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#ifndef __DW_LAYOUT_HH__
#define __DW_LAYOUT_HH__

#   error Do not include this file directly, use "core.hh" instead.

namespace dw {
namespace core {

 * \brief The central class for managing and drawing a widget tree.
 * \sa\ref dw-overview, \ref dw-layout-widgets, \ref dw-layout-views
class Layout: public lout::object::Object
   friend class Widget;

    * \brief Receiver interface different signals.
    * May be extended
   class Receiver: public lout::signal::Receiver
      virtual void canvasSizeChanged (int width, int ascent, int descent);

   class LinkReceiver: public lout::signal::Receiver
       * \brief Called, when a link is entered, left, or the position has
       *    changed.
       * When a link is entered, this method is called with the respective
       * arguments. When a link is left, this method is called with all
       * three arguments (\em link, \em x, \em y) set to -1.
       * When coordinates are supported, a change of the coordinates also
       * causes emitting this signal.
      virtual bool enter (Widget *widget, int link, int img, int x, int y);

       * \brief Called, when the user has pressed the mouse button on a
       *    link (but not yet released).
       * The causing event is passed as \em event.
      virtual bool press (Widget *widget, int link, int img, int x, int y,
                          EventButton *event);

       * \brief Called, when the user has released the mouse button on a
       *    link.
       * The causing event is passed as \em event.
      virtual bool release (Widget *widget, int link, int img, int x, int y,
                            EventButton *event);

       * \brief Called, when the user has clicked on a link.
       * For mouse interaction, this is equivalent to "press" and "release"
       * on the same link. In this case, \em event contains the "release"
       * event.
       * When activating links via keyboard is supported, only a "clicked"
       * signal will be emitted, and \em event will be NULL.
      virtual bool click (Widget *widget, int link, int img, int x, int y,
                          EventButton *event);

   class LinkEmitter: public lout::signal::Emitter
      enum { ENTER, PRESS, RELEASE, CLICK };

      bool emitToReceiver (lout::signal::Receiver *receiver, int signalNo,
                           int argc, lout::object::Object **argv);

      inline void connectLink (LinkReceiver *receiver) { connect (receiver); }

      bool emitEnter (Widget *widget, int link, int img, int x, int y);
      bool emitPress (Widget *widget, int link, int img, int x, int y,
                      EventButton *event);
      bool emitRelease (Widget *widget, int link, int img, int x, int y,
                        EventButton *event);
      bool emitClick (Widget *widget, int link, int img, int x, int y,
                      EventButton *event);

   LinkEmitter linkEmitter;

   class Emitter: public lout::signal::Emitter
      enum { CANVAS_SIZE_CHANGED };

      bool emitToReceiver (lout::signal::Receiver *receiver, int signalNo,
                           int argc, lout::object::Object **argv);

      inline void connectLayout (Receiver *receiver) { connect (receiver); }

      void emitCanvasSizeChanged (int width, int ascent, int descent);

   Emitter emitter;

   class Anchor: public lout::object::Object
      char *name;
      Widget *widget;
      int y;

      ~Anchor ();

   Platform *platform;
   View *view;
   Widget *topLevel, *widgetAtPoint;

   /* The state, which must be projected into the view. */
   style::Color *bgColor;
   style::Cursor cursor;
   int canvasWidth, canvasAscent, canvasDescent;

   bool usesViewport;
   int scrollX, scrollY, viewportWidth, viewportHeight;
   bool canvasHeightGreater;
   int hScrollbarThickness, vScrollbarThickness;

   HPosition scrollTargetHpos;
   VPosition scrollTargetVpos;
   int scrollTargetX, scrollTargetY, scrollTargetWidth, scrollTargetHeight;

   char *requestedAnchor;
   int scrollIdleId, resizeIdleId;
   bool scrollIdleNotInterrupted;

   /* Anchors of the widget tree */
   lout::container::typed::HashTable <lout::object::String, Anchor>

   SelectionState selectionState;
   FindtextState findtextState;


   Widget *getWidgetAtPoint (int x, int y);
   void moveToWidget (Widget *newWidgetAtPoint, ButtonState state);

    * \brief Emit the necessary crossing events, when the mouse pointer has
    *    moved to position (\em x, \em );
   void moveToWidgetAtPoint (int x, int y, ButtonState state)
   { moveToWidget (getWidgetAtPoint (x, y), state); }

    * \brief Emit the necessary crossing events, when the mouse pointer
    * has moved out of the view.
   void moveOutOfView (ButtonState state) { moveToWidget (NULL, state); }

   bool processMouseEvent (MousePositionEvent *event, ButtonEventType type,
                           bool mayBeSuppressed);
   bool buttonEvent (ButtonEventType type, View *view,
                     int numPressed, int x, int y, ButtonState state,
                     int button);
   void resizeIdle ();
   void setSizeHints ();
   void draw (View *view, Rectangle *area);

   void scrollTo0(HPosition hpos, VPosition vpos,
                  int x, int y, int width, int height,
                  bool scrollingInterrupted);
   void scrollIdle ();
   void adjustScrollPos ();
   static bool calcScrollInto (int targetValue, int requestedSize,
                               int *value, int viewportSize);

   void updateAnchor ();

   /* Widget */

   char *addAnchor (Widget *widget, const char* name);
   char *addAnchor (Widget *widget, const char* name, int y);
   void changeAnchor (Widget *widget, char* name, int y);
   void removeAnchor (Widget *widget, char* name);
   void setCursor (style::Cursor cursor);
   void updateCursor ();
   void queueDraw (int x, int y, int width, int height);
   void queueDrawExcept (int x, int y, int width, int height,
      int ex, int ey, int ewidth, int eheight);
   void queueResize ();
   void removeWidget ();

   Layout (Platform *platform);
   ~Layout ();

   inline void connectLink (LinkReceiver *receiver)
   { linkEmitter.connectLink (receiver); }

   inline bool emitLinkEnter (Widget *w, int link, int img, int x, int y)
   { return linkEmitter.emitEnter (w, link, img, x, y); }

   inline bool emitLinkPress (Widget *w, int link, int img,
                              int x, int y, EventButton *event)
   { return linkEmitter.emitPress (w, link, img, x, y, event); }

   inline bool emitLinkRelease (Widget *w, int link, int img,
                                int x, int y, EventButton *event)
   { return linkEmitter.emitRelease (w, link, img, x, y, event); }

   inline bool emitLinkClick (Widget *w, int link, int img,
                              int x, int y, EventButton *event)
   { return linkEmitter.emitClick (w, link, img, x, y, event); }

   lout::misc::ZoneAllocator *textZone;

   void addWidget (Widget *widget);
   void setWidget (Widget *widget);

   void attachView (View *view);
   void detachView (View *view);

   inline bool getUsesViewport () { return usesViewport; }
   inline int getWidthViewport () { return viewportWidth; }
   inline int getHeightViewport ()  { return viewportHeight; }
   inline int getScrollPosX ()  { return scrollX; }
   inline int getScrollPosY ()  { return scrollY; }

   /* public */

   void scrollTo (HPosition hpos, VPosition vpos,
                  int x, int y, int width, int height);
   void scroll (ScrollCommand);
   void setAnchor (const char *anchor);

   /* View */

   inline void expose (View *view, Rectangle *area) { draw (view, area); }

    * \brief This function is called by a view, to delegate a button press
    * event.
    * \em numPressed is 1 for simple presses, 2 for double presses etc. (more
    * that 2 is never needed), \em x and \em y the world coordinates, and
    * \em button the number of the button pressed.
   inline bool buttonPress (View *view, int numPressed, int x, int y,
                            ButtonState state, int button)
      return buttonEvent (BUTTON_PRESS, view, numPressed, x, y, state, button);

    * \brief This function is called by a view, to delegate a button press
    * event.
    * Arguments are similar to dw::core::Layout::buttonPress.
   inline bool buttonRelease (View *view, int numPressed, int x, int y,
                              ButtonState state, int button)
      return buttonEvent (BUTTON_RELEASE, view, numPressed, x, y, state,

   bool motionNotify (View *view,  int x, int y, ButtonState state);
   void enterNotify (View *view, int x, int y, ButtonState state);
   void leaveNotify (View *view, ButtonState state);

   void scrollPosChanged (View *view, int x, int y);
   void viewportSizeChanged (View *view, int width, int height);

   /* delegated */

   inline int textWidth (style::Font *font, const char *text, int len)
      return platform->textWidth (font, text, len);

   inline int nextGlyph (const char *text, int idx)
      return platform->nextGlyph (text, idx);

   inline int prevGlyph (const char *text, int idx)
      return platform->prevGlyph (text, idx);

   inline float dpiX ()
      return platform->dpiX ();

   inline float dpiY ()
      return platform->dpiY ();

   inline style::Font *createFont (style::FontAttrs *attrs, bool tryEverything)
      return  platform->createFont (attrs, tryEverything);

   inline bool fontExists (const char *name)
      return platform->fontExists (name);

   inline style::Color *createColor (int color)
      return platform->createColor (color);

   inline style::Tooltip *createTooltip (const char *text)
      return platform->createTooltip (text);

   inline void cancelTooltip ()
      return platform->cancelTooltip ();

   inline Imgbuf *createImgbuf (Imgbuf::Type type, int width, int height)
      return platform->createImgbuf (type, width, height);

   inline void copySelection(const char *text)

   inline ui::ResourceFactory *getResourceFactory ()
      return platform->getResourceFactory ();

   inline void connect (Receiver *receiver) {
      emitter.connectLayout (receiver); }

   /** \brief See dw::core::FindtextState::search. */
   inline FindtextState::Result search (const char *str, bool caseSens,
                                        int backwards)
      { return (str, caseSens, backwards); }

   /** \brief See dw::core::FindtextState::resetSearch. */
   inline void resetSearch () { findtextState.resetSearch (); }

   void setBgColor (style::Color *color);

   inline style::Color* getBgColor () { return bgColor; }

} // namespace dw
} // namespace core

#endif // __DW_LAYOUT_HH__