Codebase list elm-mode / v0.22.0

Tree @v0.22.0 (Download .tar.gz)

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# elm-mode

Elm mode for Emacs.

## Features

1. Syntax highlighting.
1. Intelligent indentation.
1. Integration with `elm-make`
1. Integration with `elm-repl`
1. Integration with `elm-reactor`
1. Integration with `elm-package`
1. Integration with [elm-format][elm-format]
1. Integration with [elm-test][elm-test]

## Indentation

`elm-mode` indentation is based on cycling: every time you insert a new
line there will be one or more indentation levels available for you to
choose from. The exact number is printed in the minibuffer either as
`Sole indentation` or `Indent cycle (n)...` where `n` is the number of
available indentations to choose from. If the automatic indentation
level was not the one you expected simply hit `TAB` to cycle through the
list (note that hitting any other key will cancel the cycle).

### Simpler indentation
There is also a simpler indentation mode, `Elm Indent Simple` which doesn't try
to be as smart as the default one. The benefit of this mode is that it works a
little more similarly to how more conventional editors handle indentation:
indent one step forward by pressing `TAB`, one step backward with `S-TAB`.

It tries to be a little smart, however, and guess the easiest to determine
indentation levels.

You can enable it by setting a variable, `elm-mode-indent-mode` to
`#'elm-indent-simple-mode`, for example by doing this:

  (setq elm-mode-hook '(elm-indent-simple-mode))

## Installation

This package requires *Emacs 25.1 or later*.


You can install `elm-mode` from the package in
[MELPA]( This is by far the most straightforward
and recommended installation method.

### From source

Add this repo to your load-path and `(require 'elm-mode)`. Ensure that
you have installed all the dependencies listed in the `Package-Requires`
header of `elm-mode.el`.

## Bindings

The following bindings are available in `elm-mode`:

#### `TAGS`

| Keybinding             | Description                                                         |
| ---------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| <kbd>C-c M-t</kbd>     | Generate a TAGS file for the current project.                       |
| <kbd>M-.</kbd>         | Jump to tag at point.                                               |
| <kbd>M-,</kbd>         | Jump to previous location after visiting a tag.                     |

TAGS file generation requires that the UNIX `find`, `egrep` commands
and the Emacs `etags` command be available in your path.

Set or customize `elm-tags-on-save` to `t` to generate a new TAGS file
for the current project on every save.

Set or customize `elm-tags-exclude-elm-stuff` to `nil` to include
source files inside `elm-stuff` directories when generating the TAGS

#### `elm-make`

| Keybinding             | Description                                                                       |
| ---------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| <kbd>C-c C-c</kbd>     | Compile the current buffer.                                                       |
| <kbd>C-u C-c C-c</kbd> | Compile the current buffer, specifying the output file.                           |
| <kbd>C-c M-c</kbd>     | Compile the main elm file.                                           |
| <kbd>C-u C-c M-c</kbd> | Compile the main elm file, specifying the output file.               |
| <kbd>C-c C-a</kbd>     | Add missing type annotations to the current buffer.                               |
| <kbd>C-u C-c C-a</kbd> | Add missing type annotations to the current buffer, prompting before each change. |
| <kbd>C-c C-r</kbd>     | Clean up imports in the current buffer.                                           |
| <kbd>C-u C-c C-r</kbd> | Clean up imports in the current buffer, prompting before each change.             |

#### `elm-repl`

| Keybinding         | Description                                                            |
| ------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| <kbd>C-c C-l</kbd> | Load the current file in a REPL.                                       |
| <kbd>C-c C-p</kbd> | Push the current region to a REPL.                                     |
| <kbd>C-c C-e</kbd> | Push the current decl. to a REPL (requires <code>haskell-mode</code>). |

#### `elm-reactor`

| Keybinding             | Description                                                        |
| ---------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| <kbd>C-c C-n</kbd>     | Preview the current buffer in a browser.                           |
| <kbd>C-u C-c C-n</kbd> | Preview the current buffer in a browser in debug mode.             |
| <kbd>C-c C-m</kbd>     | Preview the main elm file in a browser.               |
| <kbd>C-u C-c C-m</kbd> | Preview the main elm file in a browser in debug mode. |

#### `elm-package`

| Keybinding             | Description                                                  |
| ---------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| <kbd>C-c C-d</kbd>     | View a function's documentation in a browser.                |
| <kbd>C-c C-i</kbd>     | Import a module from one of the dependencies.                |
| <kbd>C-c C-s</kbd>     | Sort the imports in the current file.                        |
| <kbd>C-c M-k</kbd>     | Open the package catalog.                                    |
| <kbd>C-u C-c M-k</kbd> | Open the package catalog, refreshing the package list first. |

The following bindings are available in the package list buffer:

| Keybinding   | Description                    |
| ------------ | ------------------------------ |
| <kbd>g</kbd> | Refresh package list.          |
| <kbd>n</kbd> | Next package.                  |
| <kbd>p</kbd> | Previous package.              |
| <kbd>v</kbd> | View package in browser.       |
| <kbd>m</kbd> | Mark package for installation. |
| <kbd>i</kbd> | Mark package for installation. |
| <kbd>u</kbd> | Unmark package.                |
| <kbd>x</kbd> | Install marked packages.       |

Set or customize `elm-sort-imports-on-save` to `t` to apply
`elm-sort-imports` on the current buffer on every save.

#### Completion for Elm >= 0.19

To obtain completion, code navigation and other niceties, use
and an LSP package. [eglot]( is a lightweight
LSP front-end package for Emacs, and has built-in support for `elm-language-server`.
Some users might prefer the rather larger and more opinionated [lsp-mode](

#### `elm-format`

The following functionality requires [elm-format][elm-format] to be
installed. `elm-format` does not come with the Elm installer so you
will have to install it manually.

| Keybinding         | Description                              |
| ------------------ | ---------------------------------------- |
| <kbd>C-c C-f</kbd> | Automatically format the current buffer. |

Enable `elm-format-on-save-mode` to apply `elm-format` on the current
buffer on every save.  You might like to add it to your

(add-hook 'elm-mode-hook 'elm-format-on-save-mode)

Alternatively, you can enable it on a per-project basis by including an
entry like the following in your `.dir-locals.el`:

(elm-mode (mode . elm-format-on-save))

#### `elm-test`

The following functionality requires [elm-test][elm-test] to be
installed.  `elm-test` does not come with the Elm installer so you
will have to install it manually.

| Keybinding         | Description                                 |
| ------------------ | ------------------------------------------- |
| <kbd>C-c C-v</kbd>   | Run the test suite for the current project. |
