Codebase list datalad / HEAD tox.ini

Tree @HEAD (Download .tar.gz)

tox.ini @HEADraw · history · blame

envlist = py27,py35,py36

commands = python develop
           # -s must be used since some places to not play nicely with swallowed by nose output
           # and there were no easy way to monkey patch nose for that
           nosetests -s {posargs}
           # interesting hints at but yet to adopt
           #{posargs:nosetests -s}
deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
# tox 2. introduced isolation from invocation environment
# HOME is used by annex standalone atm
# so let's pass it, though in the future we should isolate
# it back to guarantee that the tests do not rely on anything in
# current user HOME

commands = python develop
           nosetests --with-coverage {posargs}

commands = flake8 {posargs}

commands = {posargs}

#show-source = True
# E265 = comment blocks like @{ section, which it can't handle
# E266 = too many leading '#' for block comment
# E731 = do not assign a lambda expression, use a def
# W293 = Blank line contains whitespace
#ignore = E265,W293,E266,E731
max-line-length = 120
include = datalad
exclude = .tox,.venv,venv-debug,build,dist,doc,git/ext/