Codebase list django-guardian / upstream/1.3.2 CHANGES

Tree @upstream/1.3.2 (Download .tar.gz)

CHANGES @upstream/1.3.2raw · history · blame

Release 1.3.2 (Nov 14, 2015)

* Fixes tests for all versions of Django.
* Tests pass for Django 1.9b1.
* Drops support for Django < 1.5
* Add Russian translation.
* Various bug fixes.
* Ensure password for anonymous user is set to unusable, not None.

Release 1.3.1 (Oct 20, 2015)

* Fixes for 1.8 compat

Release 1.3 (Jun 3, 2015)

* Official Django 1.8 support (thanks to multiple contributors)

Release 1.2.5 (Dec 28, 2014)

* Official Django 1.7 support (thanks Troy Grosfield and Brian May)
* Allow to override ``PermissionRequiredMixin.get_permission_object``, part
  of ``PermissionRequiredMixin.check_permissions`` method, responsible for
  retrieving single object (Thanks zauddelig)
* French translations (Thanks Morgan Aubert)
* Added support for ``User.get_all_permissions`` (thanks Michael Drescher)

Release 1.2.4 (Jul 14, 2014)

* Fixed another issue with custom primary keys at admin extensions (Thanks Omer

Release 1.2.3 (Jul 14, 2014)

Unfortunately this was broken release not including any important changes.

Release 1.2.2 (Jul 2, 2014)

* Fixed issue with custom primary keys at admin extensions (Thanks Omer Katz)
* ``get_403_or_None`` now accepts Python path to the view function, for example
  ``'django.contrib.auth.views.login'`` (Thanks Warren Volz)
* Added ``with_superuser`` flag to ``guardian.shortcuts.get_objects_for_user``
  (Thanks Bruno Ribeiro da Silva)
* Added possibility to disable monkey patching of the ``User`` model.
  (Thanks Cezar Jenkins)

Release 1.2 (Mar 7, 2014)

* Removed ``get_for_object`` methods from managers (#188)
* Extended documentation
* GuardedModelAdmin has been splitted into mixins
* Faster queries in get_objects_for_user when use_groups=False or any_perm=True
* Improved speed of get_objects_for_user shortcut
* Support for custom User model with not default username field
* Added ``accept_global_perms`` to ``PermissionRequiredMixin``
* Added brazilian portuguese translations
* Added polish translations
* Added ``wheel`` support
* Fixed wrong anonymous user checks
* Support for Django 1.6
* Support for Django 1.7 alpha

.. important::
    In this release we have removed undocumented ``get_for_object`` method
    from both ``UserObjectPermissionManager`` and
    ``GroupObjectPermissionManager``. Not deprecated, removed. Those methods
    were not used within ``django-guardian`` and their odd names could lead to
    issues if user would believe they would return object level permissions
    associated with user/group and object passed as the input. If you depend
    on those methods, you'd need to stick with version 1.1 and make sure you
    do not misuse them.

Release 1.1 (May 26, 2013)

* Support for Django 1.5 (including Python 3 combination)
* Support for custom user models (introduced by Django 1.5)
* Ability to create permissions using Foreign Keys
* Added ``user_can_access_owned_by_group_objects_only`` option to
* Minor documentation fixups
* Spanish translations
* Better support for grappelli_
* Updated examples project
* Speed up ``get_perms`` shortcut function

Release 1.0.4 (Jul 15, 2012)

* Added ``GUARDIAN_RENDER_403`` and ``GUARDIAN_RAISE_403`` settings (#40)
* Updated docstring for ``get_obj_perms`` (#43)
* Updated codes to run with newest django-grappelli (#51)
* Fixed problem with building a RPM package (#50)
* Updated caveats docs related with oprhaned object permissions (#47)
* Updated ``permission_required`` docstring (#49)
* Added ``accept_global_perms`` for decorators (#49)
* Fixed problem with MySQL and booleans (#56)
* Added flag to check for *any* permission in ``get_objects_for_user`` and
  ``get_objects_for_group`` (#65)
* Added missing *tag closing* at template (#63)
* Added view mixins related with authorization and authentication (#73)
* Added tox_ support
* Added Travis_ support

Release 1.0.3 (Jul 25, 2011)

* Added ``get_objects_for_group`` shortcut (thanks to Rafael Ponieman)
* Added ``user_can_access_owned_objects_only`` flag to ``GuardedModelAdmin``
* Updated and fixed issues with example app (thanks to Bojan Mihelac)
* Minor typo fixed at documentation
* Included ADC theme for documentation

Release 1.0.2 (Apr 12, 2011)

* ``get_users_with_perms`` now accepts ``with_group_users`` flag
* Fixed ``group_id`` issue at admin templates
* Small fix for documentation building process
* It's 2011 (updated dates within this file)

Release 1.0.1 (Mar 25, 2011)

* ``get_users_with_perms`` now accepts ``with_superusers`` flag
* Small fix for documentation building process

Release 1.0.0 (Jan 27, 2011)

* A final v1.0 release!

Release 1.0.0.beta2 (Jan 14, 2011)

* Added ``get_objects_for_user`` shortcut function
* Added few tests
* Fixed issues related with ``django.contrib.auth`` tests
* Removed example project from source distribution

Release 1.0.0.beta1 (Jan 11, 2011)

* Simplified example project
* Fixed issues related with test suite
* Added ability to clear orphaned object permissions
* Added ``clean_orphan_obj_perms`` management command
* Documentation cleanup
* Added grappelli_ admin templates

Release 1.0.0.alpha2 (Dec 2, 2010)

* Added possibility to operate with global permissions for assign and
  ``remove_perm`` shortcut functions
* Added possibility to generate PDF documentation
* Fixed some tests

Release 1.0.0.alpha1 (Nov 23, 2010)

* Fixed admin templates not included in ````
* Fixed admin integration codes

Release 1.0.0.pre (Nov 23, 2010)

* Added admin integration
* Added reusable forms for object permissions management

Release 0.2.3 (Nov 17, 2010)

* Added ``guardian.shortcuts.get_users_with_perms`` function
* Added ``AUTHORS`` file

Release 0.2.2 (Oct 19, 2010)

* Fixed migrations order (thanks to Daniel Rech)

Release 0.2.1 (Oct 3, 2010)

* Fixed migration (it wasn't actually updating object_pk field)

Release 0.2.0 (Oct 3, 2010)


* #4: guardian now supports models with not-integer primary keys and
  they don't need to be called "id".

  .. important::
     For 0.1.X users: it is required to *migrate* guardian in your projects.
     Add ``south`` to ``INSTALLED_APPS`` and run::

        python syncdb
        python migrate guardian 0001 --fake
        python migrate guardian


* Added South_ migrations support

Release 0.1.1 (Sep 27, 2010)


* Added view decorators: ``permission_required`` and

Release 0.1.0 (Jun 6, 2010)

* Initial public release

.. _south:
.. _grappelli:
.. _tox:
.. _travis:

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