Codebase list dtkwidget / upstream/5.5.45

Tree @upstream/5.5.45 (Download .tar.gz)

# Deepin Tool Kit Widget {#mainpage}

Deepin Tool Kit (Dtk) is the base devlopment tool of all C++/Qt Developer work on Deepin.

## Dependencies

### Build dependencies

* Qt >= 5.6

## Installation

### Build from source code

1. Make sure you have installed all dependencies.
sudo apt build-dep .
If you need to use the designer plugin, you should also install:
sudo apt install qttools5-dev
2. Build:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ qmake ..
$ make

3. Install:

$ sudo make install

## Getting help

Any usage issues can ask for help via

* [Gitter](
* [IRC channel](
* [Forum](
* [WiKi](

## Getting involved

We encourage you to report issues and contribute changes

* [Contribution guide for developers]( (English)
* [开发者代码贡献指南]( (中文)

## License

deepin-tool-kit is licensed under [GPLv3](LICENSE).