Codebase list erlang-p1-eimp / debian/1.0.21-1

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Erlang Image Manipulation Process

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`eimp` is an Erlang/Elixir application for manipulating graphic images using
external C libraries. It supports WebP, JPEG, PNG and GIF.

# Requirements

- GNU Make
- Erlang/OTP 17 and higher
- libgd
- libwebp
- libpng
- libjpeg

**NOTE**: It's hard to say which versions of the C libraries are required,
but it seems like not too old versions should work well.

# Install

$ ./configure
$ make

Note that running the configure script is highly recommended, so you should consider
adding it in pre-hooks of your rebar configuration.

If no C libraries are found at compile time, the package will still be compiled.
In this case the only usable function would be [get_type/1](#get_type1).

# Application design

The C code is compiled into external native binary called `eimp`, which is
connected to Erlang VM using an external port. This is done because used C libraries
are known not to be extremely stable, thus, if you wrap them into the emulator
using a driver or NIF, they can crash the whole emulator.

When being loaded, the application starts a single `eimp` process per CPU core
and uses a round-robin pool to schedule tasks to them. Simple recovery mechanisms
are also supported:
- if a request to `eimp` process has failed, next `eimp` process in the pool is picked,
  until the pool is exhausted
- if an `eimp` process is dead, it will be restarted automatically
- an `eimp` process is protected against decompression bombs

# Usage

Before using the application you should start it with either `eimp:start()` or


Current API is simple and supports only a few functions:

### convert/2
-spec convert(In :: binary(), Format :: png|jpeg|webp|gif) -> {ok, Out :: binary()} |
                                                              {error, Reason :: error_reason()}.

Shorthand for `convert(In, Format, [])`.

### convert/3
-spec convert(In :: binary(), Format :: png|jpeg|webp|gif,
              Options :: [convert_opt() | limit_opt()]) ->
                   {ok, Out :: binary()} |
                   {error, Reason :: error_reason()}.
The function converts incoming data `In` into format `Format`. Note that you don't
have to pass the format of incoming data, becasue it will be detected automatically
using `get_type/1` function. In the case of an error you can use `Reason` to produce
a human-readable diagnostic text using `format_error/1`.
The function also accepts a proplist of `Options`. Currently available options are:
- `{scale, {Width, Height}}`: scales image to the new `Width` and `Height`.
  No scaling is applied by default.
- `{rate_limit, N}`: limit the number of calls to `N` per minute, where
  `N > 0`. Must be used only in conjunction with `limit_by`.
- `{limit_by, Term}`: apply `rate_limit` (see above) to the entity associtated
  with `Term`. The `Term` may represent any value, such as an IP address, a username
  and so on. The `Term` must not be atom `undefined`. For example a call to
  `convert(Data, Format, [{limit_by, {192,168,0,1}}, {rate_limit, 10}])`
  will fail with `{error, too_man_requests}` if called more than 10 times within a minute.

**WARNING**: the maximum resolution of an incoming image is hardcoded to be 25Mpx.
This is a protection against decompression bombs.

### identify/1
-spec identify(Img :: binary()) -> {ok, Info :: info()} | {error, error_reason()}.
Shorthand for `identify(Img, [])`.

### identify/2
-spec identify(Img :: binary(), LimitOptions :: [limit_opt()]) ->
                    {ok, Info :: info()} | {error, error_reason()}.
The function returns information about image `Img`, where `Info` is represented as:
[{type, Type :: img_type()},
 {width, Width :: non_neg_integer()},
 {height, Height :: non_neg_integer()}]
It is safe to assume that `Info` always contains all these properties.
You can set limiting options in `LimitOptions`, that is `rate_limit` and `limit_by`.
The meaning of the limiting options is the same as in `convert/3`.

**NOTE**: If you only need to get a type of an image, you're better off using
`get_type/1` function, because it doesn't involve interaction with `eimp` process
and is, thus, much faster.

### format_error/1
-spec format_error(Reason :: error_reason()) -> binary().
Creates diagnostic text from an error generated by `convert/2`.
The `Reason` can have the following values:
-type error_reason() :: unsupported_format |
                        timeout |
                        disconnected |
                        encode_failure |
                        decode_failure |
			transform_failure |
			too_many_requests |

### get_type/1
-spec get_type(Data :: binary()) -> png | jpeg | webp | gif | unknown.
Detects image format of `Data`.

### is_supported/1
-spec is_supported(Format :: atom()) -> boolean.
Returns `true` if `Format` is known and compiled and `false` otherwise.

### supported_formats/0
-spec supported_formats() -> [png | jpeg | webp | gif].
Returns a list of all known and compiled formats.