Codebase list cyrus-imapd / debian/2.4.14-1 debian / UPGRADE.Debian

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UPGRADE.Debian @debian/2.4.14-1raw · history · blame

For more information, see README.Debian[.gz] in /usr/share/doc/cyrus-common-2.4/
and the web page below, part of the cyrus-utils project at SourceForge:

Upgrading from 2.2.x to 2.4

In 2.4.7-6, the new tool for automatic upgrades of cyrus-imapd
databases was introduced.  The packages now automatically try
to upgrade the database formats including the dreaded Berkeley
DB upgrade.  Your databases are automatically backuped to
/var/backup/cyrus-imapd prior to upgrade, so if something fails
you will need to restore the databases and do manual upgrade
or fix the reason for failing and rerun the upgrade tool

Upgrading from 2.2.12 or 2.2.13 versions prior to 2.2.13-5

In 2.2.13-5, a bug in debian/rules regarding the generation of
cyrus-db-types.txt was fixed. As a result, the cyrus2.2 init script
might complain about a database types mismatch. If this happens,
please make sure that you are really upgrading from a Debian package 
of cyrus-imapd version 2.2 (either the old experimental cyrus22-imapd
or the newer cyrus-imapd-2.2 packages). If you do, please remove 
/usr/lib/cyrus/ and run
dpkg-reconfigure cyrus-common-2.2

Upgrading from cyrus 2.1

If you upgrade from cyrus 2.1, all you need to do is to upgrade the 
database files from the old database backend to the new one. If you use 
sieve-scripts, you will also need to use sievec on them. The information
how to do upgrade your database files is contained in the upgrade
information from cyrus v1.5 below and in more detail in

The configuration option lmtp_overquota_perm_failure has been renamed 
lmtp_over_quota_perm_failure. Please update your configuration accordingly.

Please note that the 2.1 packages in Debian use a different format 
from upstream, thus the upgrade is easier.

Also, please note that The tls_[service]_* configuration options have been
removed. Now use [servicename]_tls_*, where servicename is the service
identifier from cyrus.conf for that particular process.

Upgrading sieve scripts

Cyrus IMAPD 2.4 uses bytecode for sieve scripts. This means that you need to
compile all existing sieve scripts so that they will work with cyrus 2.4. There
is a small tool in /usr/lib/cyrus/upgrade, called masssievec which will
automatically compile all installed scripts when called correctly. Please 
refer to the script's usage information for details.
The command line you will probably want to use is (as user cyrus):
/usr/lib/cyrus/upgrade/masssievec /usr/lib/cyrus/bin/sievec /etc/imapd.conf

Upgrading from cyrus 1.5.x

Upgrading cyrus-imapd to cyrus-imapd-2.4 on Debian
(thanks to David D. Kilzer <> for this document)

This document describes the procedure for upgrading from the old cyrus-imapd
(v1.5.x) package to the new cyrus-imapd-2.4 (v2.4) package.  While this is a
manual process, it is very straightforward.

The procedure for converting a v1.6 cyrus store to v2.4 is not explained here,
but the tools to convert the sieve scripts are in /usr/lib/cyrus/upgrade.

Your SASL installation may require further conversion steps, as Cyrus v2.4 uses
SASL v2, while Cyrus v1.5 used SASL v1.5.  /usr/share/doc/libsasl2 has more
information on SASL v2.  Do pay attention to your SASL v2 installation, such
as permissions and such.  When in doubt, read the README.simpleinstall
document, as it describes an initial SASLv2 setup.

NOTE: If you've already installed the cyrus 2.4 packages, skip to step 5.

 1. Become the "root" user on your local system.

    $ /bin/su -

 2. Look for any running cyrus daemons using the ps(1) command.  Use
    kill(1) to stop any processes that are found.

    # /etc/init.d/pwcheck stop
    # ps auwwx | grep cyr
    # ps auwwx | grep pop3d
    # ps auwwx | grep imapd
    # ps auwwx | grep nntpd

 3. Remove the old cyrus packages.

    Some versions of the cyrus-imapd packages, with versions 1.5.19-9.10
    up to 1.5.19-20 (shipped in Debian Sarge 3.1r1) will entirely erase
    the mail spool when purged with no questions asked.

    You must NOT purge these packages before moving /var/lib/cyrus and
    /var/spool/cyrus to somewhere safe.  Failure to do so will cause data

    # mv /var/lib/cyrus /var/lib/old-cyrus
    # mv /var/spool/cyrus /var/spool/old-cyrus

    The cyrus-imapd packages in Woody (1.5.19-9.2) are safe, as well as
    the fixed cyrus-imapd packages 1.5.19-20.1 which should make it to
    Debian Sarge 3.1r2.


    # apt-get --purge remove cyrus-common cyrus-admin cyrus-imapd cyrus-pop3d \
      cyrus-nntpd   [BUT SEE THE ABOVE WARNING FIRST!!!]

    or use dselect/aptitude/synaptic/your favorite deb management tool.

    IMPORTANT: You must answer "n" to this question:  "Do you want me to
    remove the Cyrus mail and news spool (y/n) [n] ?"

    NOTE: You could also copy -a the /var/spool/cyrus and /var/lib/cyrus
    folders somewhere else, just in case.

 4. Install the new cyrus-imapd-2.4 packages. Make sure no user will try
    to connect to imapd/pop3d and that no MTA will try to deliver to lmtpd
    until you do step 5.

    cyrus-common-2.4       [required]
    cyrus-admin-2.4        [required]
    cyrus-imapd-2.4        [optional; must have one of imapd or pop3d]
    cyrus-pop3d-2.4        [optional; must have one of imapd or pop3d]
    libcyrus-imap-perl23 [required]

    # apt-get install PACKAGE-NAME [PACKAGE_NAME ...]

    or use dselect.

 5. Stop the cyrmaster process.

    # /etc/init.d/cyrus-imapd stop

 5a. Make sure Cyrus won't start until the upgrade process is over.

    # cp -f /usr/lib/cyrus/upgrade/cyrus-db-types.upgrading_from_1.5.txt \

 6. Change to the "cyrus" user.

    # /bin/su - cyrus

 7. Run the rehash program.

    $ /usr/lib/cyrus/upgrade/rehash basic

 8. Run ctl_mboxlist to update the "mailboxes" file.

    $ cd /var/lib/cyrus
    $ /usr/sbin/cyrus ctl_mboxlist -u < mailboxes

 9. Run the cyrreconstruct program from the /var/spool/cyrus directory
    to reconstruct the mailboxes.

    $ cd /var/spool/cyrus
    $ /usr/sbin/cyrus reconstruct -r user.*

    (you may need to cyrreconstruct other mailboxes, if you have any
    system mailboxes or shared mailboxes not in the user hierarchy)

10. Exit the "cyrus" user, back to "root".

    $ exit

11. Upgrade all of the db2 files used by Cyrus from to db4.2.

    # find /var/lib/cyrus -name \*.db -print -exec /usr/bin/db4.2_upgrade {} \;

12. Convert the state databases to those used by new Cyrus 2.4

    Read /usr/share/doc/cyrus-common-2.4/README.Debian.database, and follow
    whatever steps you need to change the backends from db3 to skiplist.

    This step needs some work, if you can send your experiences with it
    to, I will update this document accordingly.

**** The upgrade of Cyrus' stores are now complete ****

You may want to remove any left-over empty directories from the old version,
and re-run `/usr/sbin/cyrus makedirs' just in case you got one of them wrong.

Now, you need to reconfigure the new Cyrus imapd to adequate it to your system
and SASL requirements. The Cyrus config files are /etc/imapd.conf,
/etc/cyrus.conf and /etc/default/cyrus-imapd.

Depending on your SASL configuration, you may also need to modify
/etc/pam.d/{imap,pop,sieve,lmtp} and other SASL configuration files.

Do not forget to edit /etc/imapd.conf to e.g. set the "admins: cyrus" line (if
you use "cyrus" as the name for the administrator).

NOTES about DRAC authentication

DRAC has been disabled in cyrus-imapd-2.4, it caused quite some trouble and
wasn't used by many. You can however build your own version by editing 00list
in debian/patches and adding 20-drac_auth.dpatch to it at the proper place 
(i.e. right before the patch numbered 21) and building cyrus-imapd-2.4 with
dpkg-buildpackage or a similar tool.