Codebase list fasta3 / fresh-snapshots/upstream psisearch2

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## PSISEARCH2 - iterative PSSM-based similarity searching using PSIBLAST or SSEARCH36

#### September, 2016

`` and `` (both scripts have
identical arguments and functionality) perform iterative searches
using PsiBLAST or ssearch36, but with additional options that
dramatically improve search selectivity.  In tests with challenging
queries, `` searches often reduce the number of
false-positives more than ten fold, and sometimes 100-fold or more.

For a simple test of `psisearch2,` try (from the `psisearch2/` directory):

  ./ --query ../seq/mgstm1.aa --db ../seq/prot_test.lseg

This command should produce the output:
#./ --query ../seq/mgstm1.aa --db ../seq/prot_test.lseg
./ ssearch ../seq/mgstm1.aa ../seq/prot_test.lseg converged (2 iterations)
as well as four files:

Real iterative searches must be run against comprehensive sequence
databases, like SwissProt, RefSeq proteins, or Uniprot, e.g.:

   ./ --query ../seq/mgstm1.aa --db /slib2/swissprot.lseg

## More selective searches

By default, `` simple runs a search program
(`ssearch36` by default, use `--pgm psisblast` to run `psiblast`),
scans the output to produce a multiple sequence alignment, which is
then used to build a `PSSM` for the next iteration.  Running
`` for five iterations should produce results very
similar to running `psiblast` for five iterations.

`` can perform much more selective searches using the
`--query_seed` option, which is equivalent to the `--int_seed=query`
and `--end_seed=query` options.  The `--query_seed` option causes the
`` program to insert query residues into the gapped
positions of subject sequences in the sequence library used to produce
the `PSSM`.  This `PSSM` is slightly less sensitive than the normal
model, but it is much less likely to produce alignment-overextension,
so it is much less likely for alignments to extend into neighboring,
non-homologous regions and contaminate the `PSSM` model.

In addition to `--query_seed`, two other options: `--align`, and
`--domain` can also be used to reduce alignment overextension.
`--align` causes `` to include only portion of a
subject sequence that aligned the first time it shares significant
similarity to the query PSSM; additional residues from the sequence
that are aligned in later iterations are not included. This option can
be used with both `--pgm ssearch` and `--pgm psiblast`.

The `--domain` option uses a more sophisticated strategy for including
additional residues in a PSSM.  They are included only if the
similarity score across the domain has a probability less than 0.001
(q-value 30). This option is only available for `--pgm ssearch`, and
requires that a second option, `--annot_db`, be specified.  Typically

## Customizing psisearch2

`` is a script that uses other programs for
similarity searching and constructing the PSSM (and for annotating
domains in alignments if the `--domain` option is used).  The location
of these programs is defined in the `` and
`` scripts using the `$pgm_bin` and `$pgm_data`
variable (perl, `pgm_bin` and `pgm_data` for python).  You will
probably need to modify those variables for your installation.  In
particular, the NCBI `datatool` program is required for producing the
asn binary files required by `ssearch36`.

## `` output

In this current version, the `` and
`` programs *ONLY* produce tab-delimited BTOP output.
The programs do not produce the traditional `psiblast` alignment,
which includes a list of hits with E()-values, and a set of
alignments.  More alignment output flexibility will be available soon.