Codebase list cppad / lintian-fixes/main cmake / command_line_arg.cmake

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# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# CppAD: C++ Algorithmic Differentiation: Copyright (C) 2003-17 Bradley M. Bell
# CppAD is distributed under the terms of the
#              Eclipse Public License Version 2.0.
# This Source Code may also be made available under the following
# Secondary License when the conditions for such availability set forth
# in the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 are satisfied:
#       GNU General Public License, Version 2.0 or later.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# command_line_arg(variable default type description)
# variable: (out)
# is the variable we are setting to its default value.
# The varaiable can be changed on the cmake command line (or in the camke gui).
# The final value of the variable is printed with the cmake output.
# variable_01: (out)
# This value has value 1, if variable is true, and 0 otherwise.
# default: (in)
# is the default value for this variable; i.e.,
# if it is not set by the cmake command line or gui.
# type: (in)
# must be one of the following:
#   STRING, if the variable holds an arbitrary string.
#   PATH, if the variable holds a directory.
#   BOOL, if the variable only has the values true or false.
# description: (in)
# Is a description of how the variable affects the CppAD install procedure.
MACRO(command_line_arg variable default type description)
    IF( NOT ( ${type} STREQUAL "STRING" ) )
    IF( NOT ( ${type} STREQUAL "PATH" ) )
    IF( NOT ( ${type} STREQUAL "BOOL" ) )
        MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR, "command_line_arg: bug in CppAD cmake commands")
    ENDIF( NOT ( ${type} STREQUAL "BOOL" ) )
    ENDIF( NOT ( ${type} STREQUAL "PATH" ) )
    ENDIF( NOT ( ${type} STREQUAL "STRING" ) )
    SET(${variable} "${default}" CACHE ${type} "${description}")
    MESSAGE(STATUS "${variable} = ${${variable}}")
    # convert BOOL variables to 0/1
    IF( ${variable} )
        SET( ${variable}_01 1)
    ELSE( ${variable} )
        SET( ${variable}_01 0)
    ENDIF( ${variable} )
ENDMACRO( command_line_arg )