i) (conj ret (alt! [c t] ([v] v)))))))))
32 (<!! (google "clojure"))
0 ;; This walkthrough introduces the core concepts of core.async.
2 ;; The clojure.core.async namespace contains the public API.
3 (require '[clojure.core.async :as async :refer :all])
7 ;; Data is transmitted on queue-like channels. By default channels
8 ;; are unbuffered (0-length) - they require producer and consumer to
9 ;; rendezvous for the transfer of a value through the channel.
11 ;; Use `chan` to make an unbuffered channel:
12 (chan)
14 ;; Pass a number to create a channel with a fixed buffer:
15 (chan 10)
17 ;; `close!` a channel to stop accepting puts. Remaining values are still
18 ;; available to take. Drained channels return nil on take. Nils may
19 ;; not be sent over a channel explicitly!
21 (let [c (chan)]
22 (close! c))
26 ;; In ordinary threads, we use `>!!` (blocking put) and `<!!`
27 ;; (blocking take) to communicate via channels.
29 (let [c (chan 10)]
30 (>!! c "hello")
31 (assert (= "hello" (<!! c)))
32 (close! c))
34 ;; Because these are blocking calls, if we try to put on an
35 ;; unbuffered channel, we will block the main thread. We can use
36 ;; `thread` (like `future`) to execute a body in a pool thread and
37 ;; return a channel with the result. Here we launch a background task
38 ;; to put "hello" on a channel, then read that value in the current thread.
40 (let [c (chan)]
41 (thread (>!! c "hello"))
42 (assert (= "hello" (<!! c)))
43 (close! c))
47 ;; The `go` macro asynchronously executes its body in a special pool
48 ;; of threads. Channel operations that would block will pause
49 ;; execution instead, blocking no threads. This mechanism encapsulates
50 ;; the inversion of control that is external in event/callback
51 ;; systems. Inside `go` blocks, we use `>!` (put) and `<!` (take).
53 ;; Here we convert our prior channel example to use go blocks:
54 (let [c (chan)]
55 (go (>! c "hello"))
56 (assert (= "hello" (<!! (go (<! c)))))
57 (close! c))
59 ;; Instead of the explicit thread and blocking call, we use a go block
60 ;; for the producer. The consumer uses a go block to take, then
61 ;; returns a result channel, from which we do a blocking take.
63 ;;;; ALTS
65 ;; One killer feature for channels over queues is the ability to wait
66 ;; on many channels at the same time (like a socket select). This is
67 ;; done with `alts!!` (ordinary threads) or `alts!` in go blocks.
69 ;; We can create a background thread with alts that combines inputs on
70 ;; either of two channels. `alts!!` takes a set of operations
71 ;; to perform - either a channel to take from or a [channel value] to put
72 ;; and returns the value (nil for put) and channel that succeeded:
74 (let [c1 (chan)
75 c2 (chan)]
76 (thread (while true
77 (let [[v ch] (alts!! [c1 c2])]
78 (println "Read" v "from" ch))))
79 (>!! c1 "hi")
80 (>!! c2 "there"))
82 ;; Prints (on stdout, possibly not visible at your repl):
83 ;; Read hi from #<ManyToManyChannel ...>
84 ;; Read there from #<ManyToManyChannel ...>
86 ;; We can use alts! to do the same thing with go blocks:
88 (let [c1 (chan)
89 c2 (chan)]
90 (go (while true
91 (let [[v ch] (alts! [c1 c2])]
92 (println "Read" v "from" ch))))
93 (go (>! c1 "hi"))
94 (go (>! c2 "there")))
96 ;; Since go blocks are lightweight processes not bound to threads, we
97 ;; can have LOTS of them! Here we create 1000 go blocks that say hi on
98 ;; 1000 channels. We use alts!! to read them as they're ready.
100 (let [n 1000
101 cs (repeatedly n chan)
102 begin (System/currentTimeMillis)]
103 (doseq [c cs] (go (>! c "hi")))
104 (dotimes [i n]
105 (let [[v c] (alts!! cs)]
106 (assert (= "hi" v))))
107 (println "Read" n "msgs in" (- (System/currentTimeMillis) begin) "ms"))
109 ;; `timeout` creates a channel that waits for a specified ms, then closes:
111 (let [t (timeout 100)
112 begin (System/currentTimeMillis)]
113 (<!! t)
114 (println "Waited" (- (System/currentTimeMillis) begin)))
116 ;; We can combine timeout with `alts!` to do timed channel waits.
117 ;; Here we wait for 100 ms for a value to arrive on the channel, then
118 ;; give up:
120 (let [c (chan)
121 begin (System/currentTimeMillis)]
122 (alts!! [c (timeout 100)])
123 (println "Gave up after" (- (System/currentTimeMillis) begin)))
125 ;; ALT
127 ;; todo
131 ;; Channels can also use custom buffers that have different policies
132 ;; for the "full" case. Two useful examples are provided in the API.
134 ;; Use `dropping-buffer` to drop newest values when the buffer is full:
135 (chan (dropping-buffer 10))
137 ;; Use `sliding-buffer` to drop oldest values when the buffer is full:
138 (chan (sliding-buffer 10))
0 <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
1 <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
2 <groupId>org.clojure</groupId>
3 <artifactId>core.async</artifactId>
4 <!-- Don't set this manually! Call script/build/update_version -->
5 <version>0.3.443</version>
6 <packaging>jar</packaging>
7 <name>core.async</name>
8 <description>Facilities for async programming and communication in Clojure</description>
9 <url></url>
11 <developers>
12 <developer>
13 <id>richhickey</id>
14 <name>Rich Hickey</name>
15 <url></url>
16 </developer>
17 </developers>
19 <parent>
20 <groupId>org.clojure</groupId>
21 <artifactId>pom.contrib</artifactId>
22 <version>0.2.2</version>
23 </parent>
25 <scm>
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27 <developerConnection></developerConnection>
28 <url></url>
29 <tag>core.async-0.3.443</tag>
30 </scm>
32 <properties>
33 <clojure.version>1.7.0</clojure.version>
34 </properties>
36 <dependencies>
37 <dependency>
38 <groupId>org.clojure</groupId>
39 <artifactId>clojurescript</artifactId>
40 <version>0.0-2311</version>
41 <scope>provided</scope>
42 </dependency>
43 <dependency>
44 <groupId>org.clojure</groupId>
45 <artifactId>tools.analyzer.jvm</artifactId>
46 <version>0.7.0</version>
47 </dependency>
48 </dependencies>
50 <build>
51 <plugins>
52 <plugin>
53 <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
54 <artifactId>versions-maven-plugin</artifactId>
55 <version>2.3</version>
56 </plugin>
57 </plugins>
58 </build>
59 </project>
0 (defproject org.clojure/core.async "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
1 :description "Facilities for async programming and communication in Clojure"
2 :url ""
3 :license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
4 :url ""}
5 :parent [org.clojure/pom.contrib "0.1.2"]
6 :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.7.0"]
7 [org.clojure/tools.analyzer.jvm "0.7.0"]
8 [org.clojure/clojurescript "1.7.170" :scope "provided"]]
9 :global-vars {*warn-on-reflection* true}
10 :source-paths ["src/main/clojure"]
11 :test-paths ["src/test/clojure"]
12 :jvm-opts ^:replace ["-Xmx1g" "-server"]
13 :java-source-paths ["src/main/java"]
14 :profiles {:dev {:source-paths ["examples"]}}
16 :plugins [[lein-cljsbuild "1.1.2"]]
18 :clean-targets ["tests.js" ""
19 "out" "out-simp" "out-simp-node"
20 "out-adv" "out-adv-node"]
22 :cljsbuild
23 {:builds
24 [{:id "dev"
25 :source-paths ["src/test/cljs" "src/main/clojure/cljs"]
26 :compiler {:main cljs.core.async.test-runner
27 :asset-path "../out"
28 :optimizations :none
29 :output-to "tests.js"
30 :output-dir "out"}}
31 {:id "simple"
32 :source-paths ["src/test/cljs" "src/main/clojure/cljs"]
33 :compiler {:optimizations :simple
34 :pretty-print true
35 :static-fns true
36 :output-to "tests.js"
37 :output-dir "out-simp"}}
38 {:id "simple-node"
39 :source-paths ["src/test/cljs" "src/main/clojure/cljs"]
40 :notify-command ["node" "tests.js"]
41 :compiler {:optimizations :simple
42 :target :nodejs
43 :pretty-print true
44 :static-fns true
45 :output-to "tests.js"
46 :output-dir "out-simp-node"}}
47 {:id "adv"
48 :source-paths ["src/test/cljs" "src/main/clojure/cljs"]
49 :compiler {:optimizations :advanced
50 :pretty-print false
51 :output-dir "out-adv"
52 :output-to "tests.js"
53 :source-map ""}}
54 {:id "adv-node"
55 :source-paths ["src/test/cljs" "src/main/clojure/cljs"]
56 :compiler {:optimizations :advanced
57 :target :nodejs
58 :pretty-print false
59 :output-dir "out-adv-node"
60 :output-to "tests.js"
61 :source-map ""}}]})
0 #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 # If on a branch other than master, returns the number of commits made off of master
3 # If on master, returns 0
5 set -e
7 master_tag=`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`
9 if [ "$master_tag" == "master" ]; then
10 echo "0"
11 else
12 last_commit=`git rev-parse HEAD`
13 revision=`git rev-list master..$last_commit | wc -l`
14 echo $revision
15 fi
0 #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 # Return the portion of the version number generated from git
3 # <trunk-basis>
5 set -e
7 trunk_basis=`script/build/trunk_revision`
8 sha=`git rev-parse HEAD`
10 sha=${sha:0:${#sha}-34} # drop the last 34 characters, keep 6
12 echo $trunk_basis
0 #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 # Return the complete revision number
3 # <major>.<minor>.<trunk-basis>.<patch-or-0>-<sha>[-qualifier]
5 set -e
7 version_template=`cat VERSION_TEMPLATE`
9 if [[ "$version_template" =~ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.GENERATED_VERSION(-[a-zA-Z0-9]+)?$ ]]; then
11 git_revision=`script/build/git_revision`
12 echo ${version_template/GENERATED_VERSION/$git_revision}
14 else
15 echo "Invalid version template string: $version_template" >&2
16 exit -1
17 fi
0 #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 # Returns the number of commits made since the v0.0 tag
4 set -e
6 REVISION=`git --no-replace-objects describe --match v0.0`
8 # Extract the version number from the string. Do this in two steps so
9 # it is a little easier to understand.
10 REVISION=${REVISION:5} # drop the first 5 characters
11 REVISION=${REVISION:0:${#REVISION}-9} # drop the last 9 characters
13 echo $REVISION
0 #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 set -e
4 mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=`script/build/revision`-SNAPSHOT
0 <html>
1 <head>
2 </head>
3 <body>
4 <script src="../tests.js" language="javascript"></script>
6 <h2>Open JavaScript Console to see the test results</h2>
7 </body>
8 </html>
0 ;; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and contributors. All rights reserved.
1 ;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
2 ;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
3 ;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
4 ;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
5 ;; the terms of this license.
6 ;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
8 (ns cljs.core.async.impl.buffers
9 (:require [cljs.core.async.impl.protocols :as impl]))
11 ;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 ;; DO NOT USE, this is internal buffer representation
14 (defn acopy [src src-start dest dest-start len]
15 (loop [cnt 0]
16 (when (< cnt len)
17 (aset dest
18 (+ dest-start cnt)
19 (aget src (+ src-start cnt)))
20 (recur (inc cnt)))))
22 (deftype RingBuffer [^:mutable head ^:mutable tail ^:mutable length ^:mutable arr]
23 Object
24 (pop [_]
25 (when-not (zero? length)
26 (let [x (aget arr tail)]
27 (aset arr tail nil)
28 (set! tail (js-mod (inc tail) (alength arr)))
29 (set! length (dec length))
30 x)))
32 (unshift [_ x]
33 (aset arr head x)
34 (set! head (js-mod (inc head) (alength arr)))
35 (set! length (inc length))
36 nil)
38 (unbounded-unshift [this x]
39 (if (== (inc length) (alength arr))
40 (.resize this))
41 (.unshift this x))
43 ;; Doubles the size of the buffer while retaining all the existing values
44 (resize
45 [_]
46 (let [new-arr-size (* (alength arr) 2)
47 new-arr (make-array new-arr-size)]
48 (cond
49 (< tail head)
50 (do (acopy arr tail new-arr 0 length)
51 (set! tail 0)
52 (set! head length)
53 (set! arr new-arr))
55 (> tail head)
56 (do (acopy arr tail new-arr 0 (- (alength arr) tail))
57 (acopy arr 0 new-arr (- (alength arr) tail) head)
58 (set! tail 0)
59 (set! head length)
60 (set! arr new-arr))
62 (== tail head)
63 (do (set! tail 0)
64 (set! head 0)
65 (set! arr new-arr)))))
67 (cleanup [this keep?]
68 (dotimes [x length]
69 (let [v (.pop this)]
70 (when ^boolean (keep? v)
71 (.unshift this v))))))
73 (defn ring-buffer [n]
74 (assert (> n 0) "Can't create a ring buffer of size 0")
75 (RingBuffer. 0 0 0 (make-array n)))
77 ;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
79 (deftype FixedBuffer [buf n]
80 impl/Buffer
81 (full? [this]
82 (== (.-length buf) n))
83 (remove! [this]
84 (.pop buf))
85 (add!* [this itm]
86 (.unbounded-unshift buf itm)
87 this)
88 (close-buf! [this])
89 cljs.core/ICounted
90 (-count [this]
91 (.-length buf)))
93 (defn fixed-buffer [n]
94 (FixedBuffer. (ring-buffer n) n))
96 (deftype DroppingBuffer [buf n]
97 impl/UnblockingBuffer
98 impl/Buffer
99 (full? [this]
100 false)
101 (remove! [this]
102 (.pop buf))
103 (add!* [this itm]
104 (when-not (== (.-length buf) n)
105 (.unshift buf itm))
106 this)
107 (close-buf! [this])
108 cljs.core/ICounted
109 (-count [this]
110 (.-length buf)))
112 (defn dropping-buffer [n]
113 (DroppingBuffer. (ring-buffer n) n))
115 (deftype SlidingBuffer [buf n]
116 impl/UnblockingBuffer
117 impl/Buffer
118 (full? [this]
119 false)
120 (remove! [this]
121 (.pop buf))
122 (add!* [this itm]
123 (when (== (.-length buf) n)
124 (impl/remove! this))
125 (.unshift buf itm)
126 this)
127 (close-buf! [this])
128 cljs.core/ICounted
129 (-count [this]
130 (.-length buf)))
132 (defn sliding-buffer [n]
133 (SlidingBuffer. (ring-buffer n) n))
135 (defonce ^:private NO-VAL (js/Object.))
136 (defn- undelivered? [val]
137 (identical? NO-VAL val))
139 (deftype PromiseBuffer [^:mutable val]
140 impl/UnblockingBuffer
141 impl/Buffer
142 (full? [_]
143 false)
144 (remove! [_]
145 val)
146 (add!* [this itm]
147 (when (undelivered? val)
148 (set! val itm))
149 this)
150 (close-buf! [_]
151 (when (undelivered? val)
152 (set! val nil)))
153 cljs.core/ICounted
154 (-count [_]
155 (if (undelivered? val) 0 1)))
157 (defn promise-buffer []
158 (PromiseBuffer. NO-VAL))
0 ;; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and contributors. All rights reserved.
1 ;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
2 ;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
3 ;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
4 ;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
5 ;; the terms of this license.
6 ;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
8 (ns cljs.core.async.impl.channels
9 (:require [cljs.core.async.impl.protocols :as impl]
10 [cljs.core.async.impl.dispatch :as dispatch]
11 [cljs.core.async.impl.buffers :as buffers]))
15 (defn box [val]
16 (reify cljs.core/IDeref
17 (-deref [_] val)))
19 (deftype PutBox [handler val])
21 (defn put-active? [box]
22 (impl/active? (.-handler box)))
24 (def ^:const MAX_DIRTY 64)
26 (defprotocol MMC
27 (abort [this]))
29 (deftype ManyToManyChannel [takes ^:mutable dirty-takes puts ^:mutable dirty-puts ^not-native buf ^:mutable closed add!]
30 MMC
31 (abort [this]
32 (loop []
33 (let [putter (.pop puts)]
34 (when-not (nil? putter)
35 (let [^not-native put-handler (.-handler putter)
36 val (.-val putter)]
37 (if ^boolean (impl/active? put-handler)
38 (let [put-cb (impl/commit put-handler)]
39 (dispatch/run #(put-cb true)))
40 (recur))))))
41 (.cleanup puts (constantly false))
42 (impl/close! this))
43 impl/WritePort
44 (put! [this val ^not-native handler]
45 (assert (not (nil? val)) "Can't put nil in on a channel")
46 ;; bug in CLJS compiler boolean inference - David
47 (let [^boolean closed closed]
48 (if (or closed (not ^boolean (impl/active? handler)))
49 (box (not closed))
50 (if (and buf (not (impl/full? buf)))
51 (do
52 (impl/commit handler)
53 (let [done? (reduced? (add! buf val))
54 take-cbs (loop [takers []]
55 (if (and (pos? (.-length takes)) (pos? (count buf)))
56 (let [^not-native taker (.pop takes)]
57 (if ^boolean (impl/active? taker)
58 (let [ret (impl/commit taker)
59 val (impl/remove! buf)]
60 (recur (conj takers (fn [] (ret val)))))
61 (recur takers)))
62 takers))]
63 (when done? (abort this))
64 (when (seq take-cbs)
65 (doseq [f take-cbs]
66 (dispatch/run f)))
67 (box true)))
68 (let [taker (loop []
69 (let [^not-native taker (.pop takes)]
70 (when taker
71 (if (impl/active? taker)
72 taker
73 (recur)))))]
74 (if taker
75 (let [take-cb (impl/commit taker)]
76 (impl/commit handler)
77 (dispatch/run (fn [] (take-cb val)))
78 (box true))
79 (do
80 (if (> dirty-puts MAX_DIRTY)
81 (do (set! dirty-puts 0)
82 (.cleanup puts put-active?))
83 (set! dirty-puts (inc dirty-puts)))
84 (when (impl/blockable? handler)
85 (assert (< (.-length puts) impl/MAX-QUEUE-SIZE)
86 (str "No more than " impl/MAX-QUEUE-SIZE
87 " pending puts are allowed on a single channel."
88 " Consider using a windowed buffer."))
89 (.unbounded-unshift puts (PutBox. handler val)))
90 nil)))))))
91 impl/ReadPort
92 (take! [this ^not-native handler]
93 (if (not ^boolean (impl/active? handler))
94 nil
95 (if (and (not (nil? buf)) (pos? (count buf)))
96 (do
97 (if-let [take-cb (impl/commit handler)]
98 (let [val (impl/remove! buf)
99 [done? cbs] (when (pos? (.-length puts))
100 (loop [cbs []]
101 (let [putter (.pop puts)
102 ^not-native put-handler (.-handler putter)
103 val (.-val putter)
104 cb (and ^boolean (impl/active? put-handler) (impl/commit put-handler))
105 cbs (if cb (conj cbs cb) cbs)
106 done? (when cb (reduced? (add! buf val)))]
107 (if (and (not done?) (not (impl/full? buf)) (pos? (.-length puts)))
108 (recur cbs)
109 [done? cbs]))))]
110 (when done?
111 (abort this))
112 (doseq [cb cbs]
113 (dispatch/run #(cb true)))
114 (box val))))
115 (let [putter (loop []
116 (let [putter (.pop puts)]
117 (when putter
118 (if ^boolean (impl/active? (.-handler putter))
119 putter
120 (recur)))))]
121 (if putter
122 (let [put-cb (impl/commit (.-handler putter))]
123 (impl/commit handler)
124 (dispatch/run #(put-cb true))
125 (box (.-val putter)))
126 (if closed
127 (do
128 (when buf (add! buf))
129 (if (and (impl/active? handler) (impl/commit handler))
130 (let [has-val (and buf (pos? (count buf)))]
131 (let [val (when has-val (impl/remove! buf))]
132 (box val)))
133 nil))
134 (do
135 (if (> dirty-takes MAX_DIRTY)
136 (do (set! dirty-takes 0)
137 (.cleanup takes impl/active?))
138 (set! dirty-takes (inc dirty-takes)))
139 (when (impl/blockable? handler)
140 (assert (< (.-length takes) impl/MAX-QUEUE-SIZE)
141 (str "No more than " impl/MAX-QUEUE-SIZE
142 " pending takes are allowed on a single channel."))
143 (.unbounded-unshift takes handler))
144 nil)))))))
145 impl/Channel
146 (closed? [_] closed)
147 (close! [this]
148 (if ^boolean closed
149 nil
150 (do (set! closed true)
151 (when (and buf (zero? (.-length puts)))
152 (add! buf))
153 (loop []
154 (let [^not-native taker (.pop takes)]
155 (when-not (nil? taker)
156 (when ^boolean (impl/active? taker)
157 (let [take-cb (impl/commit taker)
158 val (when (and buf (pos? (count buf))) (impl/remove! buf))]
159 (dispatch/run (fn [] (take-cb val)))))
160 (recur))))
161 (when buf (impl/close-buf! buf))
162 nil))))
164 (defn- ex-handler [ex]
165 (.log js/console ex)
166 nil)
168 (defn- handle [buf exh t]
169 (let [else ((or exh ex-handler) t)]
170 (if (nil? else)
171 buf
172 (impl/add! buf else))))
174 (defn chan
175 ([buf] (chan buf nil))
176 ([buf xform] (chan buf xform nil))
177 ([buf xform exh]
178 (ManyToManyChannel. (buffers/ring-buffer 32) 0 (buffers/ring-buffer 32)
179 0 buf false
180 (let [add! (if xform (xform impl/add!) impl/add!)]
181 (fn
182 ([buf]
183 (try
184 (add! buf)
185 (catch :default t
186 (handle buf exh t))))
187 ([buf val]
188 (try
189 (add! buf val)
190 (catch :default t
191 (handle buf exh t)))))))))
0 (ns cljs.core.async.impl.dispatch
1 (:require [cljs.core.async.impl.buffers :as buffers]
2 [goog.async.nextTick]))
4 (def tasks (buffers/ring-buffer 32))
5 (def running? false)
6 (def queued? false)
8 (def TASK_BATCH_SIZE 1024)
10 (declare queue-dispatcher)
12 (defn process-messages []
13 (set! running? true)
14 (set! queued? false)
15 (loop [count 0]
16 (let [m (.pop tasks)]
17 (when-not (nil? m)
18 (m)
19 (when (< count TASK_BATCH_SIZE)
20 (recur (inc count))))))
21 (set! running? false)
22 (when (> (.-length tasks) 0)
23 (queue-dispatcher)))
25 (defn queue-dispatcher []
26 (when-not (and queued? running?)
27 (set! queued? true)
28 (goog.async.nextTick process-messages)))
30 (defn run [f]
31 (.unbounded-unshift tasks f)
32 (queue-dispatcher))
34 (defn queue-delay [f delay]
35 (js/setTimeout f delay))
0 (ns cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-helpers
1 (:require [cljs.core.async.impl.protocols :as impl])
2 (:require-macros [cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-macros :as ioc]))
4 (def ^:const FN-IDX 0)
5 (def ^:const STATE-IDX 1)
6 (def ^:const VALUE-IDX 2)
7 (def ^:const BINDINGS-IDX 3)
8 (def ^:const EXCEPTION-FRAMES 4)
9 (def ^:const CURRENT-EXCEPTION 5)
10 (def ^:const USER-START-IDX 6)
12 (defn aset-object [arr idx o]
13 (aget arr idx o))
15 (defn aget-object [arr idx]
16 (aget arr idx))
19 (defn finished?
20 "Returns true if the machine is in a finished state"
21 [state-array]
22 (keyword-identical? (aget state-array STATE-IDX) :finished))
24 (defn- fn-handler
25 [f]
26 (reify
27 impl/Handler
28 (active? [_] true)
29 (blockable? [_] true)
30 (commit [_] f)))
33 (defn run-state-machine [state]
34 ((aget-object state FN-IDX) state))
36 (defn run-state-machine-wrapped [state]
37 (try
38 (run-state-machine state)
39 (catch js/Object ex
40 (impl/close! ^not-native (aget-object state USER-START-IDX))
41 (throw ex))))
43 (defn take! [state blk ^not-native c]
44 (if-let [cb (impl/take! c (fn-handler
45 (fn [x]
46 (ioc/aset-all! state VALUE-IDX x STATE-IDX blk)
47 (run-state-machine-wrapped state))))]
48 (do (ioc/aset-all! state VALUE-IDX @cb STATE-IDX blk)
49 :recur)
50 nil))
52 (defn put! [state blk ^not-native c val]
53 (if-let [cb (impl/put! c val (fn-handler (fn [ret-val]
54 (ioc/aset-all! state VALUE-IDX ret-val STATE-IDX blk)
55 (run-state-machine-wrapped state))))]
56 (do (ioc/aset-all! state VALUE-IDX @cb STATE-IDX blk)
57 :recur)
58 nil))
60 (defn return-chan [state value]
61 (let [^not-native c (aget state USER-START-IDX)]
62 (when-not (nil? value)
63 (impl/put! c value (fn-handler (fn [] nil))))
64 (impl/close! c)
65 c))
67 (defrecord ExceptionFrame [catch-block
68 ^Class catch-exception
69 finally-block
70 continue-block
71 prev])
73 (defn add-exception-frame [state catch-block catch-exception finally-block continue-block]
74 (ioc/aset-all! state
76 (->ExceptionFrame catch-block
77 catch-exception
78 finally-block
79 continue-block
80 (aget-object state EXCEPTION-FRAMES))))
82 (defn process-exception [state]
83 (let [exception-frame (aget-object state EXCEPTION-FRAMES)
84 catch-block (:catch-block exception-frame)
85 catch-exception (:catch-exception exception-frame)
86 exception (aget-object state CURRENT-EXCEPTION)]
87 (cond
88 (and exception
89 (not exception-frame))
90 (throw exception)
92 (and exception
93 catch-block
94 (or (= :default catch-exception)
95 (instance? catch-exception exception)))
96 (ioc/aset-all! state
98 catch-block
100 exception
102 nil
104 (assoc exception-frame
105 :catch-block nil
106 :catch-exception nil))
109 (and exception
110 (not catch-block)
111 (not (:finally-block exception-frame)))
113 (do (ioc/aset-all! state
115 (:prev exception-frame))
116 (recur state))
118 (and exception
119 (not catch-block)
120 (:finally-block exception-frame))
121 (ioc/aset-all! state
123 (:finally-block exception-frame)
125 (assoc exception-frame
126 :finally-block nil))
128 (and (not exception)
129 (:finally-block exception-frame))
130 (do (ioc/aset-all! state
132 (:finally-block exception-frame)
134 (assoc exception-frame
135 :finally-block nil)))
137 (and (not exception)
138 (not (:finally-block exception-frame)))
139 (do (ioc/aset-all! state
141 (:continue-block exception-frame)
143 (:prev exception-frame)))
145 :else (throw (js/Error. "No matching clause")))))
0 ; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
1 ; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
2 ; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
3 ; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
4 ; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
5 ; the terms of this license.
6 ; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
8 ;; by Timothy Baldridge
9 ;; April 13, 2013
11 (ns cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-macros
12 (:refer-clojure :exclude [all])
13 (:require [clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]]
14 [clojure.set :refer (intersection)]
15 [clojure.core.async.impl.protocols :as impl]
16 [clojure.core.async.impl.dispatch :as dispatch]
17 [cljs.analyzer :as cljs])
18 (:import [java.util.concurrent.locks Lock]))
20 (defn debug [x]
21 (binding [*out* *err*]
22 (pprint x))
23 x)
25 (def ^:const FN-IDX 0)
26 (def ^:const STATE-IDX 1)
27 (def ^:const VALUE-IDX 2)
28 (def ^:const BINDINGS-IDX 3)
29 (def ^:const EXCEPTION-FRAMES 4)
30 (def ^:const CURRENT-EXCEPTION 5)
31 (def ^:const USER-START-IDX 6)
33 (defmacro aset-all!
34 [arr & more]
35 (assert (even? (count more)) "Must give an even number of args to aset-all!")
36 (let [bindings (partition 2 more)
37 arr-sym (gensym "statearr-")]
38 `(let [~arr-sym ~arr]
39 ~@(map
40 (fn [[idx val]]
41 `(aset ~arr-sym ~idx ~val))
42 bindings)
43 ~arr-sym)))
45 ;; State monad stuff, used only in SSA construction
47 (defmacro gen-plan
48 "Allows a user to define a state monad binding plan.
50 (gen-plan
51 [_ (assoc-in-plan [:foo :bar] 42)
52 val (get-in-plan [:foo :bar])]
53 val)"
54 [binds id-expr]
55 (let [binds (partition 2 binds)
56 psym (gensym "plan_")
57 forms (reduce
58 (fn [acc [id expr]]
59 (concat acc `[[~id ~psym] (~expr ~psym)]))
60 []
61 binds)]
62 `(fn [~psym]
63 (let [~@forms]
64 [~id-expr ~psym]))))
66 (defn get-plan
67 "Returns the final [id state] from a plan. "
68 [f]
69 (f {}))
71 (defn push-binding
72 "Sets the binding 'key' to value. This operation can be undone via pop-bindings.
73 Bindings are stored in the state hashmap."
74 [key value]
75 (fn [plan]
76 [nil (update-in plan [:bindings key] conj value)]))
78 (defn push-alter-binding
79 "Pushes the result of (apply f old-value args) as current value of binding key"
80 [key f & args]
81 (fn [plan]
82 [nil (update-in plan [:bindings key]
83 #(conj % (apply f (first %) args)))]))
85 (defn get-binding
86 "Gets the value of the current binding for key"
87 [key]
88 (fn [plan]
89 [(first (get-in plan [:bindings key])) plan]))
91 (defn pop-binding
92 "Removes the most recent binding for key"
93 [key]
94 (fn [plan]
95 [(first (get-in plan [:bindings key]))
96 (update-in plan [:bindings key] pop)]))
98 (defn no-op
99 "This function can be used inside a gen-plan when no operation is to be performed"
100 []
101 (fn [plan]
102 [nil plan]))
104 (defn all
105 "Assumes that itms is a list of state monad function results, threads the state map
106 through all of them. Returns a vector of all the results."
107 [itms]
108 (fn [plan]
109 (reduce
110 (fn [[ids plan] f]
111 (let [[id plan] (f plan)]
112 [(conj ids id) plan]))
113 [[] plan]
114 itms)))
116 (defn assoc-in-plan
117 "Same as assoc-in, but for state hash map"
118 [path val]
119 (fn [plan]
120 [val (assoc-in plan path val)]))
122 (defn update-in-plan
123 "Same as update-in, but for a state hash map"
124 [path f & args]
125 (fn [plan]
126 [nil (apply update-in plan path f args)]))
128 (defn get-in-plan
129 "Same as get-in, but for a state hash map"
130 [path]
131 (fn [plan]
132 [(get-in plan path) plan]))
134 (defn print-plan []
135 (fn [plan]
136 (pprint plan)
137 [nil plan]))
139 (defn set-block
140 "Sets the current block being written to by the functions. The next add-instruction call will append to this block"
141 [block-id]
142 (fn [plan]
143 [block-id (assoc plan :current-block block-id)]))
145 (defn get-block
146 "Gets the current block"
147 []
148 (fn [plan]
149 [(:current-block plan) plan]))
151 (defn add-block
152 "Adds a new block, returns its id, but does not change the current block (does not call set-block)."
153 []
154 (gen-plan
155 [_ (update-in-plan [:block-id] (fnil inc 0))
156 blk-id (get-in-plan [:block-id])
157 cur-blk (get-block)
158 _ (assoc-in-plan [:blocks blk-id] [])
159 catches (get-binding :catch)
160 _ (assoc-in-plan [:block-catches blk-id] catches)
161 _ (if-not cur-blk
162 (assoc-in-plan [:start-block] blk-id)
163 (no-op))]
164 blk-id))
167 (defn instruction? [x]
168 (::instruction (meta x)))
170 (defn add-instruction
171 "Appends an instruction to the current block. "
172 [inst]
173 (let [inst-id (with-meta (gensym "inst_")
174 {::instruction true})
175 inst (assoc inst :id inst-id)]
176 (gen-plan
177 [blk-id (get-block)
178 _ (update-in-plan [:blocks blk-id] (fnil conj []) inst)]
179 inst-id)))
181 ;;
183 ;; We're going to reduce Clojure expressions to a ssa format,
184 ;; and then translate the instructions for this
185 ;; virtual-virtual-machine back into Clojure data.
187 ;; Here we define the instructions:
189 (defprotocol IInstruction
190 (reads-from [this] "Returns a list of instructions this instruction reads from")
191 (writes-to [this] "Returns a list of instructions this instruction writes to")
192 (block-references [this] "Returns all the blocks this instruction references"))
194 (defprotocol IEmittableInstruction
195 (emit-instruction [this state-sym] "Returns the clojure code that this instruction represents"))
197 (defprotocol ITerminator
198 (terminator-code [this] "Returns a unique symbol for this instruction")
199 (terminate-block [this state-sym custom-terminators] "Emites the code to terminate a given block"))
201 (defrecord Const [value]
202 IInstruction
203 (reads-from [this] [value])
204 (writes-to [this] [(:id this)])
205 (block-references [this] [])
206 IEmittableInstruction
207 (emit-instruction [this state-sym]
208 (if (= value ::value)
209 `[~(:id this) (aget ~state-sym ~VALUE-IDX)]
210 `[~(:id this) ~value])))
212 (defrecord CustomTerminator [f blk values]
213 IInstruction
214 (reads-from [this] values)
215 (writes-to [this] [])
216 (block-references [this] [])
217 ITerminator
218 (terminate-block [this state-sym _]
219 `(~f ~state-sym ~blk ~@values)))
221 (defn- emit-clashing-binds
222 [recur-nodes ids clashes]
223 (let [temp-binds (reduce
224 (fn [acc i]
225 (assoc acc i (gensym "tmp")))
226 {} clashes)]
227 (concat
228 (mapcat (fn [i]
229 `[~(temp-binds i) ~i])
230 clashes)
231 (mapcat (fn [node id]
232 `[~node ~(get temp-binds id id)])
233 recur-nodes
234 ids))))
236 (defrecord Recur [recur-nodes ids]
237 IInstruction
238 (reads-from [this] ids)
239 (writes-to [this] recur-nodes)
240 (block-references [this] [])
241 IEmittableInstruction
242 (emit-instruction [this state-sym]
243 (if-let [overlap (seq (intersection (set recur-nodes) (set ids)))]
244 (emit-clashing-binds recur-nodes ids overlap)
245 (mapcat (fn [r i]
246 `[~r ~i]) recur-nodes ids))))
248 (defrecord Call [refs]
249 IInstruction
250 (reads-from [this] refs)
251 (writes-to [this] [(:id this)])
252 (block-references [this] [])
253 IEmittableInstruction
254 (emit-instruction [this state-sym]
255 `[~(:id this) ~(seq refs)]))
257 (defrecord Case [val-id test-vals jmp-blocks default-block]
258 IInstruction
259 (reads-from [this] [val-id])
260 (writes-to [this] [])
261 (block-references [this] [])
262 ITerminator
263 (terminate-block [this state-sym _]
264 `(do (case ~val-id
265 ~@(concat (mapcat (fn [test blk]
266 `[~test (aset-all! ~state-sym
267 ~STATE-IDX ~blk)])
268 test-vals jmp-blocks)
269 (when default-block
270 `[(do (aset-all! ~state-sym ~STATE-IDX ~default-block)
271 :recur)])))
272 :recur)))
274 (defrecord Fn [fn-expr local-names local-refs]
275 IInstruction
276 (reads-from [this] local-refs)
277 (writes-to [this] [(:id this)])
278 (block-references [this] [])
279 IEmittableInstruction
280 (emit-instruction [this state-sym]
281 `[~(:id this)
282 (let [~@(interleave local-names local-refs)]
283 ~@fn-expr)]))
285 (defrecord Dot [target method args]
286 IInstruction
287 (reads-from [this] `[~target ~method ~@args])
288 (writes-to [this] [(:id this)])
289 (block-references [this] [])
290 IEmittableInstruction
291 (emit-instruction [this state-sym]
292 (if (.startsWith (name method) "-")
293 `[~(:id this) (. ~target ~method)]
294 `[~(:id this) (. ~target ~(cons method args))])))
296 (defrecord Jmp [value block]
297 IInstruction
298 (reads-from [this] [value])
299 (writes-to [this] [])
300 (block-references [this] [block])
301 ITerminator
302 (terminate-block [this state-sym _]
303 `(do (aset-all! ~state-sym ~VALUE-IDX ~value ~STATE-IDX ~block)
304 :recur)))
306 (defrecord Return [value]
307 IInstruction
308 (reads-from [this] [value])
309 (writes-to [this] [])
310 (block-references [this] [])
311 ITerminator
312 (terminator-code [this] :Return)
313 (terminate-block [this state-sym custom-terminators]
314 (if-let [f (get custom-terminators (terminator-code this))]
315 `(~f ~state-sym ~value)
316 `(do (aset-all! ~state-sym
317 ~VALUE-IDX ~value
318 ~STATE-IDX :finished)
319 nil))))
321 (defrecord Set! [field object val]
322 IInstruction
323 (reads-from [this] [object val])
324 (writes-to [this] [(:id this)])
325 (block-references [this] [])
326 IEmittableInstruction
327 (emit-instruction [this state-sym]
328 (if field
329 `[~(:id this) (set! (~field ~object) ~val)]
330 `[~(:id this) (set! ~object ~val)])))
332 (defrecord CondBr [test then-block else-block]
333 IInstruction
334 (reads-from [this] [test])
335 (writes-to [this] [])
336 (block-references [this] [then-block else-block])
337 ITerminator
338 (terminate-block [this state-sym _]
339 `(do (if ~test
340 (aset-all! ~state-sym
341 ~STATE-IDX ~then-block)
342 (aset-all! ~state-sym
343 ~STATE-IDX ~else-block))
344 :recur)))
347 (defrecord Try [catch-block catch-exception finally-block continue-block]
348 IInstruction
349 (reads-from [this] [])
350 (writes-to [this] [])
351 (block-references [this] [catch-block finally-block continue-block])
352 IEmittableInstruction
353 (emit-instruction [this state-sym]
354 `[~'_ (cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-helpers/add-exception-frame ~state-sym
355 ~catch-block
356 ~catch-exception
357 ~finally-block
358 ~continue-block)]))
360 (defrecord ProcessExceptionWithValue [value]
361 IInstruction
362 (reads-from [this] [value])
363 (writes-to [this] [])
364 (block-references [this] [])
365 ITerminator
366 (terminate-block [this state-sym _]
367 `(do (aset-all! ~state-sym
369 ~value)
370 (cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-helpers/process-exception ~state-sym)
371 :recur)))
373 (defrecord EndCatchFinally []
374 IInstruction
375 (reads-from [this] [])
376 (writes-to [this] [])
377 (block-references [this] [])
378 ITerminator
379 (terminate-block [this state-sym _]
380 `(do (cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-helpers/process-exception ~state-sym)
381 :recur)))
385 ;; Dispatch clojure forms based on data type
386 (defmulti -item-to-ssa (fn [x]
387 (cond
388 (symbol? x) :symbol
389 (seq? x) :list
390 (map? x) :map
391 (set? x) :set
392 (vector? x) :vector
393 :else :default)))
395 (defn item-to-ssa [x]
396 (-item-to-ssa x))
398 ;; given an sexpr, dispatch on the first item
399 (defmulti sexpr-to-ssa (fn [[x & _]]
400 x))
402 (defn is-special? [x]
403 (let [^clojure.lang.MultiFn mfn sexpr-to-ssa]
404 (.getMethod mfn x)))
408 (defn default-sexpr [args]
409 (gen-plan
410 [args-ids (all (map item-to-ssa args))
411 inst-id (add-instruction (->Call args-ids))]
412 inst-id))
414 (defn let-binding-to-ssa
415 [[sym bind]]
416 (gen-plan
417 [bind-id (item-to-ssa bind)
418 _ (push-alter-binding :locals assoc sym bind-id)]
419 bind-id))
421 (defmethod sexpr-to-ssa 'let*
422 [[_ binds & body]]
423 (let [parted (partition 2 binds)]
424 (gen-plan
425 [let-ids (all (map let-binding-to-ssa parted))
426 body-ids (all (map item-to-ssa body))
427 _ (all (map (fn [x]
428 (pop-binding :locals))
429 (range (count parted))))]
430 (last body-ids))))
432 (defmethod sexpr-to-ssa 'loop*
433 [[_ locals & body]]
434 (let [parted (partition 2 locals)
435 syms (map first parted)
436 inits (map second parted)]
437 (gen-plan
438 [local-val-ids (all (map ; parallel bind
439 (fn [sym init]
440 (gen-plan
441 [itm-id (item-to-ssa init)
442 _ (push-alter-binding :locals assoc sym itm-id)]
443 itm-id))
444 syms
445 inits))
446 _ (all (for [x syms]
447 (pop-binding :locals)))
448 local-ids (all (map (comp add-instruction ->Const) local-val-ids))
449 body-blk (add-block)
450 final-blk (add-block)
451 _ (add-instruction (->Jmp nil body-blk))
453 _ (set-block body-blk)
454 _ (push-alter-binding :locals merge (zipmap syms local-ids))
455 _ (push-binding :recur-point body-blk)
456 _ (push-binding :recur-nodes local-ids)
458 body-ids (all (map item-to-ssa body))
460 _ (pop-binding :recur-nodes)
461 _ (pop-binding :recur-point)
462 _ (pop-binding :locals)
463 _ (if (not= (last body-ids) ::terminated)
464 (add-instruction (->Jmp (last body-ids) final-blk))
465 (no-op))
466 _ (set-block final-blk)
467 ret-id (add-instruction (->Const ::value))]
468 ret-id)))
470 (defmethod sexpr-to-ssa 'set!
471 [[_ assignee val]]
472 (let [target (cond
473 (symbol? assignee)
474 assignee
475 (and (list? assignee)
476 (= (count assignee) 2))
477 (second assignee))
478 field (if (list? assignee)
479 (first assignee))]
480 (gen-plan
481 [locals (get-binding :locals)
483 target-id (if (contains? locals target)
484 (fn [p]
485 [(get locals target) p])
486 (item-to-ssa target))
487 val-id (item-to-ssa val)
489 ret-id (add-instruction (->Set! field target-id val-id))]
490 ret-id)))
492 (defmethod sexpr-to-ssa 'do
493 [[_ & body]]
494 (gen-plan
495 [ids (all (map item-to-ssa body))]
496 (last ids)))
498 (defmethod sexpr-to-ssa 'case
499 [[_ val & body]]
500 (let [clauses (partition 2 body)
501 default (when (odd? (count body))
502 (last body))]
503 (gen-plan
504 [end-blk (add-block)
505 start-blk (get-block)
506 clause-blocks (all (map (fn [expr]
507 (gen-plan
508 [blk-id (add-block)
509 _ (set-block blk-id)
510 expr-id (item-to-ssa expr)
511 _ (if (not= expr-id ::terminated)
512 (add-instruction (->Jmp expr-id end-blk))
513 (no-op))]
514 blk-id))
515 (map second clauses)))
516 default-block (if (odd? (count body))
517 (gen-plan
518 [blk-id (add-block)
519 _ (set-block blk-id)
520 expr-id (item-to-ssa default)
521 _ (if (not= expr-id ::terminated)
522 (add-instruction (->Jmp expr-id end-blk))
523 (no-op))]
524 blk-id)
525 (no-op))
526 _ (set-block start-blk)
527 val-id (item-to-ssa val)
528 case-id (add-instruction (->Case val-id (map first clauses) clause-blocks default-block))
529 _ (set-block end-blk)
530 ret-id (add-instruction (->Const ::value))]
531 ret-id)))
533 (defmethod sexpr-to-ssa 'quote
534 [expr]
535 (gen-plan
536 [ret-id (add-instruction (->Const expr))]
537 ret-id))
539 (defmethod sexpr-to-ssa '.
540 [[_ target method & args]]
541 (let [args (if (seq? method)
542 (next method)
543 args)
544 method (if (seq? method)
545 (first method)
546 method)]
547 (gen-plan
548 [target-id (item-to-ssa target)
549 args-ids (all (map item-to-ssa args))
550 ret-id (add-instruction (->Dot target-id method args-ids))]
551 ret-id)))
553 (defmethod sexpr-to-ssa 'try
554 [[_ & body]]
555 (let [finally-fn (every-pred seq? (comp (partial = 'finally) first))
556 catch-fn (every-pred seq? (comp (partial = 'catch) first))
557 finally (next (first (filter finally-fn body)))
558 body (remove finally-fn body)
559 catch (next (first (filter catch-fn body)))
560 [ex ex-bind & catch-body] catch
561 body (remove catch-fn body)]
562 (gen-plan
563 [end-blk (add-block)
564 finally-blk (if finally
565 (gen-plan
566 [cur-blk (get-block)
567 blk (add-block)
568 _ (set-block blk)
569 value-id (add-instruction (->Const ::value))
570 _ (all (map item-to-ssa finally))
571 _ (add-instruction (->EndCatchFinally))
572 _ (set-block cur-blk)]
573 blk)
574 (no-op))
575 catch-blk (if catch
576 (gen-plan
577 [cur-blk (get-block)
578 blk (add-block)
579 _ (set-block blk)
580 ex-id (add-instruction (->Const ::value))
581 _ (push-alter-binding :locals assoc ex-bind ex-id)
582 ids (all (map item-to-ssa catch-body))
583 _ (add-instruction (->ProcessExceptionWithValue (last ids)))
584 _ (pop-binding :locals)
585 _ (set-block cur-blk)
586 _ (push-alter-binding :catch (fnil conj []) [ex blk])]
587 blk)
588 (no-op))
589 body-blk (add-block)
590 _ (add-instruction (->Jmp nil body-blk))
591 _ (set-block body-blk)
592 _ (add-instruction (->Try catch-blk ex finally-blk end-blk))
593 ids (all (map item-to-ssa body))
594 _ (if catch
595 (pop-binding :catch)
596 (no-op))
597 _ (add-instruction (->ProcessExceptionWithValue (last ids)))
598 _ (set-block end-blk)
599 ret (add-instruction (->Const ::value))]
600 ret)))
602 (defmethod sexpr-to-ssa 'recur
603 [[_ & vals]]
604 (gen-plan
605 [val-ids (all (map item-to-ssa vals))
606 recurs (get-binding :recur-nodes)
607 _ (do (assert (= (count val-ids)
608 (count recurs))
609 "Wrong number of arguments to recur")
610 (no-op))
611 _ (add-instruction (->Recur recurs val-ids))
613 recur-point (get-binding :recur-point)
614 _ (add-instruction (->Jmp nil recur-point))]
615 ::terminated))
617 (defmethod sexpr-to-ssa 'if
618 [[_ test then else]]
619 (gen-plan
620 [test-id (item-to-ssa test)
621 then-blk (add-block)
622 else-blk (add-block)
623 final-blk (add-block)
624 _ (add-instruction (->CondBr test-id then-blk else-blk))
626 _ (set-block then-blk)
627 then-id (item-to-ssa then)
628 _ (if (not= then-id ::terminated)
629 (gen-plan
630 [_ (add-instruction (->Jmp then-id final-blk))]
631 then-id)
632 (no-op))
634 _ (set-block else-blk)
635 else-id (item-to-ssa else)
636 _ (if (not= else-id ::terminated)
637 (gen-plan
638 [_ (add-instruction (->Jmp else-id final-blk))]
639 then-id)
640 (no-op))
642 _ (set-block final-blk)
643 val-id (add-instruction (->Const ::value))]
644 val-id))
646 (defmethod sexpr-to-ssa 'fn*
647 [& fn-expr]
648 ;; For fn expressions we just want to record the expression as well
649 ;; as a list of all known renamed locals
650 (gen-plan
651 [locals (get-binding :locals)
652 fn-id (add-instruction (->Fn fn-expr (keys locals) (vals locals)))]
653 fn-id))
656 (def special-override? '#{case clojure.core/case
657 try clojure.core/try})
659 (defn expand [locals env form]
660 (loop [form form]
661 (if-not (seq? form)
662 form
663 (let [[s & r] form]
664 (if (symbol? s)
665 (if (or (get locals s)
666 (special-override? s))
667 form
668 (let [new-env (update-in env [:locals] merge locals)
669 expanded (cljs/macroexpand-1 new-env form)]
670 (if (= expanded form)
671 form
672 (recur expanded))))
673 form)))))
675 (defn terminate-custom [vals term]
676 (gen-plan
677 [blk (add-block)
678 vals (all (map item-to-ssa vals))
679 val (add-instruction (->CustomTerminator term blk vals))
680 _ (set-block blk)
681 res (add-instruction (->Const ::value))]
682 res))
684 (defn fixup-aliases [sym env]
685 (let [aliases (ns-aliases *ns*)]
686 (if-not (namespace sym)
687 sym
688 (if-let [ns (or (get-in env [:ns :requires-macros (symbol (namespace sym))])
689 (get-in env [:ns :requires (symbol (namespace sym))]))]
690 (symbol (name ns) (name sym))
691 sym))))
693 (defmethod -item-to-ssa :list
694 [lst]
695 (gen-plan
696 [env (get-binding :env)
697 locals (get-binding :locals)
698 terminators (get-binding :terminators)
699 val (let [exp (expand locals env lst)]
700 (if (seq? exp)
701 (if (symbol? (first exp))
702 (let [f (fixup-aliases (first exp) env)]
703 (cond
704 (is-special? f) (sexpr-to-ssa exp)
705 (get locals f) (default-sexpr exp)
706 (get terminators f) (terminate-custom (next exp) (get terminators f))
707 :else (default-sexpr exp)))
708 (default-sexpr exp))
709 (item-to-ssa exp)))]
710 val))
712 (defmethod -item-to-ssa :default
713 [x]
714 (fn [plan]
715 [x plan]))
717 (defmethod -item-to-ssa :symbol
718 [x]
719 (gen-plan
720 [locals (get-binding :locals)
721 inst-id (if (contains? locals x)
722 (fn [p]
723 [(locals x) p])
724 (fn [p]
725 [x p])
726 #_(add-instruction (->Const x)))]
727 inst-id))
729 (defmethod -item-to-ssa :map
730 [x]
731 (-item-to-ssa `(hash-map ~@(mapcat identity x))))
733 (defmethod -item-to-ssa :vector
734 [x]
735 (-item-to-ssa `(vector ~@x)))
737 (defmethod -item-to-ssa :set
738 [x]
739 (-item-to-ssa `(hash-set ~@x)))
741 (defn parse-to-state-machine
742 "Takes an sexpr and returns a hashmap that describes the execution flow of the sexpr as
743 a series of SSA style blocks."
744 [body env terminators]
745 (-> (gen-plan
746 [_ (push-binding :env env)
747 _ (push-binding :locals (zipmap (:locals (keys env)) (:locals (keys env))))
748 _ (push-binding :terminators terminators)
749 blk (add-block)
750 _ (set-block blk)
751 ids (all (map item-to-ssa body))
752 term-id (add-instruction (->Return (last ids)))
753 _ (pop-binding :terminators)
754 _ (pop-binding :locals)
755 _ (pop-binding :env)]
756 term-id)
757 get-plan))
760 (defn index-instruction [blk-id idx inst]
761 (let [idx (reduce
762 (fn [acc id]
763 (update-in acc [id :read-in] (fnil conj #{}) blk-id))
764 idx
765 (filter instruction? (reads-from inst)))
766 idx (reduce
767 (fn [acc id]
768 (update-in acc [id :written-in] (fnil conj #{}) blk-id))
769 idx
770 (filter instruction? (writes-to inst)))]
771 idx))
773 (defn index-block [idx [blk-id blk]]
774 (reduce (partial index-instruction blk-id) idx blk))
776 (defn index-state-machine [machine]
777 (reduce index-block {} (:blocks machine)))
779 (defn id-for-inst [m sym] ;; m :: symbols -> integers
780 (if-let [i (get @m sym)]
781 i
782 (let [next-idx (get @m ::next-idx)]
783 (swap! m assoc sym next-idx)
784 (swap! m assoc ::next-idx (inc next-idx))
785 next-idx)))
787 (defn persistent-value?
788 "Returns true if this value should be saved in the state hash map"
789 [index value]
790 (or (not= (-> index value :read-in)
791 (-> index value :written-in))
792 (-> index value :read-in count (> 1))))
794 (defn count-persistent-values
795 [index]
796 (->> (keys index)
797 (filter instruction?)
798 (filter (partial persistent-value? index))
799 count))
801 (defn- build-block-preamble [local-map idx state-sym blk]
802 (let [args (->> (mapcat reads-from blk)
803 (filter instruction?)
804 (filter (partial persistent-value? idx))
805 set
806 vec)]
807 (if (empty? args)
808 []
809 (mapcat (fn [sym]
810 `[~sym (aget ~state-sym ~(id-for-inst local-map sym))])
811 args))))
813 (defn- build-block-body [state-sym blk]
814 (mapcat
815 #(emit-instruction % state-sym)
816 (butlast blk)))
818 (defn- build-new-state [local-map idx state-sym blk]
819 (let [results (->> blk
820 (mapcat writes-to)
821 (filter instruction?)
822 (filter (partial persistent-value? idx))
823 set
824 vec)
825 results (interleave (map (partial id-for-inst local-map) results) results)]
826 (if-not (empty? results)
827 `(aset-all! ~state-sym ~@results)
828 state-sym)))
830 (defn- emit-state-machine [machine num-user-params custom-terminators]
831 (let [index (index-state-machine machine)
832 state-sym (with-meta (gensym "state_")
833 {:tag 'objects})
834 local-start-idx (+ num-user-params USER-START-IDX)
835 state-arr-size (+ local-start-idx (count-persistent-values index))
836 local-map (atom {::next-idx local-start-idx})
837 block-catches (:block-catches machine)
838 state-val-sym (gensym "state_val_")]
839 `(let [switch# (fn [~state-sym]
840 (let [~state-val-sym (aget ~state-sym ~STATE-IDX)]
841 (cond
842 ~@(mapcat
843 (fn [[id blk]]
844 [`(== ~state-val-sym ~id)
845 `(let [~@(concat (build-block-preamble local-map index state-sym blk)
846 (build-block-body state-sym blk))
847 ~state-sym ~(build-new-state local-map index state-sym blk)]
848 ~(terminate-block (last blk) state-sym custom-terminators))])
849 (:blocks machine)))))]
850 (fn state-machine#
851 ([] (aset-all! (make-array ~state-arr-size)
852 ~FN-IDX state-machine#
853 ~STATE-IDX ~(:start-block machine)))
854 ([~state-sym]
855 (let [ret-value# (try (loop []
856 (let [result# (switch# ~state-sym)]
857 (if (cljs.core/keyword-identical? result# :recur)
858 (recur)
859 result#)))
860 (catch js/Object ex#
861 (aset-all! ~state-sym ~CURRENT-EXCEPTION ex#)
862 (cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-helpers/process-exception ~state-sym)
863 :recur))]
864 (if (cljs.core/keyword-identical? ret-value# :recur)
865 (recur ~state-sym)
866 ret-value#)))))))
869 (def async-custom-terminators
870 {'<! 'cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-helpers/take!
871 'cljs.core.async/<! 'cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-helpers/take!
872 '>! 'cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-helpers/put!
873 'cljs.core.async/>! 'cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-helpers/put!
874 'alts! 'cljs.core.async/ioc-alts!
875 'cljs.core.async/alts! 'cljs.core.async/ioc-alts!
876 :Return 'cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-helpers/return-chan})
879 (defn state-machine [body num-user-params env user-transitions]
880 (-> (parse-to-state-machine body env user-transitions)
881 second
882 (emit-state-machine num-user-params user-transitions)))
0 ;; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and contributors. All rights reserved.
1 ;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
2 ;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
3 ;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
4 ;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
5 ;; the terms of this license.
6 ;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
8 (ns cljs.core.async.impl.protocols)
10 (def ^:const MAX-QUEUE-SIZE 1024)
12 (defprotocol ReadPort
13 (take! [port fn1-handler] "derefable val if taken, nil if take was enqueued"))
15 (defprotocol WritePort
16 (put! [port val fn1-handler] "derefable boolean (false if already closed) if handled, nil if put was enqueued.
17 Must throw on nil val."))
19 (defprotocol Channel
20 (close! [chan])
21 (closed? [chan]))
23 (defprotocol Handler
24 (active? [h] "returns true if has callback. Must work w/o lock")
25 (blockable? [h] "returns true if this handler may be blocked, otherwise it must not block")
26 #_(lock-id [h] "a unique id for lock acquisition order, 0 if no lock")
27 (commit [h] "commit to fulfilling its end of the transfer, returns cb. Must be called within lock"))
29 (defprotocol Buffer
30 (full? [b] "returns true if buffer cannot accept put")
31 (remove! [b] "remove and return next item from buffer, called under chan mutex")
32 (add!* [b itm] "if room, add item to the buffer, returns b, called under chan mutex")
33 (close-buf! [b] "called on chan closed under chan mutex, return ignored"))
35 (defn add!
36 ([b] b)
37 ([b itm]
38 (assert (not (nil? itm)))
39 (add!* b itm)))
41 ;; Defines a buffer that will never block (return true to full?)
42 (defprotocol UnblockingBuffer)
0 ;; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and contributors. All rights reserved.
1 ;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
2 ;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
3 ;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
4 ;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
5 ;; the terms of this license.
6 ;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
8 (ns cljs.core.async.impl.timers
9 (:require [cljs.core.async.impl.protocols :as impl]
10 [cljs.core.async.impl.channels :as channels]
11 [cljs.core.async.impl.dispatch :as dispatch]))
13 (def MAX_LEVEL 15) ;; 16 levels
14 (def P (/ 1 2))
16 (defn random-level
17 ([] (random-level 0))
18 ([level]
19 (if (and (< (.random js/Math) P)
20 (< level MAX_LEVEL))
21 (recur (inc level))
22 level)))
24 (deftype SkipListNode [key ^:mutable val forward]
25 ISeqable
26 (-seq [coll]
27 (list key val))
29 IPrintWithWriter
30 (-pr-writer [coll writer opts]
31 (pr-sequential-writer writer pr-writer "[" " " "]" opts coll)))
33 (defn skip-list-node
34 ([level] (skip-list-node nil nil level))
35 ([k v level]
36 (let [arr (make-array (inc level))]
37 (loop [i 0]
38 (when (< i (alength arr))
39 (aset arr i nil)
40 (recur (inc i))))
41 (SkipListNode. k v arr))))
43 (defn least-greater-node
44 ([x k level] (least-greater-node x k level nil))
45 ([x k level update]
46 (if-not (neg? level)
47 (let [x (loop [x x]
48 (if-let [x' (aget (.-forward x) level)]
49 (if (< (.-key x') k)
50 (recur x')
51 x)
52 x))]
53 (when-not (nil? update)
54 (aset update level x))
55 (recur x k (dec level) update))
56 x)))
58 (deftype SkipList [header ^:mutable level]
59 Object
60 (put [coll k v]
61 (let [update (make-array MAX_LEVEL)
62 x (least-greater-node header k level update)
63 x (aget (.-forward x) 0)]
64 (if (and (not (nil? x)) (== (.-key x) k))
65 (set! (.-val x) v)
66 (let [new-level (random-level)]
67 (when (> new-level level)
68 (loop [i (inc level)]
69 (when (<= i (inc new-level))
70 (aset update i header)
71 (recur (inc i))))
72 (set! level new-level))
73 (let [x (skip-list-node k v (make-array new-level))]
74 (loop [i 0]
75 (when (<= i level)
76 (let [links (.-forward (aget update i))]
77 (aset (.-forward x) i (aget links i))
78 (aset links i x)))))))))
80 (remove [coll k]
81 (let [update (make-array MAX_LEVEL)
82 x (least-greater-node header k level update)
83 x (aget (.-forward x) 0)]
84 (when (and (not (nil? x)) (== (.-key x) k))
85 (loop [i 0]
86 (when (<= i level)
87 (let [links (.-forward (aget update i))]
88 (if (identical? (aget links i) x)
89 (do
90 (aset links i (aget (.-forward x) i))
91 (recur (inc i)))
92 (recur (inc i))))))
93 (while (and (> level 0)
94 (nil? (aget (.-forward header) level)))
95 (set! level (dec level))))))
97 (ceilingEntry [coll k]
98 (loop [x header level level]
99 (if-not (neg? level)
100 (let [nx (loop [x x]
101 (let [x' (aget (.-forward x) level)]
102 (when-not (nil? x')
103 (if (>= (.-key x') k)
104 x'
105 (recur x')))))]
106 (if-not (nil? nx)
107 (recur nx (dec level))
108 (recur x (dec level))))
109 (when-not (identical? x header)
110 x))))
112 (floorEntry [coll k]
113 (loop [x header level level]
114 (if-not (neg? level)
115 (let [nx (loop [x x]
116 (let [x' (aget (.-forward x) level)]
117 (if-not (nil? x')
118 (if (> (.-key x') k)
119 x
120 (recur x'))
121 (when (zero? level)
122 x))))]
123 (if nx
124 (recur nx (dec level))
125 (recur x (dec level))))
126 (when-not (identical? x header)
127 x))))
129 ISeqable
130 (-seq [coll]
131 (letfn [(iter [node]
132 (lazy-seq
133 (when-not (nil? node)
134 (cons [(.-key node) (.-val node)]
135 (iter (aget (.-forward node) 0))))))]
136 (iter (aget (.-forward header) 0))))
138 IPrintWithWriter
139 (-pr-writer [coll writer opts]
140 (let [pr-pair (fn [keyval]
141 (pr-sequential-writer writer pr-writer "" " " "" opts keyval))]
142 (pr-sequential-writer writer pr-pair "{" ", " "}" opts coll))))
144 (defn skip-list []
145 (SkipList. (skip-list-node 0) 0))
147 (def timeouts-map (skip-list))
151 (defn timeout
152 "returns a channel that will close after msecs"
153 [msecs]
154 (let [timeout (+ (.valueOf (js/Date.)) msecs)
155 me (.ceilingEntry timeouts-map timeout)]
156 (or (when (and me (< (.-key me) (+ timeout TIMEOUT_RESOLUTION_MS)))
157 (.-val me))
158 (let [timeout-channel (channels/chan nil)]
159 (.put timeouts-map timeout timeout-channel)
160 (dispatch/queue-delay
161 (fn []
162 (.remove timeouts-map timeout)
163 (impl/close! timeout-channel))
164 msecs)
165 timeout-channel))))
0 (ns cljs.core.async.macros
1 (:require [cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-macros :as ioc]))
3 (defmacro go
4 "Asynchronously executes the body, returning immediately to the
5 calling thread. Additionally, any visible calls to <!, >! and alt!/alts!
6 channel operations within the body will block (if necessary) by
7 'parking' the calling thread rather than tying up an OS thread (or
8 the only JS thread when in ClojureScript). Upon completion of the
9 operation, the body will be resumed.
11 Returns a channel which will receive the result of the body when
12 completed"
13 [& body]
14 `(let [c# (cljs.core.async/chan 1)]
15 (cljs.core.async.impl.dispatch/run
16 (fn []
17 (let [f# ~(ioc/state-machine body 1 &env ioc/async-custom-terminators)
18 state# (-> (f#)
19 (ioc/aset-all! cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-helpers/USER-START-IDX c#))]
20 (cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-helpers/run-state-machine-wrapped state#))))
21 c#))
24 (defn do-alt [alts clauses]
25 (assert (even? (count clauses)) "unbalanced clauses")
26 (let [clauses (partition 2 clauses)
27 opt? #(keyword? (first %))
28 opts (filter opt? clauses)
29 clauses (remove opt? clauses)
30 [clauses bindings]
31 (reduce
32 (fn [[clauses bindings] [ports expr]]
33 (let [ports (if (vector? ports) ports [ports])
34 [ports bindings]
35 (reduce
36 (fn [[ports bindings] port]
37 (if (vector? port)
38 (let [[port val] port
39 gp (gensym)
40 gv (gensym)]
41 [(conj ports [gp gv]) (conj bindings [gp port] [gv val])])
42 (let [gp (gensym)]
43 [(conj ports gp) (conj bindings [gp port])])))
44 [[] bindings] ports)]
45 [(conj clauses [ports expr]) bindings]))
46 [[] []] clauses)
47 gch (gensym "ch")
48 gret (gensym "ret")]
49 `(let [~@(mapcat identity bindings)
50 [val# ~gch :as ~gret] (~alts [~@(apply concat (map first clauses))] ~@(apply concat opts))]
51 (cond
52 ~@(mapcat (fn [[ports expr]]
53 [`(or ~@(map (fn [port]
54 `(= ~gch ~(if (vector? port) (first port) port)))
55 ports))
56 (if (and (seq? expr) (vector? (first expr)))
57 `(let [~(first expr) ~gret] ~@(rest expr))
58 expr)])
59 clauses)
60 (= ~gch :default) val#))))
62 (defmacro alt!
63 "Makes a single choice between one of several channel operations,
64 as if by alts!, returning the value of the result expr corresponding
65 to the operation completed. Must be called inside a (go ...) block.
67 Each clause takes the form of:
69 channel-op[s] result-expr
71 where channel-ops is one of:
73 take-port - a single port to take
74 [take-port | [put-port put-val] ...] - a vector of ports as per alts!
75 :default | :priority - an option for alts!
77 and result-expr is either a list beginning with a vector, whereupon that
78 vector will be treated as a binding for the [val port] return of the
79 operation, else any other expression.
81 (alt!
82 [c t] ([val ch] (foo ch val))
83 x ([v] v)
84 [[out val]] :wrote
85 :default 42)
87 Each option may appear at most once. The choice and parking
88 characteristics are those of alts!."
90 [& clauses]
91 (do-alt 'alts! clauses))
94 (defmacro go-loop
95 "Like (go (loop ...))"
96 [bindings & body]
97 `(go (loop ~bindings ~@body)))
0 (ns cljs.core.async
1 (:refer-clojure :exclude [reduce transduce into merge map take partition partition-by])
2 (:require [cljs.core.async.impl.protocols :as impl]
3 [cljs.core.async.impl.channels :as channels]
4 [cljs.core.async.impl.buffers :as buffers]
5 [cljs.core.async.impl.timers :as timers]
6 [cljs.core.async.impl.dispatch :as dispatch]
7 [cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-helpers :as helpers])
8 (:require-macros [cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-macros :as ioc]
9 [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go go-loop]]))
11 (defn- fn-handler
12 ([f] (fn-handler f true))
13 ([f blockable]
14 (reify
15 impl/Handler
16 (active? [_] true)
17 (blockable? [_] blockable)
18 (commit [_] f))))
20 (defn buffer
21 "Returns a fixed buffer of size n. When full, puts will block/park."
22 [n]
23 (buffers/fixed-buffer n))
25 (defn dropping-buffer
26 "Returns a buffer of size n. When full, puts will complete but
27 val will be dropped (no transfer)."
28 [n]
29 (buffers/dropping-buffer n))
31 (defn sliding-buffer
32 "Returns a buffer of size n. When full, puts will complete, and be
33 buffered, but oldest elements in buffer will be dropped (not
34 transferred)."
35 [n]
36 (buffers/sliding-buffer n))
38 (defn unblocking-buffer?
39 "Returns true if a channel created with buff will never block. That is to say,
40 puts into this buffer will never cause the buffer to be full. "
41 [buff]
42 (satisfies? impl/UnblockingBuffer buff))
44 (defn chan
45 "Creates a channel with an optional buffer, an optional transducer (like (map f),
46 (filter p) etc or a composition thereof), and an optional exception handler.
47 If buf-or-n is a number, will create and use a fixed buffer of that size. If a
48 transducer is supplied a buffer must be specified. ex-handler must be a
49 fn of one argument - if an exception occurs during transformation it will be called
50 with the thrown value as an argument, and any non-nil return value will be placed
51 in the channel."
52 ([] (chan nil))
53 ([buf-or-n] (chan buf-or-n nil nil))
54 ([buf-or-n xform] (chan buf-or-n xform nil))
55 ([buf-or-n xform ex-handler]
56 (let [buf-or-n (if (= buf-or-n 0)
57 nil
58 buf-or-n)]
59 (when xform (assert buf-or-n "buffer must be supplied when transducer is"))
60 (channels/chan (if (number? buf-or-n)
61 (buffer buf-or-n)
62 buf-or-n)
63 xform
64 ex-handler))))
66 (defn promise-chan
67 "Creates a promise channel with an optional transducer, and an optional
68 exception-handler. A promise channel can take exactly one value that consumers
69 will receive. Once full, puts complete but val is dropped (no transfer).
70 Consumers will block until either a value is placed in the channel or the
71 channel is closed. See chan for the semantics of xform and ex-handler."
72 ([] (promise-chan nil))
73 ([xform] (promise-chan xform nil))
74 ([xform ex-handler]
75 (chan (buffers/promise-buffer) xform ex-handler)))
77 (defn timeout
78 "Returns a channel that will close after msecs"
79 [msecs]
80 (timers/timeout msecs))
82 (defn <!
83 "takes a val from port. Must be called inside a (go ...) block. Will
84 return nil if closed. Will park if nothing is available.
85 Returns true unless port is already closed"
86 [port]
87 (throw (js/Error. "<! used not in (go ...) block")))
89 (defn take!
90 "Asynchronously takes a val from port, passing to fn1. Will pass nil
91 if closed. If on-caller? (default true) is true, and value is
92 immediately available, will call fn1 on calling thread.
93 Returns nil."
94 ([port fn1] (take! port fn1 true))
95 ([port fn1 on-caller?]
96 (let [ret (impl/take! port (fn-handler fn1))]
97 (when ret
98 (let [val @ret]
99 (if on-caller?
100 (fn1 val)
101 (dispatch/run #(fn1 val)))))
102 nil)))
104 (defn- nop [_])
105 (def ^:private fhnop (fn-handler nop))
107 (defn >!
108 "puts a val into port. nil values are not allowed. Must be called
109 inside a (go ...) block. Will park if no buffer space is available.
110 Returns true unless port is already closed."
111 [port val]
112 (throw (js/Error. ">! used not in (go ...) block")))
114 (defn put!
115 "Asynchronously puts a val into port, calling fn0 (if supplied) when
116 complete. nil values are not allowed. Will throw if closed. If
117 on-caller? (default true) is true, and the put is immediately
118 accepted, will call fn0 on calling thread. Returns nil."
119 ([port val]
120 (if-let [ret (impl/put! port val fhnop)]
121 @ret
122 true))
123 ([port val fn1] (put! port val fn1 true))
124 ([port val fn1 on-caller?]
125 (if-let [retb (impl/put! port val (fn-handler fn1))]
126 (let [ret @retb]
127 (if on-caller?
128 (fn1 ret)
129 (dispatch/run #(fn1 ret)))
130 ret)
131 true)))
133 (defn close!
134 ([port]
135 (impl/close! port)))
138 (defn- random-array
139 [n]
140 (let [a (make-array n)]
141 (dotimes [x n]
142 (aset a x 0))
143 (loop [i 1]
144 (if (= i n)
145 a
146 (do
147 (let [j (rand-int i)]
148 (aset a i (aget a j))
149 (aset a j i)
150 (recur (inc i))))))))
152 (defn- alt-flag []
153 (let [flag (atom true)]
154 (reify
155 impl/Handler
156 (active? [_] @flag)
157 (blockable? [_] true)
158 (commit [_]
159 (reset! flag nil)
160 true))))
162 (defn- alt-handler [flag cb]
163 (reify
164 impl/Handler
165 (active? [_] (impl/active? flag))
166 (blockable? [_] true)
167 (commit [_]
168 (impl/commit flag)
169 cb)))
171 (defn do-alts
172 "returns derefable [val port] if immediate, nil if enqueued"
173 [fret ports opts]
174 (let [flag (alt-flag)
175 n (count ports)
176 idxs (random-array n)
177 priority (:priority opts)
178 ret
179 (loop [i 0]
180 (when (< i n)
181 (let [idx (if priority i (aget idxs i))
182 port (nth ports idx)
183 wport (when (vector? port) (port 0))
184 vbox (if wport
185 (let [val (port 1)]
186 (impl/put! wport val (alt-handler flag #(fret [% wport]))))
187 (impl/take! port (alt-handler flag #(fret [% port]))))]
188 (if vbox
189 (channels/box [@vbox (or wport port)])
190 (recur (inc i))))))]
191 (or
192 ret
193 (when (contains? opts :default)
194 (when-let [got (and (impl/active? flag) (impl/commit flag))]
195 (channels/box [(:default opts) :default]))))))
197 (defn alts!
198 "Completes at most one of several channel operations. Must be called
199 inside a (go ...) block. ports is a vector of channel endpoints,
200 which can be either a channel to take from or a vector of
201 [channel-to-put-to val-to-put], in any combination. Takes will be
202 made as if by <!, and puts will be made as if by >!. Unless
203 the :priority option is true, if more than one port operation is
204 ready a non-deterministic choice will be made. If no operation is
205 ready and a :default value is supplied, [default-val :default] will
206 be returned, otherwise alts! will park until the first operation to
207 become ready completes. Returns [val port] of the completed
208 operation, where val is the value taken for takes, and a
209 boolean (true unless already closed, as per put!) for puts.
211 opts are passed as :key val ... Supported options:
213 :default val - the value to use if none of the operations are immediately ready
214 :priority true - (default nil) when true, the operations will be tried in order.
216 Note: there is no guarantee that the port exps or val exprs will be
217 used, nor in what order should they be, so they should not be
218 depended upon for side effects."
220 [ports & {:as opts}]
221 (throw (js/Error. "alts! used not in (go ...) block")))
223 (defn offer!
224 "Puts a val into port if it's possible to do so immediately.
225 nil values are not allowed. Never blocks. Returns true if offer succeeds."
226 [port val]
227 (let [ret (impl/put! port val (fn-handler nop false))]
228 (when ret @ret)))
230 (defn poll!
231 "Takes a val from port if it's possible to do so immediately.
232 Never blocks. Returns value if successful, nil otherwise."
233 [port]
234 (let [ret (impl/take! port (fn-handler nop false))]
235 (when ret @ret)))
237 ;;;;;;; channel ops
239 (defn pipe
240 "Takes elements from the from channel and supplies them to the to
241 channel. By default, the to channel will be closed when the from
242 channel closes, but can be determined by the close? parameter. Will
243 stop consuming the from channel if the to channel closes"
245 ([from to] (pipe from to true))
246 ([from to close?]
247 (go-loop []
248 (let [v (<! from)]
249 (if (nil? v)
250 (when close? (close! to))
251 (when (>! to v)
252 (recur)))))
253 to))
255 (defn- pipeline*
256 ([n to xf from close? ex-handler type]
257 (assert (pos? n))
258 (let [jobs (chan n)
259 results (chan n)
260 process (fn [[v p :as job]]
261 (if (nil? job)
262 (do (close! results) nil)
263 (let [res (chan 1 xf ex-handler)]
264 (go
265 (>! res v)
266 (close! res))
267 (put! p res)
268 true)))
269 async (fn [[v p :as job]]
270 (if (nil? job)
271 (do (close! results) nil)
272 (let [res (chan 1)]
273 (xf v res)
274 (put! p res)
275 true)))]
276 (dotimes [_ n]
277 (case type
278 :compute (go-loop []
279 (let [job (<! jobs)]
280 (when (process job)
281 (recur))))
282 :async (go-loop []
283 (let [job (<! jobs)]
284 (when (async job)
285 (recur))))))
286 (go-loop []
287 (let [v (<! from)]
288 (if (nil? v)
289 (close! jobs)
290 (let [p (chan 1)]
291 (>! jobs [v p])
292 (>! results p)
293 (recur)))))
294 (go-loop []
295 (let [p (<! results)]
296 (if (nil? p)
297 (when close? (close! to))
298 (let [res (<! p)]
299 (loop []
300 (let [v (<! res)]
301 (when (and (not (nil? v)) (>! to v))
302 (recur))))
303 (recur))))))))
305 (defn pipeline-async
306 "Takes elements from the from channel and supplies them to the to
307 channel, subject to the async function af, with parallelism n. af
308 must be a function of two arguments, the first an input value and
309 the second a channel on which to place the result(s). af must close!
310 the channel before returning. The presumption is that af will
311 return immediately, having launched some asynchronous operation
312 whose completion/callback will manipulate the result channel. Outputs
313 will be returned in order relative to the inputs. By default, the to
314 channel will be closed when the from channel closes, but can be
315 determined by the close? parameter. Will stop consuming the from
316 channel if the to channel closes."
317 ([n to af from] (pipeline-async n to af from true))
318 ([n to af from close?] (pipeline* n to af from close? nil :async)))
320 (defn pipeline
321 "Takes elements from the from channel and supplies them to the to
322 channel, subject to the transducer xf, with parallelism n. Because
323 it is parallel, the transducer will be applied independently to each
324 element, not across elements, and may produce zero or more outputs
325 per input. Outputs will be returned in order relative to the
326 inputs. By default, the to channel will be closed when the from
327 channel closes, but can be determined by the close? parameter. Will
328 stop consuming the from channel if the to channel closes.
330 Note this is supplied for API compatibility with the Clojure version.
331 Values of N > 1 will not result in actual concurrency in a
332 single-threaded runtime."
333 ([n to xf from] (pipeline n to xf from true))
334 ([n to xf from close?] (pipeline n to xf from close? nil))
335 ([n to xf from close? ex-handler] (pipeline* n to xf from close? ex-handler :compute)))
337 (defn split
338 "Takes a predicate and a source channel and returns a vector of two
339 channels, the first of which will contain the values for which the
340 predicate returned true, the second those for which it returned
341 false.
343 The out channels will be unbuffered by default, or two buf-or-ns can
344 be supplied. The channels will close after the source channel has
345 closed."
346 ([p ch] (split p ch nil nil))
347 ([p ch t-buf-or-n f-buf-or-n]
348 (let [tc (chan t-buf-or-n)
349 fc (chan f-buf-or-n)]
350 (go-loop []
351 (let [v (<! ch)]
352 (if (nil? v)
353 (do (close! tc) (close! fc))
354 (when (>! (if (p v) tc fc) v)
355 (recur)))))
356 [tc fc])))
358 (defn reduce
359 "f should be a function of 2 arguments. Returns a channel containing
360 the single result of applying f to init and the first item from the
361 channel, then applying f to that result and the 2nd item, etc. If
362 the channel closes without yielding items, returns init and f is not
363 called. ch must close before reduce produces a result."
364 [f init ch]
365 (go-loop [ret init]
366 (let [v (<! ch)]
367 (if (nil? v)
368 ret
369 (let [ret' (f ret v)]
370 (if (reduced? ret')
371 @ret'
372 (recur ret')))))))
374 (defn transduce
375 "async/reduces a channel with a transformation (xform f).
376 Returns a channel containing the result. ch must close before
377 transduce produces a result."
378 [xform f init ch]
379 (let [f (xform f)]
380 (go
381 (let [ret (<! (reduce f init ch))]
382 (f ret)))))
384 (defn onto-chan
385 "Puts the contents of coll into the supplied channel.
387 By default the channel will be closed after the items are copied,
388 but can be determined by the close? parameter.
390 Returns a channel which will close after the items are copied."
391 ([ch coll] (onto-chan ch coll true))
392 ([ch coll close?]
393 (go-loop [vs (seq coll)]
394 (if (and vs (>! ch (first vs)))
395 (recur (next vs))
396 (when close?
397 (close! ch))))))
400 (defn to-chan
401 "Creates and returns a channel which contains the contents of coll,
402 closing when exhausted."
403 [coll]
404 (let [ch (chan (bounded-count 100 coll))]
405 (onto-chan ch coll)
406 ch))
409 (defprotocol Mux
410 (muxch* [_]))
412 (defprotocol Mult
413 (tap* [m ch close?])
414 (untap* [m ch])
415 (untap-all* [m]))
417 (defn mult
418 "Creates and returns a mult(iple) of the supplied channel. Channels
419 containing copies of the channel can be created with 'tap', and
420 detached with 'untap'.
422 Each item is distributed to all taps in parallel and synchronously,
423 i.e. each tap must accept before the next item is distributed. Use
424 buffering/windowing to prevent slow taps from holding up the mult.
426 Items received when there are no taps get dropped.
428 If a tap puts to a closed channel, it will be removed from the mult."
429 [ch]
430 (let [cs (atom {}) ;;ch->close?
431 m (reify
432 Mux
433 (muxch* [_] ch)
435 Mult
436 (tap* [_ ch close?] (swap! cs assoc ch close?) nil)
437 (untap* [_ ch] (swap! cs dissoc ch) nil)
438 (untap-all* [_] (reset! cs {}) nil))
439 dchan (chan 1)
440 dctr (atom nil)
441 done (fn [_] (when (zero? (swap! dctr dec))
442 (put! dchan true)))]
443 (go-loop []
444 (let [val (<! ch)]
445 (if (nil? val)
446 (doseq [[c close?] @cs]
447 (when close? (close! c)))
448 (let [chs (keys @cs)]
449 (reset! dctr (count chs))
450 (doseq [c chs]
451 (when-not (put! c val done)
452 (done nil)
453 (untap* m c)))
454 ;;wait for all
455 (when (seq chs)
456 (<! dchan))
457 (recur)))))
458 m))
460 (defn tap
461 "Copies the mult source onto the supplied channel.
463 By default the channel will be closed when the source closes,
464 but can be determined by the close? parameter."
465 ([mult ch] (tap mult ch true))
466 ([mult ch close?] (tap* mult ch close?) ch))
468 (defn untap
469 "Disconnects a target channel from a mult"
470 [mult ch]
471 (untap* mult ch))
473 (defn untap-all
474 "Disconnects all target channels from a mult"
475 [mult] (untap-all* mult))
477 (defprotocol Mix
478 (admix* [m ch])
479 (unmix* [m ch])
480 (unmix-all* [m])
481 (toggle* [m state-map])
482 (solo-mode* [m mode]))
484 (defn ioc-alts! [state cont-block ports & {:as opts}]
485 (ioc/aset-all! state helpers/STATE-IDX cont-block)
486 (when-let [cb (cljs.core.async/do-alts
487 (fn [val]
488 (ioc/aset-all! state helpers/VALUE-IDX val)
489 (helpers/run-state-machine-wrapped state))
490 ports
491 opts)]
492 (ioc/aset-all! state helpers/VALUE-IDX @cb)
493 :recur))
495 (defn mix
496 "Creates and returns a mix of one or more input channels which will
497 be put on the supplied out channel. Input sources can be added to
498 the mix with 'admix', and removed with 'unmix'. A mix supports
499 soloing, muting and pausing multiple inputs atomically using
500 'toggle', and can solo using either muting or pausing as determined
501 by 'solo-mode'.
503 Each channel can have zero or more boolean modes set via 'toggle':
505 :solo - when true, only this (ond other soloed) channel(s) will appear
506 in the mix output channel. :mute and :pause states of soloed
507 channels are ignored. If solo-mode is :mute, non-soloed
508 channels are muted, if :pause, non-soloed channels are
509 paused.
511 :mute - muted channels will have their contents consumed but not included in the mix
512 :pause - paused channels will not have their contents consumed (and thus also not included in the mix)
513 "
514 [out]
515 (let [cs (atom {}) ;;ch->attrs-map
516 solo-modes #{:mute :pause}
517 attrs (conj solo-modes :solo)
518 solo-mode (atom :mute)
519 change (chan)
520 changed #(put! change true)
521 pick (fn [attr chs]
522 (reduce-kv
523 (fn [ret c v]
524 (if (attr v)
525 (conj ret c)
526 ret))
527 #{} chs))
528 calc-state (fn []
529 (let [chs @cs
530 mode @solo-mode
531 solos (pick :solo chs)
532 pauses (pick :pause chs)]
533 {:solos solos
534 :mutes (pick :mute chs)
535 :reads (conj
536 (if (and (= mode :pause) (not (empty? solos)))
537 (vec solos)
538 (vec (remove pauses (keys chs))))
539 change)}))
540 m (reify
541 Mux
542 (muxch* [_] out)
543 Mix
544 (admix* [_ ch] (swap! cs assoc ch {}) (changed))
545 (unmix* [_ ch] (swap! cs dissoc ch) (changed))
546 (unmix-all* [_] (reset! cs {}) (changed))
547 (toggle* [_ state-map] (swap! cs (partial merge-with cljs.core/merge) state-map) (changed))
548 (solo-mode* [_ mode]
549 (assert (solo-modes mode) (str "mode must be one of: " solo-modes))
550 (reset! solo-mode mode)
551 (changed)))]
552 (go-loop [{:keys [solos mutes reads] :as state} (calc-state)]
553 (let [[v c] (alts! reads)]
554 (if (or (nil? v) (= c change))
555 (do (when (nil? v)
556 (swap! cs dissoc c))
557 (recur (calc-state)))
558 (if (or (solos c)
559 (and (empty? solos) (not (mutes c))))
560 (when (>! out v)
561 (recur state))
562 (recur state)))))
563 m))
565 (defn admix
566 "Adds ch as an input to the mix"
567 [mix ch]
568 (admix* mix ch))
570 (defn unmix
571 "Removes ch as an input to the mix"
572 [mix ch]
573 (unmix* mix ch))
575 (defn unmix-all
576 "removes all inputs from the mix"
577 [mix]
578 (unmix-all* mix))
580 (defn toggle
581 "Atomically sets the state(s) of one or more channels in a mix. The
582 state map is a map of channels -> channel-state-map. A
583 channel-state-map is a map of attrs -> boolean, where attr is one or
584 more of :mute, :pause or :solo. Any states supplied are merged with
585 the current state.
587 Note that channels can be added to a mix via toggle, which can be
588 used to add channels in a particular (e.g. paused) state."
589 [mix state-map]
590 (toggle* mix state-map))
592 (defn solo-mode
593 "Sets the solo mode of the mix. mode must be one of :mute or :pause"
594 [mix mode]
595 (solo-mode* mix mode))
598 (defprotocol Pub
599 (sub* [p v ch close?])
600 (unsub* [p v ch])
601 (unsub-all* [p] [p v]))
603 (defn pub
604 "Creates and returns a pub(lication) of the supplied channel,
605 partitioned into topics by the topic-fn. topic-fn will be applied to
606 each value on the channel and the result will determine the 'topic'
607 on which that value will be put. Channels can be subscribed to
608 receive copies of topics using 'sub', and unsubscribed using
609 'unsub'. Each topic will be handled by an internal mult on a
610 dedicated channel. By default these internal channels are
611 unbuffered, but a buf-fn can be supplied which, given a topic,
612 creates a buffer with desired properties.
614 Each item is distributed to all subs in parallel and synchronously,
615 i.e. each sub must accept before the next item is distributed. Use
616 buffering/windowing to prevent slow subs from holding up the pub.
618 Items received when there are no matching subs get dropped.
620 Note that if buf-fns are used then each topic is handled
621 asynchronously, i.e. if a channel is subscribed to more than one
622 topic it should not expect them to be interleaved identically with
623 the source."
624 ([ch topic-fn] (pub ch topic-fn (constantly nil)))
625 ([ch topic-fn buf-fn]
626 (let [mults (atom {}) ;;topic->mult
627 ensure-mult (fn [topic]
628 (or (get @mults topic)
629 (get (swap! mults
630 #(if (% topic) % (assoc % topic (mult (chan (buf-fn topic))))))
631 topic)))
632 p (reify
633 Mux
634 (muxch* [_] ch)
636 Pub
637 (sub* [p topic ch close?]
638 (let [m (ensure-mult topic)]
639 (tap m ch close?)))
640 (unsub* [p topic ch]
641 (when-let [m (get @mults topic)]
642 (untap m ch)))
643 (unsub-all* [_] (reset! mults {}))
644 (unsub-all* [_ topic] (swap! mults dissoc topic)))]
645 (go-loop []
646 (let [val (<! ch)]
647 (if (nil? val)
648 (doseq [m (vals @mults)]
649 (close! (muxch* m)))
650 (let [topic (topic-fn val)
651 m (get @mults topic)]
652 (when m
653 (when-not (>! (muxch* m) val)
654 (swap! mults dissoc topic)))
655 (recur)))))
656 p)))
658 (defn sub
659 "Subscribes a channel to a topic of a pub.
661 By default the channel will be closed when the source closes,
662 but can be determined by the close? parameter."
663 ([p topic ch] (sub p topic ch true))
664 ([p topic ch close?] (sub* p topic ch close?)))
666 (defn unsub
667 "Unsubscribes a channel from a topic of a pub"
668 [p topic ch]
669 (unsub* p topic ch))
671 (defn unsub-all
672 "Unsubscribes all channels from a pub, or a topic of a pub"
673 ([p] (unsub-all* p))
674 ([p topic] (unsub-all* p topic)))
677 ;;;;
679 (defn map
680 "Takes a function and a collection of source channels, and returns a
681 channel which contains the values produced by applying f to the set
682 of first items taken from each source channel, followed by applying
683 f to the set of second items from each channel, until any one of the
684 channels is closed, at which point the output channel will be
685 closed. The returned channel will be unbuffered by default, or a
686 buf-or-n can be supplied"
687 ([f chs] (map f chs nil))
688 ([f chs buf-or-n]
689 (let [chs (vec chs)
690 out (chan buf-or-n)
691 cnt (count chs)
692 rets (object-array cnt)
693 dchan (chan 1)
694 dctr (atom nil)
695 done (mapv (fn [i]
696 (fn [ret]
697 (aset rets i ret)
698 (when (zero? (swap! dctr dec))
699 (put! dchan (.slice rets 0)))))
700 (range cnt))]
701 (go-loop []
702 (reset! dctr cnt)
703 (dotimes [i cnt]
704 (try
705 (take! (chs i) (done i))
706 (catch js/Object e
707 (swap! dctr dec))))
708 (let [rets (<! dchan)]
709 (if (some nil? rets)
710 (close! out)
711 (do (>! out (apply f rets))
712 (recur)))))
713 out)))
715 (defn merge
716 "Takes a collection of source channels and returns a channel which
717 contains all values taken from them. The returned channel will be
718 unbuffered by default, or a buf-or-n can be supplied. The channel
719 will close after all the source channels have closed."
720 ([chs] (merge chs nil))
721 ([chs buf-or-n]
722 (let [out (chan buf-or-n)]
723 (go-loop [cs (vec chs)]
724 (if (pos? (count cs))
725 (let [[v c] (alts! cs)]
726 (if (nil? v)
727 (recur (filterv #(not= c %) cs))
728 (do (>! out v)
729 (recur cs))))
730 (close! out)))
731 out)))
733 (defn into
734 "Returns a channel containing the single (collection) result of the
735 items taken from the channel conjoined to the supplied
736 collection. ch must close before into produces a result."
737 [coll ch]
738 (reduce conj coll ch))
740 (defn take
741 "Returns a channel that will return, at most, n items from ch. After n items
742 have been returned, or ch has been closed, the return chanel will close.
744 The output channel is unbuffered by default, unless buf-or-n is given."
745 ([n ch]
746 (take n ch nil))
747 ([n ch buf-or-n]
748 (let [out (chan buf-or-n)]
749 (go (loop [x 0]
750 (when (< x n)
751 (let [v (<! ch)]
752 (when (not (nil? v))
753 (>! out v)
754 (recur (inc x))))))
755 (close! out))
756 out)))
758 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; deprecated - do not use ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
760 (defn map<
761 "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead"
762 [f ch]
763 (reify
764 impl/Channel
765 (close! [_] (impl/close! ch))
766 (closed? [_] (impl/closed? ch))
768 impl/ReadPort
769 (take! [_ fn1]
770 (let [ret
771 (impl/take! ch
772 (reify
773 impl/Handler
774 (active? [_] (impl/active? fn1))
775 (blockable? [_] true)
776 #_(lock-id [_] (impl/lock-id fn1))
777 (commit [_]
778 (let [f1 (impl/commit fn1)]
779 #(f1 (if (nil? %) nil (f %)))))))]
780 (if (and ret (not (nil? @ret)))
781 (channels/box (f @ret))
782 ret)))
784 impl/WritePort
785 (put! [_ val fn1] (impl/put! ch val fn1))))
787 (defn map>
788 "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead"
789 [f ch]
790 (reify
791 impl/Channel
792 (close! [_] (impl/close! ch))
794 impl/ReadPort
795 (take! [_ fn1] (impl/take! ch fn1))
797 impl/WritePort
798 (put! [_ val fn1]
799 (impl/put! ch (f val) fn1))))
801 (defn filter>
802 "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead"
803 [p ch]
804 (reify
805 impl/Channel
806 (close! [_] (impl/close! ch))
807 (closed? [_] (impl/closed? ch))
809 impl/ReadPort
810 (take! [_ fn1] (impl/take! ch fn1))
812 impl/WritePort
813 (put! [_ val fn1]
814 (if (p val)
815 (impl/put! ch val fn1)
816 (channels/box (not (impl/closed? ch)))))))
818 (defn remove>
819 "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead"
820 [p ch]
821 (filter> (complement p) ch))
823 (defn filter<
824 "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead"
825 ([p ch] (filter< p ch nil))
826 ([p ch buf-or-n]
827 (let [out (chan buf-or-n)]
828 (go-loop []
829 (let [val (<! ch)]
830 (if (nil? val)
831 (close! out)
832 (do (when (p val)
833 (>! out val))
834 (recur)))))
835 out)))
837 (defn remove<
838 "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead"
839 ([p ch] (remove< p ch nil))
840 ([p ch buf-or-n] (filter< (complement p) ch buf-or-n)))
842 (defn- mapcat* [f in out]
843 (go-loop []
844 (let [val (<! in)]
845 (if (nil? val)
846 (close! out)
847 (do (doseq [v (f val)]
848 (>! out v))
849 (when-not (impl/closed? out)
850 (recur)))))))
852 (defn mapcat<
853 "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead"
854 ([f in] (mapcat< f in nil))
855 ([f in buf-or-n]
856 (let [out (chan buf-or-n)]
857 (mapcat* f in out)
858 out)))
860 (defn mapcat>
861 "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead"
862 ([f out] (mapcat> f out nil))
863 ([f out buf-or-n]
864 (let [in (chan buf-or-n)]
865 (mapcat* f in out)
866 in)))
868 (defn unique
869 "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead"
870 ([ch]
871 (unique ch nil))
872 ([ch buf-or-n]
873 (let [out (chan buf-or-n)]
874 (go (loop [last nil]
875 (let [v (<! ch)]
876 (when (not (nil? v))
877 (if (= v last)
878 (recur last)
879 (do (>! out v)
880 (recur v))))))
881 (close! out))
882 out)))
884 (defn partition
885 "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead"
886 ([n ch]
887 (partition n ch nil))
888 ([n ch buf-or-n]
889 (let [out (chan buf-or-n)]
890 (go (loop [arr (make-array n)
891 idx 0]
892 (let [v (<! ch)]
893 (if (not (nil? v))
894 (do (aset ^objects arr idx v)
895 (let [new-idx (inc idx)]
896 (if (< new-idx n)
897 (recur arr new-idx)
898 (do (>! out (vec arr))
899 (recur (make-array n) 0)))))
900 (do (when (> idx 0)
901 (>! out (vec arr)))
902 (close! out))))))
903 out)))
906 (defn partition-by
907 "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead"
908 ([f ch]
909 (partition-by f ch nil))
910 ([f ch buf-or-n]
911 (let [out (chan buf-or-n)]
912 (go (loop [lst (make-array 0)
913 last ::nothing]
914 (let [v (<! ch)]
915 (if (not (nil? v))
916 (let [new-itm (f v)]
917 (if (or (= new-itm last)
918 (keyword-identical? last ::nothing))
919 (do (.push lst v)
920 (recur lst new-itm))
921 (do (>! out (vec lst))
922 (let [new-lst (make-array 0)]
923 (.push new-lst v)
924 (recur new-lst new-itm)))))
925 (do (when (> (alength lst) 0)
926 (>! out (vec lst)))
927 (close! out))))))
928 out)))
0 ;; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and contributors. All rights reserved.
1 ;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
2 ;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
3 ;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
4 ;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
5 ;; the terms of this license.
6 ;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
8 (ns ^{:skip-wiki true}
9 clojure.core.async.impl.buffers
10 (:require [clojure.core.async.impl.protocols :as impl])
11 (:import [java.util LinkedList Queue]))
13 (set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
15 (deftype FixedBuffer [^LinkedList buf ^long n]
16 impl/Buffer
17 (full? [this]
18 (>= (.size buf) n))
19 (remove! [this]
20 (.removeLast buf))
21 (add!* [this itm]
22 (.addFirst buf itm)
23 this)
24 (close-buf! [this])
25 clojure.lang.Counted
26 (count [this]
27 (.size buf)))
29 (defn fixed-buffer [^long n]
30 (FixedBuffer. (LinkedList.) n))
33 (deftype DroppingBuffer [^LinkedList buf ^long n]
34 impl/UnblockingBuffer
35 impl/Buffer
36 (full? [this]
37 false)
38 (remove! [this]
39 (.removeLast buf))
40 (add!* [this itm]
41 (when-not (>= (.size buf) n)
42 (.addFirst buf itm))
43 this)
44 (close-buf! [this])
45 clojure.lang.Counted
46 (count [this]
47 (.size buf)))
49 (defn dropping-buffer [n]
50 (DroppingBuffer. (LinkedList.) n))
52 (deftype SlidingBuffer [^LinkedList buf ^long n]
53 impl/UnblockingBuffer
54 impl/Buffer
55 (full? [this]
56 false)
57 (remove! [this]
58 (.removeLast buf))
59 (add!* [this itm]
60 (when (= (.size buf) n)
61 (impl/remove! this))
62 (.addFirst buf itm)
63 this)
64 (close-buf! [this])
65 clojure.lang.Counted
66 (count [this]
67 (.size buf)))
69 (defn sliding-buffer [n]
70 (SlidingBuffer. (LinkedList.) n))
72 (defonce ^:private NO-VAL (Object.))
73 (defn- undelivered? [val]
74 (identical? NO-VAL val))
76 (deftype PromiseBuffer [^:unsynchronized-mutable val]
77 impl/UnblockingBuffer
78 impl/Buffer
79 (full? [_]
80 false)
81 (remove! [_]
82 val)
83 (add!* [this itm]
84 (when (undelivered? val)
85 (set! val itm))
86 this)
87 (close-buf! [_]
88 (when (undelivered? val)
89 (set! val nil)))
90 clojure.lang.Counted
91 (count [_]
92 (if (undelivered? val) 0 1)))
94 (defn promise-buffer []
95 (PromiseBuffer. NO-VAL))
0 ;; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and contributors. All rights reserved.
1 ;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
2 ;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
3 ;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
4 ;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
5 ;; the terms of this license.
6 ;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
8 (ns ^{:skip-wiki true}
9 clojure.core.async.impl.channels
10 (:require [clojure.core.async.impl.protocols :as impl]
11 [clojure.core.async.impl.dispatch :as dispatch]
12 [clojure.core.async.impl.mutex :as mutex])
13 (:import [java.util LinkedList Queue Iterator]
14 [java.util.concurrent.locks Lock]))
16 (set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
18 (defmacro assert-unlock [lock test msg]
19 `(when-not ~test
20 (.unlock ~lock)
21 (throw (new AssertionError (str "Assert failed: " ~msg "\n" (pr-str '~test))))))
23 (defn box [val]
24 (reify clojure.lang.IDeref
25 (deref [_] val)))
27 (defprotocol MMC
28 (cleanup [_])
29 (abort [_]))
31 (deftype ManyToManyChannel [^LinkedList takes ^LinkedList puts ^Queue buf closed ^Lock mutex add!]
32 MMC
33 (cleanup
34 [_]
35 (when-not (.isEmpty takes)
36 (let [iter (.iterator takes)]
37 (loop [taker (.next iter)]
38 (when-not (impl/active? taker)
39 (.remove iter))
40 (when (.hasNext iter)
41 (recur (.next iter))))))
42 (when-not (.isEmpty puts)
43 (let [iter (.iterator puts)]
44 (loop [[putter] (.next iter)]
45 (when-not (impl/active? putter)
46 (.remove iter))
47 (when (.hasNext iter)
48 (recur (.next iter)))))))
50 (abort
51 [this]
52 (let [iter (.iterator puts)]
53 (when (.hasNext iter)
54 (loop [^Lock putter (.next iter)]
55 (.lock putter)
56 (let [put-cb (and (impl/active? putter) (impl/commit putter))]
57 (.unlock putter)
58 (when put-cb
59 (dispatch/run (fn [] (put-cb true))))
60 (when (.hasNext iter)
61 (recur (.next iter)))))))
62 (.clear puts)
63 (impl/close! this))
65 impl/WritePort
66 (put!
67 [this val handler]
68 (when (nil? val)
69 (throw (IllegalArgumentException. "Can't put nil on channel")))
70 (.lock mutex)
71 (cleanup this)
72 (if @closed
73 (do (.unlock mutex)
74 (box false))
75 (let [^Lock handler handler]
76 (if (and buf (not (impl/full? buf)) (not (.isEmpty takes)))
77 (do
78 (.lock handler)
79 (let [put-cb (and (impl/active? handler) (impl/commit handler))]
80 (.unlock handler)
81 (if put-cb
82 (let [done? (reduced? (add! buf val))]
83 (if (pos? (count buf))
84 (let [iter (.iterator takes)
85 take-cbs (loop [takers []]
86 (if (and (.hasNext iter) (pos? (count buf)))
87 (let [^Lock taker (.next iter)]
88 (.lock taker)
89 (let [ret (and (impl/active? taker) (impl/commit taker))]
90 (.unlock taker)
91 (if ret
92 (let [val (impl/remove! buf)]
93 (.remove iter)
94 (recur (conj takers (fn [] (ret val)))))
95 (recur takers))))
96 takers))]
97 (if (seq take-cbs)
98 (do
99 (when done?
100 (abort this))
101 (.unlock mutex)
102 (doseq [f take-cbs]
103 (dispatch/run f)))
104 (do
105 (when done?
106 (abort this))
107 (.unlock mutex))))
108 (do
109 (when done?
110 (abort this))
111 (.unlock mutex)))
112 (box true))
113 (do (.unlock mutex)
114 nil))))
115 (let [iter (.iterator takes)
116 [put-cb take-cb] (when (.hasNext iter)
117 (loop [^Lock taker (.next iter)]
118 (if (< (impl/lock-id handler) (impl/lock-id taker))
119 (do (.lock handler) (.lock taker))
120 (do (.lock taker) (.lock handler)))
121 (let [ret (when (and (impl/active? handler) (impl/active? taker))
122 [(impl/commit handler) (impl/commit taker)])]
123 (.unlock handler)
124 (.unlock taker)
125 (if ret
126 (do
127 (.remove iter)
128 ret)
129 (when (.hasNext iter)
130 (recur (.next iter)))))))]
131 (if (and put-cb take-cb)
132 (do
133 (.unlock mutex)
134 (dispatch/run (fn [] (take-cb val)))
135 (box true))
136 (if (and buf (not (impl/full? buf)))
137 (do
138 (.lock handler)
139 (let [put-cb (and (impl/active? handler) (impl/commit handler))]
140 (.unlock handler)
141 (if put-cb
142 (let [done? (reduced? (add! buf val))]
143 (when done?
144 (abort this))
145 (.unlock mutex)
146 (box true))
147 (do (.unlock mutex)
148 nil))))
149 (do
150 (when (and (impl/active? handler) (impl/blockable? handler))
151 (assert-unlock mutex
152 (< (.size puts) impl/MAX-QUEUE-SIZE)
153 (str "No more than " impl/MAX-QUEUE-SIZE
154 " pending puts are allowed on a single channel."
155 " Consider using a windowed buffer."))
156 (.add puts [handler val]))
157 (.unlock mutex)
158 nil))))))))
160 impl/ReadPort
161 (take!
162 [this handler]
163 (.lock mutex)
164 (cleanup this)
165 (let [^Lock handler handler
166 commit-handler (fn []
167 (.lock handler)
168 (let [take-cb (and (impl/active? handler) (impl/commit handler))]
169 (.unlock handler)
170 take-cb))]
171 (if (and buf (pos? (count buf)))
172 (do
173 (if-let [take-cb (commit-handler)]
174 (let [val (impl/remove! buf)
175 iter (.iterator puts)
176 [done? cbs]
177 (when (.hasNext iter)
178 (loop [cbs []
179 [^Lock putter val] (.next iter)]
180 (.lock putter)
181 (let [cb (and (impl/active? putter) (impl/commit putter))]
182 (.unlock putter)
183 (.remove iter)
184 (let [cbs (if cb (conj cbs cb) cbs)
185 done? (when cb (reduced? (add! buf val)))]
186 (if (and (not done?) (not (impl/full? buf)) (.hasNext iter))
187 (recur cbs (.next iter))
188 [done? cbs])))))]
189 (when done?
190 (abort this))
191 (.unlock mutex)
192 (doseq [cb cbs]
193 (dispatch/run #(cb true)))
194 (box val))
195 (do (.unlock mutex)
196 nil)))
197 (let [iter (.iterator puts)
198 [take-cb put-cb val]
199 (when (.hasNext iter)
200 (loop [[^Lock putter val] (.next iter)]
201 (if (< (impl/lock-id handler) (impl/lock-id putter))
202 (do (.lock handler) (.lock putter))
203 (do (.lock putter) (.lock handler)))
204 (let [ret (when (and (impl/active? handler) (impl/active? putter))
205 [(impl/commit handler) (impl/commit putter) val])]
206 (.unlock handler)
207 (.unlock putter)
208 (if ret
209 (do
210 (.remove iter)
211 ret)
212 (when-not (impl/active? putter)
213 (.remove iter)
214 (when (.hasNext iter)
215 (recur (.next iter))))))))]
216 (if (and put-cb take-cb)
217 (do
218 (.unlock mutex)
219 (dispatch/run #(put-cb true))
220 (box val))
221 (if @closed
222 (do
223 (when buf (add! buf))
224 (let [has-val (and buf (pos? (count buf)))]
225 (if-let [take-cb (commit-handler)]
226 (let [val (when has-val (impl/remove! buf))]
227 (.unlock mutex)
228 (box val))
229 (do
230 (.unlock mutex)
231 nil))))
232 (do
233 (when (impl/blockable? handler)
234 (assert-unlock mutex
235 (< (.size takes) impl/MAX-QUEUE-SIZE)
236 (str "No more than " impl/MAX-QUEUE-SIZE
237 " pending takes are allowed on a single channel."))
238 (.add takes handler))
239 (.unlock mutex)
240 nil)))))))
242 impl/Channel
243 (closed? [_] @closed)
244 (close!
245 [this]
246 (.lock mutex)
247 (cleanup this)
248 (if @closed
249 (do
250 (.unlock mutex)
251 nil)
252 (do
253 (reset! closed true)
254 (when (and buf (.isEmpty puts))
255 (add! buf))
256 (let [iter (.iterator takes)]
257 (when (.hasNext iter)
258 (loop [^Lock taker (.next iter)]
259 (.lock taker)
260 (let [take-cb (and (impl/active? taker) (impl/commit taker))]
261 (.unlock taker)
262 (when take-cb
263 (let [val (when (and buf (pos? (count buf))) (impl/remove! buf))]
264 (dispatch/run (fn [] (take-cb val)))))
265 (.remove iter)
266 (when (.hasNext iter)
267 (recur (.next iter)))))))
268 (when buf (impl/close-buf! buf))
269 (.unlock mutex)
270 nil))))
272 (defn- ex-handler [ex]
273 (-> (Thread/currentThread)
274 .getUncaughtExceptionHandler
275 (.uncaughtException (Thread/currentThread) ex))
276 nil)
278 (defn- handle [buf exh t]
279 (let [else ((or exh ex-handler) t)]
280 (if (nil? else)
281 buf
282 (impl/add! buf else))))
284 (defn chan
285 ([buf] (chan buf nil))
286 ([buf xform] (chan buf xform nil))
287 ([buf xform exh]
288 (ManyToManyChannel.
289 (LinkedList.) (LinkedList.) buf (atom false) (mutex/mutex)
290 (let [add! (if xform (xform impl/add!) impl/add!)]
291 (fn
292 ([buf]
293 (try
294 (add! buf)
295 (catch Throwable t
296 (handle buf exh t))))
297 ([buf val]
298 (try
299 (add! buf val)
300 (catch Throwable t
301 (handle buf exh t)))))))))
0 ;; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and contributors. All rights reserved.
1 ;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
2 ;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
3 ;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
4 ;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
5 ;; the terms of this license.
6 ;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
8 (ns ^{:skip-wiki true}
9 clojure.core.async.impl.concurrent
10 (:import [java.util.concurrent ThreadFactory]))
12 (set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
14 (defn counted-thread-factory
15 "Create a ThreadFactory that maintains a counter for naming Threads.
16 name-format specifies thread names - use %d to include counter
17 daemon is a flag for whether threads are daemons or not"
18 [name-format daemon]
19 (let [counter (atom 0)]
20 (reify
21 ThreadFactory
22 (newThread [this runnable]
23 (doto (Thread. runnable)
24 (.setName (format name-format (swap! counter inc)))
25 (.setDaemon daemon))))))
27 (defonce
28 ^{:doc "Number of processors reported by the JVM"}
29 processors (.availableProcessors (Runtime/getRuntime)))
0 ;; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and contributors. All rights reserved.
1 ;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
2 ;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
3 ;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
4 ;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
5 ;; the terms of this license.
6 ;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
8 (ns ^{:skip-wiki true}
9 clojure.core.async.impl.dispatch
10 (:require [clojure.core.async.impl.protocols :as impl]
11 [clojure.core.async.impl.exec.threadpool :as tp]))
13 (set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
15 (defonce executor (delay (tp/thread-pool-executor)))
17 (defn run
18 "Runs Runnable r in a thread pool thread"
19 [^Runnable r]
20 (impl/exec @executor r))
0 ;; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and contributors. All rights reserved.
1 ;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
2 ;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
3 ;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
4 ;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
5 ;; the terms of this license.
6 ;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
8 (ns clojure.core.async.impl.exec.threadpool
9 (:require [clojure.core.async.impl.protocols :as impl]
10 [clojure.core.async.impl.concurrent :as conc])
11 (:import [java.util.concurrent Executors Executor]))
13 (set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
15 (def ^:private pool-size
16 "Value is set via clojure.core.async.pool-size system property; defaults to 8; uses a
17 delay so property can be set from code after core.async namespace is loaded but before
18 any use of the async thread pool."
19 (delay (or (when-let [prop (System/getProperty "clojure.core.async.pool-size")]
20 (Long/parseLong prop))
21 8)))
23 (defn thread-pool-executor
24 []
25 (let [executor-svc (Executors/newFixedThreadPool
26 @pool-size
27 (conc/counted-thread-factory "async-dispatch-%d" true))]
28 (reify impl/Executor
29 (impl/exec [this r]
30 (.execute executor-svc ^Runnable r)))))
0 (ns ^{:skip-wiki true}
1 clojure.core.async.impl.ioc-alt
2 (:require [clojure.core.async.impl.ioc-macros :refer :all :as m]
3 [clojure.core.async.impl.dispatch :as dispatch]
4 [clojure.core.async.impl.protocols :as impl]))
0 ; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
1 ; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
2 ; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
3 ; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
4 ; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
5 ; the terms of this license.
6 ; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
8 ;; by Timothy Baldridge
9 ;; April 13, 2013
11 (ns ^{:skip-wiki true}
12 clojure.core.async.impl.ioc-macros
13 (:refer-clojure :exclude [all])
14 (:require [clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]]
15 [ :as an]
16 [ :as ast]
17 [ :as env]
18 [ :refer [schedule]]
19 [ :refer [annotate-loops]]
20 [ :refer [warn-on-reflection]]
21 [ :as an-jvm]
22 [clojure.core.async.impl.protocols :as impl]
23 [clojure.core.async.impl.dispatch :as dispatch]
24 [clojure.set :refer (intersection union difference)])
25 (:import [java.util.concurrent.locks Lock]
26 [java.util.concurrent.atomic AtomicReferenceArray]))
28 (defn debug [x]
29 (pprint x)
30 x)
33 (def ^:const FN-IDX 0)
34 (def ^:const STATE-IDX 1)
35 (def ^:const VALUE-IDX 2)
36 (def ^:const BINDINGS-IDX 3)
37 (def ^:const EXCEPTION-FRAMES 4)
38 (def ^:const CURRENT-EXCEPTION 5)
39 (def ^:const USER-START-IDX 6)
41 (defn aset-object [^AtomicReferenceArray arr idx ^Object o]
42 (.set arr idx o))
44 (defn aget-object [^AtomicReferenceArray arr idx]
45 (.get arr idx))
47 (defmacro aset-all!
48 [arr & more]
49 (assert (even? (count more)) "Must give an even number of args to aset-all!")
50 (let [bindings (partition 2 more)
51 arr-sym (gensym "statearr-")]
52 `(let [~arr-sym ~arr]
53 ~@(map
54 (fn [[idx val]]
55 `(aset-object ~arr-sym ~idx ~val))
56 bindings)
57 ~arr-sym)))
59 ;; State monad stuff, used only in SSA construction
61 (defmacro gen-plan
62 "Allows a user to define a state monad binding plan.
64 (gen-plan
65 [_ (assoc-in-plan [:foo :bar] 42)
66 val (get-in-plan [:foo :bar])]
67 val)"
68 [binds id-expr]
69 (let [binds (partition 2 binds)
70 psym (gensym "plan_")
71 forms (reduce
72 (fn [acc [id expr]]
73 (concat acc `[[~id ~psym] (~expr ~psym)]))
74 []
75 binds)]
76 `(fn [~psym]
77 (let [~@forms]
78 [~id-expr ~psym]))))
80 (defn get-plan
81 "Returns the final [id state] from a plan. "
82 [f]
83 (f {}))
85 (defn push-binding
86 "Sets the binding 'key' to value. This operation can be undone via pop-bindings.
87 Bindings are stored in the state hashmap."
88 [key value]
89 (fn [plan]
90 [nil (update-in plan [:bindings key] conj value)]))
92 (defn push-alter-binding
93 "Pushes the result of (apply f old-value args) as current value of binding key"
94 [key f & args]
95 (fn [plan]
96 [nil (update-in plan [:bindings key]
97 #(conj % (apply f (first %) args)))]))
99 (defn get-binding
100 "Gets the value of the current binding for key"
101 [key]
102 (fn [plan]
103 [(first (get-in plan [:bindings key])) plan]))
105 (defn pop-binding
106 "Removes the most recent binding for key"
107 [key]
108 (fn [plan]
109 [(first (get-in plan [:bindings key]))
110 (update-in plan [:bindings key] pop)]))
112 (defn no-op
113 "This function can be used inside a gen-plan when no operation is to be performed"
114 []
115 (fn [plan]
116 [nil plan]))
118 (defn all
119 "Assumes that itms is a list of state monad function results, threads the state map
120 through all of them. Returns a vector of all the results."
121 [itms]
122 (fn [plan]
123 (reduce
124 (fn [[ids plan] f]
125 (let [[id plan] (f plan)]
126 [(conj ids id) plan]))
127 [[] plan]
128 itms)))
130 (defn assoc-in-plan
131 "Same as assoc-in, but for state hash map"
132 [path val]
133 (fn [plan]
134 [val (assoc-in plan path val)]))
136 (defn update-in-plan
137 "Same as update-in, but for a state hash map"
138 [path f & args]
139 (fn [plan]
140 [nil (apply update-in plan path f args)]))
142 (defn get-in-plan
143 "Same as get-in, but for a state hash map"
144 [path]
145 (fn [plan]
146 [(get-in plan path) plan]))
148 (defn print-plan []
149 (fn [plan]
150 (pprint plan)
151 [nil plan]))
153 (defn set-block
154 "Sets the current block being written to by the functions. The next add-instruction call will append to this block"
155 [block-id]
156 (fn [plan]
157 [block-id (assoc plan :current-block block-id)]))
159 (defn get-block
160 "Gets the current block"
161 []
162 (fn [plan]
163 [(:current-block plan) plan]))
165 (defn add-block
166 "Adds a new block, returns its id, but does not change the current block (does not call set-block)."
167 []
168 (gen-plan
169 [_ (update-in-plan [:block-id] (fnil inc 0))
170 blk-id (get-in-plan [:block-id])
171 cur-blk (get-block)
172 _ (assoc-in-plan [:blocks blk-id] [])
173 catches (get-binding :catch)
174 _ (assoc-in-plan [:block-catches blk-id] catches)
175 _ (if-not cur-blk
176 (assoc-in-plan [:start-block] blk-id)
177 (no-op))]
178 blk-id))
181 (defn instruction? [x]
182 (::instruction (meta x)))
184 (defn add-instruction
185 "Appends an instruction to the current block. "
186 [inst]
187 (let [inst-id (with-meta (gensym "inst_")
188 {::instruction true})
189 inst (assoc inst :id inst-id)]
190 (gen-plan
191 [blk-id (get-block)
192 _ (update-in-plan [:blocks blk-id] (fnil conj []) inst)]
193 inst-id)))
195 ;;
197 ;; We're going to reduce Clojure expressions to a ssa format,
198 ;; and then translate the instructions for this
199 ;; virtual-virtual-machine back into Clojure data.
201 ;; Here we define the instructions:
203 (defprotocol IInstruction
204 (reads-from [this] "Returns a list of instructions this instruction reads from")
205 (writes-to [this] "Returns a list of instructions this instruction writes to")
206 (block-references [this] "Returns all the blocks this instruction references"))
208 (defprotocol IEmittableInstruction
209 (emit-instruction [this state-sym] "Returns the clojure code that this instruction represents"))
211 (defprotocol ITerminator
212 (terminator-code [this] "Returns a unique symbol for this instruction")
213 (terminate-block [this state-sym custom-terminators] "Emites the code to terminate a given block"))
215 (defrecord Const [value]
216 IInstruction
217 (reads-from [this] [value])
218 (writes-to [this] [(:id this)])
219 (block-references [this] [])
220 IEmittableInstruction
221 (emit-instruction [this state-sym]
222 (if (= value ::value)
223 `[~(:id this) (aget-object ~state-sym ~VALUE-IDX)]
224 `[~(:id this) ~value])))
226 (defrecord RawCode [ast locals]
227 IInstruction
228 (reads-from [this]
229 (keep (or locals #{})
230 (map :name (-> ast :env :locals vals))))
231 (writes-to [this] [(:id this)])
232 (block-references [this] [])
233 IEmittableInstruction
234 (emit-instruction [this state-sym]
235 (if (not-empty (reads-from this))
236 `[~@(->> (-> ast :env :locals vals)
237 (map #(select-keys % [:op :name :form]))
238 (filter (fn [local]
239 (when locals
240 (get locals (:name local)))))
241 set
242 (mapcat
243 (fn [local]
244 `[~(:form local) ~(get locals (:name local))])))
245 ~(:id this) ~(:form ast)]
246 `[~(:id this) ~(:form ast)])))
248 (defrecord CustomTerminator [f blk values meta]
249 IInstruction
250 (reads-from [this] values)
251 (writes-to [this] [])
252 (block-references [this] [])
253 ITerminator
254 (terminate-block [this state-sym _]
255 (with-meta `(~f ~state-sym ~blk ~@values)
256 meta)))
258 (defn- emit-clashing-binds
259 [recur-nodes ids clashes]
260 (let [temp-binds (reduce
261 (fn [acc i]
262 (assoc acc i (gensym "tmp")))
263 {} clashes)]
264 (concat
265 (mapcat (fn [i]
266 `[~(temp-binds i) ~i])
267 clashes)
268 (mapcat (fn [node id]
269 `[~node ~(get temp-binds id id)])
270 recur-nodes
271 ids))))
273 (defrecord Recur [recur-nodes ids]
274 IInstruction
275 (reads-from [this] ids)
276 (writes-to [this] recur-nodes)
277 (block-references [this] [])
278 IEmittableInstruction
279 (emit-instruction [this state-sym]
280 (if-let [overlap (seq (intersection (set recur-nodes) (set ids)))]
281 (emit-clashing-binds recur-nodes ids overlap)
282 (mapcat (fn [r i]
283 `[~r ~i]) recur-nodes ids))))
285 (defrecord Call [refs]
286 IInstruction
287 (reads-from [this] refs)
288 (writes-to [this] [(:id this)])
289 (block-references [this] [])
290 IEmittableInstruction
291 (emit-instruction [this state-sym]
292 `[~(:id this) ~(seq refs)]))
294 (defrecord StaticCall [class method refs]
295 IInstruction
296 (reads-from [this] refs)
297 (writes-to [this] [(:id this)])
298 (block-references [this] [])
299 IEmittableInstruction
300 (emit-instruction [this state-sym]
301 `[~(:id this) (. ~class ~method ~@(seq refs))]))
303 (defrecord InstanceInterop [instance-id op refs]
304 IInstruction
305 (reads-from [this] (cons instance-id refs))
306 (writes-to [this] [(:id this)])
307 (block-references [this] [])
308 IEmittableInstruction
309 (emit-instruction [this state-sym]
310 `[~(:id this) (. ~instance-id ~op ~@(seq refs))]))
312 (defrecord Case [val-id test-vals jmp-blocks default-block]
313 IInstruction
314 (reads-from [this] [val-id])
315 (writes-to [this] [])
316 (block-references [this] [])
317 ITerminator
318 (terminate-block [this state-sym _]
319 `(do (case ~val-id
320 ~@(concat (mapcat (fn [test blk]
321 `[~test (aset-all! ~state-sym
322 ~STATE-IDX ~blk)])
323 test-vals jmp-blocks)
324 (when default-block
325 `[(do (aset-all! ~state-sym ~STATE-IDX ~default-block)
326 :recur)])))
327 :recur)))
329 (defrecord Fn [fn-expr local-names local-refs]
330 IInstruction
331 (reads-from [this] local-refs)
332 (writes-to [this] [(:id this)])
333 (block-references [this] [])
334 IEmittableInstruction
335 (emit-instruction [this state-sym]
336 `[~(:id this)
337 (let [~@(interleave local-names local-refs)]
338 ~@fn-expr)]))
340 (defrecord Dot [cls-or-instance method args]
341 IInstruction
342 (reads-from [this] `[~cls-or-instance ~method ~@args])
343 (writes-to [this] [(:id this)])
344 (block-references [this] [])
345 IEmittableInstruction
346 (emit-instruction [this state-sym]
347 `[~(:id this) (. ~cls-or-instance ~method ~@args)]))
349 (defrecord Jmp [value block]
350 IInstruction
351 (reads-from [this] [value])
352 (writes-to [this] [])
353 (block-references [this] [block])
354 ITerminator
355 (terminate-block [this state-sym _]
356 `(do (aset-all! ~state-sym ~VALUE-IDX ~value ~STATE-IDX ~block)
357 :recur)))
359 (defrecord Return [value]
360 IInstruction
361 (reads-from [this] [value])
362 (writes-to [this] [])
363 (block-references [this] [])
364 ITerminator
365 (terminator-code [this] :Return)
366 (terminate-block [this state-sym custom-terminators]
367 (if-let [f (get custom-terminators (terminator-code this))]
368 `(~f ~state-sym ~value)
369 `(do (aset-all! ~state-sym
370 ~VALUE-IDX ~value
371 ~STATE-IDX ::finished)
372 nil))))
374 (defrecord CondBr [test then-block else-block]
375 IInstruction
376 (reads-from [this] [test])
377 (writes-to [this] [])
378 (block-references [this] [then-block else-block])
379 ITerminator
380 (terminate-block [this state-sym _]
381 `(do (if ~test
382 (aset-all! ~state-sym
383 ~STATE-IDX ~then-block)
384 (aset-all! ~state-sym
385 ~STATE-IDX ~else-block))
386 :recur)))
388 (defrecord PushTry [catch-block]
389 IInstruction
390 (reads-from [this] [])
391 (writes-to [this] [])
392 (block-references [this] [catch-block])
393 IEmittableInstruction
394 (emit-instruction [this state-sym]
395 `[~'_ (aset-all! ~state-sym ~EXCEPTION-FRAMES (cons ~catch-block (aget-object ~state-sym ~EXCEPTION-FRAMES)))]))
397 (defrecord PopTry []
398 IInstruction
399 (reads-from [this] [])
400 (writes-to [this] [])
401 (block-references [this] [])
402 IEmittableInstruction
403 (emit-instruction [this state-sym]
404 `[~'_ (aset-all! ~state-sym ~EXCEPTION-FRAMES (rest (aget-object ~state-sym ~EXCEPTION-FRAMES)))]))
406 (defrecord CatchHandler [catches]
407 IInstruction
408 (reads-from [this] [])
409 (writes-to [this] [])
410 (block-references [this] (map first catches))
411 ITerminator
412 (terminate-block [this state-sym _]
413 (let [ex (gensym 'ex)]
414 `(let [~ex (aget-object ~state-sym ~VALUE-IDX)]
415 (aset-all! ~state-sym ~CURRENT-EXCEPTION ~ex)
416 (cond
417 ~@(for [[handler-idx type] catches
418 i [`(instance? ~type ~ex) ` (aset-all! ~state-sym
419 ~STATE-IDX ~handler-idx
421 i)
422 :else (throw ~ex))
423 :recur))))
425 (defrecord EndFinally []
426 IInstruction
427 (reads-from [this] [])
428 (writes-to [this] [])
429 (block-references [this] [])
430 IEmittableInstruction
431 (emit-instruction [this state-sym]
432 `[~'_ (when-let [e# (aget-object ~state-sym ~CURRENT-EXCEPTION)]
433 (throw e#))]))
435 ;; Dispatch clojure forms based on :op
436 (def -item-to-ssa nil) ;; for help in the repl
437 (defmulti -item-to-ssa :op)
439 (defmethod -item-to-ssa :default
440 [ast]
441 (gen-plan
442 [locals (get-binding :locals)
443 id (add-instruction (->RawCode ast locals))]
444 id))
446 (defn item-to-ssa [ast]
447 (if (or (::transform? ast)
448 (contains? #{:local :const :quote} (:op ast)))
449 (-item-to-ssa ast)
450 (gen-plan
451 [locals (get-binding :locals)
452 id (add-instruction (->RawCode ast locals))]
453 id)))
455 (defmethod -item-to-ssa :invoke
456 [{f :fn args :args}]
457 (gen-plan
458 [arg-ids (all (map item-to-ssa (cons f args)))
459 inst-id (add-instruction (->Call arg-ids))]
460 inst-id))
462 (defmethod -item-to-ssa :keyword-invoke
463 [{f :keyword target :target}]
464 (gen-plan
465 [arg-ids (all (map item-to-ssa (list f target)))
466 inst-id (add-instruction (->Call arg-ids))]
467 inst-id))
469 (defmethod -item-to-ssa :protocol-invoke
470 [{f :protocol-fn target :target args :args}]
471 (gen-plan
472 [arg-ids (all (map item-to-ssa (list* f target args)))
473 inst-id (add-instruction (->Call arg-ids))]
474 inst-id))
476 (defmethod -item-to-ssa :instance?
477 [{:keys [class target]}]
478 (gen-plan
479 [arg-id (item-to-ssa target)
480 inst-id (add-instruction (->Call (list `instance? class arg-id)))]
481 inst-id))
483 (defmethod -item-to-ssa :prim-invoke
484 [{f :fn args :args}]
485 (gen-plan
486 [arg-ids (all (map item-to-ssa (cons f args)))
487 inst-id (add-instruction (->Call arg-ids))]
488 inst-id))
490 (defmethod -item-to-ssa :instance-call
491 [{:keys [instance method args]}]
492 (gen-plan
493 [arg-ids (all (map item-to-ssa args))
494 instance-id (item-to-ssa instance)
495 inst-id (add-instruction (->InstanceInterop instance-id method arg-ids))]
496 inst-id))
498 (defmethod -item-to-ssa :instance-field
499 [{:keys [instance field]}]
500 (gen-plan
501 [instance-id (item-to-ssa instance)
502 inst-id (add-instruction (->InstanceInterop instance-id (symbol (str "-" field)) ()))]
503 inst-id))
505 (defmethod -item-to-ssa :host-interop
506 [{:keys [target m-or-f]}]
507 (gen-plan
508 [instance-id (item-to-ssa target)
509 inst-id (add-instruction (->InstanceInterop instance-id m-or-f ()))]
510 inst-id))
512 (defmethod -item-to-ssa :static-call
513 [{:keys [class method args]}]
514 (gen-plan
515 [arg-ids (all (map item-to-ssa args))
516 inst-id (add-instruction (->StaticCall class method arg-ids))]
517 inst-id))
519 (defmethod -item-to-ssa :set!
520 [{:keys [val target]}]
521 (gen-plan
522 [arg-ids (all (map item-to-ssa (list target val)))
523 inst-id (add-instruction (->Call (cons 'set! arg-ids)))]
524 inst-id))
526 (defn var-name [v]
527 (let [nm (:name (meta v))
528 nsp (.getName ^clojure.lang.Namespace (:ns (meta v)))]
529 (symbol (name nsp) (name nm))))
532 (defmethod -item-to-ssa :var
533 [{:keys [var]}]
534 (gen-plan
535 []
536 (var-name var)))
538 (defmethod -item-to-ssa :const
539 [{:keys [form]}]
540 (gen-plan
541 []
542 form))
544 (defn let-binding-to-ssa
545 [{:keys [name init form]}]
546 (gen-plan
547 [bind-id (item-to-ssa init)
548 _ (push-alter-binding :locals assoc (vary-meta name merge (meta form)) bind-id)]
549 bind-id))
551 (defmethod -item-to-ssa :let
552 [{:keys [bindings body]}]
553 (gen-plan
554 [let-ids (all (map let-binding-to-ssa bindings))
555 _ (all (map (fn [_] (pop-binding :locals)) bindings))
557 local-ids (all (map (comp add-instruction ->Const) let-ids))
558 _ (push-alter-binding :locals merge (into {} (map (fn [id {:keys [name form]}]
559 [name (vary-meta id merge (meta form))])
560 local-ids bindings)))
562 body-id (item-to-ssa body)
563 _ (pop-binding :locals)]
564 body-id))
566 (defmethod -item-to-ssa :loop
567 [{:keys [body bindings] :as ast}]
568 (gen-plan
569 [local-val-ids (all (map let-binding-to-ssa bindings))
570 _ (all (for [_ bindings]
571 (pop-binding :locals)))
572 local-ids (all (map (comp add-instruction ->Const) local-val-ids))
573 body-blk (add-block)
574 final-blk (add-block)
575 _ (add-instruction (->Jmp nil body-blk))
577 _ (set-block body-blk)
578 _ (push-alter-binding :locals merge (into {} (map (fn [id {:keys [name form]}]
579 [name (vary-meta id merge (meta form))])
580 local-ids bindings)))
581 _ (push-binding :recur-point body-blk)
582 _ (push-binding :recur-nodes local-ids)
584 ret-id (item-to-ssa body)
586 _ (pop-binding :recur-nodes)
587 _ (pop-binding :recur-point)
588 _ (pop-binding :locals)
589 _ (if (not= ret-id ::terminated)
590 (add-instruction (->Jmp ret-id final-blk))
591 (no-op))
592 _ (set-block final-blk)
593 ret-id (add-instruction (->Const ::value))]
594 ret-id))
596 (defmethod -item-to-ssa :do
597 [{:keys [statements ret] :as ast}]
598 (gen-plan
599 [_ (all (map item-to-ssa statements))
600 ret-id (item-to-ssa ret)]
601 ret-id))
603 (defmethod -item-to-ssa :case
604 [{:keys [test tests thens default] :as ast}]
605 (gen-plan
606 [end-blk (add-block)
607 start-blk (get-block)
608 clause-blocks (all (map (fn [expr]
609 (assert expr)
610 (gen-plan
611 [blk-id (add-block)
612 _ (set-block blk-id)
613 expr-id (item-to-ssa expr)
614 _ (if (not= expr-id ::terminated)
615 (add-instruction (->Jmp expr-id end-blk))
616 (no-op))]
617 blk-id))
618 (map :then thens)))
619 default-block (if default
620 (gen-plan
621 [blk-id (add-block)
622 _ (set-block blk-id)
623 expr-id (item-to-ssa default)
624 _ (if (not= expr-id ::terminated)
625 (add-instruction (->Jmp expr-id end-blk))
626 (no-op))]
627 blk-id)
628 (no-op))
629 _ (set-block start-blk)
630 val-id (item-to-ssa test)
631 case-id (add-instruction (->Case val-id (map (comp :form :test) tests)
632 clause-blocks
633 default-block))
634 _ (set-block end-blk)
635 ret-id (add-instruction (->Const ::value))]
636 ret-id))
638 (defmethod -item-to-ssa :quote
639 [{:keys [form]}]
640 (gen-plan
641 [ret-id (add-instruction (->Const form))]
642 ret-id))
644 (defmethod -item-to-ssa :try
645 [{:keys [catches body finally] :as ast}]
646 (gen-plan
647 [body-block (add-block)
648 exit-block (add-block)
649 ;; Two routes to the finally block, via normal execution and
650 ;; exception execution
651 finally-blk (if finally
652 (gen-plan
653 [cur-blk (get-block)
654 finally-blk (add-block)
655 _ (set-block finally-blk)
656 result-id (add-instruction (->Const ::value))
657 _ (item-to-ssa finally)
658 ;; rethrow exception on exception path
659 _ (add-instruction (->EndFinally))
660 _ (add-instruction (->Jmp result-id exit-block))
661 _ (set-block cur-blk)]
662 finally-blk)
663 (gen-plan [] exit-block))
664 catch-blocks (all
665 (for [{ex-bind :local {ex :val} :class catch-body :body} catches]
666 (gen-plan
667 [cur-blk (get-block)
668 catch-blk (add-block)
669 _ (set-block catch-blk)
670 ex-id (add-instruction (->Const ::value))
671 _ (push-alter-binding :locals assoc (:name ex-bind)
672 (vary-meta ex-id merge (when (:tag ex-bind)
673 {:tag (.getName ^Class (:tag ex-bind))})))
674 result-id (item-to-ssa catch-body)
675 ;; if there is a finally, jump to it after
676 ;; handling the exception, if not jump to exit
677 _ (add-instruction (->Jmp result-id finally-blk))
678 _ (pop-binding :locals)
679 _ (set-block cur-blk)]
680 [catch-blk ex])))
681 ;; catch block handler routes exceptions to the correct handler,
682 ;; rethrows if there is no match
683 catch-handler-block (add-block)
684 cur-blk (get-block)
685 _ (set-block catch-handler-block)
686 _ (add-instruction (->CatchHandler catch-blocks))
687 _ (set-block cur-blk)
688 _ (add-instruction (->Jmp nil body-block))
689 _ (set-block body-block)
690 ;; the finally gets pushed on to the exception handler stack, so
691 ;; it will be executed if there is an exception
692 _ (if finally
693 (add-instruction (->PushTry finally-blk))
694 (no-op))
695 _ (add-instruction (->PushTry catch-handler-block))
696 body (item-to-ssa body)
697 _ (add-instruction (->PopTry))
698 _ (if finally
699 (add-instruction (->PopTry))
700 (no-op))
701 ;; if the body finishes executing normally, jump to the finally
702 ;; block, if it exists
703 _ (add-instruction (->Jmp body finally-blk))
704 _ (set-block exit-block)
705 ret (add-instruction (->Const ::value))]
706 ret))
708 (defmethod -item-to-ssa :throw
709 [{:keys [exception] :as ast}]
710 (gen-plan
711 [exception-id (item-to-ssa exception)
712 ret-id (add-instruction (->Call ['throw exception-id]))]
713 ret-id))
715 (defmethod -item-to-ssa :new
716 [{:keys [args class] :as ast}]
717 (gen-plan
718 [arg-ids (all (map item-to-ssa args))
719 ret-id (add-instruction (->Call (list* 'new (:val class) arg-ids)))]
720 ret-id))
722 (defmethod -item-to-ssa :recur
723 [{:keys [exprs] :as ast}]
724 (gen-plan
725 [val-ids (all (map item-to-ssa exprs))
726 recurs (get-binding :recur-nodes)
727 _ (do (assert (= (count val-ids)
728 (count recurs))
729 "Wrong number of arguments to recur")
730 (no-op))
731 _ (add-instruction (->Recur recurs val-ids))
733 recur-point (get-binding :recur-point)
735 _ (add-instruction (->Jmp nil recur-point))]
736 ::terminated))
738 (defmethod -item-to-ssa :if
739 [{:keys [test then else]}]
740 (gen-plan
741 [test-id (item-to-ssa test)
742 then-blk (add-block)
743 else-blk (add-block)
744 final-blk (add-block)
745 _ (add-instruction (->CondBr test-id then-blk else-blk))
747 _ (set-block then-blk)
748 then-id (item-to-ssa then)
749 _ (if (not= then-id ::terminated)
750 (gen-plan
751 [_ (add-instruction (->Jmp then-id final-blk))]
752 then-id)
753 (no-op))
755 _ (set-block else-blk)
756 else-id (item-to-ssa else)
757 _ (if (not= else-id ::terminated)
758 (gen-plan
759 [_ (add-instruction (->Jmp else-id final-blk))]
760 then-id)
761 (no-op))
763 _ (set-block final-blk)
764 val-id (add-instruction (->Const ::value))]
765 val-id))
767 (defmethod -item-to-ssa :transition
768 [{:keys [name args form]}]
769 (gen-plan
770 [blk (add-block)
771 vals (all (map item-to-ssa args))
772 val (add-instruction (->CustomTerminator name blk vals (meta form)))
773 _ (set-block blk)
774 res (add-instruction (->Const ::value))]
775 res))
777 (defmethod -item-to-ssa :local
778 [{:keys [name form]}]
779 (gen-plan
780 [locals (get-binding :locals)
781 inst-id (if (contains? locals name)
782 (fn [p]
783 [(locals name) p])
784 (fn [p]
785 [form p]))]
786 inst-id))
788 (defmethod -item-to-ssa :map
789 [{:keys [keys vals]}]
790 (gen-plan
791 [keys-ids (all (map item-to-ssa keys))
792 vals-ids (all (map item-to-ssa vals))
793 id (add-instruction (->Call (cons 'clojure.core/hash-map
794 (interleave keys-ids vals-ids))))]
795 id))
797 (defmethod -item-to-ssa :with-meta
798 [{:keys [expr meta]}]
799 (gen-plan
800 [meta-id (item-to-ssa meta)
801 expr-id (item-to-ssa expr)
802 id (add-instruction (->Call (list 'clojure.core/with-meta expr-id meta-id)))]
803 id))
805 (defmethod -item-to-ssa :record
806 [x]
807 (-item-to-ssa `(~(symbol (.getName (class x)) "create")
808 (hash-map ~@(mapcat identity x)))))
810 (defmethod -item-to-ssa :vector
811 [{:keys [items]}]
812 (gen-plan
813 [item-ids (all (map item-to-ssa items))
814 id (add-instruction (->Call (cons 'clojure.core/vector
815 item-ids)))]
816 id))
818 (defmethod -item-to-ssa :set
819 [{:keys [items]}]
820 (gen-plan
821 [item-ids (all (map item-to-ssa items))
822 id (add-instruction (->Call (cons 'clojure.core/hash-set
823 item-ids)))]
824 id))
826 (defn parse-to-state-machine
827 "Takes an sexpr and returns a hashmap that describes the execution flow of the sexpr as
828 a series of SSA style blocks."
829 [body terminators]
830 (-> (gen-plan
831 [_ (push-binding :terminators terminators)
832 blk (add-block)
833 _ (set-block blk)
834 id (item-to-ssa body)
835 term-id (add-instruction (->Return id))
836 _ (pop-binding :terminators)]
837 term-id)
838 get-plan))
841 (defn index-instruction [blk-id idx inst]
842 (let [idx (reduce
843 (fn [acc id]
844 (update-in acc [id :read-in] (fnil conj #{}) blk-id))
845 idx
846 (filter instruction? (reads-from inst)))
847 idx (reduce
848 (fn [acc id]
849 (update-in acc [id :written-in] (fnil conj #{}) blk-id))
850 idx
851 (filter instruction? (writes-to inst)))]
852 idx))
854 (defn index-block [idx [blk-id blk]]
855 (reduce (partial index-instruction blk-id) idx blk))
857 (defn index-state-machine [machine]
858 (reduce index-block {} (:blocks machine)))
860 (defn id-for-inst [m sym] ;; m :: symbols -> integers
861 (if-let [i (get @m sym)]
862 i
863 (let [next-idx (get @m ::next-idx)]
864 (swap! m assoc sym next-idx)
865 (swap! m assoc ::next-idx (inc next-idx))
866 next-idx)))
868 (defn persistent-value?
869 "Returns true if this value should be saved in the state hash map"
870 [index value]
871 (or (not= (-> index value :read-in)
872 (-> index value :written-in))
873 (-> index value :read-in count (> 1))))
875 (defn count-persistent-values
876 [index]
877 (->> (keys index)
878 (filter instruction?)
879 (filter (partial persistent-value? index))
880 count))
882 (defn- build-block-preamble [local-map idx state-sym blk]
883 (let [args (->> (mapcat reads-from blk)
884 (filter instruction?)
885 (filter (partial persistent-value? idx))
886 set
887 vec)]
888 (if (empty? args)
889 []
890 (mapcat (fn [sym]
891 `[~sym (aget-object ~state-sym ~(id-for-inst local-map sym))])
892 args))))
894 (defn- build-block-body [state-sym blk]
895 (mapcat
896 #(emit-instruction % state-sym)
897 (butlast blk)))
899 (defn- build-new-state [local-map idx state-sym blk]
900 (let [results (->> blk
901 (mapcat writes-to)
902 (filter instruction?)
903 (filter (partial persistent-value? idx))
904 set
905 vec)
906 results (interleave (map (partial id-for-inst local-map) results) results)]
907 (if-not (empty? results)
908 [state-sym `(aset-all! ~state-sym ~@results)]
909 [])))
911 (defn- emit-state-machine [machine num-user-params custom-terminators]
912 (let [index (index-state-machine machine)
913 state-sym (with-meta (gensym "state_")
914 {:tag 'objects})
915 local-start-idx (+ num-user-params USER-START-IDX)
916 state-arr-size (+ local-start-idx (count-persistent-values index))
917 local-map (atom {::next-idx local-start-idx})
918 block-catches (:block-catches machine)]
919 `(fn state-machine#
920 ([] (aset-all! (AtomicReferenceArray. ~state-arr-size)
921 ~FN-IDX state-machine#
922 ~STATE-IDX ~(:start-block machine)))
923 ([~state-sym]
924 (let [old-frame# (clojure.lang.Var/getThreadBindingFrame)
925 ret-value# (try
926 (clojure.lang.Var/resetThreadBindingFrame (aget-object ~state-sym ~BINDINGS-IDX))
927 (loop []
928 (let [result# (case (int (aget-object ~state-sym ~STATE-IDX))
929 ~@(mapcat
930 (fn [[id blk]]
931 [id `(let [~@(concat (build-block-preamble local-map index state-sym blk)
932 (build-block-body state-sym blk))
933 ~@(build-new-state local-map index state-sym blk)]
934 ~(terminate-block (last blk) state-sym custom-terminators))])
935 (:blocks machine)))]
936 (if (identical? result# :recur)
937 (recur)
938 result#)))
939 (catch Throwable ex#
940 (aset-all! ~state-sym ~VALUE-IDX ex#)
941 (if (seq (aget-object ~state-sym ~EXCEPTION-FRAMES))
942 (aset-all! ~state-sym ~STATE-IDX (first (aget-object ~state-sym ~EXCEPTION-FRAMES))
943 ~EXCEPTION-FRAMES (rest (aget-object ~state-sym ~EXCEPTION-FRAMES)))
944 (throw ex#))
945 :recur)
946 (finally
947 (clojure.lang.Var/resetThreadBindingFrame old-frame#)))]
948 (if (identical? ret-value# :recur)
949 (recur ~state-sym)
950 ret-value#))))))
952 (defn finished?
953 "Returns true if the machine is in a finished state"
954 [state-array]
955 (identical? (aget-object state-array STATE-IDX) ::finished))
957 (defn- fn-handler
958 [f]
959 (reify
960 Lock
961 (lock [_])
962 (unlock [_])
964 impl/Handler
965 (active? [_] true)
966 (blockable? [_] true)
967 (lock-id [_] 0)
968 (commit [_] f)))
971 (defn run-state-machine [state]
972 ((aget-object state FN-IDX) state))
974 (defn run-state-machine-wrapped [state]
975 (try
976 (run-state-machine state)
977 (catch Throwable ex
978 (impl/close! (aget-object state USER-START-IDX))
979 (throw ex))))
981 (defn take! [state blk c]
982 (if-let [cb (impl/take! c (fn-handler
983 (fn [x]
984 (aset-all! state VALUE-IDX x STATE-IDX blk)
985 (run-state-machine-wrapped state))))]
986 (do (aset-all! state VALUE-IDX @cb STATE-IDX blk)
987 :recur)
988 nil))
990 (defn put! [state blk c val]
991 (if-let [cb (impl/put! c val (fn-handler (fn [ret-val]
992 (aset-all! state VALUE-IDX ret-val STATE-IDX blk)
993 (run-state-machine-wrapped state))))]
994 (do (aset-all! state VALUE-IDX @cb STATE-IDX blk)
995 :recur)
996 nil))
998 (defn return-chan [state value]
999 (let [c (aget-object state USER-START-IDX)]
1000 (when-not (nil? value)
1001 (impl/put! c value (fn-handler (fn [] nil))))
1002 (impl/close! c)
1003 c))
1006 (def async-custom-terminators
1007 {'clojure.core.async/<! `take!
1008 'clojure.core.async/>! `put!
1009 'clojure.core.async/alts! 'clojure.core.async/ioc-alts!
1010 :Return `return-chan})
1012 (defn mark-transitions
1013 {:pass-info {:walk :post :depends #{} :after an-jvm/default-passes}}
1014 [{:keys [op fn] :as ast}]
1015 (let [transitions (-> (env/deref-env) :passes-opts :mark-transitions/transitions)]
1016 (if (and (= op :invoke)
1017 (= (:op fn) :var)
1018 (contains? transitions (var-name (:var fn))))
1019 (merge ast
1020 {:op :transition
1021 :name (get transitions (var-name (:var fn)))})
1022 ast)))
1024 (defn propagate-transitions
1025 {:pass-info {:walk :post :depends #{#'mark-transitions}}}
1026 [{:keys [op] :as ast}]
1027 (if (or (= op :transition)
1028 (some #(or (= (:op %) :transition)
1029 (::transform? %))
1030 (ast/children ast)))
1031 (assoc ast ::transform? true)
1032 ast))
1034 (defn propagate-recur
1035 {:pass-info {:walk :post :depends #{#'annotate-loops #'propagate-transitions}}}
1036 [ast]
1037 (if (and (= (:op ast) :loop)
1038 (::transform? ast))
1039 ;; If we are a loop and we need to transform, and
1040 ;; one of our children is a recur, then we must transform everything
1041 ;; that has a recur
1042 (let [loop-id (:loop-id ast)]
1043 (ast/postwalk ast #(if (contains? (:loops %) loop-id)
1044 (assoc % ::transform? true)
1045 %)))
1046 ast))
1048 (defn nested-go? [env]
1049 (-> env vals first map?))
1051 (defn make-env [input-env crossing-env]
1052 (assoc (an-jvm/empty-env)
1053 :locals (into {}
1054 (if (nested-go? input-env)
1055 (for [[l expr] input-env
1056 :let [local (get crossing-env l)]]
1057 [local (-> expr
1058 (assoc :form local)
1059 (assoc :name local))])
1060 (for [l (keys input-env)
1061 :let [local (get crossing-env l)]]
1062 [local {:op :local
1063 :form local
1064 :name local}])))))
1066 (defn pdebug [x]
1067 (clojure.pprint/pprint x)
1068 (println "----")
1069 x)
1071 (def passes (into (disj an-jvm/default-passes #'warn-on-reflection)
1072 #{#'propagate-recur
1073 #'propagate-transitions
1074 #'mark-transitions}))
1076 (def run-passes
1077 (schedule passes))
1079 (defn emit-hinted [local tag env]
1080 (let [tag (or tag (-> local meta :tag))
1081 init (list (get env local))]
1082 (if-let [prim-fn (case (cond-> tag (string? tag) symbol)
1083 int `int
1084 long `long
1085 char `char
1086 float `float
1087 double `double
1088 byte `byte
1089 short `short
1090 boolean `boolean
1091 nil)]
1092 [(vary-meta local dissoc :tag) (list prim-fn init)]
1093 [(vary-meta local merge (when tag {:tag tag})) init])))
1095 (defn state-machine [body num-user-params [crossing-env env] user-transitions]
1096 (binding [an-jvm/run-passes run-passes]
1097 (-> (an-jvm/analyze `(let [~@(if (nested-go? env)
1098 (mapcat (fn [[l {:keys [tag]}]]
1099 (emit-hinted l tag crossing-env))
1100 env)
1101 (mapcat (fn [[l ^clojure.lang.Compiler$LocalBinding lb]]
1102 (emit-hinted l (when (.hasJavaClass lb)
1103 (some-> lb .getJavaClass .getName))
1104 crossing-env))
1105 env))]
1106 ~body)
1107 (make-env env crossing-env)
1108 {:passes-opts (merge an-jvm/default-passes-opts
1109 {:uniquify/uniquify-env true
1110 :mark-transitions/transitions user-transitions})})
1111 (parse-to-state-machine user-transitions)
1112 second
1113 (emit-state-machine num-user-params user-transitions))))
0 ;; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and contributors. All rights reserved.
1 ;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
2 ;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
3 ;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
4 ;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
5 ;; the terms of this license.
6 ;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
8 (ns ^{:skip-wiki true}
9 clojure.core.async.impl.mutex
10 (:require [clojure.core.async.impl.protocols :as impl])
11 (:import [clojure.core.async Mutex]
12 [java.util.concurrent.locks Lock ReentrantLock]))
14 (defn mutex []
15 (let [m (ReentrantLock.)]
16 (reify
17 Lock
18 (lock [_] (.lock m))
19 (unlock [_] (.unlock m)))))
21 #_(defn mutex []
22 (let [cas (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger.)]
23 (reify
24 Lock
25 (lock [_] (loop [got (.compareAndSet cas 0 1)]
26 (if got
27 nil
28 (recur (.compareAndSet cas 0 1)))))
29 (unlock [_] (.set cas 0)))))
0 ;; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and contributors. All rights reserved.
1 ;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
2 ;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
3 ;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
4 ;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
5 ;; the terms of this license.
6 ;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
8 (ns ^{:skip-wiki true}
9 clojure.core.async.impl.protocols)
12 (def ^:const ^{:tag 'int} MAX-QUEUE-SIZE 1024)
14 (defprotocol ReadPort
15 (take! [port fn1-handler] "derefable val if taken, nil if take was enqueued"))
17 (defprotocol WritePort
18 (put! [port val fn1-handler] "derefable boolean (false iff already closed) if handled, nil if put was enqueued. Must throw on nil val."))
20 (defprotocol Channel
21 (close! [chan])
22 (closed? [chan]))
24 (defprotocol Handler
25 (active? [h] "returns true if has callback. Must work w/o lock")
26 (blockable? [h] "returns true if this handler may be blocked, otherwise it must not block")
27 (lock-id [h] "a unique id for lock acquisition order, 0 if no lock")
28 (commit [h] "commit to fulfilling its end of the transfer, returns cb. Must be called within lock"))
30 (defprotocol Buffer
31 (full? [b] "returns true if buffer cannot accept put")
32 (remove! [b] "remove and return next item from buffer, called under chan mutex")
33 (add!* [b itm] "if room, add item to the buffer, returns b, called under chan mutex")
34 (close-buf! [b] "called on chan closed under chan mutex, return ignored"))
36 (defn add!
37 ([b] b)
38 ([b itm]
39 (assert (not (nil? itm)))
40 (add!* b itm)))
42 (defprotocol Executor
43 (exec [e runnable] "execute runnable asynchronously"))
45 ;; Defines a buffer that will never block (return true to full?)
46 (defprotocol UnblockingBuffer)
0 ;; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and contributors. All rights reserved.
1 ;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
2 ;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
3 ;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
4 ;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
5 ;; the terms of this license.
6 ;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
8 (ns ^{:skip-wiki true}
9 clojure.core.async.impl.timers
10 (:require [clojure.core.async.impl.protocols :as impl]
11 [clojure.core.async.impl.channels :as channels])
12 (:import [java.util.concurrent DelayQueue Delayed TimeUnit ConcurrentSkipListMap]))
14 (set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
16 (defonce ^:private ^DelayQueue timeouts-queue
17 (DelayQueue.))
19 (defonce ^:private ^ConcurrentSkipListMap timeouts-map
20 (ConcurrentSkipListMap.))
22 (def ^:const TIMEOUT_RESOLUTION_MS 10)
24 (deftype TimeoutQueueEntry [channel ^long timestamp]
25 Delayed
26 (getDelay [this time-unit]
27 (.convert time-unit
28 (- timestamp (System/currentTimeMillis))
30 (compareTo
31 [this other]
32 (let [ostamp (.timestamp ^TimeoutQueueEntry other)]
33 (if (< timestamp ostamp)
34 -1
35 (if (= timestamp ostamp)
36 0
37 1))))
38 impl/Channel
39 (close! [this]
40 (impl/close! channel)))
42 (defn timeout
43 "returns a channel that will close after msecs"
44 [^long msecs]
45 (let [timeout (+ (System/currentTimeMillis) msecs)
46 me (.ceilingEntry timeouts-map timeout)]
47 (or (when (and me (< (.getKey me) (+ timeout TIMEOUT_RESOLUTION_MS)))
48 (.channel ^TimeoutQueueEntry (.getValue me)))
49 (let [timeout-channel (channels/chan nil)
50 timeout-entry (TimeoutQueueEntry. timeout-channel timeout)]
51 (.put timeouts-map timeout timeout-entry)
52 (.put timeouts-queue timeout-entry)
53 timeout-channel))))
55 (defn- timeout-worker
56 []
57 (let [q timeouts-queue]
58 (loop []
59 (let [^TimeoutQueueEntry tqe (.take q)]
60 (.remove timeouts-map (.timestamp tqe) tqe)
61 (impl/close! tqe))
62 (recur))))
64 (defonce timeout-daemon
65 (doto (Thread. ^Runnable timeout-worker "clojure.core.async.timers/timeout-daemon")
66 (.setDaemon true)
67 (.start)))
0 ;; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and contributors. All rights reserved.
1 ;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
2 ;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
3 ;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
4 ;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
5 ;; the terms of this license.
6 ;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
8 (ns clojure.core.async.lab
9 "core.async HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL feature exploration
11 Caveats:
13 1. Everything defined in this namespace is experimental, and subject
14 to change or deletion without warning.
16 2. Many features provided by this namespace are highly coupled to
17 implementation details of core.async. Potential features which
18 operate at higher levels of abstraction are suitable for inclusion
19 in the examples.
21 3. Features provided by this namespace MAY be promoted to
22 clojure.core.async at a later point in time, but there is no
23 guarantee any of them will."
24 (:require [clojure.core.async :as async]
25 [clojure.core.async.impl.protocols :as impl]
26 [clojure.core.async.impl.mutex :as mutex]
27 [clojure.core.async.impl.dispatch :as dispatch]
28 [clojure.core.async.impl.channels :as channels])
29 (:import [java.util HashSet Set Collection]
30 [java.util.concurrent.locks Lock]))
32 (deftype MultiplexingReadPort
33 [^Lock mutex ^Set read-ports]
34 impl/ReadPort
35 (take! [this handler]
36 (if (empty? read-ports)
37 (channels/box nil)
38 (do
39 (.lock mutex)
40 (let [^Lock handler handler
41 commit-handler (fn []
42 (.lock handler)
43 (let [take-cb (and (impl/active? handler) (impl/commit handler))]
44 (.unlock handler)
45 take-cb))
46 fret (fn [[val alt-port]]
47 (if (nil? val)
48 (do (.lock mutex)
49 (.remove read-ports alt-port)
50 (.unlock mutex)
51 (impl/take! this handler))
52 (when-let [take-cb (commit-handler)]
53 (dispatch/run #(take-cb val)))))
54 current-ports (seq read-ports)]
55 (if-let [alt-res (async/do-alts fret current-ports {})]
56 (let [[val alt-port] @alt-res]
57 (if (nil? val)
58 (do (.remove read-ports alt-port)
59 (.unlock mutex)
60 (recur handler))
61 (do (.unlock mutex)
62 (when-let [take-cb (commit-handler)]
63 (dispatch/run #(take-cb val))))))
64 (do
65 (.unlock mutex)
66 nil)))))))
68 (defn multiplex
69 "Returns a multiplexing read port which, when read from, produces a
70 value from one of ports.
72 If at read time only one port is available to be read from, the
73 multiplexing port will return that value. If multiple ports are
74 available to be read from, the multiplexing port will return one
75 value from a port chosen non-deterministicly. If no port is
76 available to be read from, parks execution until a value is
77 available."
78 [& ports]
79 (->MultiplexingReadPort (mutex/mutex) (HashSet. ^Collection ports)))
81 (defn- broadcast-write
82 [port-set val handler]
83 (if (= (count port-set) 1)
84 (impl/put! (first port-set) val handler)
85 (let [clauses (map (fn [port] [port val]) port-set)
86 recur-step (fn [[_ port]] (broadcast-write (disj port-set port) val handler))]
87 (when-let [alt-res (async/do-alts recur-step clauses {})]
88 (recur (disj port-set (second @alt-res))
89 val
90 handler)))))
92 (deftype BroadcastingWritePort
93 [write-ports]
94 impl/WritePort
95 (put! [port val handler]
96 (broadcast-write write-ports val handler)))
98 (defn broadcast
99 "Returns a broadcasting write port which, when written to, writes
100 the value to each of ports.
102 Writes to the broadcasting port will park until the value is written
103 to each of the ports used to create it. For this reason, it is
104 strongly advised that each of the underlying ports support buffered
105 writes."
106 [& ports]
107 (->BroadcastingWritePort (set ports)))
0 ;; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and contributors. All rights reserved.
1 ;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
2 ;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
3 ;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
4 ;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
5 ;; the terms of this license.
6 ;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
8 (ns clojure.core.async
9 "Facilities for async programming and communication.
11 go blocks are dispatched over an internal thread pool, which
12 defaults to 8 threads. The size of this pool can be modified using
13 the Java system property `clojure.core.async.pool-size`."
14 (:refer-clojure :exclude [reduce transduce into merge map take partition
15 partition-by bounded-count])
16 (:require [clojure.core.async.impl.protocols :as impl]
17 [clojure.core.async.impl.channels :as channels]
18 [clojure.core.async.impl.buffers :as buffers]
19 [clojure.core.async.impl.timers :as timers]
20 [clojure.core.async.impl.dispatch :as dispatch]
21 [clojure.core.async.impl.ioc-macros :as ioc]
22 [clojure.core.async.impl.mutex :as mutex]
23 [clojure.core.async.impl.concurrent :as conc]
24 )
25 (:import [clojure.core.async ThreadLocalRandom]
26 [java.util.concurrent.locks Lock]
27 [java.util.concurrent Executors Executor]
28 [java.util ArrayList]))
30 (alias 'core 'clojure.core)
32 (set! *warn-on-reflection* false)
34 (defn fn-handler
35 ([f]
36 (fn-handler f true))
37 ([f blockable]
38 (reify
39 Lock
40 (lock [_])
41 (unlock [_])
43 impl/Handler
44 (active? [_] true)
45 (blockable? [_] blockable)
46 (lock-id [_] 0)
47 (commit [_] f))))
49 (defn buffer
50 "Returns a fixed buffer of size n. When full, puts will block/park."
51 [n]
52 (buffers/fixed-buffer n))
54 (defn dropping-buffer
55 "Returns a buffer of size n. When full, puts will complete but
56 val will be dropped (no transfer)."
57 [n]
58 (buffers/dropping-buffer n))
60 (defn sliding-buffer
61 "Returns a buffer of size n. When full, puts will complete, and be
62 buffered, but oldest elements in buffer will be dropped (not
63 transferred)."
64 [n]
65 (buffers/sliding-buffer n))
67 (defn unblocking-buffer?
68 "Returns true if a channel created with buff will never block. That is to say,
69 puts into this buffer will never cause the buffer to be full. "
70 [buff]
71 (extends? impl/UnblockingBuffer (class buff)))
73 (defn chan
74 "Creates a channel with an optional buffer, an optional transducer
75 (like (map f), (filter p) etc or a composition thereof), and an
76 optional exception-handler. If buf-or-n is a number, will create
77 and use a fixed buffer of that size. If a transducer is supplied a
78 buffer must be specified. ex-handler must be a fn of one argument -
79 if an exception occurs during transformation it will be called with
80 the Throwable as an argument, and any non-nil return value will be
81 placed in the channel."
82 ([] (chan nil))
83 ([buf-or-n] (chan buf-or-n nil))
84 ([buf-or-n xform] (chan buf-or-n xform nil))
85 ([buf-or-n xform ex-handler]
86 (when (and buf-or-n (number? buf-or-n)) (assert (pos? buf-or-n) "fixed buffers must have size > 0"))
87 (when xform (assert buf-or-n "buffer must be supplied when transducer is"))
88 (channels/chan (if (number? buf-or-n) (buffer buf-or-n) buf-or-n) xform ex-handler)))
90 (defn promise-chan
91 "Creates a promise channel with an optional transducer, and an optional
92 exception-handler. A promise channel can take exactly one value that consumers
93 will receive. Once full, puts complete but val is dropped (no transfer).
94 Consumers will block until either a value is placed in the channel or the
95 channel is closed. See chan for the semantics of xform and ex-handler."
96 ([] (promise-chan nil))
97 ([xform] (promise-chan xform nil))
98 ([xform ex-handler]
99 (chan (buffers/promise-buffer) xform ex-handler)))
101 (defn timeout
102 "Returns a channel that will close after msecs"
103 [^long msecs]
104 (timers/timeout msecs))
106 (defn <!!
107 "takes a val from port. Will return nil if closed. Will block
108 if nothing is available."
109 [port]
110 (let [p (promise)
111 ret (impl/take! port (fn-handler (fn [v] (deliver p v))))]
112 (if ret
113 @ret
114 (deref p))))
116 (defn <!
117 "takes a val from port. Must be called inside a (go ...) block. Will
118 return nil if closed. Will park if nothing is available."
119 [port]
120 (assert nil "<! used not in (go ...) block"))
122 (defn take!
123 "Asynchronously takes a val from port, passing to fn1. Will pass nil
124 if closed. If on-caller? (default true) is true, and value is
125 immediately available, will call fn1 on calling thread.
126 Returns nil."
127 ([port fn1] (take! port fn1 true))
128 ([port fn1 on-caller?]
129 (let [ret (impl/take! port (fn-handler fn1))]
130 (when ret
131 (let [val @ret]
132 (if on-caller?
133 (fn1 val)
134 (dispatch/run #(fn1 val)))))
135 nil)))
137 (defn >!!
138 "puts a val into port. nil values are not allowed. Will block if no
139 buffer space is available. Returns true unless port is already closed."
140 [port val]
141 (let [p (promise)
142 ret (impl/put! port val (fn-handler (fn [open?] (deliver p open?))))]
143 (if ret
144 @ret
145 (deref p))))
147 (defn >!
148 "puts a val into port. nil values are not allowed. Must be called
149 inside a (go ...) block. Will park if no buffer space is available.
150 Returns true unless port is already closed."
151 [port val]
152 (assert nil ">! used not in (go ...) block"))
154 (defn- nop [_])
155 (def ^:private fhnop (fn-handler nop))
157 (defn put!
158 "Asynchronously puts a val into port, calling fn1 (if supplied) when
159 complete, passing false iff port is already closed. nil values are
160 not allowed. If on-caller? (default true) is true, and the put is
161 immediately accepted, will call fn1 on calling thread. Returns
162 true unless port is already closed."
163 ([port val]
164 (if-let [ret (impl/put! port val fhnop)]
165 @ret
166 true))
167 ([port val fn1] (put! port val fn1 true))
168 ([port val fn1 on-caller?]
169 (if-let [retb (impl/put! port val (fn-handler fn1))]
170 (let [ret @retb]
171 (if on-caller?
172 (fn1 ret)
173 (dispatch/run #(fn1 ret)))
174 ret)
175 true)))
177 (defn close!
178 "Closes a channel. The channel will no longer accept any puts (they
179 will be ignored). Data in the channel remains available for taking, until
180 exhausted, after which takes will return nil. If there are any
181 pending takes, they will be dispatched with nil. Closing a closed
182 channel is a no-op. Returns nil.
184 Logically closing happens after all puts have been delivered. Therefore, any
185 blocked or parked puts will remain blocked/parked until a taker releases them."
187 [chan]
188 (impl/close! chan))
190 (defonce ^:private ^java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong id-gen (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong.))
192 (defn- random-array
193 [n]
194 (let [rand (ThreadLocalRandom/current)
195 a (int-array n)]
196 (loop [i 1]
197 (if (= i n)
198 a
199 (do
200 (let [j (.nextInt rand (inc i))]
201 (aset a i (aget a j))
202 (aset a j i)
203 (recur (inc i))))))))
205 (defn- alt-flag []
206 (let [^Lock m (mutex/mutex)
207 flag (atom true)
208 id (.incrementAndGet id-gen)]
209 (reify
210 Lock
211 (lock [_] (.lock m))
212 (unlock [_] (.unlock m))
214 impl/Handler
215 (active? [_] @flag)
216 (blockable? [_] true)
217 (lock-id [_] id)
218 (commit [_]
219 (reset! flag nil)
220 true))))
222 (defn- alt-handler [^Lock flag cb]
223 (reify
224 Lock
225 (lock [_] (.lock flag))
226 (unlock [_] (.unlock flag))
228 impl/Handler
229 (active? [_] (impl/active? flag))
230 (blockable? [_] true)
231 (lock-id [_] (impl/lock-id flag))
232 (commit [_]
233 (impl/commit flag)
234 cb)))
236 (defn do-alts
237 "returns derefable [val port] if immediate, nil if enqueued"
238 [fret ports opts]
239 (let [flag (alt-flag)
240 n (count ports)
241 ^ints idxs (random-array n)
242 priority (:priority opts)
243 ret
244 (loop [i 0]
245 (when (< i n)
246 (let [idx (if priority i (aget idxs i))
247 port (nth ports idx)
248 wport (when (vector? port) (port 0))
249 vbox (if wport
250 (let [val (port 1)]
251 (impl/put! wport val (alt-handler flag #(fret [% wport]))))
252 (impl/take! port (alt-handler flag #(fret [% port]))))]
253 (if vbox
254 (channels/box [@vbox (or wport port)])
255 (recur (inc i))))))]
256 (or
257 ret
258 (when (contains? opts :default)
259 (.lock ^Lock flag)
260 (let [got (and (impl/active? flag) (impl/commit flag))]
261 (.unlock ^Lock flag)
262 (when got
263 (channels/box [(:default opts) :default])))))))
265 (defn alts!!
266 "Like alts!, except takes will be made as if by <!!, and puts will
267 be made as if by >!!, will block until completed, and not intended
268 for use in (go ...) blocks."
269 [ports & {:as opts}]
270 (let [p (promise)
271 ret (do-alts (partial deliver p) ports opts)]
272 (if ret
273 @ret
274 (deref p))))
276 (defn alts!
277 "Completes at most one of several channel operations. Must be called
278 inside a (go ...) block. ports is a vector of channel endpoints,
279 which can be either a channel to take from or a vector of
280 [channel-to-put-to val-to-put], in any combination. Takes will be
281 made as if by <!, and puts will be made as if by >!. Unless
282 the :priority option is true, if more than one port operation is
283 ready a non-deterministic choice will be made. If no operation is
284 ready and a :default value is supplied, [default-val :default] will
285 be returned, otherwise alts! will park until the first operation to
286 become ready completes. Returns [val port] of the completed
287 operation, where val is the value taken for takes, and a
288 boolean (true unless already closed, as per put!) for puts.
290 opts are passed as :key val ... Supported options:
292 :default val - the value to use if none of the operations are immediately ready
293 :priority true - (default nil) when true, the operations will be tried in order.
295 Note: there is no guarantee that the port exps or val exprs will be
296 used, nor in what order should they be, so they should not be
297 depended upon for side effects."
299 [ports & {:as opts}]
300 (assert nil "alts! used not in (go ...) block"))
302 (defn do-alt [alts clauses]
303 (assert (even? (count clauses)) "unbalanced clauses")
304 (let [clauses (core/partition 2 clauses)
305 opt? #(keyword? (first %))
306 opts (filter opt? clauses)
307 clauses (remove opt? clauses)
308 [clauses bindings]
309 (core/reduce
310 (fn [[clauses bindings] [ports expr]]
311 (let [ports (if (vector? ports) ports [ports])
312 [ports bindings]
313 (core/reduce
314 (fn [[ports bindings] port]
315 (if (vector? port)
316 (let [[port val] port
317 gp (gensym)
318 gv (gensym)]
319 [(conj ports [gp gv]) (conj bindings [gp port] [gv val])])
320 (let [gp (gensym)]
321 [(conj ports gp) (conj bindings [gp port])])))
322 [[] bindings] ports)]
323 [(conj clauses [ports expr]) bindings]))
324 [[] []] clauses)
325 gch (gensym "ch")
326 gret (gensym "ret")]
327 `(let [~@(mapcat identity bindings)
328 [val# ~gch :as ~gret] (~alts [~@(apply concat (core/map first clauses))] ~@(apply concat opts))]
329 (cond
330 ~@(mapcat (fn [[ports expr]]
331 [`(or ~@(core/map (fn [port]
332 `(= ~gch ~(if (vector? port) (first port) port)))
333 ports))
334 (if (and (seq? expr) (vector? (first expr)))
335 `(let [~(first expr) ~gret] ~@(rest expr))
336 expr)])
337 clauses)
338 (= ~gch :default) val#))))
340 (defmacro alt!!
341 "Like alt!, except as if by alts!!, will block until completed, and
342 not intended for use in (go ...) blocks."
344 [& clauses]
345 (do-alt `alts!! clauses))
347 (defmacro alt!
348 "Makes a single choice between one of several channel operations,
349 as if by alts!, returning the value of the result expr corresponding
350 to the operation completed. Must be called inside a (go ...) block.
352 Each clause takes the form of:
354 channel-op[s] result-expr
356 where channel-ops is one of:
358 take-port - a single port to take
359 [take-port | [put-port put-val] ...] - a vector of ports as per alts!
360 :default | :priority - an option for alts!
362 and result-expr is either a list beginning with a vector, whereupon that
363 vector will be treated as a binding for the [val port] return of the
364 operation, else any other expression.
366 (alt!
367 [c t] ([val ch] (foo ch val))
368 x ([v] v)
369 [[out val]] :wrote
370 :default 42)
372 Each option may appear at most once. The choice and parking
373 characteristics are those of alts!."
375 [& clauses]
376 (do-alt `alts! clauses))
378 (defn ioc-alts! [state cont-block ports & {:as opts}]
379 (ioc/aset-all! state ioc/STATE-IDX cont-block)
380 (when-let [cb (clojure.core.async/do-alts
381 (fn [val]
382 (ioc/aset-all! state ioc/VALUE-IDX val)
383 (ioc/run-state-machine-wrapped state))
384 ports
385 opts)]
386 (ioc/aset-all! state ioc/VALUE-IDX @cb)
387 :recur))
389 (defn offer!
390 "Puts a val into port if it's possible to do so immediately.
391 nil values are not allowed. Never blocks. Returns true if offer succeeds."
392 [port val]
393 (let [ret (impl/put! port val (fn-handler nop false))]
394 (when ret @ret)))
396 (defn poll!
397 "Takes a val from port if it's possible to do so immediately.
398 Never blocks. Returns value if successful, nil otherwise."
399 [port]
400 (let [ret (impl/take! port (fn-handler nop false))]
401 (when ret @ret)))
403 (defmacro go
404 "Asynchronously executes the body, returning immediately to the
405 calling thread. Additionally, any visible calls to <!, >! and alt!/alts!
406 channel operations within the body will block (if necessary) by
407 'parking' the calling thread rather than tying up an OS thread (or
408 the only JS thread when in ClojureScript). Upon completion of the
409 operation, the body will be resumed.
411 Returns a channel which will receive the result of the body when
412 completed"
413 [& body]
414 (let [crossing-env (zipmap (keys &env) (repeatedly gensym))]
415 `(let [c# (chan 1)
416 captured-bindings# (clojure.lang.Var/getThreadBindingFrame)]
417 (dispatch/run
418 (^:once fn* []
419 (let [~@(mapcat (fn [[l sym]] [sym `(^:once fn* [] ~(vary-meta l dissoc :tag))]) crossing-env)
420 f# ~(ioc/state-machine `(do ~@body) 1 [crossing-env &env] ioc/async-custom-terminators)
421 state# (-> (f#)
422 (ioc/aset-all! ioc/USER-START-IDX c#
423 ioc/BINDINGS-IDX captured-bindings#))]
424 (ioc/run-state-machine-wrapped state#))))
425 c#)))
427 (defonce ^:private ^Executor thread-macro-executor
428 (Executors/newCachedThreadPool (conc/counted-thread-factory "async-thread-macro-%d" true)))
430 (defn thread-call
431 "Executes f in another thread, returning immediately to the calling
432 thread. Returns a channel which will receive the result of calling
433 f when completed, then close."
434 [f]
435 (let [c (chan 1)]
436 (let [binds (clojure.lang.Var/getThreadBindingFrame)]
437 (.execute thread-macro-executor
438 (fn []
439 (clojure.lang.Var/resetThreadBindingFrame binds)
440 (try
441 (let [ret (f)]
442 (when-not (nil? ret)
443 (>!! c ret)))
444 (finally
445 (close! c))))))
446 c))
448 (defmacro thread
449 "Executes the body in another thread, returning immediately to the
450 calling thread. Returns a channel which will receive the result of
451 the body when completed, then close."
452 [& body]
453 `(thread-call (^:once fn* [] ~@body)))
455 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ops ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
457 (defmacro go-loop
458 "Like (go (loop ...))"
459 [bindings & body]
460 `(go (loop ~bindings ~@body)))
462 (defn pipe
463 "Takes elements from the from channel and supplies them to the to
464 channel. By default, the to channel will be closed when the from
465 channel closes, but can be determined by the close? parameter. Will
466 stop consuming the from channel if the to channel closes"
467 ([from to] (pipe from to true))
468 ([from to close?]
469 (go-loop []
470 (let [v (<! from)]
471 (if (nil? v)
472 (when close? (close! to))
473 (when (>! to v)
474 (recur)))))
475 to))
477 (defn- pipeline*
478 ([n to xf from close? ex-handler type]
479 (assert (pos? n))
480 (let [ex-handler (or ex-handler (fn [ex]
481 (-> (Thread/currentThread)
482 .getUncaughtExceptionHandler
483 (.uncaughtException (Thread/currentThread) ex))
484 nil))
485 jobs (chan n)
486 results (chan n)
487 process (fn [[v p :as job]]
488 (if (nil? job)
489 (do (close! results) nil)
490 (let [res (chan 1 xf ex-handler)]
491 (>!! res v)
492 (close! res)
493 (put! p res)
494 true)))
495 async (fn [[v p :as job]]
496 (if (nil? job)
497 (do (close! results) nil)
498 (let [res (chan 1)]
499 (xf v res)
500 (put! p res)
501 true)))]
502 (dotimes [_ n]
503 (case type
504 :blocking (thread
505 (let [job (<!! jobs)]
506 (when (process job)
507 (recur))))
508 :compute (go-loop []
509 (let [job (<! jobs)]
510 (when (process job)
511 (recur))))
512 :async (go-loop []
513 (let [job (<! jobs)]
514 (when (async job)
515 (recur))))))
516 (go-loop []
517 (let [v (<! from)]
518 (if (nil? v)
519 (close! jobs)
520 (let [p (chan 1)]
521 (>! jobs [v p])
522 (>! results p)
523 (recur)))))
524 (go-loop []
525 (let [p (<! results)]
526 (if (nil? p)
527 (when close? (close! to))
528 (let [res (<! p)]
529 (loop []
530 (let [v (<! res)]
531 (when (and (not (nil? v)) (>! to v))
532 (recur))))
533 (recur))))))))
535 ;;todo - switch pipe arg order to match these (to/from)
536 (defn pipeline
537 "Takes elements from the from channel and supplies them to the to
538 channel, subject to the transducer xf, with parallelism n. Because
539 it is parallel, the transducer will be applied independently to each
540 element, not across elements, and may produce zero or more outputs
541 per input. Outputs will be returned in order relative to the
542 inputs. By default, the to channel will be closed when the from
543 channel closes, but can be determined by the close? parameter. Will
544 stop consuming the from channel if the to channel closes. Note this
545 should be used for computational parallelism. If you have multiple
546 blocking operations to put in flight, use pipeline-blocking instead,
547 If you have multiple asynchronous operations to put in flight, use
548 pipeline-async instead."
549 ([n to xf from] (pipeline n to xf from true))
550 ([n to xf from close?] (pipeline n to xf from close? nil))
551 ([n to xf from close? ex-handler] (pipeline* n to xf from close? ex-handler :compute)))
553 (defn pipeline-blocking
554 "Like pipeline, for blocking operations."
555 ([n to xf from] (pipeline-blocking n to xf from true))
556 ([n to xf from close?] (pipeline-blocking n to xf from close? nil))
557 ([n to xf from close? ex-handler] (pipeline* n to xf from close? ex-handler :blocking)))
559 (defn pipeline-async
560 "Takes elements from the from channel and supplies them to the to
561 channel, subject to the async function af, with parallelism n. af
562 must be a function of two arguments, the first an input value and
563 the second a channel on which to place the result(s). af must close!
564 the channel before returning. The presumption is that af will
565 return immediately, having launched some asynchronous operation
566 (i.e. in another thread) whose completion/callback will manipulate
567 the result channel. Outputs will be returned in order relative to
568 the inputs. By default, the to channel will be closed when the from
569 channel closes, but can be determined by the close? parameter. Will
570 stop consuming the from channel if the to channel closes. See also
571 pipeline, pipeline-blocking."
572 ([n to af from] (pipeline-async n to af from true))
573 ([n to af from close?] (pipeline* n to af from close? nil :async)))
575 (defn split
576 "Takes a predicate and a source channel and returns a vector of two
577 channels, the first of which will contain the values for which the
578 predicate returned true, the second those for which it returned
579 false.
581 The out channels will be unbuffered by default, or two buf-or-ns can
582 be supplied. The channels will close after the source channel has
583 closed."
584 ([p ch] (split p ch nil nil))
585 ([p ch t-buf-or-n f-buf-or-n]
586 (let [tc (chan t-buf-or-n)
587 fc (chan f-buf-or-n)]
588 (go-loop []
589 (let [v (<! ch)]
590 (if (nil? v)
591 (do (close! tc) (close! fc))
592 (when (>! (if (p v) tc fc) v)
593 (recur)))))
594 [tc fc])))
596 (defn reduce
597 "f should be a function of 2 arguments. Returns a channel containing
598 the single result of applying f to init and the first item from the
599 channel, then applying f to that result and the 2nd item, etc. If
600 the channel closes without yielding items, returns init and f is not
601 called. ch must close before reduce produces a result."
602 [f init ch]
603 (go-loop [ret init]
604 (let [v (<! ch)]
605 (if (nil? v)
606 ret
607 (let [ret' (f ret v)]
608 (if (reduced? ret')
609 @ret'
610 (recur ret')))))))
612 (defn transduce
613 "async/reduces a channel with a transformation (xform f).
614 Returns a channel containing the result. ch must close before
615 transduce produces a result."
616 [xform f init ch]
617 (let [f (xform f)]
618 (go
619 (let [ret (<! (reduce f init ch))]
620 (f ret)))))
622 (defn- bounded-count
623 "Returns the smaller of n or the count of coll, without examining
624 more than n items if coll is not counted"
625 [n coll]
626 (if (counted? coll)
627 (min n (count coll))
628 (loop [i 0 s (seq coll)]
629 (if (and s (< i n))
630 (recur (inc i) (next s))
631 i))))
633 (defn onto-chan
634 "Puts the contents of coll into the supplied channel.
636 By default the channel will be closed after the items are copied,
637 but can be determined by the close? parameter.
639 Returns a channel which will close after the items are copied."
640 ([ch coll] (onto-chan ch coll true))
641 ([ch coll close?]
642 (go-loop [vs (seq coll)]
643 (if (and vs (>! ch (first vs)))
644 (recur (next vs))
645 (when close?
646 (close! ch))))))
648 (defn to-chan
649 "Creates and returns a channel which contains the contents of coll,
650 closing when exhausted."
651 [coll]
652 (let [c (bounded-count 100 coll)]
653 (if (pos? c)
654 (let [ch (chan c)]
655 (onto-chan ch coll)
656 ch)
657 (let [ch (chan)]
658 (close! ch)
659 ch))))
661 (defprotocol Mux
662 (muxch* [_]))
664 (defprotocol Mult
665 (tap* [m ch close?])
666 (untap* [m ch])
667 (untap-all* [m]))
669 (defn mult
670 "Creates and returns a mult(iple) of the supplied channel. Channels
671 containing copies of the channel can be created with 'tap', and
672 detached with 'untap'.
674 Each item is distributed to all taps in parallel and synchronously,
675 i.e. each tap must accept before the next item is distributed. Use
676 buffering/windowing to prevent slow taps from holding up the mult.
678 Items received when there are no taps get dropped.
680 If a tap puts to a closed channel, it will be removed from the mult."
681 [ch]
682 (let [cs (atom {}) ;;ch->close?
683 m (reify
684 Mux
685 (muxch* [_] ch)
687 Mult
688 (tap* [_ ch close?] (swap! cs assoc ch close?) nil)
689 (untap* [_ ch] (swap! cs dissoc ch) nil)
690 (untap-all* [_] (reset! cs {}) nil))
691 dchan (chan 1)
692 dctr (atom nil)
693 done (fn [_] (when (zero? (swap! dctr dec))
694 (put! dchan true)))]
695 (go-loop []
696 (let [val (<! ch)]
697 (if (nil? val)
698 (doseq [[c close?] @cs]
699 (when close? (close! c)))
700 (let [chs (keys @cs)]
701 (reset! dctr (count chs))
702 (doseq [c chs]
703 (when-not (put! c val done)
704 (done nil)
705 (untap* m c)))
706 ;;wait for all
707 (when (seq chs)
708 (<! dchan))
709 (recur)))))
710 m))
712 (defn tap
713 "Copies the mult source onto the supplied channel.
715 By default the channel will be closed when the source closes,
716 but can be determined by the close? parameter."
717 ([mult ch] (tap mult ch true))
718 ([mult ch close?] (tap* mult ch close?) ch))
720 (defn untap
721 "Disconnects a target channel from a mult"
722 [mult ch]
723 (untap* mult ch))
725 (defn untap-all
726 "Disconnects all target channels from a mult"
727 [mult] (untap-all* mult))
729 (defprotocol Mix
730 (admix* [m ch])
731 (unmix* [m ch])
732 (unmix-all* [m])
733 (toggle* [m state-map])
734 (solo-mode* [m mode]))
736 (defn mix
737 "Creates and returns a mix of one or more input channels which will
738 be put on the supplied out channel. Input sources can be added to
739 the mix with 'admix', and removed with 'unmix'. A mix supports
740 soloing, muting and pausing multiple inputs atomically using
741 'toggle', and can solo using either muting or pausing as determined
742 by 'solo-mode'.
744 Each channel can have zero or more boolean modes set via 'toggle':
746 :solo - when true, only this (ond other soloed) channel(s) will appear
747 in the mix output channel. :mute and :pause states of soloed
748 channels are ignored. If solo-mode is :mute, non-soloed
749 channels are muted, if :pause, non-soloed channels are
750 paused.
752 :mute - muted channels will have their contents consumed but not included in the mix
753 :pause - paused channels will not have their contents consumed (and thus also not included in the mix)
754 "
755 [out]
756 (let [cs (atom {}) ;;ch->attrs-map
757 solo-modes #{:mute :pause}
758 attrs (conj solo-modes :solo)
759 solo-mode (atom :mute)
760 change (chan)
761 changed #(put! change true)
762 pick (fn [attr chs]
763 (reduce-kv
764 (fn [ret c v]
765 (if (attr v)
766 (conj ret c)
767 ret))
768 #{} chs))
769 calc-state (fn []
770 (let [chs @cs
771 mode @solo-mode
772 solos (pick :solo chs)
773 pauses (pick :pause chs)]
774 {:solos solos
775 :mutes (pick :mute chs)
776 :reads (conj
777 (if (and (= mode :pause) (not (empty? solos)))
778 (vec solos)
779 (vec (remove pauses (keys chs))))
780 change)}))
781 m (reify
782 Mux
783 (muxch* [_] out)
784 Mix
785 (admix* [_ ch] (swap! cs assoc ch {}) (changed))
786 (unmix* [_ ch] (swap! cs dissoc ch) (changed))
787 (unmix-all* [_] (reset! cs {}) (changed))
788 (toggle* [_ state-map] (swap! cs (partial merge-with core/merge) state-map) (changed))
789 (solo-mode* [_ mode]
790 (assert (solo-modes mode) (str "mode must be one of: " solo-modes))
791 (reset! solo-mode mode)
792 (changed)))]
793 (go-loop [{:keys [solos mutes reads] :as state} (calc-state)]
794 (let [[v c] (alts! reads)]
795 (if (or (nil? v) (= c change))
796 (do (when (nil? v)
797 (swap! cs dissoc c))
798 (recur (calc-state)))
799 (if (or (solos c)
800 (and (empty? solos) (not (mutes c))))
801 (when (>! out v)
802 (recur state))
803 (recur state)))))
804 m))
806 (defn admix
807 "Adds ch as an input to the mix"
808 [mix ch]
809 (admix* mix ch))
811 (defn unmix
812 "Removes ch as an input to the mix"
813 [mix ch]
814 (unmix* mix ch))
816 (defn unmix-all
817 "removes all inputs from the mix"
818 [mix]
819 (unmix-all* mix))
821 (defn toggle
822 "Atomically sets the state(s) of one or more channels in a mix. The
823 state map is a map of channels -> channel-state-map. A
824 channel-state-map is a map of attrs -> boolean, where attr is one or
825 more of :mute, :pause or :solo. Any states supplied are merged with
826 the current state.
828 Note that channels can be added to a mix via toggle, which can be
829 used to add channels in a particular (e.g. paused) state."
830 [mix state-map]
831 (toggle* mix state-map))
833 (defn solo-mode
834 "Sets the solo mode of the mix. mode must be one of :mute or :pause"
835 [mix mode]
836 (solo-mode* mix mode))
838 (defprotocol Pub
839 (sub* [p v ch close?])
840 (unsub* [p v ch])
841 (unsub-all* [p] [p v]))
843 (defn pub
844 "Creates and returns a pub(lication) of the supplied channel,
845 partitioned into topics by the topic-fn. topic-fn will be applied to
846 each value on the channel and the result will determine the 'topic'
847 on which that value will be put. Channels can be subscribed to
848 receive copies of topics using 'sub', and unsubscribed using
849 'unsub'. Each topic will be handled by an internal mult on a
850 dedicated channel. By default these internal channels are
851 unbuffered, but a buf-fn can be supplied which, given a topic,
852 creates a buffer with desired properties.
854 Each item is distributed to all subs in parallel and synchronously,
855 i.e. each sub must accept before the next item is distributed. Use
856 buffering/windowing to prevent slow subs from holding up the pub.
858 Items received when there are no matching subs get dropped.
860 Note that if buf-fns are used then each topic is handled
861 asynchronously, i.e. if a channel is subscribed to more than one
862 topic it should not expect them to be interleaved identically with
863 the source."
864 ([ch topic-fn] (pub ch topic-fn (constantly nil)))
865 ([ch topic-fn buf-fn]
866 (let [mults (atom {}) ;;topic->mult
867 ensure-mult (fn [topic]
868 (or (get @mults topic)
869 (get (swap! mults
870 #(if (% topic) % (assoc % topic (mult (chan (buf-fn topic))))))
871 topic)))
872 p (reify
873 Mux
874 (muxch* [_] ch)
876 Pub
877 (sub* [p topic ch close?]
878 (let [m (ensure-mult topic)]
879 (tap m ch close?)))
880 (unsub* [p topic ch]
881 (when-let [m (get @mults topic)]
882 (untap m ch)))
883 (unsub-all* [_] (reset! mults {}))
884 (unsub-all* [_ topic] (swap! mults dissoc topic)))]
885 (go-loop []
886 (let [val (<! ch)]
887 (if (nil? val)
888 (doseq [m (vals @mults)]
889 (close! (muxch* m)))
890 (let [topic (topic-fn val)
891 m (get @mults topic)]
892 (when m
893 (when-not (>! (muxch* m) val)
894 (swap! mults dissoc topic)))
895 (recur)))))
896 p)))
898 (defn sub
899 "Subscribes a channel to a topic of a pub.
901 By default the channel will be closed when the source closes,
902 but can be determined by the close? parameter."
903 ([p topic ch] (sub p topic ch true))
904 ([p topic ch close?] (sub* p topic ch close?)))
906 (defn unsub
907 "Unsubscribes a channel from a topic of a pub"
908 [p topic ch]
909 (unsub* p topic ch))
911 (defn unsub-all
912 "Unsubscribes all channels from a pub, or a topic of a pub"
913 ([p] (unsub-all* p))
914 ([p topic] (unsub-all* p topic)))
916 ;;; these are down here because they alias core fns, don't want accidents above
918 (defn map
919 "Takes a function and a collection of source channels, and returns a
920 channel which contains the values produced by applying f to the set
921 of first items taken from each source channel, followed by applying
922 f to the set of second items from each channel, until any one of the
923 channels is closed, at which point the output channel will be
924 closed. The returned channel will be unbuffered by default, or a
925 buf-or-n can be supplied"
926 ([f chs] (map f chs nil))
927 ([f chs buf-or-n]
928 (let [chs (vec chs)
929 out (chan buf-or-n)
930 cnt (count chs)
931 rets (object-array cnt)
932 dchan (chan 1)
933 dctr (atom nil)
934 done (mapv (fn [i]
935 (fn [ret]
936 (aset rets i ret)
937 (when (zero? (swap! dctr dec))
938 (put! dchan (java.util.Arrays/copyOf rets cnt)))))
939 (range cnt))]
940 (go-loop []
941 (reset! dctr cnt)
942 (dotimes [i cnt]
943 (try
944 (take! (chs i) (done i))
945 (catch Exception e
946 (swap! dctr dec))))
947 (let [rets (<! dchan)]
948 (if (some nil? rets)
949 (close! out)
950 (do (>! out (apply f rets))
951 (recur)))))
952 out)))
954 (defn merge
955 "Takes a collection of source channels and returns a channel which
956 contains all values taken from them. The returned channel will be
957 unbuffered by default, or a buf-or-n can be supplied. The channel
958 will close after all the source channels have closed."
959 ([chs] (merge chs nil))
960 ([chs buf-or-n]
961 (let [out (chan buf-or-n)]
962 (go-loop [cs (vec chs)]
963 (if (pos? (count cs))
964 (let [[v c] (alts! cs)]
965 (if (nil? v)
966 (recur (filterv #(not= c %) cs))
967 (do (>! out v)
968 (recur cs))))
969 (close! out)))
970 out)))
972 (defn into
973 "Returns a channel containing the single (collection) result of the
974 items taken from the channel conjoined to the supplied
975 collection. ch must close before into produces a result."
976 [coll ch]
977 (reduce conj coll ch))
980 (defn take
981 "Returns a channel that will return, at most, n items from ch. After n items
982 have been returned, or ch has been closed, the return channel will close.
984 The output channel is unbuffered by default, unless buf-or-n is given."
985 ([n ch]
986 (take n ch nil))
987 ([n ch buf-or-n]
988 (let [out (chan buf-or-n)]
989 (go (loop [x 0]
990 (when (< x n)
991 (let [v (<! ch)]
992 (when (not (nil? v))
993 (>! out v)
994 (recur (inc x))))))
995 (close! out))
996 out)))
998 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; deprecated - do not use ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
999 (defn map<
1000 "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead"
1001 {:deprecated "0.1.319.0-6b1aca-alpha"}
1002 [f ch]
1003 (reify
1004 impl/Channel
1005 (close! [_] (impl/close! ch))
1006 (closed? [_] (impl/closed? ch))
1008 impl/ReadPort
1009 (take! [_ fn1]
1010 (let [ret
1011 (impl/take! ch
1012 (reify
1013 Lock
1014 (lock [_] (.lock ^Lock fn1))
1015 (unlock [_] (.unlock ^Lock fn1))
1017 impl/Handler
1018 (active? [_] (impl/active? fn1))
1019 (blockable? [_] true)
1020 (lock-id [_] (impl/lock-id fn1))
1021 (commit [_]
1022 (let [f1 (impl/commit fn1)]
1023 #(f1 (if (nil? %) nil (f %)))))))]
1024 (if (and ret (not (nil? @ret)))
1025 (channels/box (f @ret))
1026 ret)))
1028 impl/WritePort
1029 (put! [_ val fn1] (impl/put! ch val fn1))))
1031 (defn map>
1032 "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead"
1033 {:deprecated "0.1.319.0-6b1aca-alpha"}
1034 [f ch]
1035 (reify
1036 impl/Channel
1037 (close! [_] (impl/close! ch))
1038 (closed? [_] (impl/closed? ch))
1040 impl/ReadPort
1041 (take! [_ fn1] (impl/take! ch fn1))
1043 impl/WritePort
1044 (put! [_ val fn1]
1045 (impl/put! ch (f val) fn1))))
1047 (defn filter>
1048 "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead"
1049 {:deprecated "0.1.319.0-6b1aca-alpha"}
1050 [p ch]
1051 (reify
1052 impl/Channel
1053 (close! [_] (impl/close! ch))
1054 (closed? [_] (impl/closed? ch))
1056 impl/ReadPort
1057 (take! [_ fn1] (impl/take! ch fn1))
1059 impl/WritePort
1060 (put! [_ val fn1]
1061 (if (p val)
1062 (impl/put! ch val fn1)
1063 (channels/box (not (impl/closed? ch)))))))
1065 (defn remove>
1066 "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead"
1067 {:deprecated "0.1.319.0-6b1aca-alpha"}
1068 [p ch]
1069 (filter> (complement p) ch))
1071 (defn filter<
1072 "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead"
1073 {:deprecated "0.1.319.0-6b1aca-alpha"}
1074 ([p ch] (filter< p ch nil))
1075 ([p ch buf-or-n]
1076 (let [out (chan buf-or-n)]
1077 (go-loop []
1078 (let [val (<! ch)]
1079 (if (nil? val)
1080 (close! out)
1081 (do (when (p val)
1082 (>! out val))
1083 (recur)))))
1084 out)))
1086 (defn remove<
1087 "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead"
1088 {:deprecated "0.1.319.0-6b1aca-alpha"}
1089 ([p ch] (remove< p ch nil))
1090 ([p ch buf-or-n] (filter< (complement p) ch buf-or-n)))
1092 (defn- mapcat* [f in out]
1093 (go-loop []
1094 (let [val (<! in)]
1095 (if (nil? val)
1096 (close! out)
1097 (do (doseq [v (f val)]
1098 (>! out v))
1099 (when-not (impl/closed? out)
1100 (recur)))))))
1102 (defn mapcat<
1103 "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead"
1104 {:deprecated "0.1.319.0-6b1aca-alpha"}
1105 ([f in] (mapcat< f in nil))
1106 ([f in buf-or-n]
1107 (let [out (chan buf-or-n)]
1108 (mapcat* f in out)
1109 out)))
1111 (defn mapcat>
1112 "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead"
1113 {:deprecated "0.1.319.0-6b1aca-alpha"}
1114 ([f out] (mapcat> f out nil))
1115 ([f out buf-or-n]
1116 (let [in (chan buf-or-n)]
1117 (mapcat* f in out)
1118 in)))
1120 (defn unique
1121 "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead"
1122 {:deprecated "0.1.319.0-6b1aca-alpha"}
1123 ([ch]
1124 (unique ch nil))
1125 ([ch buf-or-n]
1126 (let [out (chan buf-or-n)]
1127 (go (loop [last nil]
1128 (let [v (<! ch)]
1129 (when (not (nil? v))
1130 (if (= v last)
1131 (recur last)
1132 (do (>! out v)
1133 (recur v))))))
1134 (close! out))
1135 out)))
1138 (defn partition
1139 "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead"
1140 {:deprecated "0.1.319.0-6b1aca-alpha"}
1141 ([n ch]
1142 (partition n ch nil))
1143 ([n ch buf-or-n]
1144 (let [out (chan buf-or-n)]
1145 (go (loop [arr (make-array Object n)
1146 idx 0]
1147 (let [v (<! ch)]
1148 (if (not (nil? v))
1149 (do (aset ^objects arr idx v)
1150 (let [new-idx (inc idx)]
1151 (if (< new-idx n)
1152 (recur arr new-idx)
1153 (do (>! out (vec arr))
1154 (recur (make-array Object n) 0)))))
1155 (do (when (> idx 0)
1156 (let [narray (make-array Object idx)]
1157 (System/arraycopy arr 0 narray 0 idx)
1158 (>! out (vec narray))))
1159 (close! out))))))
1160 out)))
1163 (defn partition-by
1164 "Deprecated - this function will be removed. Use transducer instead"
1165 {:deprecated "0.1.319.0-6b1aca-alpha"}
1166 ([f ch]
1167 (partition-by f ch nil))
1168 ([f ch buf-or-n]
1169 (let [out (chan buf-or-n)]
1170 (go (loop [lst (ArrayList.)
1171 last ::nothing]
1172 (let [v (<! ch)]
1173 (if (not (nil? v))
1174 (let [new-itm (f v)]
1175 (if (or (= new-itm last)
1176 (identical? last ::nothing))
1177 (do (.add ^ArrayList lst v)
1178 (recur lst new-itm))
1179 (do (>! out (vec lst))
1180 (let [new-lst (ArrayList.)]
1181 (.add ^ArrayList new-lst v)
1182 (recur new-lst new-itm)))))
1183 (do (when (> (.size ^ArrayList lst) 0)
1184 (>! out (vec lst)))
1185 (close! out))))))
1186 out)))
0 /*
1 Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and contributors. All rights reserved.
2 The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
3 Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
4 which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
5 By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
6 the terms of this license.
7 You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
8 */
10 package clojure.core.async;
12 import java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer;
14 // non-recursive, non-reentrant mutex implementation based on example
15 // from Doug Lea's "The java.util.concurrent Synchronizer Framework"
16 //
17 public class Mutex {
18 private static class Sync extends AbstractQueuedSynchronizer {
19 public boolean tryAcquire(int ignored) {
20 return compareAndSetState(0, 1);
21 }
23 public boolean tryRelease(int ignored) {
24 setState(0);
25 return true;
26 }
27 }
29 private final Sync sync = new Sync();
31 public Mutex() {}
33 public void lock() {
34 sync.acquire(1);
35 }
37 public void unlock() {
38 sync.release(1);
39 }
40 }
0 /*
1 Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and contributors. All rights reserved.
2 The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
3 Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
4 which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
5 By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
6 the terms of this license.
7 You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
8 */
10 package clojure.core.async;
12 import java.util.Random;
14 public class ThreadLocalRandom extends Random {
16 private static final long serialVersionUID = -2599376724352996934L;
18 private static ThreadLocal<ThreadLocalRandom> currentThreadLocalRandom = new ThreadLocal<ThreadLocalRandom>() {
19 protected ThreadLocalRandom initialValue() {
20 return new ThreadLocalRandom();
21 }
22 };
25 /**
26 * Returns the current ThreadLocalRandom for this thread. Clients must call current,
27 * rather than constructing instances themselves. The ThreadLocalRandom instance will
28 * be returned from a ThreadLocal variable.
29 *
30 * @return A ThreadLocalRandom for the current thread
31 *
32 * @see ThreadLocal
33 * @see Random
34 */
35 public static ThreadLocalRandom current() {
36 return currentThreadLocalRandom.get();
37 }
39 private ThreadLocalRandom() {
40 super();
41 }
43 private ThreadLocalRandom(long seed) {
44 super(seed);
45 }
47 }
0 (ns cljs.core.async.buffer-tests
1 (:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :as m :refer [go]])
2 (:require [cljs.core.async
3 :refer [unblocking-buffer? buffer dropping-buffer sliding-buffer
4 put! take! chan close!]]
5 [cljs.core.async.impl.dispatch :as dispatch]
6 [cljs.core.async.impl.buffers :as buff :refer [promise-buffer]]
7 [cljs.core.async.impl.protocols
8 :refer [full? add! remove! close-buf!]]
9 [cljs.core.async.test-helpers :refer-macros [throws?]]
10 [cljs.test :refer-macros [deftest testing is]]))
12 (deftest unblocking-buffer-tests
13 (testing "buffers"
14 (is (not (unblocking-buffer? (buffer 1))))
15 (is (unblocking-buffer? (dropping-buffer 1)))
16 (is (unblocking-buffer? (sliding-buffer 1)))))
18 (deftest buffer-tests
19 (testing "fixed-buffer"
20 (let [fb (buffer 2)]
21 (is (= 0 (count fb)))
23 (add! fb :1)
24 (is (= 1 (count fb)))
26 (add! fb :2)
27 (is (= 2 (count fb)))
29 (is (full? fb))
30 #_(assert (throws? (add! fb :3)))
32 (is (= :1 (remove! fb)))
33 (is (not (full? fb)))
35 (is (= 1 (count fb)))
36 (is (= :2 (remove! fb)))
38 (is (= 0 (count fb)))
39 #_(is (helpers/throws? (remove! fb)))))
41 (testing "dropping-buffer"
42 (let [fb (dropping-buffer 2)]
43 (is (= 0 (count fb)))
45 (add! fb :1)
46 (is (= 1 (count fb)))
48 (add! fb :2)
49 (is (= 2 (count fb)))
51 (is (not (full? fb)))
52 (add! fb :3)
54 (is (= 2 (count fb)))
56 (is (= :1 (remove! fb)))
57 (is (not (full? fb)))
59 (is (= 1 (count fb)))
60 (is (= :2 (remove! fb)))
62 (is (= 0 (count fb)))
63 #_(is (throws? (remove! fb)))))
65 (testing "sliding-buffer"
66 (let [fb (sliding-buffer 2)]
67 (is (= 0 (count fb)))
69 (add! fb :1)
70 (is (= 1 (count fb)))
72 (add! fb :2)
73 (is (= 2 (count fb)))
75 (is (not (full? fb)))
76 (add! fb :3)
78 (is (= 2 (count fb)))
80 (is (= :2 (remove! fb)))
81 (is (not (full? fb)))
83 (is (= 1 (count fb)))
84 (is (= :3 (remove! fb)))
86 (is (= 0 (count fb)))
87 #_(is (throws? (remove! fb))))))
89 (deftest promise-buffer-tests
90 (let [pb (promise-buffer)]
91 (is (= 0 (count pb)))
93 (add! pb :1)
94 (is (= 1 (count pb)))
96 (add! pb :2)
97 (is (= 1 (count pb)))
99 (is (not (full? pb)))
100 (is (not (throws? (add! pb :3))))
101 (is (= 1 (count pb)))
103 (is (= :1 (remove! pb)))
104 (is (not (full? pb)))
106 (is (= 1 (count pb)))
107 (is (= :1 (remove! pb)))
109 (is (= nil (close-buf! pb)))
110 (is (= :1 (remove! pb)))))
0 (ns cljs.core.async.pipeline-test
1 (:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :as m :refer [go go-loop]])
2 (:require [cljs.core.async.test-helpers :refer [latch inc!]]
3 [cljs.core.async :as a
4 :refer [<! >! chan close! to-chan pipeline-async pipeline put!]]
5 [cljs.test :refer-macros [deftest is testing async]]))
7 (defn pipeline-tester [pipeline-fn n inputs xf]
8 (let [cin (to-chan inputs)
9 cout (chan 1)]
10 (pipeline-fn n cout xf cin)
11 (go-loop [acc []]
12 (let [val (<! cout)]
13 (if (not (nil? val))
14 (recur (conj acc val))
15 acc)))))
17 (defn identity-async [v ch]
18 (go (>! ch v) (close! ch)))
20 (defn test-size-async [n size]
21 (let [r (range size)]
22 (go (is (= r (<! (pipeline-tester pipeline-async n r identity-async)))))))
24 (defn test-size-compute [n size]
25 (let [r (range size)]
26 (go (is (= r (<! (pipeline-tester pipeline n r (map identity))))))))
28 (deftest pipeline-test-sizes
29 (async done
30 (let [l (latch 2 done)]
31 (testing "pipeline async test sizes"
32 (go
33 (<! (test-size-async 1 0))
34 (<! (test-size-async 1 10))
35 (<! (test-size-async 10 10))
36 (<! (test-size-async 20 10))
37 (<! (test-size-async 5 1000))
38 (inc! l)))
39 (testing "pipeline compute test sizes"
40 (go
41 (<! (test-size-compute 1 0))
42 (<! (test-size-compute 1 10))
43 (<! (test-size-compute 10 10))
44 (<! (test-size-compute 20 10))
45 (<! (test-size-compute 5 1000))
46 (inc! l))))))
48 (deftest test-close?
49 (async done
50 (go
51 (let [cout (chan 1)]
52 (pipeline 5 cout (map identity) (to-chan [1]) true)
53 (is (= 1 (<! cout)))
54 (is (= nil (<! cout))))
55 (let [cout (chan 1)]
56 (pipeline 5 cout (map identity) (to-chan [1]) false)
57 (is (= 1 (<! cout)))
58 (>! cout :more)
59 (is (= :more (<! cout))))
60 (let [cout (chan 1)]
61 (pipeline 5 cout (map identity) (to-chan [1]) nil)
62 (is (= 1 (<! cout)))
63 (>! cout :more)
64 (is (= :more (<! cout))))
65 (done))))
67 (deftest test-ex-handler
68 (async done
69 (go
70 (let [cout (chan 1)
71 chex (chan 1)
72 ex-mapping (map (fn [x] (if (= x 3) (throw (ex-info "err" {:data x})) x)))
73 ex-handler (fn [e] (do (put! chex e) :err))]
74 (pipeline 5 cout ex-mapping (to-chan [1 2 3 4]) true ex-handler)
75 (is (= 1 (<! cout)))
76 (is (= 2 (<! cout)))
77 (is (= :err (<! cout)))
78 (is (= 4 (<! cout)))
79 (is (= {:data 3} (ex-data (<! chex)))))
80 (done))))
82 (defn multiplier-async [v ch]
83 (go
84 (dotimes [i v]
85 (>! ch i))
86 (close! ch)))
88 (deftest async-pipelines-af-multiplier
89 (async done
90 (go
91 (is (= [0 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 2 3]
92 (<! (pipeline-tester pipeline-async 2 (range 1 5) multiplier-async))))
93 (done))))
95 (defn incrementer-async [v ch]
96 (go
97 (>! ch (inc v))
98 (close! ch)))
100 (deftest pipelines-async
101 (async done
102 (go
103 (is (= (range 1 101)
104 (<! (pipeline-tester pipeline-async 1 (range 100) incrementer-async))))
105 (done))))
107 (defn slow-fib [n]
108 (if (< n 2) n (+ (slow-fib (- n 1)) (slow-fib (- n 2)))))
110 (deftest pipelines-compute
111 (async done
112 (let [input (take 50 (cycle (range 15 38)))]
113 (go
114 (is (= (slow-fib (last input))
115 (last (<! (pipeline-tester pipeline 8 input (map slow-fib))))))
116 (done)))))
0 (ns cljs.core.async.runner-tests
1 (:require [cljs.core.async :refer [buffer dropping-buffer sliding-buffer put! take! chan close!]]
2 [cljs.core.async.impl.dispatch :as dispatch]
3 [cljs.core.async.impl.buffers :as buff]
4 [cljs.core.async.impl.protocols :refer [full? add! remove!]]
5 [cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-helpers :as ioch])
6 (:require-macros [cljs.core.async.test-helpers :as h :refer [is= is deftest testing runner locals-test]]
7 [cljs.core.async.macros :as m :refer [go]]
8 [cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-macros :as ioc]))
10 (defn pause [state blk val]
11 (ioc/aset-all! state ioch/STATE-IDX blk ioch/VALUE-IDX val)
12 :recur)
14 (deftest runner-tests
15 (testing "macros add locals to the env"
16 (is= :pass
17 (runner (let [x 42]
18 (pause (locals-test))))))
19 (testing "do blocks"
20 (is= 42
21 (runner (do (pause 42))))
22 (is= 42
23 (runner (do (pause 44)
24 (pause 42)))))
25 (testing "if expressions"
26 (is= true
27 (runner (if (pause true)
28 (pause true)
29 (pause false))))
30 (is= false
31 (runner (if (pause false)
32 (pause true)
33 (pause false))))
34 (is= true
35 (runner (when (pause true)
36 (pause true))))
37 (is= nil
38 (runner (when (pause false)
39 (pause true)))))
41 (testing "loop expressions"
42 (is= 100
43 (runner (loop [x 0]
44 (if (< x 100)
45 (recur (inc (pause x)))
46 (pause x)))))
47 (is= [:b :a]
48 (runner (loop [a :a b :b n 1]
49 (if (pos? n)
50 (recur b a (dec n)) ;; swap bindings
51 [a b]))))
52 (is= 1
53 (runner (loop [x 0
54 y (inc x)]
55 y))))
57 (testing "let expressions"
58 (is= 3
59 (runner (let [x 1 y 2]
60 (+ x y)))))
62 (testing "vector destructuring"
63 (is= 3
64 (runner (let [[x y] [1 2]]
65 (+ x y)))))
67 (testing "hash-map destructuring"
68 (is= 3
69 (runner (let [{:keys [x y] x2 :x y2 :y :as foo} {:x 1 :y 2}]
70 (assert (and foo (pause x) y x2 y2 foo))
71 (+ x y)))))
73 (testing "hash-map literals"
74 (is= {:1 1 :2 2 :3 3}
75 (runner {:1 (pause 1)
76 :2 (pause 2)
77 :3 (pause 3)})))
78 (testing "hash-set literals"
79 (is= #{1 2 3}
80 (runner #{(pause 1)
81 (pause 2)
82 (pause 3)})))
83 (testing "vector literals"
84 (is= [1 2 3]
85 (runner [(pause 1)
86 (pause 2)
87 (pause 3)])))
88 (testing "dotimes"
89 (is= 42 (runner
90 (dotimes [x 10]
91 (pause x))
92 42)))
94 (testing "set! with field"
95 (let [x (js-obj)]
96 (runner (set! (.-foo x) "bar")
97 (is= (.-foo x) "bar"))
98 (is= (.-foo x) "bar")))
100 (testing "set! with var"
101 (def test-target 0)
102 (runner (set! test-target 42))
103 (is= test-target 42))
105 (testing "keywords as functions"
106 (is (= :bar
107 (runner (:foo (pause {:foo :bar}))))))
109 (testing "vectors as functions"
110 (is (= 2
111 (runner ([1 2] 1)))))
113 (testing "dot forms"
114 (is (= 8 (runner (. js/Math (pow 2 3)))))
115 (is (= 8 (runner (. js/Math pow 2 3)))))
117 (testing "quote"
118 (is= '(1 2 3)
119 (runner (pause '(1 2 3)))))
121 (testing "fn closures"
122 (is= 42
123 (runner
124 (let [x 42
125 _ (pause x)
126 f (fn [] x)]
127 (f)))))
129 (testing "case"
130 (is= 43
131 (runner
132 (let [value :bar]
133 (case value
134 :foo (pause 42)
135 :bar (pause 43)
136 :baz (pause 44)))))
137 (is= :default
138 (runner
139 (case :baz
140 :foo 44
141 :default)))
142 (is= nil
143 (runner
144 (case true
145 false false
146 nil)))
147 (is= 42
148 (runner
149 (loop [x 0]
150 (case (int x)
151 0 (recur (inc x))
152 1 42)))))
154 (testing "try"
155 (is= 42
156 (runner
157 (try 42
158 (catch js/Error ex ex))))
159 (is= 42
160 (runner
161 (try
162 (assert false)
163 (catch js/Error ex 42))))
165 (is= 42
166 (runner
167 (try
168 (assert false)
169 (catch :default ex 42))))
171 (let [a (atom false)
172 v (runner
173 (try
174 true
175 (catch js/Error ex false)
176 (finally (pause (reset! a true)))))]
177 (is (and @a v)))
179 (let [a (atom false)
180 v (runner
181 (try
182 (assert false)
183 (catch js/Error ex true)
184 (finally (reset! a true))))]
185 (is (and @a v)))
188 (let [a (atom false)
189 v (try (runner
190 (try
191 (assert false)
192 (finally (reset! a true))))
193 (catch js/Error ex ex))]
194 (is (and @a v)))
197 (let [a (atom 0)
198 v (runner
199 (try
200 (try
201 42
202 (finally (swap! a inc)))
203 (finally (swap! a inc))))]
204 (is (= @a 2)))
206 (let [a (atom 0)
207 v (try (runner
208 (try
209 (try
210 (assert false)
211 (finally (swap! a inc)))
212 (finally (swap! a inc))))
213 (catch js/Error ex ex))]
214 (is (= @a 2)))
216 (let [a (atom 0)
217 v (try (runner
218 (try
219 (try
220 (assert false)
221 (catch js/Error ex (throw ex))
222 (finally (swap! a inc)))
223 (catch js/Error ex (throw ex))
224 (finally (swap! a inc))))
225 (catch js/Error ex ex))]
226 (is (= @a 2)))
228 (let [a (atom 0)
229 v (try (runner
230 (try
231 (try
232 (assert false)
233 (catch js/Error ex (pause (throw ex)))
234 (finally (pause (swap! a inc))))
235 (catch js/Error ex (pause (throw ex)))
236 (finally (pause (swap! a inc)))))
237 (catch js/Error ex ex))]
238 (is (= @a 2)))))
0 (ns cljs.core.async.test-helpers
1 (:require [cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-macros :as ioc]))
3 (defmacro runner
4 "Creates a runner block. The code inside the body of this macro will be translated
5 into a state machine. At run time the body will be run as normal. This transform is
6 only really useful for testing."
7 [& body]
8 (let [terminators {'pause 'cljs.core.async.runner-tests/pause}]
9 `(let [state# (~(ioc/state-machine body 0 &env terminators))]
10 (cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-helpers/run-state-machine state#)
11 (assert (cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-helpers/finished? state#) "state did not return finished")
12 (aget state# ~ioc/VALUE-IDX))))
14 (defmacro assert-go-block-completes
15 [nm & body]
16 `(let [body-chan# (do ~@body)
17 timeout# (fn [] (let [c# (cljs.core.async/chan)]
18 (cljs.core.async.macros/go
19 (cljs.core.async/<! (cljs.core.async/timeout 10000))
20 (cljs.core.async/>! c# ::timeout)
21 (cljs.core.async/close! c#))
22 c#))]
23 (when (satisfies? cljs.core.async.impl.protocols.Channel body-chan#)
24 (cljs.core.async.macros/go
25 (let [[v# _] (cljs.core.async/alts! [body-chan# (timeout#)] :priority true)]
26 (assert (not= ::timeout v#)
27 (str "test timed out: " ~nm ))))
28 true)))
30 (defmacro deftest
31 [nm & body]
32 `(do (.log js/console (str "Testing: " ~(str nm) "..."))
33 (assert-go-block-completes ~(str nm) ~@body)))
35 (defmacro throws?
36 [& exprs]
37 `(try ~@exprs false
38 (catch ~'js/Object e# true)))
40 (defmacro testing
41 [nm & body]
42 `(do (.log js/console (str " " ~nm "..."))
43 (assert-go-block-completes ~(str nm) ~@body)))
45 (defmacro is=
46 [a b]
47 `(let [a# ~a
48 b# ~b]
49 (assert (= a# b#) (str a# " != " b#))))
51 (defmacro is
52 [a]
53 `(assert ~a))
55 (defmacro locals-test []
56 (if (get-in &env [:locals] 'x)
57 :pass
58 :fail))
0 (ns cljs.core.async.test-helpers)
2 (defn latch [m f]
3 (let [r (atom 0)]
4 (add-watch r :latch
5 (fn [_ _ o n]
6 (when (== n m) (f))))
7 r))
9 (defn inc! [r]
10 (swap! r inc))
0 (ns cljs.core.async.test-runner
1 (:require [cljs.test :refer-macros [run-tests]]
2 [cljs.core.async.buffer-tests]
3 [cljs.core.async.pipeline-test]
4 [cljs.core.async.tests]))
6 (run-tests
7 'cljs.core.async.pipeline-test
8 'cljs.core.async.buffer-tests
9 'cljs.core.async.tests)
0 (ns cljs.core.async.tests
1 (:require-macros
2 [cljs.core.async.macros :as m :refer [go alt!]])
3 (:require
4 [cljs.core.async :refer
5 [buffer dropping-buffer sliding-buffer put! take! chan promise-chan
6 close! take partition-by offer! poll! <! >! alts!] :as async]
7 [cljs.core.async.impl.dispatch :as dispatch]
8 [cljs.core.async.impl.buffers :as buff]
9 [cljs.core.async.impl.timers :as timers :refer [timeout]]
10 [cljs.core.async.impl.protocols :refer [full? add! remove!]]
11 [cljs.core.async.test-helpers :refer [latch inc!]]
12 [cljs.test :as test :refer-macros [deftest is run-tests async testing]]))
14 (enable-console-print!)
16 (deftest test-put-take-chan-1
17 (async done
18 (let [c (chan 1)
19 l (latch 2 done)]
20 (put! c 42 #(do (is true) (inc! l)))
21 (take! c #(do (is (= 42 %))) (inc! l)))))
23 (deftest test-put-take-chan
24 (async done
25 (let [c (chan)
26 l (latch 2 done)]
27 (put! c 42 #(do (is true) (inc! l)))
28 (take! c #(do (is (= 42 %))) (inc! l)))))
30 (defn identity-chan
31 [x]
32 (let [c (chan 1)]
33 (go (>! c x)
34 (close! c))
35 c))
37 (defn debug [x]
38 (.log js/console x)
39 x)
41 (deftest test-identity-chan
42 (async done
43 (go
44 (is (= (<! (identity-chan 42)) 42))
45 (done))))
47 (deftest test-identity-chan-alts!
48 (async done
49 (let [c (identity-chan 42)]
50 (go
51 (is (= [42 c] (alts! [c])))
52 (done)))))
54 (deftest alt-tests
55 (async done
56 (testing "alts! works at all"
57 (let [c (identity-chan 42)]
58 (go
59 (is (= [42 c] (alts! [c])))
60 (done))))))
62 (deftest test-alt!-and-alts!
63 (async done
64 (let [l (latch 2 done)]
65 (testing "alt! works"
66 (go
67 (is (= [42 :foo] (alt! (identity-chan 42) ([v] [v :foo]))))
68 (inc! l)))
69 (testing "alts! can use default"
70 (go
71 (is
72 (= [42 :default]
73 (alts! [(chan 1)] :default 42)))
74 (inc! l))))))
76 #_(deftest timeout-tests
77 (async done
78 (let [l (latch 2 done)]
79 (testing "timeout will return same channel if within delay"
80 (is (= (timeout 10) (timeout 10)))
81 (is (= 1 (count (seq timers/timeouts-map)))))
82 (testing "timeout map is empty after timeout expires"
83 (go
84 (<! (timeout 300))
85 (is (= 0 (count (seq timers/timeouts-map))))
86 (inc! l)))
87 (testing "timeout map is empty after timeout expires with namespaced take"
88 (go
89 (async/<! (timeout 300))
90 (is (= 0 (count (seq timers/timeouts-map))))
91 (inc! l))))))
93 (deftest queue-limits
94 (testing "async put!s are limited"
95 (let [c (chan)]
96 (dotimes [x 1024]
97 (put! c x))
98 (is (thrown? js/Error (put! c 42)))
99 (take! c (fn [x] (is (= x 0))))))
100 (testing "async take!s are limited"
101 (let [c (chan)]
102 (dotimes [x 1024]
103 (take! c (fn [x])))
104 (is (thrown? js/Error (take! c (fn [x]))))
105 (put! c 42))))
107 (deftest close-on-exception-tests
108 (async done
109 (let [l (latch 2 done)]
110 (testing "go blocks"
111 (go
112 (alt! (go (assert false "This exception is expected"))
113 ([v] (is (nil? v)) (inc! l))
114 ;; if this fails, channel did not close
115 (timeout 500) ([v] (is false) (inc! l)))
116 (alt! (go (alts! [(identity-chan 42)])
117 (assert false "This exception is expected"))
118 ([v] (is (nil? v)) (inc! l))
119 ;; if this fails, channel did not close
120 (timeout 500) ([v] (is false) (inc! l))))))))
122 (deftest cleanup
123 (async done
124 (let [l (latch 2 done)]
125 (testing "alt handlers are removed from put!"
126 (go
127 (let [c (chan)]
128 (dotimes [x 1024]
129 (alts! [[c x]] :default 42))
130 (put! c 42))
131 (inc! l)))
132 (testing "alt handlers are removed from take!"
133 (go
134 (let [c (chan)]
135 (dotimes [x 1024]
136 (alts! [c] :default 42))
137 (take! c (fn [x] nil)))
138 (inc! l))))))
140 (deftest test-map<
141 (async done
142 (go
143 (is (= [2 3 4 5]
144 (<! (async/into [] (async/map< inc (async/to-chan [1 2 3 4]))))))
145 (done))))
147 (deftest test-map>
148 (async done
149 (go
150 (is (= [2 3 4 5]
151 (let [out (chan)
152 in (async/map> inc out)]
153 (async/onto-chan in [1 2 3 4])
154 (<! (async/into [] out)))))
155 (done))))
157 (deftest test-filter<
158 (async done
159 (go
160 (is (= [2 4 6]
161 (<! (async/into [] (async/filter< even? (async/to-chan [1 2 3 4 5 6]))))))
162 (done))))
164 (deftest test-remoev<
165 (async done
166 (go
167 (is (= [1 3 5]
168 (<! (async/into [] (async/remove< even? (async/to-chan [1 2 3 4 5 6]))))))
169 (done))))
171 (deftest test-filter>
172 (async done
173 (go
174 (is (= [2 4 6]
175 (let [out (chan)
176 in (async/filter> even? out)]
177 (async/onto-chan in [1 2 3 4 5 6])
178 (<! (async/into [] out)))))
179 (done))))
181 (deftest test-remove>
182 (async done
183 (go
184 (is (= [1 3 5]
185 (let [out (chan)
186 in (async/remove> even? out)]
187 (async/onto-chan in [1 2 3 4 5 6])
188 (<! (async/into [] out)))))
189 (done))))
191 (deftest test-mapcat<
192 (async done
193 (go
194 (is (= [0 0 1 0 1 2]
195 (<! (async/into [] (async/mapcat< range (async/to-chan [1 2 3]))))))
196 (done))))
198 (deftest test-mapcat>
199 (async done
200 (go
201 (is (= [0 0 1 0 1 2]
202 (let [out (chan)
203 in (async/mapcat> range out)]
204 (async/onto-chan in [1 2 3])
205 (<! (async/into [] out)))))
206 (done))))
208 (deftest test-pipe
209 (async done
210 (go
211 (is (= [1 2 3 4 5]
212 (let [out (chan)]
213 (async/pipe (async/to-chan [1 2 3 4 5])
214 out)
215 (<! (async/into [] out)))))
216 (done))))
218 (deftest test-split
219 (async done
220 ;; Must provide buffers for channels else the tests won't complete
221 (go
222 (let [[even odd] (async/split even? (async/to-chan [1 2 3 4 5 6]) 5 5)]
223 (is (= [2 4 6] (<! (async/into [] even))))
224 (is (= [1 3 5] (<! (async/into [] odd)))))
225 (done))))
227 (deftest test-map
228 (async done
229 (go
230 (is (= [0 4 8 12]
231 (<! (async/into []
232 (async/map +
233 [(async/to-chan (range 4))
234 (async/to-chan (range 4))
235 (async/to-chan (range 4))
236 (async/to-chan (range 4))])))))
237 (done))))
239 (deftest test-merge
240 (async done
241 ;; merge uses alt, so results can be in any order, we're using
242 ;; frequencies as a way to make sure we get the right result.
243 (go
244 (is (= {0 4, 1 4, 2 4, 3 4}
245 (frequencies
246 (<! (async/into []
247 (async/merge
248 [(async/to-chan (range 4))
249 (async/to-chan (range 4))
250 (async/to-chan (range 4))
251 (async/to-chan (range 4))]))))))
252 (done))))
254 (deftest test-mult
255 (async done
256 (go
257 (let [a (chan 4)
258 b (chan 4)
259 src (chan)
260 m (async/mult src)]
261 (async/tap m a)
262 (async/tap m b)
263 (async/pipe (async/to-chan (range 4)) src)
264 (is (= [0 1 2 3] (<! (async/into [] a))))
265 (is (= [0 1 2 3] (<! (async/into [] b))))
266 (done)))))
268 (deftest test-mix
269 (async done
270 (go
271 (let [out (chan)
272 mx (async/mix out)
273 take-out (chan)
274 take6 (go (dotimes [x 6]
275 (>! take-out (<! out)))
276 (close! take-out))]
277 (async/admix mx (async/to-chan [1 2 3]))
278 (async/admix mx (async/to-chan [4 5 6]))
279 (is (= #{1 2 3 4 5 6} (<! (async/into #{} take-out))))
280 (done)))))
282 (deftest test-pub-sub
283 (async done
284 (go
285 (let [a-ints (chan 5)
286 a-strs (chan 5)
287 b-ints (chan 5)
288 b-strs (chan 5)
289 src (chan)
290 p (async/pub src (fn [x]
291 (if (string? x)
292 :string
293 :int)))]
294 (async/sub p :string a-strs)
295 (async/sub p :string b-strs)
296 (async/sub p :int a-ints)
297 (async/sub p :int b-ints)
298 (async/pipe (async/to-chan [1 "a" 2 "b" 3 "c"]) src)
299 (is (= [1 2 3]
300 (<! (async/into [] a-ints))))
301 (is (= [1 2 3]
302 (<! (async/into [] b-ints))))
303 (is (= ["a" "b" "c"]
304 (<! (async/into [] a-strs))))
305 (is (= ["a" "b" "c"]
306 (<! (async/into [] b-strs)))))
307 (done))))
309 (deftest test-unique
310 (async done
311 (go
312 (is (= [1 2 3 4]
313 (<! (async/into [] (async/unique (async/to-chan [1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 4]))))))
314 (done))))
316 (deftest test-partition
317 (async done
318 (go
319 (is (= [[1 2] [2 3]]
320 (<! (async/into [] (async/partition 2 (async/to-chan [1 2 2 3]))))))
321 (done))))
324 (deftest test-partition-by
325 (async done
326 (go
327 (is (= [["a" "b"] [1 :2 3] ["c"]]
328 (<! (async/into [] (async/partition-by string? (async/to-chan ["a" "b" 1 :2 3 "c"]))))))
329 (done))))
331 (deftest test-reduce
332 (async done
333 (let [l (latch 3 done)]
334 (go (is (= 0 (<! (async/reduce + 0 (async/to-chan [])))))
335 (inc! l))
336 (go (is (= 45 (<! (async/reduce + 0 (async/to-chan (range 10))))))
337 (inc! l))
338 (go (is (= :foo (<! (async/reduce #(if (= %2 2) (reduced :foo) %1) 0
339 (async/to-chan (range 10))))))
340 (inc! l)))))
342 (deftest dispatch-bugs
343 (async done
344 (testing "puts are moved to buffers"
345 (let [c (chan 1)
346 a (atom 0)]
347 (put! c 42 (fn [_] (swap! a inc))) ;; Goes into buffer
348 (put! c 42 (fn [_] (swap! a inc))) ;; Goes into puts
349 (take! c
350 (fn [_]
351 ;; Should release the iten in the puts and
352 ;; put its value into the buffer, dispatching the callback
353 (go
354 (<! (timeout 500))
355 ;; Thus this should be 2
356 (is (= @a 2))
357 (done))))))))
359 (defn integer-chan
360 "Returns a channel upon which will be placed integers from 0 to n (exclusive) at 10 ms intervals, using the provided xform"
361 [n xform]
362 (let [c (chan 1 xform)]
363 (go
364 (loop [i 0]
365 (if (< i n)
366 (do
367 (<! (timeout 10))
368 (>! c i)
369 (recur (inc i)))
370 (close! c))))
371 c))
373 (deftest test-transducers
374 (async done
375 (let [l (latch 6 done)]
376 (testing "base case without transducer"
377 (go (is (= (range 10)
378 (<! (async/into [] (integer-chan 10 nil)))))
379 (inc! l)))
380 (testing "mapping transducer"
381 (go (is (= (map str (range 10))
382 (<! (async/into [] (integer-chan 10 (map str))))))
383 (inc! l)))
384 (testing "filtering transducer"
385 (go (is (= (filter even? (range 10))
386 (<! (async/into [] (integer-chan 10 (filter even?))))))
387 (inc! l)))
388 (testing "flatpmapping transducer"
389 (let [pair-of (fn [x] [x x])]
390 (go (is (= (mapcat pair-of (range 10))
391 (<! (async/into [] (integer-chan 10 (mapcat pair-of))))))
392 (inc! l))))
393 (testing "partitioning transducer"
394 (go (is (= [[0 1 2 3 4] [5 6 7]]
395 (<! (async/into [] (integer-chan 8 (partition-all 5))))))
396 (inc! l))
397 (go (is (= [[0 1 2 3 4] [5 6 7 8 9]]
398 (<! (async/into [] (integer-chan 10 (partition-all 5))))))
399 (inc! l))))))
401 (deftest test-bufferless
402 (async done
403 (let [c (chan)
404 l (latch 2 done)]
405 (go
406 (is (= [:value c] (async/alts! [c (async/timeout 6000)] :priority true)))
407 (inc! l))
408 (go
409 (is (= [true c] (async/alts! [[c :value] (async/timeout 6000)] :priority true)))
410 (inc! l)))))
412 (deftest test-promise-chan
413 (async done
414 (let [l (latch 3 done)]
415 (testing "put on promise-chan fulfills all pending takers"
416 (let [c (promise-chan)
417 t1 (go (<! c))
418 t2 (go (<! c))]
419 (go
420 (>! c :val)
421 (is (= :val (<! t1) (<! t2)))
422 (testing "then puts succeed but are dropped"
423 (go (>! c :LOST))
424 (is (= :val (<! c))))
425 (testing "then takes succeed with the original value"
426 (is (= :val (<! c) (<! c) (<! c))))
427 (testing "then after close takes continue returning val"
428 (close! c)
429 (is (= :val (<! c) (<! c))))
430 (inc! l))))
431 (testing "close on promise-chan fulfills all pending takers"
432 (go
433 (let [c (promise-chan)
434 t1 (go (<! c))
435 t2 (go (<! c))]
436 (close! c)
437 (is (= nil (<! t1) (<! t2)))
438 (testing "then takes return nil"
439 (is (= nil (<! t1) (<! t1) (<! t2) (<! t2)))))
440 (inc! l)))
441 (testing "close after put on promise-chan continues delivering promised value"
442 (go
443 (let [c (promise-chan)]
444 (>! c :val) ;; deliver
445 (is (= :val (<! c) (<! c)))
446 (close! c)
447 (is (= :val (<! c) (<! c))))
448 (inc! l))))))
450 (deftest test-offer-poll-go
451 (let [c (chan 2)]
452 (is (= [true true 5 6 nil]
453 [(offer! c 5) (offer! c 6) (poll! c) (poll! c) (poll! c)])))
454 (let [c (chan 2)]
455 (is (true? (offer! c 1)))
456 (is (true? (offer! c 2)))
457 (is (nil? (offer! c 3)))
458 (is (= 1 (poll! c)))
459 (is (= 2 (poll! c)))
460 (is (nil? (poll! c))))
461 (let [c (chan)]
462 (is (nil? (offer! c 1)))
463 (is (nil? (poll! c)))))
465 (deftest test-transduce
466 (go
467 (= [1 2 3 4 5]
468 (<! (async/transduce (map inc) conj [] (async/to-chan (range 5)))))))
0 ;; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and contributors. All rights reserved.
1 ;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
2 ;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
3 ;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
4 ;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
5 ;; the terms of this license.
6 ;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
8 (ns clojure.core.async.buffers-test
9 (:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
10 [clojure.core.async.impl.buffers :refer :all]
11 [clojure.core.async.impl.protocols :refer [full? add! remove! close-buf!]]))
13 (defmacro throws? [expr]
14 `(try
15 ~expr
16 false
17 (catch Throwable _# true)))
19 (deftest fixed-buffer-tests
20 (let [fb (fixed-buffer 2)]
21 (is (= 0 (count fb)))
23 (add! fb :1)
24 (is (= 1 (count fb)))
26 (add! fb :2)
27 (is (= 2 (count fb)))
29 (is (= :1 (remove! fb)))
30 (is (not (full? fb)))
32 (is (= 1 (count fb)))
33 (is (= :2 (remove! fb)))
35 (is (= 0 (count fb)))
36 (is (throws? (remove! fb)))))
38 (deftest dropping-buffer-tests
39 (let [fb (dropping-buffer 2)]
40 (is (= 0 (count fb)))
42 (add! fb :1)
43 (is (= 1 (count fb)))
45 (add! fb :2)
46 (is (= 2 (count fb)))
48 (is (not (full? fb)))
49 (is (not (throws? (add! fb :3))))
50 (is (= 2 (count fb)))
52 (is (= :1 (remove! fb)))
53 (is (not (full? fb)))
55 (is (= 1 (count fb)))
56 (is (= :2 (remove! fb)))
58 (is (= 0 (count fb)))
59 (is (throws? (remove! fb)))))
61 (deftest sliding-buffer-tests
62 (let [fb (sliding-buffer 2)]
63 (is (= 0 (count fb)))
65 (add! fb :1)
66 (is (= 1 (count fb)))
68 (add! fb :2)
69 (is (= 2 (count fb)))
71 (is (not (full? fb)))
72 (is (not (throws? (add! fb :3))))
73 (is (= 2 (count fb)))
75 (is (= :2 (remove! fb)))
76 (is (not (full? fb)))
78 (is (= 1 (count fb)))
79 (is (= :3 (remove! fb)))
81 (is (= 0 (count fb)))
82 (is (throws? (remove! fb)))))
84 (deftest promise-buffer-tests
85 (let [pb (promise-buffer)]
86 (is (= 0 (count pb)))
88 (add! pb :1)
89 (is (= 1 (count pb)))
91 (add! pb :2)
92 (is (= 1 (count pb)))
94 (is (not (full? pb)))
95 (is (not (throws? (add! pb :3))))
96 (is (= 1 (count pb)))
98 (is (= :1 (remove! pb)))
99 (is (not (full? pb)))
101 (is (= 1 (count pb)))
102 (is (= :1 (remove! pb)))
104 (is (= nil (close-buf! pb)))
105 (is (= :1 (remove! pb)))))
0 ;; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and contributors. All rights reserved.
1 ;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
2 ;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
3 ;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
4 ;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
5 ;; the terms of this license.
6 ;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
8 (ns clojure.core.async.concurrent-test
9 (:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
10 [clojure.core.async.impl.concurrent :as conc])
11 (:import [java.util.concurrent ThreadFactory]))
13 (deftest test-counted-thread-factory
14 (testing "Creates numbered threads"
15 (let [^ThreadFactory factory (conc/counted-thread-factory "foo-%d" true)
16 threads (repeatedly 3 #(.newThread factory (constantly nil)))]
17 (is (= ["foo-1" "foo-2" "foo-3"] (map #(.getName ^Thread %) threads))))))
0 ;; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and contributors. All rights reserved.
1 ;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
2 ;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
3 ;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
4 ;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
5 ;; the terms of this license.
6 ;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
8 (ns clojure.core.async.exceptions-test
9 "Verify that exceptions thrown on a thread pool managed by
10 core.async will propagate out to the JVM's default uncaught
11 exception handler."
12 (:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is]]
13 [clojure.stacktrace :refer [root-cause]]
14 [clojure.core.async :refer [chan go thread put! take! <!! >!!]]))
16 (defn with-default-uncaught-exception-handler [handler f]
17 (let [old-handler (Thread/getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler)]
18 (Thread/setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler
19 (reify Thread$UncaughtExceptionHandler
20 (uncaughtException [_ thread throwable]
21 (handler thread throwable))))
22 (f)
23 (Thread/setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler old-handler)))
25 (deftest exception-in-go
26 (let [log (promise)]
27 (with-default-uncaught-exception-handler
28 (fn [_ throwable] (deliver log throwable))
29 #(let [ex (Exception. "This exception is expected")
30 ret (go (throw ex))]
31 (<!! ret)
32 (is (identical? ex (root-cause @log)))))))
34 (deftest exception-in-thread
35 (let [log (promise)]
36 (with-default-uncaught-exception-handler
37 (fn [_ throwable] (deliver log throwable))
38 #(let [ex (Exception. "This exception is expected")
39 ret (thread (throw ex))]
40 (<!! ret)
41 (is (identical? ex (root-cause @log)))))))
43 (deftest exception-in-put-callback
44 (let [log (promise)]
45 (with-default-uncaught-exception-handler
46 (fn [_ throwable] (deliver log throwable))
47 #(let [ex (Exception. "This exception is expected")
48 c (chan)]
49 (put! c :foo (fn [_] (throw ex)))
50 (<!! c)
51 (is (identical? ex (root-cause @log)))))))
53 (deftest exception-in-take-callback
54 (let [log (promise)]
55 (with-default-uncaught-exception-handler
56 (fn [_ throwable] (deliver log throwable))
57 #(let [ex (Exception. "This exception is expected")
58 c (chan)]
59 (take! c (fn [_] (throw ex)))
60 (>!! c :foo)
61 (is (identical? ex (root-cause @log)))))))
0 (ns clojure.core.async.ioc-macros-test
1 (:refer-clojure :exclude [map into reduce transduce merge take partition
2 partition-by])
3 (:require [clojure.core.async.impl.ioc-macros :as ioc]
4 [clojure.core.async :refer :all :as async]
5 [clojure.test :refer :all])
6 (:import [ FileInputStream ByteArrayOutputStream File]))
8 (defn pause [x]
9 x)
11 (defn pause-run [state blk val]
12 (ioc/aset-all! state ioc/STATE-IDX blk ioc/VALUE-IDX val)
13 :recur)
16 (defmacro runner
17 "Creates a runner block. The code inside the body of this macro will be translated
18 into a state machine. At run time the body will be run as normal. This transform is
19 only really useful for testing."
20 [& body]
21 (let [terminators {`pause `pause-run}
22 crossing-env (zipmap (keys &env) (repeatedly gensym))]
23 `(let [captured-bindings# (clojure.lang.Var/getThreadBindingFrame)
24 ~@(mapcat (fn [[l sym]] [sym `(^:once fn* [] ~l)]) crossing-env)
25 state# (~(ioc/state-machine `(do ~@body) 0 [crossing-env &env] terminators))]
26 (ioc/aset-all! state#
28 captured-bindings#)
29 (ioc/run-state-machine state#)
30 (ioc/aget-object state# ioc/VALUE-IDX))))
32 (deftest test-try-catch-finally
33 (testing "Don't endlessly loop when exceptions are thrown"
34 (is (thrown? Exception
35 (runner
36 (loop []
37 (try
38 (pause (throw (Exception. "Ex")))
39 (catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo ei
40 :retry))))))
41 (is (thrown? Throwable
42 (runner
43 (loop []
44 (try
45 (pause (throw (Throwable. "Ex")))
46 (catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo ei
47 :retry))))))
48 ;; (is (try ((fn [] (println "Hello") (pause 5))) (catch Exception e)))
49 (is (= :Throwable
50 (runner
51 (try
52 (pause 5)
53 (throw (new Throwable))
54 (catch Exception re
55 :Exception)
56 (catch Throwable t
57 :Throwable))))))
58 (testing "finally shouldn't change the return value"
59 (is (= 1 (runner (try 1 (finally (pause 2)))))))
60 (testing "exception handlers stack"
61 (is (= "eee"
62 (runner
63 (try
64 (try
65 (try
66 (throw (pause (Exception. "e")))
67 (catch Exception e
68 (pause (throw (Exception. (str (.getMessage e) "e"))))))
69 (catch Exception e
70 (throw (throw (Exception. (str (.getMessage e) "e"))))))
71 (catch Exception e
72 (.getMessage e)))))))
73 (testing "exception handlers and the class hierarchy"
74 (is
75 (runner
76 (try
77 (pause 10)
78 (throw (RuntimeException.))
79 (catch RuntimeException r
80 (pause true))
81 (catch Exception e
82 (pause false)))))
83 (is
84 (runner
85 (try
86 (pause 10)
87 (throw (RuntimeException.))
88 (catch Exception e
89 (pause true))))))
90 (testing "don't explode trying to compile this"
91 (is
92 (runner
93 (try
94 true
95 (catch Exception e
96 (pause 1)
97 e))))))
100 (defmacro locals-test []
101 (if (if (contains? &env :locals)
102 (get (:locals &env) 'x)
103 (get &env 'x))
104 :pass
105 :fail))
108 (deftest runner-tests
109 (testing "macros add locals to the env"
110 (is (= :pass
111 (runner (let [x 42]
112 (pause (locals-test)))))))
113 (testing "fn as first arg in sexpr"
114 (is (= 42
115 (runner ((fn [] 42))))))
116 (testing "do blocks"
117 (is (= 42
118 (runner (do (pause 42)))))
119 (is (= 42
120 (runner (do (pause 44)
121 (pause 42))))))
122 (testing "if expressions"
123 (is (= true
124 (runner (if (pause true)
125 (pause true)
126 (pause false)))))
127 (is (= false
128 (runner (if (pause false)
129 (pause true)
130 (pause false)))))
131 (is (= true
132 (runner (when (pause true)
133 (pause true)))))
134 (is (= nil
135 (runner (when (pause false)
136 (pause true))))))
138 (testing "dot forms"
139 (is (= 42 (runner (. Long (parseLong "42")))))
140 (is (= 42 (runner (. Long parseLong "42")))))
142 (testing "quote"
143 (is (= '(1 2 3)
144 (runner (pause '(1 2 3))))))
146 (testing "loop expressions"
147 (is (= 100
148 (runner (loop [x 0]
149 (if (< x 100)
150 (recur (inc (pause x)))
151 (pause x))))))
152 (is (= 100
153 (runner (loop [x (pause 0)]
154 (if (< x 100)
155 (recur (inc (pause x)))
156 (pause x))))))
157 (is (= [:b :a]
158 (runner (loop [a :a b :b n 1]
159 (if (pos? n)
160 (recur b a (dec n)) ;; swap bindings
161 [a b])))))
162 (is (= 1
163 (runner (loop [x 0
164 y (inc x)]
165 y)))))
167 (testing "let expressions"
168 (is (= 3
169 (runner (let [x 1 y 2]
170 (+ x y))))))
172 (testing "vector destructuring"
173 (is (= 3
174 (runner (let [[x y] [1 2]]
175 (+ x y))))))
177 (testing "hash-map destructuring"
178 (is (= 3
179 (runner (let [{:keys [x y] x2 :x y2 :y :as foo} {:x 1 :y 2}]
180 (assert (and foo (pause x) y x2 y2 foo))
181 (+ x y))))))
183 (testing "hash-map literals"
184 (is (= {:1 1 :2 2 :3 3}
185 (runner {:1 (pause 1)
186 :2 (pause 2)
187 :3 (pause 3)}))))
188 (testing "hash-set literals"
189 (is (= #{1 2 3}
190 (runner #{(pause 1)
191 (pause 2)
192 (pause 3)}))))
193 (testing "vector literals"
194 (is (= [1 2 3]
195 (runner [(pause 1)
196 (pause 2)
197 (pause 3)]))))
199 (testing "keywords as functions"
200 (is (= :bar
201 (runner (:foo (pause {:foo :bar}))))))
203 (testing "vectors as functions"
204 (is (= 2
205 (runner ([1 2] 1)))))
207 (testing "dotimes"
208 (is (= 42 (runner
209 (dotimes [x 10]
210 (pause x))
211 42))))
213 (testing "fn closures"
214 (is (= 42
215 (runner
216 (let [x 42
217 _ (pause x)
218 f (fn [] x)]
219 (f))))))
221 (testing "lazy-seqs in bodies"
222 (is (= nil
223 (runner
224 (loop []
225 (when-let [x (pause 10)]
226 (pause (vec (for [i (range x)]
227 i)))
228 (if-not x
229 (recur))))))))
231 (testing "specials cannot be shadowed"
232 (is (= 3
233 (let [let* :foo] (runner (let* [x 3] x))))))
235 (testing "case"
236 (is (= 43
237 (runner
238 (let [value :bar]
239 (case value
240 :foo (pause 42)
241 :bar (pause 43)
242 :baz (pause 44))))))
243 (is (= :default
244 (runner
245 (case :baz
246 :foo 44
247 :default))))
248 (is (= nil
249 (runner
250 (case true
251 false false
252 nil))))
253 (is (= 42
254 (runner
255 (loop [x 0]
256 (case (int x)
257 0 (recur (inc x))
258 1 42))))))
260 (testing "try"
261 (is (= 42
262 (runner
263 (try 42
264 (catch Throwable ex ex)))))
265 (is (= 42
266 (runner
267 (try
268 (assert false)
269 (catch Throwable ex 42)))))
271 (let [a (atom false)
272 v (runner
273 (try
274 true
275 (catch Throwable ex false)
276 (finally (pause (reset! a true)))))]
277 (is (and @a v)))
279 (let [a (atom false)
280 v (runner
281 (try
282 (assert false)
283 (catch Throwable ex true)
284 (finally (reset! a true))))]
285 (is (and @a v)))
287 (let [a (atom false)
288 v (try (runner
289 (try
290 (assert false)
291 (finally (reset! a true))))
292 (catch Throwable ex ex))]
293 (is (and @a v)))
296 (let [a (atom 0)
297 v (runner
298 (try
299 (try
300 42
301 (finally (swap! a inc)))
302 (finally (swap! a inc))))]
303 (is (= @a 2)))
305 (let [a (atom 0)
306 v (try (runner
307 (try
308 (try
309 (throw (AssertionError. 42))
310 (finally (swap! a inc)))
311 (finally (swap! a inc))))
312 (catch AssertionError ex ex))]
313 (is (= @a 2)))
315 (let [a (atom 0)
316 v (try (runner
317 (try
318 (try
319 (throw (AssertionError. 42))
320 (catch Throwable ex (throw ex))
321 (finally (swap! a inc)))
322 (catch Throwable ex (throw ex))
323 (finally (swap! a inc))))
324 (catch AssertionError ex ex))]
325 (is (= @a 2)))
327 (let [a (atom 0)
328 v (try (runner
329 (try
330 (try
331 (throw (AssertionError. (pause 42)))
332 (catch Throwable ex (pause (throw ex)))
333 (finally (pause (swap! a inc))))
334 (catch Throwable ex (pause (throw ex)))
335 (finally (pause (swap! a inc)))))
336 (catch AssertionError ex ex))]
337 (is (= @a 2)))))
340 (defn identity-chan
341 "Defines a channel that instantly writes the given value"
342 [x]
343 (let [c (chan 1)]
344 (>!! c x)
345 (close! c)
346 c))
348 (deftest async-test
349 (testing "values are returned correctly"
350 (is (= 10
351 (<!! (go (<! (identity-chan 10)))))))
352 (testing "writes work"
353 (is (= 11
354 (<!! (go (let [c (chan 1)]
355 (>! c (<! (identity-chan 11)))
356 (<! c)))))))
358 (testing "case with go"
359 (is (= :1
360 (<!! (go (case (name :1)
361 "0" :0
362 "1" :1
363 :3))))))
365 (testing "nil result of go"
366 (is (= nil
367 (<!! (go nil)))))
369 (testing "take inside binding of loop"
370 (is (= 42
371 (<!! (go (loop [x (<! (identity-chan 42))]
372 x))))))
374 (testing "can get from a catch"
375 (let [c (identity-chan 42)]
376 (is (= 42
377 (<!! (go (try
378 (assert false)
379 (catch Throwable ex (<! c))))))))))
381 (deftest offer-poll
382 (let [c (chan 2)]
383 (is (= [true true 5 6 nil]
384 (<!! (go [(offer! c 5) (offer! c 6) (poll! c) (poll! c) (poll! c)]))))))
386 (deftest enqueued-chan-ops
387 (testing "enqueued channel puts re-enter async properly"
388 (is (= [:foo 42]
389 (let [c (chan)
390 result-chan (go (>! c :foo) 42)]
391 [(<!! c) (<!! result-chan)]))))
392 (testing "enqueued channel takes re-enter async properly"
393 (is (= :foo
394 (let [c (chan)
395 async-chan (go (<! c))]
396 (>!! c :foo)
397 (<!! async-chan)))))
398 (testing "puts into channels with full buffers re-enter async properly"
399 (is (= #{:foo :bar :baz :boz}
400 (let [c (chan 1)
401 async-chan (go
402 (>! c :foo)
403 (>! c :bar)
404 (>! c :baz)
406 (>! c :boz)
407 (<! c))]
408 (set [(<!! c)
409 (<!! c)
410 (<!! c)
411 (<!! async-chan)]))))))
413 (defn rand-timeout [x]
414 (timeout (rand-int x)))
416 (deftest alt-tests
417 (testing "alts works at all"
418 (let [c (identity-chan 42)]
419 (is (= [42 c]
420 (<!! (go (alts!
421 [c])))))))
422 (testing "alt works"
423 (is (= [42 :foo]
424 (<!! (go (alt!
425 (identity-chan 42) ([v] [v :foo])))))))
427 (testing "alts can use default"
428 (is (= [42 :default]
429 (<!! (go (alts!
430 [(chan 1)] :default 42))))))
432 (testing "alt can use default"
433 (is (= 42
434 (<!! (go (alt!
435 (chan) ([v] :failed)
436 :default 42))))))
438 (testing "alt obeys its random-array initialization"
439 (is (= #{:two}
440 (with-redefs [clojure.core.async/random-array
441 (constantly (int-array [1 2 0]))]
442 (<!! (go (loop [acc #{}
443 cnt 0]
444 (if (< cnt 10)
445 (let [label (alt!
446 (identity-chan :one) ([v] v)
447 (identity-chan :two) ([v] v)
448 (identity-chan :three) ([v] v))]
449 (recur (conj acc label) (inc cnt)))
450 acc)))))))))
452 (deftest close-on-exception-tests
453 (testing "threads"
454 (is (nil? (<!! (thread (assert false "This exception is expected")))))
455 (is (nil? (<!! (thread (alts!! [(identity-chan 42)])
456 (assert false "This exception is expected"))))))
457 (testing "go blocks"
458 (is (nil? (<!! (go (assert false "This exception is expected")))))
459 (is (nil? (<!! (go (alts! [(identity-chan 42)])
460 (assert false "This exception is expected")))))))
462 (deftest resolution-tests
463 (let [<! (constantly 42)]
464 (is (= 42 (<!! (go (<! (identity-chan 0)))))
465 "symbol translations do not apply to locals outside go"))
467 (is (= 42 (<!! (go (let [<! (constantly 42)]
468 (<! (identity-chan 0))))))
469 "symbol translations do not apply to locals inside go")
471 (let [for vector x 3]
472 (is (= [[3 [0 1]] 3]
473 (<!! (go (for [x (range 2)] x))))
474 "locals outside go are protected from macroexpansion"))
476 (is (= [[3 [0 1]] 3]
477 (<!! (go (let [for vector x 3]
478 (for [x (range 2)] x)))))
479 "locals inside go are protected from macroexpansion")
481 (let [c (identity-chan 42)]
482 (is (= [42 c] (<!! (go (async/alts! [c]))))
483 "symbol translations apply to resolved symbols")))
485 (deftest go-nests
486 (is (= [23 42] (<!! (<!! (go (let [let* 1 a 23] (go (let* [b 42] [a b])))))))))
488 (defprotocol P
489 (x [p]))
491 (defrecord R [z]
492 P
493 (x [this]
494 (go
495 (loop []
496 (if (zero? (rand-int 3))
497 [z (.z this)]
498 (recur))))))
500 (deftest go-propagates-primitive-hints
501 (is (= "asd" (<!! (let [a (int 1)] (go (.substring "fasd" a))))))
502 (is (= 1 (<!! (let [a (int 1)] (go (Integer/valueOf a))))))
503 (is (= [1 1] (<!! (x (R. 1))))))
505 (deftest ASYNC-186
506 (is (let [y nil] (go))))
0 (ns clojure.core.async.lab-test
1 (:use clojure.test
2 clojure.core.async.lab)
3 (:require [clojure.core.async :as async]))
5 (deftest multiplex-test
6 (is (apply = (let [even-chan (async/chan)
7 odd-chan (async/chan)
8 muxer (multiplex even-chan odd-chan)
9 odds (filter odd? (range 10))
10 evens (filter even? (range 10))
11 odd-pusher (doto (Thread. #(doseq [odd odds]
12 (async/>!! odd-chan odd)))
13 (.start))
14 even-pusher (doto (Thread. #(doseq [even evens]
15 (async/>!! even-chan even)))
16 (.start))
17 expected (set (range 10))
18 observed (set (for [_ (range 10)] (async/<!! muxer)))]
19 [expected observed]))
20 "Multiplexing multiple channels returns a channel which returns
21 the values written to each.")
22 (is (let [short-chan (async/chan)
23 long-chan (async/chan)
24 muxer (multiplex short-chan long-chan)
25 semaphore (promise)
26 long-pusher (doto (Thread. #(do (dotimes [i 10000]
27 (async/>!! long-chan i))
28 (async/close! short-chan)))
29 (.start))
30 short-pusher (doto (Thread. #(do (dotimes [i 10]
31 (async/>!! short-chan i))
32 (async/close! short-chan)))
33 (.start))
34 observed (for [_ (range 10010)] (async/<!! muxer))]
35 (every? identity observed))
36 "A closed channel will deliver nil, but the multiplexed channel
37 will never deliver nil until all channels are closed.")
38 (is (apply = (let [chans (take 5 (repeatedly #(async/chan)))
39 muxer (apply multiplex chans)]
40 (doseq [chan chans]
41 (async/close! chan))
42 [nil (async/<!! muxer)]))
43 "When all of a multiplexer's channels are closed, it behaves
44 like a closed channel on read."))
46 (deftest broadcast-test
47 (is (apply = (let [broadcast-receivers (repeatedly 5 #(async/chan 1))
48 broadcaster (apply broadcast broadcast-receivers)
49 broadcast-result (async/>!! broadcaster :foo)
50 expected (repeat 5 :foo)
51 observed (doall (map async/<!! broadcast-receivers))]
52 [expected observed]))
53 "Broadcasting to multiple channels returns a channel which will
54 write to all the target channels.")
55 (is (apply = (let [broadcast-receivers (repeatedly 5 async/chan)
56 broadcaster (apply broadcast broadcast-receivers)
57 read-channels (take 4 broadcast-receivers)
58 broadcast-future (future (async/>!! broadcaster :foo)
59 (async/>!! broadcaster :bar))
60 first-reads (doall (map async/<!! read-channels))
61 timeout-channel (async/timeout 500)
62 alt-read (async/alts!! (conj read-channels timeout-channel))
63 expected [(repeat 4 :foo) [nil timeout-channel]]
64 observed [first-reads alt-read]]
65 (async/<!! (last broadcast-receivers))
66 (doseq [channel broadcast-receivers]
67 (async/<!! channel))
68 [expected observed]))
69 "Broadcasts block further writes if one of the channels cannot
70 complete its write.")
71 (is (apply = (let [broadcast-receivers (repeatedly 5 #(async/chan 100))
72 broadcaster (apply broadcast broadcast-receivers)
73 broadcast-future (future (dotimes [i 100]
74 (async/>!! broadcaster i)))
75 observed (for [i (range 100)]
76 (async/<!! (first broadcast-receivers)))
77 expected (range 100)]
78 [expected observed])) "When all channels are sufficiently buffered, reads on one channel are not throttled by reads from other channels."))
0 (ns clojure.core.async.mutex-test
1 (:use clojure.test)
2 (:import (clojure.core.async Mutex)))
4 (deftest mutex-test
5 (let [lock (Mutex.)]
6 (.lock lock)
7 (try
8 ;; do stuff
9 (finally
10 (.unlock lock)))))
0 (ns clojure.core.async.timers-test
1 (:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
2 [clojure.core.async.impl.timers :refer :all]
3 [clojure.core.async :as async]))
5 (deftest timeout-interval-test
6 (let [start-stamp (System/currentTimeMillis)
7 test-timeout (timeout 500)]
8 (is (<= (+ start-stamp 500)
9 (do (async/<!! test-timeout)
10 (System/currentTimeMillis)))
11 "Reading from a timeout channel does not complete until the specified milliseconds have elapsed.")))
13 (deftest timeout-ordering-test
14 (let [test-atom (atom [])
15 timeout-channels [(timeout 800)
16 (timeout 600)
17 (timeout 700)
18 (timeout 500)]
19 threads (doall (for [i (range 4)]
20 (doto (Thread. #(do (async/<!! (timeout-channels i))
21 (swap! test-atom conj i)))
22 (.start))))]
23 (doseq [thread threads]
24 (.join ^Thread thread))
25 (is (= @test-atom [3 1 2 0])
26 "Timeouts close in order determined by their delays, not in order determined by their creation.")))
0 (ns clojure.core.async-test
1 (:refer-clojure :exclude [map into reduce transduce merge take partition partition-by])
2 (:require [clojure.core.async.impl.buffers :as b]
3 [clojure.core.async :refer :all :as a]
4 [clojure.test :refer :all]))
7 (defn default-chan []
8 (chan 1))
10 (deftest buffers-tests
11 (is (not (unblocking-buffer? (buffer 1))))
12 (is (unblocking-buffer? (dropping-buffer 1)))
13 (is (unblocking-buffer? (sliding-buffer 1)))
14 (is (unblocking-buffer? (b/promise-buffer))))
16 (deftest basic-channel-test
17 (let [c (default-chan)
18 f (future (<!! c))]
19 (>!! c 42)
20 (is (= @f 42))))
22 (def DEREF_WAIT 20)
24 (deftest writes-block-on-full-buffer
25 (let [c (default-chan)
26 _ (>!! c 42)
27 blocking (deref (future (>!! c 43)) DEREF_WAIT :blocked)]
28 (is (= blocking :blocked))))
30 (deftest unfulfilled-readers-block
31 (let [c (default-chan)
32 r1 (future (<!! c))
33 r2 (future (<!! c))
34 _ (>!! c 42)
35 r1v (deref r1 DEREF_WAIT :blocked)
36 r2v (deref r2 DEREF_WAIT :blocked)]
37 (is (and (or (= r1v :blocked) (= r2v :blocked))
38 (or (= 42 r1v) (= 42 r2v))))))
40 (deftest test-<!!-and-put!
41 (let [executed (promise)
42 test-channel (chan nil)]
43 (put! test-channel :test-val (fn [_] (deliver executed true)))
44 (is (not (realized? executed)) "The provided callback does not execute until
45 a reader can consume the written value.")
46 (is (= :test-val (<!! test-channel))
47 "The written value is provided over the channel when a reader arrives.")
48 (is @executed "The provided callback executes once the reader has arrived.")))
50 (deftest test->!!-and-take!
51 (is (= :test-val (let [read-promise (promise)
52 test-channel (chan nil)]
53 (take! test-channel #(deliver read-promise %))
54 (is (not (realized? read-promise))
55 "The read waits until a writer provides a value.")
56 (>!! test-channel :test-val)
57 (deref read-promise 1000 false)))
58 "The written value is the value provided to the read callback."))
60 (deftest take!-on-caller?
61 (is (apply not= (let [starting-thread (Thread/currentThread)
62 test-channel (chan nil)
63 read-promise (promise)]
64 (take! test-channel (fn [_] (deliver read-promise (Thread/currentThread))) true)
65 (>!! test-channel :foo)
66 [starting-thread @read-promise]))
67 "When on-caller? requested, but no value is immediately
68 available, take!'s callback executes on another thread.")
69 (is (apply = (let [starting-thread (Thread/currentThread)
70 test-channel (chan nil)
71 read-promise (promise)]
72 (put! test-channel :foo (constantly nil))
73 (take! test-channel (fn [_] (deliver read-promise (Thread/currentThread))) true)
74 [starting-thread @read-promise]))
75 "When on-caller? requested, and a value is ready to read,
76 take!'s callback executes on the same thread.")
77 (is (apply not= (let [starting-thread (Thread/currentThread)
78 test-channel (chan nil)
79 read-promise (promise)]
80 (put! test-channel :foo (constantly nil))
81 (take! test-channel (fn [_] (deliver read-promise (Thread/currentThread))) false)
82 [starting-thread @read-promise]))
83 "When on-caller? is false, and a value is ready to read,
84 take!'s callback executes on a different thread."))
86 (deftest put!-on-caller?
87 (is (apply = (let [starting-thread (Thread/currentThread)
88 test-channel (chan nil)
89 write-promise (promise)]
90 (take! test-channel (fn [_] nil))
91 (put! test-channel :foo (fn [_] (deliver write-promise (Thread/currentThread))) true)
92 [starting-thread @write-promise]))
93 "When on-caller? requested, and a reader can consume the value,
94 put!'s callback executes on the same thread.")
95 (is (apply not= (let [starting-thread (Thread/currentThread)
96 test-channel (chan nil)
97 write-promise (promise)]
98 (take! test-channel (fn [_] nil))
99 (put! test-channel :foo (fn [_] (deliver write-promise (Thread/currentThread))) false)
100 [starting-thread @write-promise]))
101 "When on-caller? is false, but a reader can consume the value,
102 put!'s callback executes on a different thread.")
103 (is (apply not= (let [starting-thread (Thread/currentThread)
104 test-channel (chan nil)
105 write-promise (promise)]
106 (put! test-channel :foo (fn [_] (deliver write-promise (Thread/currentThread))) true)
107 (take! test-channel (fn [_] nil))
108 [starting-thread @write-promise]))
109 "When on-caller? requested, but no reader can consume the value,
110 put!'s callback executes on a different thread."))
113 (deftest limit-async-take!-put!
114 (testing "async put! limit"
115 (let [c (chan)]
116 (dotimes [x 1024]
117 (put! c x))
118 (is (thrown? AssertionError
119 (put! c 42)))
120 (is (= (<!! c) 0)))) ;; make sure the channel unlocks
121 (testing "async take! limit"
122 (let [c (chan)]
123 (dotimes [x 1024]
124 (take! c (fn [x])))
125 (is (thrown? AssertionError
126 (take! c (fn [x]))))
127 (is (true? (>!! c 42)))))) ;; make sure the channel unlocks
129 (deftest puts-fulfill-when-buffer-available
130 (is (= :proceeded
131 (let [c (chan 1)
132 p (promise)]
133 (>!! c :full) ;; fill up the channel
134 (put! c :enqueues (fn [_] (deliver p :proceeded))) ;; enqueue a put
135 (<!! c) ;; make room in the buffer
136 (deref p 250 :timeout)))))
138 (deftest offer-poll
139 (let [c (chan 2)]
140 (is (true? (offer! c 1)))
141 (is (true? (offer! c 2)))
142 (is (nil? (offer! c 3)))
143 (is (= 1 (<!! c)))
144 (is (= 2 (poll! c)))
145 (is (nil? (poll! c))))
146 (let [c (chan)]
147 (is (nil? (offer! c 1)))
148 (is (nil? (poll! c)))))
150 (deftest test-promise-chan
151 (testing "put on promise-chan fulfills all pending takers"
152 (let [c (promise-chan)
153 t1 (thread (<!! c))
154 t2 (thread (<!! c))]
155 (>!! c :val)
156 (is (= :val (<!! t1) (<!! t2)))
157 (testing "then puts succeed but are dropped"
158 (>!! c :LOST)
159 (is (= :val (<!! c))))
160 (testing "then takes succeed with the original value"
161 (is (= :val (<!! c) (<!! c) (<!! c))))
162 (testing "then after close takes continue returning value"
163 (close! c)
164 (is (= :val (<!! c) (<!! c))))))
165 (testing "close on promise-chan fulfills all pending takers"
166 (let [c (promise-chan)
167 t1 (thread (<!! c))
168 t2 (thread (<!! c))]
169 (close! c)
170 (is (= nil (<!! t1) (<!! t2)))
171 (testing "then takes return nil"
172 (is (= nil (<!! t1) (<!! t1) (<!! t2) (<!! t2))))))
173 (testing "close after put on promise-chan continues delivering promised value"
174 (let [c (promise-chan)]
175 (>!! c :val) ;; deliver
176 (is (= :val (<!! c) (<!! c)))
177 (close! c)
178 (is (= :val (<!! c) (<!! c))))))
180 (def ^:dynamic test-dyn false)
182 (deftest thread-tests
183 (testing "bindings"
184 (binding [test-dyn true]
185 (is (<!! (thread test-dyn))))))
188 (deftest ops-tests
189 (testing "map<"
190 (is (= [2 3 4 5]
191 (<!! (a/into [] (a/map< inc (a/to-chan [1 2 3 4])))))))
192 (testing "map>"
193 (is (= [2 3 4 5]
194 (let [out (chan)
195 in (a/map> inc out)]
196 (a/onto-chan in [1 2 3 4])
197 (<!! (a/into [] out))))))
198 (testing "filter<"
199 (is (= [2 4 6]
200 (<!! (a/into [] (a/filter< even? (a/to-chan [1 2 3 4 5 6])))))))
201 (testing "remove<"
202 (is (= [1 3 5]
203 (<!! (a/into [] (a/remove< even? (a/to-chan [1 2 3 4 5 6])))))))
205 (testing "onto-chan"
206 (is (= (range 10)
207 (<!! (a/into [] (a/to-chan (range 10)))))))
209 (testing "filter>"
210 (is (= [2 4 6]
211 (let [out (chan)
212 in (filter> even? out)]
213 (a/onto-chan in [1 2 3 4 5 6])
214 (<!! (a/into [] out))))))
215 (testing "remove>"
216 (is (= [1 3 5]
217 (let [out (chan)
218 in (remove> even? out)]
219 (a/onto-chan in [1 2 3 4 5 6])
220 (<!! (a/into [] out))))))
221 (testing "mapcat<"
222 (is (= [0 0 1 0 1 2]
223 (<!! (a/into [] (mapcat< range
224 (a/to-chan [1 2 3])))))))
225 (testing "mapcat>"
226 (is (= [0 0 1 0 1 2]
227 (let [out (chan)
228 in (mapcat> range out)]
229 (a/onto-chan in [1 2 3])
230 (<!! (a/into [] out))))))
233 (testing "pipe"
234 (is (= [1 2 3 4 5]
235 (let [out (chan)]
236 (pipe (a/to-chan [1 2 3 4 5])
237 out)
238 (<!! (a/into [] out))))))
239 (testing "split"
240 ;; Must provide buffers for channels else the tests won't complete
241 (let [[even odd] (a/split even? (a/to-chan [1 2 3 4 5 6]) 5 5)]
242 (is (= [2 4 6]
243 (<!! (a/into [] even))))
244 (is (= [1 3 5]
245 (<!! (a/into [] odd))))))
246 (testing "map"
247 (is (= [0 4 8 12]
248 (<!! (a/into [] (a/map + [(a/to-chan (range 4))
249 (a/to-chan (range 4))
250 (a/to-chan (range 4))
251 (a/to-chan (range 4))]))))))
252 (testing "merge"
253 ;; merge uses alt, so results can be in any order, we're using
254 ;; frequencies as a way to make sure we get the right result.
255 (is (= {0 4
256 1 4
257 2 4
258 3 4}
259 (frequencies (<!! (a/into [] (a/merge [(a/to-chan (range 4))
260 (a/to-chan (range 4))
261 (a/to-chan (range 4))
262 (a/to-chan (range 4))])))))))
264 (testing "mult"
265 (let [a (chan 4)
266 b (chan 4)
267 src (chan)
268 m (mult src)]
269 (tap m a)
270 (tap m b)
271 (pipe (a/to-chan (range 4)) src)
272 (is (= [0 1 2 3]
273 (<!! (a/into [] a))))
274 (is (= [0 1 2 3]
275 (<!! (a/into [] b))))))
278 (testing "mix"
279 (let [out (chan)
280 mx (mix out)]
281 (admix mx (a/to-chan [1 2 3]))
282 (admix mx (a/to-chan [4 5 6]))
284 (is (= #{1 2 3 4 5 6}
285 (<!! (a/into #{} (a/take 6 out)))))))
287 (testing "pub-sub"
288 (let [a-ints (chan 5)
289 a-strs (chan 5)
290 b-ints (chan 5)
291 b-strs (chan 5)
292 src (chan)
293 p (pub src (fn [x]
294 (if (string? x)
295 :string
296 :int)))]
297 (sub p :string a-strs)
298 (sub p :string b-strs)
299 (sub p :int a-ints)
300 (sub p :int b-ints)
301 (pipe (a/to-chan [1 "a" 2 "b" 3 "c"]) src)
302 (is (= [1 2 3]
303 (<!! (a/into [] a-ints))))
304 (is (= [1 2 3]
305 (<!! (a/into [] b-ints))))
306 (is (= ["a" "b" "c"]
307 (<!! (a/into [] a-strs))))
308 (is (= ["a" "b" "c"]
309 (<!! (a/into [] b-strs))))))
311 (testing "unique"
312 (is (= [1 2 3 4]
313 (<!! (a/into [] (a/unique (a/to-chan [1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 4])))))))
315 (testing "partition"
316 (is (= [[1 2] [2 3]]
317 (<!! (a/into [] (a/partition 2 (a/to-chan [1 2 2 3])))))))
318 (testing "partition-by"
319 (is (= [["a" "b"] [1 :2 3] ["c"]]
320 (<!! (a/into [] (a/partition-by string? (a/to-chan ["a" "b" 1 :2 3 "c"])))))))
322 (testing "reduce"
323 (is (= 0 (<!! (a/reduce + 0 (a/to-chan [])))))
324 (is (= 45 (<!! (a/reduce + 0 (a/to-chan (range 10))))))
325 (is (= :foo (<!! (a/reduce #(if (= %2 2) (reduced :foo) %1) 0 (a/to-chan (range 10)))))))
326 )
328 ;; transducer yielding n copies of each input value
329 ;; (into [] (xerox 2) [1 2 3]) => [1 1 2 2 3 3]
330 (defn xerox [n]
331 (fn [f1]
332 (fn
333 ([] (f1))
334 ([result] (f1 result))
335 ([result input]
336 (loop [res result
337 i n]
338 (if (pos? i)
339 (let [a (f1 result input)]
340 (if (reduced? a)
341 a
342 (recur a (dec i))))
343 res))))))
345 (defn check-expanding-transducer [buffer-size in multiplier takers]
346 (let [input (range in)
347 xf (xerox multiplier)
348 expected (apply interleave (repeat multiplier input))
349 counter (atom 0)
350 res (atom [])
351 c (chan buffer-size xf)]
352 (dotimes [x takers]
353 (take! c #(do
354 (when (some? %) (swap! res conj %))
355 (swap! counter inc))))
356 (onto-chan c input)
358 ;; wait for all takers to report
359 (while (< @counter takers)
360 (Thread/sleep 50))
362 ;; check expected results
363 (is (= (sort (clojure.core/take takers expected))
364 (sort @res)))))
366 (deftest expanding-transducer-delivers-to-multiple-pending
367 (doseq [b (range 1 10)
368 t (range 1 10)]
369 (check-expanding-transducer b 3 3 t)))
371 ;; in 1.7+, use (map f)
372 (defn mapping [f]
373 (fn [f1]
374 (fn
375 ([] (f1))
376 ([result] (f1 result))
377 ([result input]
378 (f1 result (f input)))
379 ([result input & inputs]
380 (f1 result (apply f input inputs))))))
382 (deftest test-transduce
383 (is (= [1 2 3 4 5]
384 (<!! (a/transduce (mapping inc) conj [] (a/to-chan (range 5)))))))
0 (ns clojure.core.pipeline-test
1 (:require [clojure.test :refer (deftest is are)]
2 [clojure.core.async :as a :refer [<! >! <!! >!! go go-loop thread chan close! to-chan
3 pipeline pipeline-blocking pipeline-async]]))
5 ;; in Clojure 1.7, use (map f) instead of this
6 (defn mapping [f]
7 (fn [f1]
8 (fn
9 ([] (f1))
10 ([result] (f1 result))
11 ([result input]
12 (f1 result (f input)))
13 ([result input & inputs]
14 (f1 result (apply f input inputs))))))
16 (defn pipeline-tester [pipeline-fn n inputs xf]
17 (let [cin (to-chan inputs)
18 cout (chan 1)]
19 (pipeline-fn n cout xf cin)
20 (<!! (go-loop [acc []]
21 (let [val (<! cout)]
22 (if (not (nil? val))
23 (recur (conj acc val))
24 acc))))))
26 (def identity-mapping (mapping identity))
27 (defn identity-async [v ch] (thread (>!! ch v) (close! ch)))
29 (deftest test-sizes
30 (are [n size]
31 (let [r (range size)]
32 (and
33 (= r (pipeline-tester pipeline n r identity-mapping))
34 (= r (pipeline-tester pipeline-blocking n r identity-mapping))
35 (= r (pipeline-tester pipeline-async n r identity-async))))
36 1 0
37 1 10
38 10 10
39 20 10
40 5 1000))
42 (deftest test-close?
43 (doseq [pf [pipeline pipeline-blocking]]
44 (let [cout (chan 1)]
45 (pf 5 cout identity-mapping (to-chan [1]) true)
46 (is (= 1 (<!! cout)))
47 (is (= nil (<!! cout))))
48 (let [cout (chan 1)]
49 (pf 5 cout identity-mapping (to-chan [1]) false)
50 (is (= 1 (<!! cout)))
51 (>!! cout :more)
52 (is (= :more (<!! cout))))
53 (let [cout (chan 1)]
54 (pf 5 cout identity-mapping (to-chan [1]) nil)
55 (is (= 1 (<!! cout)))
56 (>!! cout :more)
57 (is (= :more (<!! cout))))))
59 (deftest test-ex-handler
60 (doseq [pf [pipeline pipeline-blocking]]
61 (let [cout (chan 1)
62 chex (chan 1)
63 ex-mapping (mapping (fn [x] (if (= x 3) (throw (ex-info "err" {:data x})) x)))
64 ex-handler (fn [e] (do (>!! chex e) :err))]
65 (pf 5 cout ex-mapping (to-chan [1 2 3 4]) true ex-handler)
66 (is (= 1 (<!! cout)))
67 (is (= 2 (<!! cout)))
68 (is (= :err (<!! cout)))
69 (is (= 4 (<!! cout)))
70 (is (= {:data 3} (ex-data (<!! chex)))))))
72 (defn multiplier-async [v ch]
73 (thread
74 (dotimes [i v]
75 (>!! ch i))
76 (close! ch)))
78 (deftest test-af-multiplier
79 (is (= [0 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 2 3]
80 (pipeline-tester pipeline-async 2 (range 1 5) multiplier-async))))
82 (def sleep-mapping (mapping #(do (Thread/sleep %) %)))
84 (deftest test-blocking
85 (let [times [2000 50 1000 100]]
86 (is (= times (pipeline-tester pipeline-blocking 2 times sleep-mapping)))))
88 (defn slow-fib [n]
89 (if (< n 2) n (+ (slow-fib (- n 1)) (slow-fib (- n 2)))))
91 (deftest test-compute
92 (let [input (take 50 (cycle (range 15 38)))]
93 (is (= (slow-fib (last input))
94 (last (pipeline-tester pipeline 8 input (mapping slow-fib)))))))
96 (deftest test-async
97 (is (= (range 1 101)
98 (pipeline-tester pipeline-async 1 (range 100)
99 (fn [v ch] (future (>!! ch (inc v)) (close! ch)))))))