Codebase list djangorestframework-api-key / debian/2.0.0-2

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# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## 2.0.0 - 2020-04-07

**NOTE**: this release drops compatibility with certain Python and Django versions, but contains no other breaking changes. See [Upgrade to 2.0]( for detailed migration steps.

### Removed

- Dropped support for Django 2.0 and Django 2.1. (Pull #126)
- Dropped support for Python 3.5. (Pull #84)

### Added

- Add support for Django 3.0. (Pull #82)
- Add support for Python 3.8. (Pull #81)
- Add `BaseAPIKeyManager.get_from_key()` to allow retrieving API keys from views. (Pull #93)
- Add type annotations, and partial support for `django-stubs` and `djangorestframework-stubs`. (Pull #88, Pull #122)

## 1.4.1 - 2019-08-24

### Added

- Now ships with type annotations ([PEP 561]( (Pull #73)

## 1.4.0 - 2019-07-16

**NOTE**: this release contains migrations. See [Upgrade to v1.4]( for detailed instructions.

### Added

- The `prefix` and `hashed_key` are now stored in dedicated fields on the `APIKey` model. (Pull #62)

## 1.3.0 - 2019-06-28

**NOTE**: this release contains migrations. In your Django project, run them using:

python migrate rest_framework_api_key

### Added

- Add abstract API key model (`AbstractAPIKey`) and base manager (`BaseAPIKeyManager`). (Pull #36)
- Add base permissions (`BaseHasAPIKey`). (Pull #46)

### Changed

- The `id` field of `APIKey` is now non-`editable`.
- `APIKeyModelAdmin` does not define `fieldsets` anymore. This allows subclasses to benefit from Django's automatic fieldsets. (Pull #52)

### Fixed

- Explicitly use `utf-8` encoding in ``, which could previously lead to issues when installing on certain systems. (Pull #58)

## 1.2.1 - 2019-06-03

### Fixed

- Fixed a critical bug in `APIKeyModelAdmin` that prevented `rest_framework_api_key` from passing Django system checks. (Pull #39)

## 1.2.0 - 2019-05-29

**NOTE**: this release contains migrations. In your Django project, run them using:

python migrate rest_framework_api_key

### Added

- API keys can now have an optional `expiry_date`. (Pull #33) `HasAPIKey` denies access if the API key has expired, i.e. if `expiry_date`, if set, is in the past.
- It is now possible to search by `prefix` in the API key admin panel.
- The `prefix` is now displayed in the edit view of the API key admin panel.

## 1.1.0 - 2019-05-14

### Added

- Improve documentation on which password hasher is used.
- Add tests against the Argon2, BcryptSHA256 and PBKDF2SHA1 hashers. (Pull #32)

### Fixed

- Fix support for password hashers that generate hashes that contain dots. (Pull #31)

## 1.0.0 - 2019-04-24

**This release is incompatible with 0.x**. See [Upgrade to 1.0]( for migration steps.

### Removed

- Remove `HasAPIKeyOrIsAuthenticated` permission class. You should use bitwise composition now, e.g. `HasAPIKey | IsAuthenticated`.
- Drop the `DRF_API_KEY_*` settings. (Pull #19)

### Changed

- Switch to a new API key generation and validation scheme. Clients must now authorize using a single API key header (Pull #19). The header is `Authorization` by default. It can be customized using the `API_KEY_CUSTOM_HEADER` setting (Pull #26). Use the `name` field to identify clients.

### Added

- Add support for Django 2.2. (Pull #27)
- Add programmatic API key creation using `APIKey.objects.create_key()`. (Pull #19)

### Fixed

- Improved API key storage using Django's password hashing helpers. (Uses the default Django password hasher.) (Pull #19)

## 0.4.0 - 2019-04-21

### Removed

- Drop support for Python 3.4. Only 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7 are supported now.
- Drop support for Django < 2.0. Only 2.0 and 2.1 are supported now.

### Fixed

- `HasAPIKey` now implements `.has_object_permissions()`, which allows to compose it with other permission classes and perform object-level permission checks. (Pull #25)

## 0.3.1 - 2018-11-17

_Initial changelog entry._

### Added

- `APIKey` model.
- `HasAPIKey` and `HasAPIKeyOrIsAuthenticated` permission classes.
- Generate, view and revoke API keys from the Django admin.
- Authenticate requests using the `Api-Token` and `Api-Secret-Key` headers. Customizable via the `DRF_API_KEY_TOKEN_HEADER` and `DRF_API_KEY_SECRET_KEY_HEADER` settings.