Codebase list django-sass / 032ef27b-1415-4d50-b82e-f587cf06656e/upstream/master PKG-INFO

Tree @032ef27b-1415-4d50-b82e-f587cf06656e/upstream/master (Download .tar.gz)

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Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: django-sass
Version: 1.1.0
Summary: The absolute simplest way to use Sass with Django. Pure Python, minimal dependencies, and no special configuration required!
Author: CodeRed LLC
License: BSD license
Description: django-sass
        The absolute simplest way to use [Sass]( with Django.
        Pure Python, minimal dependencies, and no special configuration required.
        [Source code on GitHub](
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        1. Install from pip.
        pip install django-sass
        2. Add to your `INSTALLED_APPS` (you only need to do this in a dev environment,
        you would not want this in your production settings file, although it adds zero
        INSTALLED_APPS = [
        3. Congratulations, you're done 😀
        In your app's static files, use Sass as normal. The only difference is that
        you can **not** traverse upwards using `../` in `@import` statements. For example:
        |- static/
           |- app1/
              |- scss/
                 |- _colors.scss
                 |- app1.scss
        |- static/
           |- app2/
              |- scss/
                 |- _colors.scss
                 |- app2.scss
        In `app2.scss` you could reference app1's and app2's `_colors.scss` import as so:
        @import 'app1/scss/colors';
        @import 'app2/scss/colors';
        // Or since you are in app2, you can reference its colors with a relative path.
        @import 'colors';
        Then to compile `app2.scss` and put it in the `css` directory,
        run the following management command (the `-g` will build a source map, which
        is helpful for debugging CSS):
        python sass app2/static/app2/scss/app2.scss app2/static/app2/css/app2.css -g
        Or, you can compile the entire `scss` directory into
        a corresponding `css` directory. This will traverse all subdirectories as well:
        python sass app2/static/app2/scss/ app2/static/app2/css/
        In your Django HTML template, reference the CSS file as normal:
        {% load static %}
        <link href="{% static 'app2/css/app2.css' %}" rel="stylesheet">
        ✨✨ **Congratulations, you are now a Django + Sass developer!** ✨✨
        Now you can commit those CSS files to version control, or run `collectstatic`
        and deploy them as normal.
        For an example project layout, see `testproject/` in this repository.
        Watch Mode
        To have `django-sass` watch files and recompile them as they change (useful in
        development), add the ``--watch`` flag.
        python sass app2/static/app2/scss/ app2/static/app2/css/ --watch
        Example: deploying compressed CSS to production
        To compile minified CSS, use the `-t` flag to specify compression level (one of:
        "expanded", "nested", "compact", "compressed"). The default is "expanded" which
        is human-readable.
        python sass app2/static/app2/scss/ app2/static/app2/css/ -t compressed
        You may now optionally commit the CSS files to version control if so desired,
        or omit them, whatever fits your needs better. Then run `collectsatic` as normal.
        python collectstatic
        And now proceed with deploying your files as normal.
        * `@import` statements must reference a path relative to a path in
          `STATICFILES_FINDERS` (which will usually be an app's `static/` directory or
          some other directory specified in `STATICFILES_DIRS`). Or they can reference a
          relative path equal to or below the current file. It does not support
          traversing up the filesystem (i.e. `../`).
          Legal imports:
          @import 'file-from-currdir';
          @import 'subdir/file';
          @import 'another-app/file';
          Illegal imports:
          @import '../file';
        * Only supports `-g`, `-p`, and `-t` options similar to `pysassc`. Ideally
          `django-sass` will be as similar as possible to the `pysassc` command line
        Feel free to file an issue or make a pull request to improve any of these
        limitations. 🐱‍💻
        Why django-sass?
        Other packages such as
        [django-libsass]( and
        [django-sass-processor](, while
        nice packages, require `django-compressor` which itself depends on several other
        packages that require compilation to install.
        Installing `django-compressor` in your production web server requires a LOT of
        extra bloat including a C compiler. It then will compile the Sass on-the-fly
        while rendering the HTML templates. This is a wasteful use of CPU on your web
        Instead, `django-sass` lets you compile the Sass locally on your machine
        *before* deploying, to reduce dependencies and CPU time on your production web
        server. This helps keep things fast and simple.
        * If you simply want to use Sass in development without installing a web of
          unwanted dependencies, then `django-sass` is for you.
        * If you don't want to deploy any processors or compressors to your production
          server, then `django-sass` is for you.
        * If you don't want to change the way you reference and serve static files,
          then `django-sass` is for you.
        * And if you want the absolute simplest installation and setup possible for
          doing Sass, `django-sass` is for you too.
        django-sass only depends on libsass (which provides pre-built wheels for
        Windows, Mac, and Linux), and of course Django (any version).
        Programmatically Compiling Sass
        You can also use `django-sass` in Python to programmatically compile the sass.
        This is useful for build scripts and static site generators.
        from django_sass import compile_sass
        # Compile scss and write to output file.
        For more advanced usage, you can specify additional sass search paths outside
        of your Django project by using the `include_paths` argument.
        from django_sass import compile_sass, find_static_paths
        # Get Django's static paths.
        dirs = find_static_paths()
        # Add external paths.
        # Compile scss and write to output file.
        To set up a development environment, first check out this repository, create a
        venv, then:
        (myvenv)$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
        Before committing, run static analysis tools:
        (myvenv)$ black .
        (myvenv)$ flake8
        (myvenv)$ mypy
        Then run the unit tests:
        (myvenv)$ pytest
        #### 1.1.0
        * New: Now compiles `.sass` files as well as `.scss` files.
        * Fix bug when input path is a file and output path does not exist.
        #### 1.0.1
        * Maintanence release, no functional changes.
        * Add additional type hints within the codebase.
        * Tested against Django 3.1
        * Formatted code with `black`.
        #### 1.0.0
        * New: You can now use `django_sass` APIs directly in Python.
        * Added unit tests.
        * Code quality improvements.
        #### 0.2.0
        * New feature: `-g` option to build a source map (when input is a file, not a
        #### 0.1.2
        * Fix: Write compiled CSS files as UTF-8.
        * Change: Default `-p` precision from 5 to 8 for better support building
          Bootstrap CSS.
        #### 0.1.1
        * Fix: Create full file path if not exists when specifying a file output.
        #### 0.1.0
        * Initial release
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Environment :: Web Environment
Classifier: Framework :: Django :: 2.0
Classifier: Framework :: Django :: 2.1
Classifier: Framework :: Django :: 2.2
Classifier: Framework :: Django :: 3.0
Classifier: Framework :: Django :: 3.1
Classifier: Framework :: Django
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License
Classifier: Natural Language :: English
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
Description-Content-Type: text/markdown