Codebase list cppad / upstream/2019.02.00.0 omh / preprocessor.omh

Tree @upstream/2019.02.00.0 (Download .tar.gz)

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/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CppAD: C++ Algorithmic Differentiation: Copyright (C) 2003-18 Bradley M. Bell

  CppAD is distributed under the terms of the
               Eclipse Public License Version 2.0.

  This Source Code may also be made available under the following
  Secondary License when the conditions for such availability set forth
  in the Eclipse Public License, Version 2.0 are satisfied:
        GNU General Public License, Version 2.0 or later.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
$begin preprocessor$$

$section CppAD API Preprocessor Symbols$$

$head Rule$$
The CppAD include files defines preprocessor symbols all of which begin
with $code CPPAD_$$.
Note that there are some old, deprecated preprocessor symbols that
begin with $code CppAD$$.
In this section we list all of the CppAD preprocessor symbols that
are part of the CppAD Application Interface (API).

$head NOMINMAX$$
There is one exception to the rule above,
when using the Microsoft Visual Studio compiler
and including $code windows.h$$,
it is done as follows:
    # define NOMINMAX
    # include <windows.h>

$head Documented Here$$

This flag is an exception because it is defined (or not) by the user when
compiling programs that include CppAD source code.
If it is defined, less error checking is done and the
debug and release versions of CppAD can be mixed in the same program.
Of particular note is that $cref thread_alloc$$ does less error checking.
For programs that do a lot of memory allocation,
this can be a significant time savings when $code NDEBUG$$ is defined.

$subhead CPPAD_NULL$$
Is a null pointer used by CppAD,
instead of just using the value zero which was often done in C++98,
which has been replaced by the value $code nullptr$$ in C++11.

Is a $code const char*$$ representation of this version of CppAD.

$subhead CPPAD_USE_CPLUSPLUS_2011$$
This preprocessor symbol has the value has the value $code 1$$
if C++11 features are being used by CppAD.
Otherwise it has the value zero.

$head Documented Elsewhere$$
$cref/CPPAD_BOOL_BINARY/BoolFun/Create Binary/$$
$cref/CPPAD_BOOL_UNARY/BoolFun/Create Unary/$$

$head Deprecated$$
$cref/CppADCreateDiscrete/Discrete/CppADCreateDiscrete Deprecated 2007-07-28/$$
$cref/CppADvector/test_vector/Deprecated 2012-07-03/$$
$cref/CppADTrackNewVec/TrackNewDel/TrackNewVec/Previously Deprecated/$$
$cref/CppADTrackDelVec/TrackNewDel/TrackDelVec/Previously Deprecated/$$
$cref/CppADTrackExtend/TrackNewDel/TrackExtend/Previously Deprecated/$$
$cref/CppADTrackCount/TrackNewDel/TrackCount/Previously Deprecated/$$
